Who do you think the Bible was written for?
By deedee328
@deedee328 (1122)
United States
February 16, 2012 10:48pm CST
First, I have to say that I hesitated to pose this question under the interest of "religion". As I have stated numerous times, I do not believe in religion. I just believe in God and His word. That being said, I shall move on to my point of this discussion. I have been responding to some other discussions about God and the Bible. There were some comments posted that made me curious about other people's belief in who the Bible was written for? There are people who think that God loves everyone and forgives us all of our sins without any stipulations. You hear people say all the time that God forgives us all. I disagree. I think that the Bible is God's true and inspired word. I think it was written to prove that He does exist and serve as the Christian's guide to living a Christian life. Therefore, I think that the Bible applies to only those people who have accepted God as his/her savior and is a child of God. If you have not come to know God, then how can you be expected to follow His word? We are all sinners, but until we come to know God, we are not aware of our sinful nature. So tell me my fellow mylotters, where do you stand? Is the Bible for ALL mankind or for those who have accepted Him and committed themselves to Him?
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10 responses
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
17 Feb 12
I think the Bible was written for the benefit of all, but some will never see, much less, own a copy. Therefore, it's the message that's important, and technology has made it possible for the Word of God to be transmitted throughout the world.
Obviously the Word of God is not important to the nonbeliever, but I believe they're lost without it.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@6precious Unfortunately, you are right. Some people will refuse to read it. Others choose not to believe what it says. Thank God for that technology He gave us.
I believe they are lost too.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
17 Feb 12
St. Isidore of Seville (c. 560 – 4 April 636) wrote: "All spiritual growth comes from reading and reflection. By reading we learn what we did not know; by reflection we retain what we have learned. Reading the Holy Scriptures confers two benefits. It trains the mind to understand them; it turns our attention from the follies of the world and leads us to the love of God."
I believe the Bible was written for everyone in the hope that we all will be lead to the love of God.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@bestboy I don't know who St. Isidore is, but I like his ideas.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
17 Feb 12
The Bible is a collection of books and it is impossible to look at it as a single entity and state it was written for any one group of people or for any one reason.
The Old Testament was a combination of a political document, book of rules. poetry and history.
The New Testament can be seen as having two audiences. The first were the Jewish people as an attempt to sell them the idea that Jesus was the long promised Messiah. The other part was authored by or carries the heavy imprint of Christianity's first PR man, Paul in his attempt to sell the message of Christianity to people outside of the Jewish religion.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
Thank you for your response. I disagree, but that's alright. I can see it as one Book, written by one authority. Therefore, I can see where it is written for one group of people. I think it was written for the people who have chosen to believe in God, because, if you have not accepted Him, then you can't be accepting of His word.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
17 Feb 12
I love how the bible all flows together as a narrative of life, how it began, has proceeded and also how it will 'end'. I guess I should say 'this life as we know it'. For example reading this thread, I was reminded of my reading and reflection just a few days ago, how Jesus said "I have sheep not of this fold" and how he had come to save both 'flocks'.. then the two incidences of the coming of the Holy Ghost (God's Presence much more fully with man) first to the new Jewish believers, and then also were the new gentile believers baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke with new tongues as did the Jewish believers on Pentecost.. and truly all Christians speak with a new tongue which those who do not know Jesus cannot understand until God's Holy Spirit draws them and thus opens their eyes.. (hence the importance of christian outflowing love, which shows some a glimpse of God's goodness and well honey draws better than vinegar as the old saying goes).. I think the Bible is written for all mankind but cannot be understood by the human mind alone, "it is foolishness to them" us, until we are born from above / born again / and can perceive the spirit and understand man's imperfect state (but necessary unless God was to simply create robots or an ant farm!) and understand our need for God who is after all, Life itself.. and also Perfection..
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@flower thank you for your response. I agree. The Bible was written for all of mankind, but I think that perhaps it applies to only those who have chosen to accept Christ as their savior.
In other threads, I have seen comments to non believers from Christian people who are condemning them for blashphemy and speaking ill of the Bible. I don't think it is speaking ill of God or the Bible to say that you do not believe in them if you have not come to know God. If you go on the premise that the Bible was written to teach and guide God's children, it just makes sense to me.
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@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
17 Feb 12
Hi deedee !
I understand you do not believe in religion. And you are asking about the bible to whom it was written right?
For me, in my own opinion the Bible is a holy scripture of God and it give us the best reference knowing the real truth of His existence.
Religion adopt that scriptural verses and histories for them to have spiritual dominion wherein it varies according to their own beliefs and understanding.
Spiritual leaders also are accountable to what they preach and share to their own members.
The Bible is written to inspire everybody who are willing to know God and keep those scriptural messages moving and flowing with faith. God doesn't choose what religion we belong but rather choose how pure our heart is. And that our faith is HIS main concern and not the churches that we are in.
Knowing God and knowing HIS works is no other way than reading the BIBLE because it is his WORDS to us. It helps us motivate our faith and build constant relationship with HIM.
It is an OPEN BOOK where the source depends on the willingness of your HEART to commit.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@cassie hello. Yes, you are correct. I do not believe in religion, please don't be confused, I certainly believe in God and His word.
I agree, our leaders are accountable for what they preach and teach, but we too must take responsibility and read the word for ourselves.
I also agree that the Bible is written for those who are believers in God. Amen on the church and religion thing! A lot of people don't seem to get that. I think it is important that we attend church because God says for us to go hear His word and fellowship with our brethren, but I do not think it matters what church or denomination you go to as long as they are abiding by God's word, the whole word.
I love that last line! May I borrow it?
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
23 Feb 12
@cassije Thank you so much. I do have the Book and I am trying my best encourage oters to open it and read it.
@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
Yes of course Deedee you can !
Thanks for loving my last line. I know, you have that BOOK now... and interested to OPEN it for someone else.

@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
17 Feb 12
I would have answered the Bible is for those who have accepted Him and committed themselves to Him. Because in my mind, how can you expect someone to understand the Bible if he is not a christian? But then I remembered something so...
My answer is for ALL mankind. There was someone I know from school who got interested in reading the Bible. Of course, some people are so interested they wanted to read more. That led her to try attending church for her to learn more about God and the Bible. If someone is really thirsty for the truth, you cannot quench that thirst.

@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
18 Feb 12
@neelia Thank you for your fine compliment. I know that I owe God for all that He has given to me, so I feel that it is but just a small gesture to show my appreciation to Him. Praise God. I am so happy for your friend.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@neelia The Bible is for all people, but I think that the laws and rules can only apply to the Christian because, as you said, how can you expect to follow it if you do not know God? Without accepting Him and reading His word, then you can not understand fully what it says. I encourage everyone to read the Bible for themselves. I am so glad that your school mate did that. Did she come to accept Christ as her Savior? If so, Praise God. If not, we will keep praying for her.
@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
18 Feb 12
Yes, she did. Thank you. I like the way you explain and defend the Bible, deedee 

@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
17 Feb 12
I do not believe in religion either. I believe if you want to have any relationship with any deity then it should be done on your own.
I apologize if this comes off as offensive, but I believe the bible was written by man to control man. After all, if you get a set group of people reading these works then its very easy to have a set group of people following what you wrote. Its no different than old teachings of man.
I agree with another comment on here in a sense, that the bible was written and then books were selected to tell you all about the christian god.. however as they also said God is limitless. Which I can get behind even though I am not religious, because if God is limitless then limiting him to one book, one sect of people, one community is more like saying that community is truly god rather than the powerful, merciful (for most people who read the bible), all knowing, loving God that they are worshiping from the bible.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Feb 12
@aida There is no need for you to apologize. I take no offense in your comment. We are all unique people with different opinions. You are entitled to express your views as much as I am.
I believe the Bible was inspired by God to teach man. If it were written by mere man, I believe that the teachings and promises would have been prooven false by now. If it were written by men, I doubt that it would still be around today. People tend to change with the latest "fad" and I think that applies to theories and philosophie too. The Bible has stood too well in the test of time.
One need not be religious to have faith in God. Certainly, the Bible does not map out every moment of time and every single event that occurred, but it contains all that God thought we needed to know. The rest, we will understand when He decides to come collect His children.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
18 Feb 12
@Aidalily There is no doubt that mankind has translated and retranslated the Bible to suit his needs and beliefs at the time. I believe that the New Testament would be more valid in proving God's existence. That is where we find His conversations with the people. I have always understood the Bible to say that if you accept Him as your Savior, and truly believe and have faith in Him, then you will live eternally with Him in Heaven, but if you refuse to believe in Him, then you will spend eternity in "the lake of fire", but I am not sure if that will be on earth or below it. That is food for thought, and I will have to study up on that. The idea of going to Heaven indeed is the motivation to believe and obey God.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
18 Feb 12
I think the idea is to love God and because of that to go to heaven and not to love God because you want to go to heaven.There is a big difference.You don`t love God because that gives you a reward, you love God because you were created to love God, you were created in his image and likeness and if you really love him then you will go to heaven.You go to heaven because you belong to heaven, you were created for heaven, only because man has lost his love for God he lost his place in heaven.
Fear of the Lord is just the beginning of the wisdom.In the end Jesus should live inside you as apostle Paul says : "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."
For me Christianity means Jesus Christ Son of God became human so that we can become gods again.( Not other gods but "partakers of Divine Nature as Peter is saying " or how it is written in the psalm " You are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." )
How can we do that ? We should fight every day with ourselves to try to become better persons.There is no limit for how good someone can become because God has no limit.Maybe you can`t love your enemies but at least don`t hate them and you are already a much better person.Maybe you don`t have money to give to the poor but at least go there and shake his hand, show him that you respect him the same as any other human being and you are already a better person.Try to think every day what you can improve, never think you are perfect because only God is perfect.

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Feb 12
Hi deedee, It is good that you have your beliefs but many Christians would disagree with you. Isn't it strange how everyone feels that their ideas are right and all others wrong. I think that the old testament is a collection of writings about the Jewish faith and history,while the new, covers a short period in the life of Jesus Christ and the rest, except for Revelation, is early church history. Revelation was a dream or vision of some kind, and some scholors doubt the wisdom of the church for including it in the Bible in the first place. The Bible was written for the same reason that the Koren and other holy books were written, to help people with living this life. That of course is just my opinion too. Blessings.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
18 Feb 12
@Pose I don't think I have ever said that my beliefs are the right ones. As I have said many times, I read the Bible, understand it the best that I can, and trust that if I have misunderstood His word, that God will correct my thinking. I respect all opinions, and that includes yours, but I disagree with it, and that is alright. We are all unique individuals and we are not going to see everything the same. I think that is why God said that we would not understand everything or know everything until we are with Him in Heaven. Revelations were visions and dreams, but they were to tell us some information about what is to come. The Bible says not to add to or subtract from God's word, so I have to disagree with scholars who wanted to leave out any part of God's word. I will stand by my God and His word, as it has been here, unchanged since the beginning.
@blink69nix0 (847)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
The Bible was written for all humans. It was implemented long time ago to spread the Good news for salvation of mankind. It was stated to those who don't hear the words of God should prioritize and explain thoroughly, What God offer Human if they allow Jesus to come into their life and follow his teaching.
Have you ever feel the strange things happening in your life. Though some people deny God,but he never abandon us that's why he is the greatest, he never forsaken you if you just allow yourself to hear his words of wisdom. For some of us didn't know when we formulate question about the topic religion or about our Creator. He just watching us and feel the sincerity of every question and its corresponding answers.
Religion is the foundation of Gods love. Peter was assigned to put the house of God so that when you are afraid in the outside and feeling of hopelessness. His home is ready to welcome you any time and be your shelter. I do believe religion is a big factor. Ever since the world began, Catholic Church was there and when Jesus was born I remembered he was very angry when gambler's and hypocrites doing some kind of show in the house of God.
Bible is for everyone especially those people who are sinners. And we are all sinners no one on Earth is perfect except Jesus who became Human. Human Beings given a choice what they want in their life. Humans also knows between right or wrong, Its up to us if we just ignore it or not. That's why there are many people learned from their mistakes and try to avoid temptation.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
22 Feb 12
@blink. I agree. As long as we choose to accept Him as our personal savior, God is always with us. I often feel His presense in my daily life. I know that I am never alone.
@veroni (5)
• United States
17 Feb 12
as i know that bibble is written for budda.the great religious book for budda.god crete this book to teach the people to go to the right path