Gay Marriage
By MandaLee
@MandaLee (3764)
United States
29 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Feb 12
I think you are going to get a ton of flame back for saying that.
However, it's hard to argue with history that every time any society has destroyed the foundations of marriage and family, that society has always collasped. I have no reason to believe America will be any better.
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@HeresTheScoop (748)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I don't mean to sound ignorant, but what foundations of marriage and family have other societies destroyed?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
15 Feb 12
What a load of crap this is andy 77e! People like you are the ones holding gay rights from happening! You insulted the gay community and the USA! Thanks for nothing!
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I'm not going to argue because I know I'm right. As for gay rights, I don't believe you have to right to dictate to the rest of society, what marriage is or is not.
It's not a right to go around force others to accept whatever you deem worthy.
Funny how if a religious leader says everyone must worship Allah, you are against that. But when a small tiny fraction of society demands we change the very definition of marriage, now suddenly it's a 'right'. No, you are wrong. Thanks for playing, have a nice day.
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@cash4cards (140)
• United States
15 Feb 12
Wow...ok well heres my two cents. according to my
religious beliefs i dont agree BUT i was always tought
god is we should not judge others.
as just a person i really dont care if they marry
its not in my home or house nor does it effect
my life in anyway whatsoever. i got plenty
of gay friends. what they do is not of my concern
is it for me? No...but who am i to say who they
should love. Why am i married to a man? Because
i love him. i dont have any idea why i love men i just
do...i dont love him cause society or god says i should
i just do sn know what i feel. the world would be
a happier place if we only worried about ourselves
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@cash4cards (140)
• United States
16 Feb 12
I just hate when people use god to judge. honestly
its one of the reasons i dont go to church. i know..
im gona burn right? No cause its stated u don't
need to go to church to find god...hes under every
stone...they use god to judge
an as for god burning gamora...yes it states he did
that...the people were also rapping travelers an
using thier women an children as payment.
But...god only punishes the guilty an wicked. so if
your not guilty why do u care? Only god should be
our judge an jury
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I used to not like it, but now my attitude has changed (and not because my cousin is gay either). My attitude is more like 'if you don't try to flip me to that lifestyle, I don't really care either way'. I figure if they want to be as miserable as the rest of us divorced folks, then let them be.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Hi PQ,
Your response reminds me of my cousin. She grew up in a small farm town and moved to California to further her education. She became roommates with a gay man. At first my Aunt and Uncle were devestated that their sweet little girl was living with a man. They overlooked the fact that he was gay. This was the early 70s when even living together was a sin. well it did not take them long to realize that this gay guy was the best room mate of all for their daughter. They were best of friends .
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I don’t think you have to worry about being flipped to being gay. Just like you wouldn’t be attracted to a gay person, a gay person would most likely not see anything sexually attractive in you either because you don’t have the ‘right’ equipment. One of my best friends when I lived in New York was gay. He was a fantastic listener and protector of a girl (me) afraid to walk out in the big city to go to the grocery store. He always walked with me.. we had great talks. He never ever tried to hit on me. He was more like a best girlfriend. I would actually forget that he was a guy. He didn't mind. He was just great to me and I appreciated him.
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@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
15 Feb 12
I don't know but to me marriage is 2 entities male/female/or other wise who decide to form a partnership for life/a commitment to each other that will form a marriage.In culinary terms we tend to say some times that this or that particular sauce marry very well with some meats or marriage does not particularly only refer to male and female but any thing or person that complement each other.
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@ReViewMeMedia (3785)
• United States
15 Feb 12
Gay marriage is a sin because the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, but we can't make people stop sinning, God has to change their hearts but the thing about Christians is that the outspoken ones, who are anti gay marriage often express the idea that they hate the sinner and hate the sin while we as Christians should love the sinner and hate the sin, legalizing gay marriage only means that they will continue to sin an the government will see it as "okay". Besides, the government would permit it because they'd want to revenue from it, that's all they really care about.
Besides, the California gay couple that was the poster couple of gay marriage got a divorce so what does that say about gay marriage, it'd be just like heterosexual marriage, only difference is it's morally wrong.
To my fellow Christians, love homosexuals as Jesus loves them, but don't give them a free pass on their sin. You can tell them they're sinning all you want, but let God change their hearts.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Feb 12
So pretty much you hold gay couples to a higher standard than hetros? Hetrosexuals have an extremely high divorce rate. Divorce is the leading cause of what? hmmm... sin?? not everyone is religiou Tell us a reason other than religion that gay marriage should not be allowed. Not everyone is of the same belief system as you.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Feb 12
Really Jazzyrae??? I've seen some of your discussions and I gave you more credit than this. Marriage is sacred, I agree. It should never be entered into lightly. Love is sacred.It's about LOVE. And we all know the hetro couples that should never have gotten married in the first place! What (without quoting or reverting to the bible) is your reason for being so against it. Why exactly do you care so much what these people do?
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@HeresTheScoop (748)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I think they feel the need just like straight people do. Marriage is sacred, but not limited to one group of people.
Homosexuals are doctors, lawyers, hairdressers, retailers, politicians, presidents, etc. Same as anyone else.
They hold charity events to help others, they own cars, have mortgages, etc. Same as anyone else.
THAT's what they do.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
15 Feb 12
jazzyrae marriage is a legal contract, not a religious one. While some people chose to solemnize their marriages with a religious ceremony it is the civil and legal state of marriage that matters and is significant to gay people.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I personally disagree with you, although I respect you as a person. As long as both people are consenting adults what business is it of any one else's? I don't think it's so much marriage as the right that come with it like hospital visitation and health care and inheiritance. Shouldn't be able to pick who makes medical decisions for me and who my stuff gets left to?
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@cripfemme you can decide who makes decisions for you and whom to leave your possessions to without being married. You can have a power of attorney to give another person the legal right to make medical and legal decisions on your behalf and you can make sure that you have a will to specify who gets your stuff.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Feb 12
Hi Mandalee'
I'm not opposed to it. We have separation of State and Church and not everyone that marries is religious or believes in God. Many people get married by a Justice of Peace and it is a real marriage with all the same benefits. Why not? I am very against any law that would force a church to perform such marriages if they go against the beliefs of the church. I have noticed though that there are some churches that do perform gay marriage ceremonies. Marriage is different things to different people. I think it should be allowed. Our personal religious beliefs or lack of them should not be forced on others who don't hold those same beliefs. I really don't care what two consenting adults that I don't even know do. It's not my call to make. We all have our own path. Just my thoughts for whatever they are worth.

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Feb 12
Hi Mike and HeresTheScoop,
They "say" we have separation of church and state but truthfully it's moot because whenever they try to pass gay marriage here, the religious people tend to vote it out. It's been passed in some states and then taken away after some couples have married . Just so very wrong. I personally don't think it should be put to vote. Just change it's a civil rights issue. Those that don't agree with it can deal with it however they want. Their approval isn't needed. I would like to think that most people would grumble in private but deal with it.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I don't believe you have to be married in a church for God to recognize it. I was not married in a church.
This is a democracy so the majority rules. Apparently, there are just more Christians voters than nonchristians. Whether you call it a gay "marriage" or a "civil union" makes no difference. The meaning is the same and it is still wrong in my opinion.
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@HeresTheScoop (748)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I agree. Separation of State and Church, and I would also be against any law that would force a church to perform such marriages if they go against the beliefs of that church.

@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 12
What are marriages for? If this were legalized more and more people would be like them out of their intention. I heard that normal people may get gayish if they mix up with them. The more we are with them, the more we will be influeneced.

@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
@yanzalong: I have gone to school with, lived next to, and worked with gay people and I have never been influenced to become gay myself. I understand that people can influence you in other areas (drinking, partying,etc), but I just don't think they can make you change unless you already have that desire in you.
I am a very compassionate, considerate, and caring person towards all people, but that does not mean that I have to agree that gay marriages are acceptable.
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@HeresTheScoop (748)
• United States
15 Feb 12
yes, we might be influenced to be more compassionate and considerate of others. To actually care about one another.

@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
15 Feb 12
My opinion is that it doesn't truly matter what I think. I'm Christian as well, and I've never had the urge to hate gay people or their lifestyles like many seem to. I also don't think it's up to me to dictate someone else's life, particularly because I am Christian. I feel that it's up to God and I have no right to assume I'm better than anyone else because of their lifestyle; I think far too many Christians worry about others and what everyone else is doing wrong rather than focusing on what they could improve on themselves and their lives.
I have actually had three gay friends, and I've met them all at various workplaces. Somehow, each and every one of them was a Christian. Whenever faith came up in the conversation the first question I would ask them was, "Why? How in the world can you be a Christian when many of the faith's people condemn you?" I've gotten various responses, but I simply cannot understand it based on the hatred coming from people who subscribe to a faith based in love. These are beautiful people, and I don't feel it's up to me to judge their lifestyles or anything they do. I'm not perfect, either, and I would sure need to be before I started pointing fingers.
It definitely says in the Bible that marriage is between one man and one woman...but then again, it also says divorce is a sin and anyone who remarries is committing adultry with their new spouse. How many people fit under that category? God's plan and purpose for marriage was also for two people to truly think through, pray about, and then make the joint decision to marry--once and only once. I think my conclusion to this is that people will go against the things it teaches in the Bible, regardless of whether or not you follow that, and it's up to God to follow through with them. It's up to His followers to love them.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
We should all have your outlook and views on what our place in this world is.
I do not believe that a practicing homosexual can be a Christian. As a Chritian yourself, you know that the Bible says that when we have truly committed our hearts and minds to God, we then turn away from our old sinful nature. We no longer want to be sinful.
You said you asked how your friends could be a Christian when people condemn them for being homosexual. Being a Christian is not based on whether people treat you well or not. If it were, then no one would be a Christian. Christians have always been hated and condemned for their beliefs.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
14 Feb 12
The gay marriage is legal in several countries. I hope that their number will grow as a sign of tolerance. This should not be against God's will, because God calls for tolerance, doesn't he? People's mind has changed during the centuries and mostly for the best. Maybe the religious institutions could follow this trend.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
@fannitia: God is one of patience. God has said that homosexuality is an abomination (degradation, depravity, sacriledge) to Him. How could homosexuality not be against God's will?
I agree that people's minds have changed. I don't believe that these changes in perception and acceptance (tolerances) are for the best.
It is not judging anyone to say that we believe gay marriages (civil unions) are wrong. It is our belief based on our belief in God and His word.
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@HeresTheScoop (748)
• United States
15 Feb 12
fannitia and sid556,
I agree with both of you!
hmmmm.... tolerance and not judging, a lot of people don't believe in those.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
15 Feb 12
The real question here is not what you believe to be true but if those beliefs should govern and control the actions of others who do not share your beliefs.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
@chiang: Aren't we all already governed and controled by others who do not share our same beliefs? If not,then why are there different political parties?
@axlrate7 (1398)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
@chiang: Brother, I just answered the question, "What do you think?". The others who don't share my beliefs will answer the question base on their beliefs and opinion too. I just write down my point of view to the question and that's all... =)
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@WildHorses (718)
• United States
13 Apr 12
This is up for so much debate. They want to be together, that's their problem but when I start seeing it where I practice that's where it starts to bother me. I don't follow the Bible as I have in the past but I do what feels right, this isn't one of them so I guess you could say I'm against it as long as I don't have to be around it.
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@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
28 Feb 12
God is about faith and not rules. Humans make rules. Do these people keep you from your faith? No. If it doesn't harm you then it is not an issue.
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@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
19 Dec 12
It would be a better world if all people could distinguish right from wrong and have the ability to judge the information given to them....and of course act accordingly.
As Plato said, "Eyesight belongs to everyone, perception only to a few".
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
Very well said! Nobody gets hurt when 2 people love each other. It's the wars (too often started because of some religious reason!!) that harm and kill people. THINK!!

@maezee (41988)
• United States
15 Feb 12
Eh, I am kind of over this topic, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents. I think it should be up to the person in particular. Not everyone follows the Bible or God's word exactly - for example people of other religions or people who just don't care or believe in it, so I don't think that should be forced upon everyone. I mean, at least in the United States we are the supposed "melting pot" of all different cultures and religions and beliefs. Gay marriage doesn't HARM anyone, simply allows gays to marry, just seems to make some people uncomfortable with the idea. Well, some people are uncomfortable with homosexuality in general and probably always will be. *shrugs*. I think it should depend on the couple. Two consenting, law-abiding adults should be able to get married if that's what they want to do. I think there's a serious problem with the 'separation of church and state' going on here... Anyway, this is coming from a girl who is raised Lutheran but is now somewhat agnostic, and not really in tune with organized religion as a whole. But yeah, I think religion shouldn't have anything to do with it.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
@mandalee: You will surely come under great fire for this discussion, and I commend your bravery and willingness to stand by your convictions.
I hope that this discussion can be carried out by civilized people who are willing to participate without bashing anyone with opposing views like I have seen in similar discussions. Letting our tempers get the better of us does no good. Hopefully, we can all express our thoughts on the matter without being degraded or disrespected.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
@mike: I appreciate your apology. Thank you for that. In all honesty, I was kidding about the friends request, but I shall accept it. I love all people. I think that is one of the wonderful things about being able to communicate with so many other people around the world. It is interesting to me to hear other perspectives on different issues. I will never agree with your views on religion, the Bible, or gay marriages, but that does not mean I will reject you as a person.
Well there you go! One thing we can agree on! I love animals. I do not believe in killing animals just for the sake of killing them. Its cruel and senseless. Though I do eat meat, I could not do so if I seen the animal alive first.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Feb 12
Hi MandaLee
I am not that aware of this legalization thing. So I should refrain from commenting here. But personally, I think this is quite a non required thing to legislate. As a person, I am free to choose whether I marry or not. And also, I see no harm if I do not marry and stay toegther with any person. Hence I fail to understand why the Legalization is needed!
As for the intended plan of God... we humans have already done many things using His Name at times and many things without His name during others... and practically those who do these things will never realize or feel the importance or gratitude towards God. He seems to be pointless and redundant to them and they wont budge...

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@HeresTheScoop (748)
• United States
15 Feb 12
How true!
- When we are mad and swear, we don't think that we are going against Him at that time.
- When we are mean to someone else, we aren't thinking that He wants us to treat others how we want to be treated.
- When we get things that we 'want' we don't always stop to thank Him.
- When we don't like something, we are very quick to use Him to 'prove' we are right.
@garson (884)
• United States
3 Mar 12
Well, it is in the process. Some states have already give a green light. It is going against God according to the Bible.
This is a topic that I would not want to dwell deep. You could preachers, reverends, or Christian evangelists preaching hard about this. For many of us, it could go into flame.
I personally am not against nor support it. That's all I would say.
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@deodavid (4147)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
Hey there mandalee,
In my opinion coming from a religion based country, gay marriages should be allowed, it is law related that to person who wish to be together share the affection and properties together since they decided it, Church has nothing to to do with this issue since most of the marriages that are done nowadays are done in front of a justice of the peace since it is very expensive to hold a regular marriage ceremony. And besides not everybody is a catholic or a christian what about gay Jews or other religions. So i guess the law should allow marriages since it should not be something that has anything to do with religion it is law and a law that does not hurt the society in any way. And besides gays and lesbians are people too who pays taxes and follows the law just like you and I so they deserve to be given importance too, by THE LAW!
Take care you guys.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Feb 12
@mike1976: I am hurt. You did not ask me to be your friend. Is that because I have a different opinion from your's and you therefore think I am stupid?
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