We can learn a lot about a person from their conduct

United States
February 12, 2012 6:45am CST
We do learn a lot from observing others and how they act and treat others. How they treat their family and friends. The way a person carries themself, and what they do with their time and energies. If we keep our eyes open we are able to hopefully recognize good associations and those that aren't.
3 responses
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Indeed we can get a pretty good feel for a person by observing what they do. We can get this idea and we can really learn a lot of valuable, useful information about each and every person. There are a lot of times where people, by their movement, by their actions, and maybe not by their words, but how they save them, is just going to be something that is going to give us a good idea. Granted, our impressions might not be key on the first time. However, over time we begin to get a good idea. Once we get a good idea, we will be able to move on and move forward, allowing for us to understand people. Seeing how these people carry themselves, really will tell us a lot about them and perhaps we will understand them a lot better.
• United States
5 Apr 12
Yeah it is amazing the things that we can learn about a person from their actions. At times we do have to be careful because there are individuals who are very sly, tricky, and who try to deceive others. And to have good relationships it's a good thing to be able to understand the other person.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
12 Feb 12
You can learn indeed a lot about a person by observing it, also observing the body language. But you can also learn a lot about a person if you read their discussions or the replies they give.
• United States
5 Apr 12
Yes I agree. We definitely do learn a lot from others from the discussions they have and replies. It's nice to be able to learn about so many people here at mylot. There are many different individuals all with their own viewpoints and thinking on different matters.
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
yeah right.i tried observing my crush in the way he treats other people and the way he deals with his work.he's good at it, dealing with people.he has a lot of patience too.seems i like him more but then we could only be friends.
• United States
12 Feb 12
So true! If only more people would pay attention to these signs before they jumped into relationships with other people. It would save them a lot of heartaches and painful breakups!