Do you Blame God????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
February 18, 2012 12:24am CST
Challenges and problems come into every life. Do you blame God when things don't go your way?? Sure, God has the ability to solve it all but chooses not to. Do you get angry and pout like a small child when you don't get your way?? In your anger, do you claim God does not exist in order to somehow get back at God for not solving your problems as if not believing would hurt God somehow??
Believing has never been important to God. Your challenges and problems may not seem good to you, however they brings great lessons and strength that you could not get any other way. Direct experience is the best teacher.
Have you noticed??? Problems do have a way of working themselves out. If we would concentrate less on Blame and more on RESULTS, I believe we would have fewer growing pains. What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.
Take it with a grain of salt. IT'S ALL GOING TO BE OK!!
So, tell me what you blame God for.
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27 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Feb 12
"Believing has never been important to God."
Where did you get that idea? If that were so, then none of the lessons you say God is teaching us would be important. His unconditional love wouldn't matter. We wouldn't have to make these life journeys over and over in order to get it right. Nothing would matter and there would be nothing to live for and no eternity to look forward to.
When things don't go my way, it's usually my own fault. No, I don't blame God. He gave us all a brain to use. If we fail to do so, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
19 Feb 12
Let me put it another way, how do you know believing isn't important to God?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 12
What is important to God is your education. Whether you believe in God or not makes no difference. Deep down, we all know God. Religion values beliefs because it is a tool by which they can shape your thinking. You are right. WE are all meant to THINK. Perhaps that should lead us beyond the petty things of mankind that are not important like BLAME. For God, it's the results that count. Perhaps, we should all learn to value just that.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@bird As far as God is concerned, believing and trusting Him is all that is important. You continue to speak of religion, and again, I say religion has little to do with God, as man, has twisted it to make it suit his own needs and beliefs. We should indeed be beyond petty things of mankind, but without God, that is not going to happen.
@jyuuken My friend, my brother, you will not win any souls as long as you continue to be harsh and insulting to people. I believe that you and I believe in the same God, and He is a God of love and patience. He did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. The world will no doubt condemn itself.

@maidangela7349 (1191)
19 Feb 12
Hi Bird. thanks for your brilliant illustration of what a big con the whole religious thing is. Of course there is no god who is interested in the welfare of any one person or even any species (Note 99% of the species that have ever existed on earth are now extinct. But of course any promoter of a religion will say exactly as you are god may not want to have done this or that and of course there is no answer to that argument except that there is no god.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Feb 12
maidangela, Yes, you are seeing clearly. Consider that there is more than what is physically before our eyes. The life of a spiritual being is eternal. There are many changes and stories in the big picture. Simple because a species no longer exists does not mean the spiritual being does not exist. There are many levels to learn and understand on the path of our education. There will be many physical bodies along our journey. I won't go into detail, however I have direct experience that I am a spiritual being in my true nature. Surely, I am not the only one.

@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
20 Feb 12
I totally believe the Holy Scriptures. According to them satan does indeed exist. Mt.4:1; Job 1:6. It even describes what he looks like. He was a cherub. Eze.28:13-19. He was thrown out of the heavens and is now roving about the face of the earth causing mnay problems. John 12:31; 1Pe.5:8; Job 2:2; Rev.12:12.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Feb 12
If God can create universes, what are a few wayward kids??? Mankind might discard their kids, however God is from a much greater intelligence and a much higher level of thinking. Explore that possibility rather than blindly believe holy books. God is much more than you can find in any book.

@shibham (16977)
• India
18 Feb 12
Hi bird....
Please dont mind. I am an atheist and i dont believe that god exists so i never blame god but once i saw an accident occurred when a groom came to marry with his family and friends and the bus fell down on a pond. At that time i found another reason that where is god? So, it was not a blame but it tightened my believe and conception.
have a nice time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 12
Without being able to see the entire picture, humans often do not make the right judgement calls. We have to remember the goal is not to have everything workout so that there are no problems. The big picture must be considered. Of course,we humans always expect paradise in everything. Very little learning takes place without those challenges. Since we are all eternal, there is a much bigger picture than right now.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 12
We must all work to widen our view. If we come to understand the big picture, perhaps we wouldn't fight those lessons so hard. It's just like you said. Lessons bring knowledge and understanding. By the time we overcome our challenge, we see the good that came from them.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@bird I may not agree with your views on God, but I do agree that lessons and challenges bring knowledge and understanding.
@jyuuken Bird did not say the lessons spoken of were from God. There is nothing false in his/her statement that "lessons bring knowledge and understanding". This is true whether you believe in God or not. I think you make "mountains out of molehills" and maybe should practice some restraint and pick your battles.

@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
18 Feb 12
Blame God? I think that would be stupid. I've seen a person who follows atheism (I choose not to put labels on people like atheist - it is everyone's choice what they believe without having a label to back it up) write in a manner that sounds like they are blaming God but isn't that very corny because how can you blame something that does not exist?
I believe there is God and believe in God but still think to put on blame would be liking kicking your toe if you get upset. Well, I guess that can happen.
What makes you think God does not think believing is important?

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 12
Believing isn't important to God because deep down we already know God. We will be back together with Him soon enough. Religion's value isn't in teaching beliefs. Religion is a catalyst that brings so many people's problems to the surface so they must be dealt with. When people think they hold God's backing, they do not hold back showing everyone their true self. When this happens, it must be dealt with. What follows is education, knowledge, learning and resolution. Yes, it can be a bumpy road. Learning and growing often takes growing pains.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@bluedoll I think you are so right. It is ironic isn't it that you can blame a being that you don't believe in? I like your little analogy about kicking your own toe.
@bird If believing in God is not important to God, then why are we instructed to do so? Again, if you don't believe in Him, how can you know Him? God is the catalyst that brings our sins and shortcomings to light, not religion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Feb 12
jyuuken. In spite of any beliefs, God will not abandon His children. That means everyone.
dee,You are instructed to believe in God because religion would not exist without followers. That makes beliefs a must since they can not come up with the proof. One should only value truth and facts. Beliefs only point the direction by which one should search for the truth. Sometimes those who search find what they search for. When you discover God, you will no longer need beliefs. You will have your proof. You will know. God doesn't have to be a belief.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
21 Feb 12
Of course I don't blame a god for anything. If I wanted to shift the blame for something to a god I would first have to work out which, out of the thousands of gods that humankind has worshiped over the ages was responsible for the particular field the problem occurred in.
Too much hard work for me. I would rather shoulder the blame and figure out how to resolve the problem and prevent it from reoccurring.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
22 Feb 12
I have probed, pried, and poked into history, philosophy, science, theology and my own heart in an effort to discover a god or gods. I have reached the conclusion, tentative at this point, that there is not one real god. There are as many gods as there are people and perhaps more since some believe in a cosmology that embraces more than one god. We all differ in our perception of a god.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
22 Feb 12
I am a bit drawn to Lord Ganesha as my personal patron god at the moment,
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Feb 12
Your quote: I would first have to work out which, out of the thousands of gods that humankind has worshiped over the ages was responsible for the particular field the problem occurred in. My answer: Why don't you discover God for yourself. Why must you rely on other people's God? On your own, the odds of you actually discovering the real God increase more than you realize. You are intelligent. Work on it. You are right about one thing. If we concentrate on results, the problems are usually solved before that pointing finger of blame ever gets out. Yes, many choose to value that blame first but that is useless energy spent.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Feb 12
ifa225 Yes, you are right. It is easy to just react to life and problems then get angry at God because we know God can fix anything. When we stop and do some thinking we realized the good behind things.
dee,Bad choices are a part of learning.God knows this. God is not against those who make bad choices. God will show us all what our actions really mean. When we truly understand, we could never make that bad choice again. Bad choices can bring a person some pretty hard lessons. Let's all Think carefully before we choose our own lessons.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@ifa225 Bad things are not part of God's will. Bad things happen because we go against God's will.

@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@bird I don't blame God. I get angry and pout, but at people, not God because it is the people that cause problems. How is believing not important to God? I don't follow your meaning there. If you have to believe in God before He can be a part of your life.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Feb 12
God is a part of everyone's life regardless of their beliefs. Do you really think God's ego would be hurt simply because someone didn't believe?? That is thinking like a child. If your child got angry and said they hated you, would it prevent you from taking action?? Of course not. Religion in their attempt to define God places restrictions and rules on God. They can talk, however reality is an entirely different story.
@vandana7 (101389)
• India
22 Feb 12
"but not all god are the same,, just like your blind god is different from the God of the bible"
Ok.. please clarify this..
If all gods are not same..and different gods are able to create guyz like Einstein, Yehudi Menuhin, Lata Mangeshkar, Buddha, Gandhi, etc., then all of them are equally powerful, right? You degrade your god when you try to belittle another person's god because by saying that their god is less, you say that lesser god managed to do that brilliantly, while yours didnt. Isn't it? My interpretation of your words..
Belief should come from heart and brain. If we keep pouring those words of scriptures in the ears, they will be like the torture that spies are subjected to. Agreed that it will keep people from sinning because people would be too devout. But the real god is beyond that. As we grow physically, mentally, and spiritually, we should move beyond the books, hymns, songs, bhajans, and try to understand him, and see his ways in everything, and try to establish peace within and around so that everybody can achieve the same equilibrium and be like a child that returns home from the school and is delighted to see the parent. My thoughts of course. You are the enlightened one, and I am the one who is always willing to learn.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
18 Feb 12
No I would never make the mistake of blaming God for anything that happens in my life. If you blame God HE will bring down the house on you I mean your problems will get worse then you ever had them. I thank God for everything even the little stuff. I know what ever happens in my life is my own fault and I am the one to blame not God!

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 12
your quote: If you blame God HE will bring down the house on you I mean your problems will get worse then you ever had them. my answer: This is not true. God is never vengeful or angry. Contrary to the belief religion teaches, God is beyond petty things such as wrath. God comes from a greater intellectual place.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@bird God has wrath. He sent plagues and famines. He caused the flood that destroyed people. I fear for your soul my friend.

@Fundamental_Charlie (106)
• United States
19 Feb 12
To even begin to look into this question one must understand the nature of God. Belief is CRITICAL when it comes to God, the entire Bible teaches that our entire salvation is by believing! That's what faith is.
God either causes, or allows things to happen. He may intervene directly, (not so common in this day and age), or He may choose to allow circumstances into our lives as a result of our own disobedience. There are consequences to our actions, (or in-actions), but to blame God for our misfortune is ridiculous because it violates His nature. God loves all His creation but uses the consequences of our bad choices to act as corrective discipline in our lives.
@Fundamental_Charlie (106)
• United States
19 Feb 12
But the point has to be that we are not ALL God's children. Only when we come to Christ in faith are we GIVEN THE RIGHT TO BE CALLED the children of God. We are the adopted co-heirs with Christ. Its a matter of wording this correctly.
God loves and instructs all of his creation unconditionally.
But we're not His, (adopted), children until we are saved.

@TheShadowXX (100)
• United States
18 Feb 12
No. In my opinion God doesn't follow our lives to every single detail, sometimes things just don't go your way and you have to deal with it. It may suck but that's life.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@bird God knows everything. You are right about doing things for ourselves, because God says He will help he who does help himself. You can't ask for God's help and just sit around on your rump waiting for Him to do everything for you.
@Fundamental_Charlie (106)
• United States
19 Feb 12
This is a common mistake! NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE will you find a teaching that says God helps those who help themselves, it's just not there.It's correct to say that we can't sit around and expect the blessings of God to just fall into our lap, but you need to frame your argument correctly and not with the misquotes from old wive's tales.

@soulist (2985)
• United States
20 Feb 12
I try not to blame God for the bad things that are happening in my life. I more of pray to him asking for guidance and strength to make it through. Though there are times when it is hard not to ask God why something is happening the way it is.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
21 Feb 12
Blaming God for all those misfortunes in life is unthinkable. In fact DESTINY is the one powerful force which plays havoc with each individual.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
No. Never...Despite all my troubles, misfortune, heartaches, disappointment, frustrations, sadness, loneliness, irritation, annoyance, anger, badluck...I never blame God..because I know He allowed it to happen to make me a better person...
@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
22 Feb 12
I do not blame God. I even do not believe God is malevolent and punish people. I believe God is just a light and true love. Perfect God who does not intervene in the human world so I really do not blame God at all and the cause of the action is from us and not from God. Even if we go to hell, the cause of our action is from us. We always have this hellish life and we really cannot rid of it and that is why we go to hell.
It depends on how they believe in the concept of God. If they believe in God who gives everything they need, and they are just too much dependent from God and then, something bad happen to them, we really cannot blame them if they blame God because they have different concept of God. I think it depends on people of how they perceive God. If they perceive God who is malevolent and punish people, of course, they become afraid and they would avoid a wrong possible action even in the smallest fraction so as God would not punish them. It depends on how they perceive God. As for me, I would never ever blame God but I blame people that cause me too much suffering. Not all people but some of them especially to the social stigma we had in the society.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Feb 12
Very good point. A person's view of God will determine if they blame God. Yes, I can see people dependent can get angry if things don't go their way. You are right especially about one thing. God is Unconditional Love. We have really nothing to fear from God in spite of what mankind teaches.
@erjnsimon (1191)
• Makati, Philippines
26 Feb 12
we should really not blame god. everything happened for a purpose. in my life i had a realization, everything has its payment, either it is good or bad. sometimes when a good news was sent to you, there will come a time that bad news will arrive to you and vice versa. just have faith. don't lost faith to god. sometimes believing and hoping makes all thing possible.