Would You Like To Be Famous?

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
February 18, 2012 3:00am CST
Maybe you would love to be the next Whitney Houston, Carrie Underwood, or Mariah Carey. Better yet, what about the next Tom Cruise, Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey, or Alex Rodriguez? I am sure growing up many of these people never expected to be who they are today, and even went thru a struggle getting there. But I know there are many of us here who have Hopes, and Dreams and many times we wonder where these are ever going to take us. We do what we can many times feeling quite discouraged and often giving up hope even when our next Big break could be just around the corner. Many times we try and try and try and then when nothing happens we often give up, instead of focusing on the positive until something better comes along. No Rome was not built in a day and neither did fame happen overnight for anyone such as these. But they all had dreams, and never gave up. They were determined to show themselves and the world they would make it and knew it was all worth while. So no matter what you are wanting in your life, or are destined to become it is worth it to never give up, and continue towards that goal. Saying some Prayers, and writing down what you really want can help you, and one day looking back you will know it was truly worth it all. ~~TINA~~
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30 responses
• United States
19 Feb 12
No, I wouldn't want to be famous. Fame often comes with many problems. I would, however, be willing to try out being wealthy. Actually, neither fame nor wealth is any sort of guarantee for happiness. Often, they bring headaches and heartache with them. I would rather be comfortably successful and happy and be surrounded by my friends and family.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Apr 12
Personally I can agree with you there... A lot of times when someone is Wealthy, that does not mean they are Happy, especially a lot of the people who become famous, because many times even in their hard times and emotions they always have to put up a front, and many times do things behind closed doors trying to hide and eventually for a lot of them, this is what ends up killing them. Yes money would be nice, but not if it came with a price.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
19 Feb 12
@wilsongoddard I am with you! Comfortable is good enough for me.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
19 Feb 12
Nope Tina, i dont wish to be famous. I wish to live as i am today because i have more faith on myself that i am famous more than some others and that is my utmost satisfaction. have a nice time.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Apr 12
Yes, that is so true. We are who we are today because of who we are, and nothing even money can stop this. Being Happy with oneself no matter what they have or don't have.
• United States
19 Feb 12
If I were going to be well known for something, I would want it to be for helping people who have no place to stay or who have nothing to eat or no one to care for them when they are babies or when they have become old. I'd rather be known for these types of things than for my talent.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Apr 12
Wow my friend, these are some Great things to want to be known for, and personally some Great reasons to want to be known. Personally this is something that a lot of people really tend to overlook and so most people out there with a lot less due to Economic set backs are often made Fun of, and left out in the cold. I know I have always thought a lot about this too if I could afford it.
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
19 Feb 12
No way, I would hate people invading my privacy. I wouldn't want all these people chasing me and wanting an autograph. I also would not want to go to the extent to hire body guards to protect me from those who hate and want to kill me. Celebrities are to into themselves and people act like they are so diffrent from normal regular people.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Apr 12
These are some good points, and I know I would hate to have to never be allowed privacy and a normal life without someone always recognizing me, and wanting to follow me or scrutinize me. I know that there are many out there who do try and keep a low profile who are making it Big, and personally I feel the Best thing would be just let them live their life, and let them be Happy.
• Canada
18 Feb 12
I don't think I want to became famous now. I might have had that dream in my teen years but now it doesn't matter at all to me since I am very happy and content with my life and what I have achieved so far. Being famous doesn't mean happiness and for me being happy in whatever situation you are matters the most. But I do agree that one should never give up on their dreams and aspirations in life. You need a lot of hard work, aspiration and prayers to achieve your goals and it is all worth it in the end
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 12
That is for sure... Being famous does not bring Happiness, just as lots of extra money does not either. Personally it is up to us to always be Happy with what we've got and work for what will keep us happy in the end.
• Australia
19 Feb 12
Hi and a happy day to all! I am not really sure of liking being famous. Part of my mind wants to be famous but another part of my mind says there's a lot of negative impact associated to it. I want to be famous but not like a celebrity star. I want it in business line, something about creation i make. It maybe craft arts or dress designs i make. The negative part about being famous is it will make you addicted to it. You always want your name mentioned in news and wants people recognized you whether you are walking in the park. The problem is, there is a tendency that you wont be famous forever. You will be famous for a duration of time but not forever because everything changes. People wants new things and no one can stop that. Being addicted to it will make you emotionally affected when you are not "famous" anymore. There are also lots of stalkers around, people wants to follow you around either for good or bad reasons. Enjoy your day.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Apr 12
Good thoughts here, and actually being Famous with a product that you have Created would be a Great thing. Especially if it started out something small and then turned out to where a lot of people would be wanting your product. You then I think would be able to keep quiet a little more like some of these type can, but yet at the same time be Proud of who you are, and what you have become.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Feb 12
No way I am too much of a private person for that, I would hate being watched all the time, and critisized all the time...
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Mar 12
That is for sure. Who would like to be watched and scrutinized all the time? Be seen somewhere and have your pictures taken and everyone assume more than what should really be there. I agree, it would not be Fun or worth it.
@derek_a (10873)
18 Feb 12
Hi Tina.. I have never wanted to be famous ever since a young child. I was always aware the way in which the rich and famous were hounded by the press and often nervous about having members of their families kidnapped for ransom. A comfortable life is all I have ever really aspired to, but I guess that I've learned that too much comfort isn't very character building. If I had to live my life all over again, I wouldn't have it any other way and that includes all the angst and pain that I've experienced. It has taught me a lot, but not lessons that can be taught to others because they come from my own personal experiences. The most profound lessons I have learned are spiritual and come from my Zen practice. _Derek
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Mar 12
So true... Who would want to have to worry about all the extra press all the time, and having to worry about being used to gain Fame, etc. When you look at what many of the more famous have had to go thru, it really makes me Glad for who I am as well. And yes, what we go thru in life, good or bad is there to help teach us who we really want to be, and we should press on from there.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Feb 12
I have never wanted to be famous. I would go crazy with all the nuts out there that want to intrude on the lives of celebrities and think they have a right to know everything about them. Famous people attract stalkers and it seriously impacts your quality of life. Privacy is very important to me. I'm not that insecure or needy that I need to be famous, the rewards are miniscule compared to what one has to give up!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Mar 12
So True... Who would want to have to worry about stalkers or people always trying to find them? Personally I do agree that my life is better just the way it is as well.
• United States
1 Apr 12
I have a very mixed opinion on this. On the one hand, I am a writer and the only way to ever make a real living as a writer is by becoming famous. On the other hand, I want to be just famous in my lifetime, maybe a generation to follow so if I have kids they can benefit from residual royalties for a while. But to have high school students loathe my books in 100 years because they are forced to dissect them, or to have college students completely over-analyze them, I think I'll pass on that level of fame.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Jun 12
True... I am not so sure I would ever want to be a Writer on that calliber as I would not want people to have to sit there and critique my books all the time or be made to read them. Yes I would love to write books about some of my experiences that might eventually be able to help someone, but to have someone be forced to read them is not up my alley.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
18 Feb 12
hai tina.. its good question and discussion in the saturday afternoon for me, i dont like be famous people like Mariah carey, Whitney Houston and so on.. Just be my self.. sometimes i really enjoy my life without many people know about my self..
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Feb 12
That for me my friend does make a lot of sense. Because people who are famous are always in the spotlight being scrutinized over, and when they fall people tend to judge too harshly and then they end up taking it too personal to where it could cut you life short with Depression like it did for Whitney as for others.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
18 Feb 12
Hi KrauseHome Great Post and Discusion... A healthy one after a while Right now, I am confused (dont worry, that is me, always in that state) - where and what do I start responding to! Okay, let me try right from the headline. No, I dont want to be famous. Never. Reasons? being famous brings in a lot of responsibility, and after bearing and doing those responsible things, where do I end up as? A statue maybe where birds can drop whatever they want? Or even having a street named after me? Nah, there is too much pollution and insecurity on the roads these days.... And a lot of such reasons. But... Yes, this is one word I love the most after my Coffee, Chocos and Chowmein(that is Noodles in India) - My now wanting to be famous has nothing to do with what I keep doing with 100% sincerity and a belief that whatever I will do is for my good and my better. I have a brain and a heart, both functioning in accordance - this helps me to be on the right tracks
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Mar 12
So true, who would want to have a Statue named after them, and then to have things done possibly to destroy it. Yes, sometimes it would be nice to have more than I have and always working towards that, but never to where I have to always have to watch everything that I do and say.
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Feb 12
Hell Yeah! I want to be an icon! I want my face printedin posters and T-shirts, I want kids to have an action figure toy of mine. I want women to desire me and make me the template of their ideal man. I want to tour around the world. I want the youth to follow the trends I will lead. I want teenagers to emulate me. I want to have a hero homecoming welcome if I visited my hometown. Yes I want fame and Fortune! I want to die relevant to history! I want to die with a legacy!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Well, for some of these reasons, Yes, it would be nice to be famous and have people want to be like me, and remember me well. Just sometimes those that are like this, do they really leave a legacy and past always worth everyone wanting to remember?
@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
18 Feb 12
Hello Tina, I never want to be famous as i know how difficult is for celebraties to go publically.I have seen many celebraties complaining that they can't go anywhere like a common person they are always sarrounded by media and their fans.I am Ok with what i am.No doubt it takes time and hard work for anyone to become famous.No one can become a celebrity in a day and those who become can't sustain it for longer.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Yes, it is important no matter who we are to feel important for who we are. Not having to always worry about others wanting to be like us, or following us around is a Good thing. Because if we are Happy within ourselves, nothing else should matter.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
26 Mar 12
i guess i am an odd person but i wouldn't want to be famous (although the money might be nice) but i would hate to be the centre of attention!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 May 12
Personally I think a lot of people can relate with you there. Unless I could be someone like Bill Gates who continuously is always able to continue to give back to everyone never forgetting where they came from, to be Famous would not be something I would enjoy having to worry about as well.
@sharay (2769)
• India
19 Feb 12
I have never wanted and never would want to be famous and lose my personal identity and my freedom and time and so on just to become famous...very much happy as who i am and what i am
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Apr 12
Yes, it is up to us to be Happy with who we are, and where we are at. Being famous for a lot of people brings along many problems and times of unhappiness for sure.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
18 Feb 12
I wouldn't want to be famous in the sense of the word that I would be in the public eye. I don't think I would do well there..lol. I am a privacy fanatic and I don't know if I could bear the cruelty that the paparazzi inflict on some of the stars. It makes me sad sometimes when I see the bad things are the things that are remembered the most and not so much the good things. Sometimes the good things outweigh the bad 10 to 1 in comparison and it still seems to be the one thing the limelight focuses on.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 12
Ain't that the Truth. Especially in the case of Whitney Houston. She in my eyes will always be the awesome singer, and entertainer, and it is a shame her life had to end the way it did. Too many times people Love to focus on the negative of something instead of looking past it, and many times that is what ends up destroying them.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Feb 12
Eh, I don't think that I would like to be famous. Seems like too much of a burden. Plus I have no marketable skills/talents. . (Not like most of the singers out there do, Ha ha). I would just like to be financially stable, travel a lot, but live a moderately small life. I think that's a pretty reasonable goal!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Apr 12
Great Goal to have, and something worth shooting for. I know for me being Financially stable is something I would Love, but would not want to end up famous because of it. For me there is nothing that they have I would really want if it had to mean having Security, and people having to watch out for me and my home all the time.
@much2say (57366)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Feb 12
NOPE! And why? I got a taste of what it must be like. I am/was an adult figure skater - and Asian at that. When I practiced skating at a public session, I can't tell you how many times people thought I was Kristi Yamaguchi or Michelle Kwan and some other "Asian" skaters (do we all really look alike?????). Kids would crowd around me (then I couldn't skate), people would ask questions, they'd applaud after everything I did, some even asked me for autographs if you can believe that!! So many starry eyed people came up to tell me this and that . . . and it's like hey folks, I am NOT who you think I am!!! One time even a judge at a regional competition came up to me to say how nice it was that I came see the skate. What??? Anyway, this went on for years - it was crazy. I'm not really a private person - I'm really pretty open . . . but I just could not handle all these strangers watching my every move after a while. So if I look back and have any regrets that I did not become "famous" - that's oooooooooooook by me! Hee hee.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 May 12
Well, it is Sad sometimes that people are revered so much when it comes to doing something big, and all the expectations that is put on them. I know personally especially since the lime light is always focused on them, people are in awe when they fail at something, and tend to make a Big spectacle of it. So in reality like you have said, being able to not have to live there, is so much better for sure.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
27 Feb 12
I think most people would want to be famous. I think that's why when you see those reality talent shows on TV, the line up for the people wanting to audition are endless. For some, maybe their dreams start with these auditions. And they hold on to it throughout their lives until they finally achieve it. As for me, I don't want the attention.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 May 12
Well, that could be part of the problem with many of these Talent type Reality TV shows, as it brings out people who know they cannot sing, or dance, etc. and then embarrass them on National TV, and sometimes let them get their moments of Fame. But many would also tell you their experiences may not always be worth it as well.