Do you really not care?
By Jennifer
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
Valdosta, Georgia
February 22, 2012 5:18pm CST
I have always had a problem with this. It has always gotten to me and yet I have no idea how to change it in myself.
I always care what other people think about me or what they say about me. I want to change this.
Do you really not care what others think or say about you? Do you just say that or do you feel it too? How do I stop caring what they think or say? Is there a trick to it?
For some it may come naturally not caring but for me it doesn't. =(
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40 responses
@Cranos (273)
• Belgium
22 Feb 12
I only care about the opinion of people important to me. If someone else has a problem with me I really don't mind. I think the "trick" if you want to call it that, is to be comfortable with yourself. If you have a good image of yourself you know that the bad things they're saying about you are wrong.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Feb 12
See thats what I'm talking about! I want to have your quality where you just don't care because you know who you are. I hope one day I will get to that point... I really am not sure where to even begin to get that...
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 12
Hmm. You make a very good point here. I have to really think about which insecurities I have. One I can think of is my teeth but right now I dont have the money to fix them. The others I will have to think about for a little while.
Thanks for your help!
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@Cranos (273)
• Belgium
23 Feb 12
I'm not sure how to get to that point. The only thing that really used to bother me was being overweight because it was true. I was really sensitive to those comments. I solved it by losing the weight and now I have high self esteem.
Maybe try to recognise your insecurities and deal with them?
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Feb 12
I really think we should all just care for ourselves first...not pay attention to other people's opinion because no one knows everything that is going on in our lives...I don't know if there is a trick...I am older now and wiser....I used to be like I just do my own thing.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Feb 12
Thank you Jill. Maybe as I grow I will be happy with me and not care so much about others thoughts. I have always struggled with this issue since I was a kid. It could be anyone or anywhere, if they look at me and then talk to someone else I would probably think their talking about me...Maybe it is an insecurity thing. I hope I can eventually get past it.
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@leoifrah (31)
• Hong Kong
24 Feb 12
As time goes by things will be much better. I have this problem too and things are not improving as fast as I expected but the improvement is there!I communicate more with my peers about it and constantly reading some self encouraging and motivating articles. I hope it helps :D
@maezee (41988)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I care but only to a very small extent.
. I guess having self-confidence and/or a strong sense of self helps. But I know people who care WAY TOO MUCH about what other people think - a lot of my girlfriends are SO concerned about what guys think about them especially. I mean REALLY badly. Like, if one of their boyfriends said "I like you better with short hair" or something like that, I feel like MY normal response would be "Well that's too bad because I like it LONG!" whereas some girls I know would, in a heartbeat, go change it to appease the other person. GAH. It gets so annoying after a while. We should do things for ourselves not for anyone else. Of course I think it's normal to care what people think of you - to a point. I don't know that there's anything you can do to change this - it's an inner problem I guess. It's funny that you feel that way, because I am about the opposite - I don't care enough - which is actually a big problem too.
Maybe once you figure out how you can care LESS about other's opinions of you, you can let me in on how I can care a little more.

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 12
I am not to that point where I will change my physical appearance for anyone or anything. If I like how I look than thats how I will look.
Its more emotional wise that gets me. Like I pride myself in being a great parent so if someone says something negative about my parenting then it would hurt me so bad because thats one thing I am good at. I work very hard being a good mother.
Thats too funny. I will let you know when I figure it out. I worry every day about possibly hurting someone or making someone upset with me. I have always cared more about others than myself. I think I was born this way...

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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I think a big help to you would be to take the advice of my mom. She used to tell us to "consider the source". If people criticize your parenting skills, then ask yourself what experience do they have themselves to judge me by? Do they have kids themselves? Is this person downing my parenting skills because they know that is my weak spot and just want to be cruel?
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
22 Feb 12
I suffer from that as well, and I wish I can give a good solid answer but well, there's really no easy way to answer these kinds of questions, us humans are complex beings and we all think and react differently. I am, however, learning how to stand up for myself and to no be afraid to speak my mind, and accept that not everyone is going to like me, but it's a real hard thing to accomplish. I'm still struggling in that area, but thanbkfully I'm getting better. Best wishes to you 

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Feb 12
That is a very tough thing for me to realize that not everyone will like me just because I am a good person. I hope with time I can get better with this like you have. I think I will have to first be happy with myself before I can get past this...
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@fransmonlot (411)
• United States
23 Feb 12
Hello lovngmybabies I too have the same Issue. I care way to much what people think about me. I'm constantly trying to please. I think it is true some people naturally don't care what people think. I don't think there's a special trick to learn Its base in part who you are. I think its also about learning how to manage it. If the person is concern and trying to help you then it would be good to care what they think. If there are no good intentsions just critisim then don't pay them no mind. After all If they are not participating in helping you why should they matter?

@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
23 Feb 12
@loving awww my friend, please don't ever think that caring about others is a flaw that needs to be gotten rid of. You are what God has made you and I think you are a beautiful person!
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 12
Isn't is a terrible thing to have? I hate it! I care too much to, I am right there with you. =(
I am the same way. I worry more about others than I do myself. I always try to make everyone happy even though I know that is not possible to please everyone but I still try.
Your absolutely right, if they are only doing me harm, why should I give them the satisfaction of caring what they think? I know that logically, it is just hard to convince my heart of this much!
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@fransmonlot (411)
• United States
24 Feb 12
Yeah sometimes it can be very stressful caring to much what people think. Then you lose a little of yourself as well. You are worry so much about what people think about you, you dont even know what you think of yourself anymore. A lot of things when you think logiclly do not make sense to the brain but it make sense to the heart. Thats why its hard to know should you follow your heart.
@vt689586 (584)
• India
23 Feb 12
yeah i don't care about what people's saying or thinking about me.because if i started caring about what are they talking about me then every time i thinking about that person and don't concentrate on my work.
and if you also wanted to enjoy your life then you will stops caring other person thought about you.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Feb 12
I think it is easier said than done. At least for me it is. I think everyone cares to a certain point.
I wish I knew how to just stop caring but I don't.
PQ: Your right. If someone attacked us personally it would pretty much bother anyone. It is not easy just to ignore things of that nature. It is hurtful. If you care at all, those things will bother you.
The teachers never believed anything I said either and I had something similar happen to me in school. There was a note written saying I was going to kill myself. They wanted my parents to lock me up in a mental institute! I never wrote it and thank God my parents believed me! If it was up to the school I would have been in an institute my whole life.
I agree. I want to be valued for what and who I am... Absolutely.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Feb 12
It's easy to say that, but it's not easy to put feelings aside. Let's say someone attacked your faith and called you holier than thou... or said you had no feelings, or suggests that you aren't a human being. Let's say the person really defamed your character and called you a vile name that would hurt your standing in the community, and suppose everyone heard of this and look at you like you are a criminal. It's hard to just ignore that.
I was a kid in high school and some bullies decided to make my life miserable. They made up this note that they said was from me. The note said I was going to kill one of the students. I didn't write that and knew nothing of it, yet the teacher never believed me. She let me have the benefit of the doubt, but she never believed me. It was really hard. I ended up quitting high school because of the bullies who made my life hell.
To this day I care about what people think about me. I want to be valued for the person I am.. nothing more and nothing less. To say I don't care would be an understatement and a lie.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I really don't care what others think. How did I get to this place? As a child when I was teased I just ignored it. I Never would do anything I didn't want to do save a project for school here and there! But not being in the " in crowd" made me fee to be me. Now I have friends who like the real me. You are a great person , I like you . Just live your life and be happy.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Feb 12
It isn't just me, Your Babies and Hubby love you! Anyone else is extra. If you can raise your kids so they can say And Show their love for you , you have done it right! I Know you are doing it right. 

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
I knew you would say that! =)
Oh goodness, I was picked on so badly when I was a kid and I hated every single second of school my whole life. It broke my heart every day.
I never really wanted to be in the "popular crowd" either. I had no desire because I was too sweet for it. They would not let me in with them because I befriended everyone in school to make people feel better.
Even though I am not in school anymore, I still try to make everyone else happy. Which sometimes I like about myself and sometimes not so much...
Thank you. I'm glad someone thinks I am a great person! 

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@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Feb 12
I care what my family and close circle of friends think. Rather than that I REALLY don't care what others think. In their twisted minds they can think whatever they like. I don't answer to them. How do you stop caring what they think or say? Strengthen your self-esteem and self-respect. Then they can't touch you.
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@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Feb 12
So someone in your family is who you don't want to care about? Lots of books about self esteem. I guess what i meant by that is that if you have these two characteristics it helps you to be stronger and not vulnerable.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
What if someone in your family is the one you don't want to care about what they say or think?
I definitely need more self esteem and confidence in myself... I guess it would help if I had more uplifting people surrounding me...
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
23 Feb 12
I am not totally apathetic..but i can ignore it off. I mean, if we keep on thinking what other people think of us - we will never be ourselves. So as much as possible i try to ignore it.
how do you do it? well think of things that are good in you and if people does not like it. then it is their problem not yours. It is just like dressing up and if you feel like using cordoroy or some unfashionable things then do it if it makes you happy right?
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 12
I have been trying hard to ignore it but its difficult for me.
You are absolutely right. If someone does not like me for me than I really don't need to worry about what they think. I have got to completely get to this point.
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@donmafia44 (35)
• Jamaica
22 Feb 12
It is only natural for you as a human to care about what other people have to say about u or what they think about u....I had a bad experience once I was in a relationship with a girl that got around a lot and eventually I found out...people laughed at me called me a idiot and this continued for first I was really hurt emotionall abt this bt after a few weeks I just didn't care what people had to say hell I dnt live my life to please people I live to please myself....all I can say is that dnt let what people think or say about u get u down
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@donmafia44 (35)
• Jamaica
23 Feb 12
Try and surround urself with positive people maybe that will help...and try ur best to build ur self confidence that will bring u closer to not caring what people have to say...and remember if u do good or bad people will always find something to talk about that's just how some of them are
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 12
Yeah I wish I could change it though because it doesn't hurt anyone except myself! =(
That was mean of everyone to be so hard on you. I'm sorry. I hope to eventually not care about what others say or think about me. I hope it comes and I can just ignore people that say things negatively towards me...
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@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
23 Feb 12
I wish it would be easy not to care about they think of you. It would affect me of course but I won't take it seriously. Just be yourself and enjoy life as long as you are not hurting others by doing so. Let them be until they get tired of saying this or that about you. Don't let them bowl you over 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 12
I wish this was easier too! Trust me, I am tired of being hurt all the time.
I am trying to learn to ignore things more but it is a tough task. At least for me it is. I have been not giving satisfaction to people as much...
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@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
24 Feb 12
I am a lot like you. I am always concerned and worried about what people say about me or think about me. I am very self conscious and critical of myself. I try too hard. I worry about things that I have said or not said to people. I apologize unnecessarily and explain myself excessively.
It is very stressful. I wish that i could relax more. In many of these situations, the other person is often someone who is not even close to me or someone who is not very important to me.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
I'm sorry. I hate being the way I am sometimes so when someone else is like me I just have to say I am sorry. =(
I am the same way. It is terrible sometimes, isn't it? It makes me miserable! Oh my goodness, you are just like me! We must be long lost twins or something, LOL. You sound EXACTLY like me...
It is stressful and it makes my marriage tough because my husband always tells me I can never just loosen up and have fun. When we go on a date night, I will cut it short because my parents are watching our children and I don't want them mad that we took too long. It is just everything I do it with. I hate it sometimes!! I wish I could just turn it off for an entire day!!
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@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
24 Feb 12
As soon as I read your discussion, I knew that we had a lot in common. I am sorry that I have this problem. It has been hard on me. It has affected my sleep. Sometimes I have had digestive problems.
I guess I have learned to live with it but maybe you could get some counseling to find out why you worry too much about what people think about you. Maybe it would help you understand the problem and cope with it better.
@vishu252 (102)
• India
23 Feb 12
Hey Buddy I would only say if those people matters to you then only bother or else there is no point thinking about them in the end you ll waste your time that's all. If you really care about their opinion then just ask then or talk to them. Unless you wont talk how they will get to know right ???
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Feb 12
Yeah I should stop caring so much about what others think. Unless it is someone I care about...
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
23 Feb 12
I don't think there is a way to stop caring what people think or say about us. It is a fact of life that everybody, including us, do have an opinion on everything. We don't have control over what others think or say. I guess almost all of us wouldn't mind if the opinions and comments are favorable to us. It is a different story if they are not.
As it is almost unavoidable that negative comments on us will surely happen, we can take it positively - we make good use of the "bad" comments/opinions to improve us. The comment may not be nice but it may be the truth. If we don't like it, we change! If we don't change, comments like that will always be there. If the comment is not the truth, if the people who say it is close to us, we should clarify it. Other not so close ones we just ignore it.
I believe self-confidence is a strong factor to determine the degree of effects what others comments and opinions on us. We won't feel secured if we feel we are inadequate. So one way to build up our self-confidence is to improve ourselves. Personality is also a factor but it is more difficult to change unless the person can think deeply and be more open-minded.
Smile more. Don't get angry. Always accept all comments as if they are real. Think about it. Forget it. Change it. Improve it. Talk about it. After awhile, we will feel more peaceful and calmer. We will find lesser and lesser of the negative comments if it is not the truth. But if what they say is true, and we can't change the fact, then we just have to accept it. Life is not perfect.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
23 Feb 12
This shows that you are a very sensitive person and that other peoples opinion matters to you very much.In one way it is good because it gives you an opportunity to correct yourself whenever required but on the otherhand you can also get hurt and your selfconfidence could get undermined and you could get an inferiority complex.Maybe this is part of your nature which you are finding hard to resolve.In my case i have never bothered about what others think of me nor am i sensitive,therefore i never get affected or hurt.If i do something then i take full responsibility for my actions.If what i have done is a mistake then i take it in my stride and see that i do not repeat it.You can say that i am a 'natural'.If you believe in God then surrender to Him wholeheartedly and pray to Him daily and ask Him to change you for the better.Your problem is of the mind and there is nothing on earth that God cannot do,you could get transformed, believe me.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
I am extremely sensitive and sometimes I hate that about myself. =(
I do get hurt a lot unfortunately. I have been sensitive all of my life and it makes things difficult for me.
I absolutely believe in God and my faith is what keeps me so loving and caring even though I get hurt all the time. I know even though it hurts now God is proud of me for being the loving person I am... =)
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
23 Feb 12
Hi there!
Well I can't say that I really don't care on what other people have to say about me specially that I know that there are really some people around who are watching, and I also know that what I am doing will affect my husband. Before I use to worry about it that I can't act the way I really am, but as time pass by, I just learn how to deal with people around me and still be the real me. I learn that as long as I am not doing anything wrong to other people and I am just minding my own life and business, I have nothing to worry about.
I know that I can't please everybody, but atleast I know to myself that I have done my best to be in good terms with everyone. Now, if after all our efforts, other people still say not so good things about us, then its not our problem anymore. At least our conscience is clear and we are living at peace.
Just be confident, be natural and just do what you think is right and let people think hat they want to think, we can't control other people anyway.

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
I try very hard to please everyone so no one is upset with me but that never works so I do not know why I even bother.
Thats true if they still don't like us then we really should not care. Yeah I know we cannot control how others feel or think. I just need to get more confidence.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I could have sworn I already answered this, but I was wrong. Anyways, I can say all I want that I don't care what others think of me. And I feel like when I'm talking that I don't, but when something goes on or I'm in a situation it turns around and I'm upset or hurt or whatever so apparently I do care or I wouldn't get upset in the first place.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
I understand. I care too! I hate that I do at times. Especially when the person knows their upsetting me. =( Like when its family. I wish I could just stop caring...
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I am very logical. Its why things don't affect me as much when they are said about me. It has to be something really bad to affect me and I mean really bad. Otherwise I am very logically when it comes to things such as someone saying bad things about me. I can't bring myself to actually care. Its bad I guess in a sense, but I can't.
What I did was basically stop looking at things emotionally and more logically as I said. So for example if someone stated I was nothing more than a "loose woman with no morals" and so on.
I usually just look at them and go along my way. People who need to judge and control, in my opinion, feel like something is missing or the equivalent in their lives.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
I wish I could be more logical then. I know it is easier said then done though.
I feel like you are so strong and you have it all together. I wish I could feel that way about myself.
I agree with that. If someone is saying something bad about me most likely they feel worse about themselves...
Thank you. =) You have helped me more than once and I appreciate it so much!
@victorkrish (1614)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 12
Well, i just wanna say that we must care what other people said sometime. It is can take as concern on us, or just for a words only. Depends, sometime i don't bother what other thought or said about me. Talking bad on other people is commonly we seeing everyday and just try to avoid it.

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 12
Yeah its best to not worry what others think or say.
People do talk about others every day.
@mariab2000 (740)
• Canada
23 Feb 12
It really matters to me also what others think of me or say about me but only those people that are close to me. I don't care what the rest of the world says or feels, they are not important enough in my life for their opinion to matter at all. I am very happy with the way I am and with my self-image that what others say doesn't really have alot of effect on me. As for the people that matter in my life and are close to me, they won't say anything to hurt me but say/do what they think will be in my best interest so I don't mind them giving me adive or saying something because I wknow that they care about me and that is why they say/do it.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Feb 12
See, it doesn't matter if they are close to me or not. For some reason I still care. I have no idea why. I wish I could change it.
I wish that I only cared what people close to me thought but sadly that is not the case for me.