Would you defend them?

Valdosta, Georgia
February 11, 2012 8:16pm CST
I noticed on a few discussions that some people can be not so very nice to others at times if they disagree with their opinions. You can say you have only saw nice responses but no offense you would most likely be lying. Lol. I think we should be looking out for each other. I know we are all grown here but its nice sometimes to know we have others support, you know? Like someone is on our side in certain situations... Do you defend your close friends here when someone has just been blatantly rude to them? Do you feel its none of your business so you ignore it? What do you do? =)
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24 responses
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
i'd like to defend my friend yes. but i hope that people will understand that we have different opinions and hoping that those who disagree on a certain discussion would not be rude even though we don't each other face to face.we may still hurt the feelings of others.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
I'm not talking about just disagreeing because at times we will all do that. I mean just really being out right rude. Having a disagreement is no biggie and that happens, but being rude is a very different thing...
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
In essence, yes, I would defend a friend from a rude member. But I oftentimes don't. I feel that those rude members are just attention seekers, and I wouldn't give them the pleasure of a comment to their response. That's usually what I tell my friends here when they encounter rude members. Just ignore their response.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
Good point I didn't think about it. Giving them a response is satisfying them. Darn it, wish I had your response like twenty minutes ago! Lol. Thanks for giving me another way to look at things in the future though...
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
Hi, deedee. I actually had that mindset then. I couldn't really let go of it until I also had my say. But I realized I'm weaker than those rude people. I mean, they usually succeed in getting my goat so I thought it best not to give them the opportunity of upsetting me :)
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I don't have it in me to just ignore them all together. I say my peace first. I don't want to give anyone the impression that they can just say and do whatever they choose to do regardless of who it may hurt. You can express yourself without making someone else feel bad.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Hi Loving, I DO defend m friends if I see someone has been clearly wronged. I would also defend a virtual stranger if I saw that he/she were wronged. I'll even stand up to a friend for a stranger if I think my friend is wrong. The thing about the discussions that complain about someone being rude to them is that we are missing actually seeing just what took place. We are only hearing one side when there are usually two very different perspectives. And the problem between the two of them gets worse when everyone jumps in to console the person starting the discussion because in the process of consoling that person, they are also putting the other party down while not even knowing who that other party is. So now that anonymous other party who does know who they are is sitting there reading insults from a lot of people he/she once thought weree friends which makes the problem between the two of them worse. I wish these personal issues would be dealt with in PMs or by reporting to admin.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Yes, I try to be objective and all too many times I have replied to a discussion only to find out I'm smack in the middle of an argument between two people . I don't like it and I don't think it's fair to the others to pull them into that sitation. All we do here, should be for the good of the community and the squabbles should be settled out of court.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
Well I was not talking about little silly disagreements. I am not talking about different opinions or thoughts. What I was speaking of is Name Calling. Which yes I did finally report. I do not like feeling like a child and tattling on someone so it was difficult for me to do. I made this discussion in hopes that people would start being a little more respectful... Sure you can have a different opinion on things but being rude is crossing the line. I also do not think there is any reason to talk down to someone like they are retarded when their not. I have seen this also... I was hoping it would open some eyes and help us to be more respectful and help each other out when we can...
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
12 Feb 12
I agree with you so much on what you just said, there is a time for pm's and a time for reports. The problem is sometimes the cat gets out of the bag and there we are in the middle and if not careful get all wrapped up in what is happening without knowing what has actually gone on. - I have no idea who or what we are discussing here for example in this discussion but being in the dark is perhaps better and more inline with proper discussion. Having said the personal aspects (not issues?) should not be taken out of discussions because they really help support and build a community socially?
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I have noticed that here on mylot that a lot of people are going to argue about other people's opinions. It is human nature for us all to want to be right, but some people seem to miss the point that these discussions are based upon "Opinions". Everyone is entitled to have his/her own opinion and to express those opinions without being ridiculed, disrespected, and belittled for them. I will always defend the rights of others to have their own opinions, even if I should disagree with them. We are individual people, with individual beliefs and ways of thinking. I have ran into a couple of people on here that I will discuss things with up to a point that they start acting all "holier than thou" and try to make me mad. I do not set out to shove my opinions and beliefs on anyone else, and refuse to allow anyone to do that to me. I defend people on here that I do not even know if I believe that someone else is being too rude or degrading to them. As I said, these discussions are suppose to be based on opinions, not hard, cold facts for the most part.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
12 Feb 12
The ones who want to be so terribly rude just haven't grown up enough yet to carry on discussions with mature people like us loving, so we can only say our peace, pray for them, and let it go. We have people like us that will respect and value our opinions and accept us for the individuals that we are.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
Your right that we are all entitled to our own opinions and thats what I love about here! I was more talking about the ones that take things way too far and are rude to people for their opinions. We all have opinions and we should be able to express them without feeling like someone will make us feel terrible for it! I don't like seeing any of my friends here being treated badly because of their opinion... =)
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
Lol I guess not because name calling is pretty immature to me. =)
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I would stick up for one of my MyLot friends. But it depends on the discussion. Like if I was one that replied to it and saw someone knocking them, I would say something. But I would not be nasty. But at the same time, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have no problem if someone said something nasty to me. If they do, they are messing with the wrong person.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
9 Jul 12
Well, just like in the real world, the non digital world, we encounter people like that also. And we just don't bother with them. So the same applies to online people as well. Yes they are considered friends here, but if they are going to get nasty well then that is not a friend. Remove them from your friend list and do exactly what you did do, report them.
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jul 12
It is not just about opinion I am afraid. I am talking about name calling and such. I actually reported them for the first time since I have been here and the comment was deleted. But if we call each other "friends" here I don't understand not helping each other out if someone needs it.
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@Mashnn (4501)
12 Feb 12
This sort of discussion is somehow misguided in the sense that, we are not here to defend each other but to reply to discussion with quality responses whether you agree with it or not. We are not fighting against each other here in Mylot and the question of defending each other is not applicable. I think some people just come here because they want sympathy from other members and once one member disagree or give a different opinion, they tend to think that person is rude and disrespectful. I have gotten a lot of those negative reply but I never take it as a form of rudeness or disrespecting. What we need to do is to learn to be more tolerance and stop complaining when people give their opinion on different issues and as you know, the administration is here to do their work incase they notice someone is getting out of control. By the way, do you think we will have a productive discussions if we all support each other opinion without differing?
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
This discussion has nothing to do with differing opinions. I am talking about people being rude as in calling other people names and such. I have no problem with a different opinion, I like hearing other peoples thoughts on things and many here have taught me different ways of looking at things. I don't need sympathy from anyone. Thank you. I have gotten some negative comments too but name calling is where I draw the line as in being respectful or not. Again, Im not talking about different opinions at all. =)
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
Well thats good and hopefully they will catch this user soon because I don't want it to continue...
@Mashnn (4501)
12 Feb 12
I have not come across a discussion where people are calling each other names. That seems to be so far out of control but if there are such people, I assure you that the administration really know their work and if someone is doing the name calling here, soon or later you will not find him or her in Mylot.
@disturbedgd (1819)
• South Africa
12 Feb 12
Unlike life mylot has rules for a reason and they are different, friend or no friend I will not interfere because in the end it is not my place to keep order here it is the moderator's job to see it resolved. If you get involved then you will only be making it worse for yourself and possibly for the person who started the fight.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Mar 12
They do have rules here but they do not catch everything all the time. I defend others because there is no reason to be rude here at all...
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Mar 12
They do have rules here but they do not catch everything all the time. I defend others because there is no reason to be rude here at all...
• United States
12 Feb 12
To tell the truth I don't read other's post enough to know who is being bullied. All I can do is say my peace and hope I'm heard and move on.
• United States
12 Feb 12
Then report the b@stards! Give them a ! and tell admin. Name calling is not welcome here at My Lot. And if they don't stop they will be banned!
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Feb 12
Yeah sometimes I see them when I try to find discussions to respond to...and name calling is just rude to me and uncalled for here.
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• United States
12 Feb 12
I run into this issue a lot and I just ignore the person and pay them no mind. They usually wan to be your friend after that. I just had that happen today with my roomates daughter who is really rude you have to forget and get over things sometimes and sometimes keep forgiving.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Mar 12
Sometimes it is easier to forget than other times. There is no place for rudeness here so I try to defend people that need it. The admins here is great but they do not always catch things...
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Feb 12
I tell it like it is. If I think something is wrong or stupid I tell the person that. That is what you can depend on from me. If I seem rude I am alittle sorry but would rather be honest and upfront than to say what I thought you wanted me to say. Life is just too short. Don't ask for my opinion if you don't want it.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Feb 12
I totally agree with you.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
You have never been rude to me. I'm not talking about disagreeing with someone because that is fine. I was talking about about name calling and such... I did report it so hopefully it will be taken care of but I just do not see that as being acceptable here. And one of our friends here was really treated badly and I don't think anyone who has been such a nice person should be treated that way either. =( People don't have to put anyone down just because they dont agree with them...
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
14 Feb 12
I think I know what caused this discussion. I remember responding to another post of yours, and there was this rude comment. I was about to put something in (as I wanted to defend you), but I was interrupted by my annoying real job. I'm sorry I was not able to get back to it. And yes, I would like to think that I defend people I know.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Mar 12
Yeah it was very rude and its okay that you didn't get back to it. I know real life gets in the way too, lol. I think more people should defend others here that have done nothing wrong to deserve it. I think people should defend and help in real life too. The world would be a much better place if we all did this. =)
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
12 Feb 12
Well, to be honest, I don't like being in a situation where we must have an argument in public or at least in front of some people. However, if my friend has some kinda of problem in which he/she is correct then of course I'll defend them. If someone talks to me about my friend behind his/her back, then I usually try to find a diplomatic answer to defend them without starting any argument with the one who speaks. Then, I talk to my friend to check whether or not that opinion is correct. If my friend is wrong, then I'll him/her that he/she's wrong. :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
Yeah I dont like arguing either. You sound like a really good friend. =) Thanks for your response!
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 12
Thanks, I always hope to be a good friend. :)
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
12 Feb 12
Hello Loving... I am guilty of it. I find myself defending what I believe and it turns into an angry response. I think that we all have those heated discussions and I should not make any excuses. I agree with you. Even though I have a few friends, I will defend them if someone hase been rude. Have a great day. :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jul 12
At least you try to help others, that is what we SHOULD do in this world. We all have plenty of enemies so our friends should stand up for us and we should stand up for them! We do all have heated discussions at times, not such a big deal but name calling and being rude is another thing...
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
12 Feb 12
I would tell them that if their not in their right mind to say something to uplift well the best thing to do is to not post that day and wait another day that you don't claws instead of fingernails,we are not here to look for a fight that is for sure. lets just have nice and bright discussions.
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jul 12
I agree with you. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. It is not that hard. Apparently for some people it is a difficult concept.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I have always tried to be kind on here, and speak for people who are being picked on, whether they are my friends or not. I try to do it in a non confrontational way, though, because you can get into flame wars and get in trouble yourself. I dislike any kind of stereotyping. It has changed over the years, but there have been discussions that have said "anyone from such and such a country is a cheat" or " all of a certain group of people are dumb" and I have spoken up. Sometimes getting myself chewed out in the process.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
I have tried to be myself and be nice here too. =) Yeah I started this discussion because someone responded to my discussion and called me a few names. I didnt appreciate it so I reported it. There is no reason for that and to me its unacceptable. Also mine and your friend, one of the sweetest people here was getting picked on pretty bad for her discussion. I just don't see a reason to be rude. You don't like a discussion skip it, why be rude? There is a big difference between disagreeing and being rude...
@picjim (3002)
• India
12 Feb 12
I will defend my friend if they are rude in the course of an a reply.Sometimes some discussions invite trouble and some of us out of exasperation might be rude.But i will not defend anyone who is rude without a good reason.If my friends have been at the receiving end of rude behavior,i will defend them.But the problem is we do not see all the responses and discussions of our friends so some may escape our attention.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
Yeah, I do not see a reason to be rude unless someone is rude with you. I would defend someone that was being bullied or picked on here. I have seen this happen. You cant always catch these things I understand that.
@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
12 Feb 12
Hello LovingMyBabies, Yes there are few Mylotters who become irritated when they see someone getting against their opinion which is wrong as one should be matured enough.In discussions one should expect both type of opinions and we must not feel anything bad for it. I would always defend if i see someone being rude to my friend or to an innocent Mylotter.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
I am not really talking about disagreements I am talking about name calling and things like that. We can and should have different opinions sometimes but I do not think its ok to be rude at any time!
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
12 Feb 12
I wish we didn't have to take sides. Certainly we will make friends and want to treat everyone with respect. Sure, I want to feel like I am part of the social side to mylot but at the same time don't want to bud in either. Rudeness hurts everyone and sadly even if I am not involved hurts me too when I feel a connection to people that come here so yes I guess I might feel I should say something, yes.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
There is no sides. I am talking about some people name calling which is unacceptable and I did report me... Im starting to think everyone in this world is only out for themselves, sad. There is no reason to be rude or put others down for their opinions...
@boylopez (382)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
As i have experience in my little days in mylot, there are friends who defend and give some nice advice to stay longer in mylot. But i respond in one of the discussion, i disagree in what he post, he got angry and report me as abuse. They want a positive action in what they post, but sometimes on the experience we posted a negative reaction to correct his belief.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
Most people are nice here. =) I think its great to have different opinions so we can look at things from other perspectives sometimes. There is a difference though in feeling differently and responding negatively or rudely... You can feel differently and say that without putting the other person down. We should be uplifting here! =)
@ajalitus (127)
• United States
12 Feb 12
That's what friends are for. We look out for each other. I'm not gonna just let you talk down on someone that I consider a buddy. When people are rude to my friends, I intervene. The person being rude doesn't know the person as I do so they shouldn't say such things.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 12
Your right and here on Mylot there is no need to be rude to others. If you disagree thats ok but no one should make anyone feel bad. And people should defend those that need it.