table setting

spoon, fork arrangement - arrangement of knife, spoon and fork
@irene66 (1669)
February 14, 2012 8:40pm CST
Do you pay attention with the arrangement of spoon, fork, knife, glass and plates when you dine in a restaurant? I am used to an informal table setting and I do not give particular attention this arrangements. I feel I am not comfortable to eat if the setting is too formal.
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12 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I used to have to give attention to it as I was a banquet server, we had to set the table as it should be set, and that was a bit annoying. A lot of times we would all grab a certain utensil, like say I'd grab the salad forks, and another would grab the dinner forks, another the soup spoon, another the coffee spoon, and we would all go around the tables and set them like that. Now before this and after this, I don't care what the silverware looks like laid out, or even if I have a salad fork, as long as it's clean. Oh and you don't want to know how we had to "clean" the silverware sometimes.
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@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
hello cowgirl, That was a nice experience of yours and what a learning! When I was invited for a wedding celebration in one of the restaurants, I really observed some waitresses and waiters always in a hurry to move when fixing the table. Their "boss' is just watching them in one corner with glazing eyes Some are even perspiring in their faces while others are restless. But Ireally appreciate those people doing the fixing. Despite their stressful situation, they can deliver and yes how do you clean the silver ware?
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
15 Feb 12
We used very very very hot water from the coffee maker just put it in, pulled it out and "shined" it.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
Yeah, that is a way to save time and energy you gave me an idea on how I will wash our dinner plates. I am the dishwasher of my children They are always in a hurry to go to school. Now I have more time on mylot.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
I am not a party goer and I am guilty f declining invites. Whenever I attended formal occasion, I do observe the table setting to be familiar with everything, so the next time I got to attend same event, I know what to do. I also prefer non-formal parties, but with selected friends only.
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@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
Yeah, that is exactly what I tell my children. Observe and learn! when we are out for dining. They always give me a puzzle look but smile. They now know they will learn the silverware setting outside our home. I also tell them to go with their friends to be exposed with similar settings!
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
15 Feb 12
My most preferred way of eating is to sit on the ground with legs crisscrossed and enjoy the meal. But at class restaurants I do pay more attention to the table setting and table manners, because the professional table setting enables us to dine with comfort.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
I have tried that too, sitting on the floor to eat. I think that is enjoyable way to eat your food because you are more relaxed. Although, we also need to learn formal ways to eat our food. This is for us to be able to adjust whenever we attend formal dinings
@maezee (41988)
• United States
16 Feb 12
I agree with you totally, I think this is totally too formal for me. Plus, I dont' eat with my family - like ever - unless we happen to be going out to eat for a special occasion. We aren't rich though, so that doesn't happen very often. The places we do 'dine out' to are usually bars or casual eateries, so placement of forks and spoons and the like isn't really a priority. Ha.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
At times we eat informally and at times formal. What is funny is that when we are in an expensive restaurant, we tend to eat less because we need to use those silverwares infront of us and observe some table manners. In my observation, food are sometimes wasted because they are not all eaten while at home we devour all those foods in our plates.
• Indonesia
15 Feb 12
I've once get a table manner lesson when i was in high school. I enjoy eating with some silverware arranged at my table. But i haven't done it yet again lately, cause to have such an arrangement must be done in mostly expensive restaurants here. Regardless formal or informal, well i enjoy them both. As long as they served a nice and delicious meals.
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@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
yes, most often table setting is applied in expensive restaurants. This is I think one reason why most are not waware of the silver ware arrangment. I just hope I can earn more here in mylot for me to treat myself in an expensive restaurant. this way, I would be accustomed to it.
• Malaysia
15 Feb 12
Hi irene66.. So do i.I feel not comfortable to eat if the setting too formal.I'm rather seat that is more leisurely and casual.But i have to attend dinner feast of my company where i am working.And its must be in formal.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
yeah, that is the problem when we attend formal feast, we really need to eat formally Often times, if I join in this particular occasion, I cannot eat much because I am aware some eyes are on me It is best to control to hide the appetite. have you experienced that?
• Malaysia
16 Feb 12
Yes..probably like newly wed:P
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
16 Feb 12
When my ex-boyfriend and I were together we sometimes had dinner in fine dining restaurant in our town. My boyfriend liked the place, but I never felt comfortable there. The table setting was always 100% perfect, and the waiters were extremely polite and formel, but the place was too perfect for me and I wasn't really able to relax. I know how to eat the correct way and which to do and which things to avoid because they are impolite, but it is not exactly relaxing to think about those things all the time. I feel much more comfortable when the setting is less formal like in my home.
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 12
I only learned table etiquette at school. But at home nobody gives a damn about it. My mom always said, 'It's our home so be comfortable.' And we do. It's not that we're eating like barbaric or anything, we just eat the way we want. There's no formal arrangement and as long as we keep our manners while eating, that's good enough.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
I believe your mom is right. That is what I tell my children too However, in times where we attend formal dining, I also tell them to observe how other people eats and follow. Because I do not teach them the formal silverware setting at home, I just tell to look around to learn.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
15 Feb 12
If people put the silverware in a certain arrangement, I never really notice. When I am going to eat, all I care about is the quality of the food. That is the only thing that is first and foremost right on my mind. There is nothing that is going to be more important to me when I am eating a meal, than the fact that the food is rather good. I'm sure that many people put a lot of thought into this, for perhaps people who put no thought into this to say the very least. I just prefer good food when eat. But there are just going to be a lot of times where if it is a bit too stuffy and formal, it can really weigh on my mind. If the setting takes away from the main attraction the food too much, then there are just going to be times where things are a bit too much. But most of the time, I don't notice.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
After all what is important is food. Right megamatt! I also appreciate eating in a formal restaurant if the food is great. Although, I give some importance with the setting, the taste of food is more important to me as well. This reminds me of one occasion where I attended in which the silver wares and the setting was more emphasized than the taste of food. I observed the occasion was not much appreciated by the attendees anyway.]
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
hi, when my co-worker or even my family or friends have a hang out to eat in a restaurant i dont observe those arrangement of their spoon and glass and plates,because like you i am also comfortable to eat when the setting is very formal.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
16 Feb 12
Well,i just do not pay that much attention on the arrangement of eating things. Somtimes it is not that convenient and comfortable to use that,and it would be unformal when you just had meals with your friends.Anyway,if meeting the formal occasions,i will definitely use the formal table
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
This happens to all of us I think to be formal when the setting is formal and becomes casual if the circumstances calls for it. The irony is that we cannot eat much in expensive restaurants when invited because of those right manners and good conduct to oberve when eating. But anyway, I still enjoy my food in informal table setting
• United States
15 Feb 12
I was taught to place the silverware in a certain arrangement, and I use this arrangement at home most of the time, so yes, I notice. There is actually a reason for having them placed the way they are, and when they're just rolled into a napkin or whatever, it forces people to put their silverware on a public table, which I don't like. I've gotten used to it, but if I'm in a home or restaurant that uses traditional settings, I feel like it's a better experience.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
Wow, that is nice. practicing what is taught I also learned the silverware arrangment in my grade school however I forgot all about it despite the strict teacher who taught us. I do not know the exact placement of knife, spoon, and the fork. I rememebr, my teacher told me the reasons of each placement. It is only sad, I did not give importance of it.