What does it say about a Religion
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
March 1, 2012 10:45pm CST
With the recent problems in Afghanistan with the burning of the Quran and the reaction of the people it make me wonder what are these people thinking. A member of the Clergy tells you to kill someone and you do it. The US burns Qurans that were defaced by radical Muslims and nothing is said about defacing the book just our burning it. A person makes a joke about Muhammad and the Clergy order his death. Someone speaks out against the Muslim faith and they are threatened. The Rebels in Iraq took over a Mosque and used it as a fort (against Muslim teachings i beleive) and when the US Troops move to prevent the rebels form reinforcing then but not firing at the building but we are the ones blamed. Now it is acceptable to kill American Soldiers because of something that was doen that they had no control over.
I have not heard the leaders of the Muslim Community here or overseas say anything about this or to say it is wrong. I have heard some people say that if they say anything against the religion they could be killed.
Then we are told this is a peaceful religion.
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6 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
2 Mar 12
Politicians say that because it's politically wise.
The religious Muslims say that because in theory, if everyone was in complete submission to Islam, then there would be peace... or so they say.
Personally I've seen far too many accounts of so-called peacefully submitted Muslims slaughtering each other, to believe that.
What I hate more than anything, is there are so many really wonderful, just awesome people, stuck in this hate filled faith. It makes me very sad.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Mar 12
"Personally I've seen far too many accounts of so-called peacefully submitted Muslims slaughtering each other, to believe that."
Muslims aren't doing anything that Christians haven't done.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 Mar 12
So then lets all march into the Muslims neighborhoods and burn their homes. They do so why not us. I don't think so. Christianity has grown and changed but is seems that some want to have the religious leaders run the government and make the laws as they go along and force everyone to accept that.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
2 Mar 12
I disagree with both of you.
People who have called themselves 'christian' have done many things.
However, unlike Muslims, the Bible does not support the things Christians have done.
When a Muslim goes around slaughtering non-believers, they are actually following the stated beliefs in the Qu'ran. It says to go kill infidels. I can show you my copy of the Qu'ran, and point out the verses which say this.
Christians on the other hand, have no excuse for some of the things done in the past. They are explicitly not following the commands of the Bible.
Take John 18:36, for example which says
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
The point being we shouldn't fight.
And there are dozens of others about turning the other cheek, about being kind to those who are against us, and more.
The problem is, most of those who did horrible things in the name of Christianity... only did it in the name of Christianity. They were not real Christians, and I'll give you one simple example. Catholicism.
Did you know that the Bible expressly forbids someone taking the place of being called Father? Pope. It means father.
Matthew 23:9
Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
So here, Jesus himself is giving a command to not call anyone on earth Father, because our one and only father is in Heaven.
So let me ask you, is the Pope, which has assumed the title Father (and all the Catholic priests are called father too), which is directly forbidden by the Christ.... are they all Christians?
Are you a Vegetarian if you eat meat?
Answer: No.
So all those things done by Catholics in the past, where they done by Bible believing Christians?
Answer.... No.
Christianity hasn't changed at all. Only the people who claimed to practice Christianity have changed.

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
That's how people teach about their religion, my friend. They don't have anything to learn about the fearing of God, to kill someone else even do they say that Islam, is not that kind of people.
But what we shown all over the region, was anger which is not suitable for people claiming they are following what allah command to them. I don't understand also why those clerics did not teach to their followers that killing and do harm to fellow is against the law of Allah and the rule of Islam...
When someone burn the bible we the so called Christian, did not do anything to harm others because we for a fact that harming someone is against the will of God, and because they teach us not to harm others...
I don't really understand how those preachers of Islam, tough to their followers? Here in our country, those Imam and other preachers insist that those killing activities is against Islam, but why they are not suppress them to do such acts but violating their own rule?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Mar 12
There is a difference between terrorist operations and the operations of the the defense of the homeland and self .
the first like bombing of people in the Arab and foreign countries and was rejected because it will lead to the killing of innocent people and terrorize innocent people .
The second (for example: what is happening in Palestine) and this should have the conditions to be legitimate :
- There should be no other way for self-defense among others.
- Ensure that the interests of Muslims from behind.
- To have an impact and lead to the result.
Islam is not religion that portrayed the West as a religion of terror and destruction at the time, that how much violence and killing in the Bible too big so he orders the killing of women and children, the elderly and the burning off of trees and planting, is not it? ,
Islam commands us to not only fighting the God who attack us and Muhammad was ordering soldiers in wars, do not kill child or a woman or a sheikh or take off the trees or burn crops, only the soldiers who fight fighting them

@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
2 Mar 12
I am a person who was baptized as a Catholic and in my heart I know I am a Christian, though I am not perfect yet, and I am sinner. I am a Christian who have lied all my life in a community that has many Muslims and even have befriended some. I do not hate the religion itself, only those that use the religion as an excuse for their stupidity. I hate those who preach without great knowledge of what they talk and do. I love being Christian because I know it is a religion of love and those who show otherwise for very simple reasons, I only pray for their enlightenment. I want to state here what I have experienced and observed in my community and society that I live within. Christians and Muslims have followers who have abused and too advantage on people in the name of their religion. In my opinion, I have noticed that the worst kind of follower are those that are uneducated or ill-educated. I have heard ridiculous claims of knowledge where in they just read one passage or line from the book to explain whatever godlessness they have done. Seriously, f I wanted to kill someone or commit a crime in the name of religion, I believe it's very easy. I do it and read a line in the Bible that explains it, but that is not how it should work. Religion should be constant but revolutionary with regards to what the condition of the present is. I wish I could explain this any better but I am just not well-equipped to do so. I just believe that it is hard to protect your religion but harder to really get to know it.
@gypsygoth (244)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
i think this is a misuse of religion -- having to kill people who oppose a certain religion is already because the religious leaders are manipulating the followers otherwise they will tell them they are not worthy for their God. There are lot's of wars that started because of religious conflicts dating back from centuries ago like the crusade and other battles claiming that "our religion/god is better than yours". There is such a thing as separation of Church and state in some countries but i don't think that applies anymore since the church is actually to nosy about the state's affairs saying some acts are immoral and not in accordance to their laws. that's just the sad reality i guess.
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
2 Mar 12
In my perspective, religion is always good... weather is Judaism, Christian, Islam, Hinduism, Budhism, if they don't involved in politics then they're all good people. I believe that all war caused by politics and people who were hunger for power. The problem is that politician is like chameleon, they blend with their surrounding. In a religious community, they will use religion to gather followers, and in fact based society, they use false fact to justify their action.
I don't think Christian ever teach that we should burn other people's holy book, so what that Minister wanted to do is clearly motivated by politics. I don't know much about history but i believe that the crusade is also motivated by politics.If Moslem people should kill infidel, then there won't be any Jews left in Iran, but the fact Jews in Iran is the largest Jews community in the whole middle east. Why do terrorists blow themself up in a market full of moslem people? it's clearly not religion teaching, it's politically motivated.
I think the problem with religious people is not their religion, but because religion is about obedience, so when their leader (which motivated by politics) say something, they easily fooled. But in a society based on fact, people can be fooled too if the leader can provide a false fact.
bottom line.. i hate politics...
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
2 Mar 12
The defect is not in Islam but are in you and in your policies .Can I ask you: Why do U.S. forces in Afghanistan or in Iraq? Are not the two countries were independent and sovereign state and became occupied by U.S. forces? And not try to convince me it's gone for the elimination of Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein? it went just to control the sources of oil, it is not or be near , United States does not matter that the was eliminated in full on the Muslims, unless they conflict with the interests of America, Islam is a religion of peace in spite of the hate ..Before we talk about Islam or violence Refer to your Bible, it orders the killing of the elderly, children and women ... Islam at least did not order that but during the war was the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him say to the veterans : does not kill children or the elderly or women .. In the end ask you a question: why you hate Islam? Why are you afraid of it, although it to save you from Hell .
Please use your minds which God Almighty gave it to you , and be fair