Falling in love cost her $20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars)

Trinidad And Tobago
March 11, 2012 8:38pm CST
Hmmm, the things some of we women ( and men) do for love. I've never been asked to take out a loan for a man, but if I was my answer would be a resounding NO. I hold the view that if a GROWN man is working and asking me for money on the regular and furthermore asking me to take out a loan, something ain't right. Anyway I digress, a friend of mine relayed a story about a co-worker of his who developed a recent drinking problem. Why??? She got herself involved in an affair with a co-worker. I guess some allowances can be made there seeing as the company does not have a policy against work related romances, but here's where it gets bad. Brother man asked Miss Lady to take out a $20,000.00 loan for him from her credit union and guess what she did??? Yep, you guessed it. Well,brother man broke it off with her soon after, and has left her dangling in the wind,with no intention of paying her back. She went to court, to get him to pay what he owes but no dice. It got so bad his department manager got involved in the bacchanal. When my friend asked him (and my friend is a guy) how he could be such a punk to do that, this was the guy's response: "No judge and no court could force me to pay back that money. I will just tell the judge meh woman give meh some money and we break up soon after, and now she bawling is a loan. A fool and his money are soon parted." And at that point goes away laughing. I don't know about you, but when I heard that story, I felt an instant pain in my chest. She didn't lose $2.00 or $20.00 or $200.00 or even $2,000.00 she lost $20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars),her pride and possibly her sobriety. The things we do all in the name of love...sigh
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19 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
12 Mar 12
I feel pity for this woman. It just shows how gullible sometimes woman can turn to be especially when it comes to love. I just cannot imagine taking a loan of that much not even for my husband or family members unless there is a problem. Poor lady, most probably she will not get back her money.
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
So so true, we women I don't know what to say about us when it comes to matters of the heart nah,it somehow clouds our judgement.
@Mashnn (4501)
13 Mar 12
This is exactly what happened to his woman. She just could not think right and now she will have to live paying the debt.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Mar 12
I am wondering if your friend could testify to what the man said for the woman's sake? It sounds to me, and well it sounded to me before, that this was planned from the get go. She was done wrong, and while she should not have taken out a loan of that calibur, she should not be made to suffer for it either. I realize the bank can't really do much about it, but I am hoping that the court will see what happened and have pity on her and make the man pay. He needs to learn that he can't do that to anyone, and it makes me wonder if he's done this to people before as well.
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
Yes it indeed sounds planned. Not quite sure if my friend could give testimony but it would've been nice. No one deserves that kind of treatment no matter how gullible she may have been
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Beign the poor person i am i would not even consider loaning anyone even $200 dollars. because I would know if something happened i couldn't pay it back. I feel sorry for that lady but guess she learned a valuable expensive lesson.
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
A valuable lesson indeed, dollars and SENSE ( pun intended ) valuable
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
I'm not crazy to do that.Is the guy really that important for me to invest money on him.Hell,I'm more important in my life than he is.He doesn't deserve to be on a pedestal.I do.Sorry if this sounds selfish but a lot of people tend to put others first in their lives & forget about themselves.Take care of yourself first before you take care of others.
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
Such a valuable lesson that one needs to learn, we need to take care of ourselves first, and sweetheart it's not selfish it's self preservation. Truth is if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of anybody.
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
12 Mar 12
i don't care how much in love i'm with someone, i will never borrow money for them... if i can afford it, maybe i lend it to them, but if i don't have it, i wouldn't even think about borrowing it... what was she thinking... seeing the number alone make me worried can i return them on time or not...
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
You are so correct the amount alone that he was asking for should've set of an alarm in her brain
@magester1 (148)
• Argentina
12 Mar 12
If you're fool enough to do that, then you deserve it. Sure, I feel kind of bad for that woman, but no one forced her to take that loan, she should have been a little wiser.
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
True that, she should've known better, but I can't help but feel sorry for her. I tell you when my friend relayed the story I felt instant pain, and it wasn't me in her shoes....and I still can't get over the amount
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
12 Mar 12
i'm sorry to say... but the lady is either too naive, silly, kind or has too much money to be able to get a loan for $20,000 for the person that she loves... i will never do that unless if it is for my family members like my parents, siblings or relatives... and to think that the man can actually be so arrogant and deny everything... i feel sorry for the lady but at the same time i feel that she deserves it as she is not thinking properly before getting the loan for the man... as for the man, i hope that he will get the karma that he deserves for doing that to an innocent person... take care and have a nice day...
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Mar 12
Yes, it will come to bite him in his @ss some day, when he leasts expects it, and I think she was all the above naive,silly kind and had too much money. You have a great day too my dear.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
12 Mar 12
I would never take out a loan for anyone or even sign for another person, not even family I am afraid as I have seen too much. I watch Judge Judy sometimes and I am astounded at how many people are given loans and they say it was a gift, if someone is nice enought to get you out of trouble I think even if they don't say it is a loan the decent person would automatically want to pay it back, some people are real takers.
• Trinidad And Tobago
12 Mar 12
My dear dats the same thing I said "Judge Judy". Don't people watch that show enough to know you don't do some fool thing like that??? For crying out loud. But you said it best some people are real takers..sigh
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
I'm not crazy to do that.Is the guy really that important for me to invest money on him.Hell,I'm more important in my life than he is.He doesn't deserve to be on a pedestal.I do.Sorry if this sounds selfish but a lot of people tend to put others first in their lives & forget about themselves.Take care of yourself first before you take care of others.
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
I'm not crazy to do that.Is the guy really that important for me to invest money on him.Hell,I'm more important in my life than he is.He doesn't deserve to be on a pedestal.I do.Sorry if this sounds selfish but a lot of people tend to put others first in their lives & forget about themselves.Take care of yourself first before you take care of others.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Love makes a person do really dumb things! You say love can make a person blind! Case in point! Miss Lady was so blind Brother man took her for a ride and he probaly had this all planned out! What a jerk! I would never take a loan out for a person! Even for a person I love! That will never happen!
@neonmay25 (208)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
We lose all our reasoning when it comes to love. When others see that in us, it's a good chance for them to take advantage of it. The so called love lured us, and we do some stuffs we thought we'll never do. I am a hard woman, and I kept saying to others, you shouldn't do that and this, but I myself is a victim to it. Nevertheless, I have learned some lessons just don't fall of it over and over again. Right now when I remember those times I feel so stupid but what's gone is gone, crying over spilled milk will never help. Just get back on track, I hope this woman could recover that loss. Thank you for posting, success125!
• United States
13 Mar 12
I'm not a violent person but, one way or another he'd GIVE ME SOME O MY MONEY BACK! (karma!) is around the corner, what goes around comes around. what kinda hold did he put on her? smile!........ I wouldn't have did it.
• United States
24 Apr 12
It reminds me of J Lo and her latest love interest. She gives him expensive bling- blings and blang-blangs and later if they break up, she will regret and count what she spent on him and story will go.. blah..blah..blah..
• United States
12 Mar 12
I am sorry that your friend learned her lesson the hard way and that the court was not on her side. I think she should have made him sign a contract staying that he would pay the loan back by a certin amount of time. I hope she will be more careful next time when dating someone.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Mar 12
I feel so sorry for her. Maybe she was a little foolish for doing that and trusting him but who hasn't done something stupid for love??? Not to that extent of course but we all have in one way or another. Therefore I feel bad for her. She was blinded by love and he was a jerk for taking advantage of her! I do believe in karma though and he will get what he deserves!! And the fact he said those things and laughed about it, shows his true character for sure. Some people can be very convincing though and we just do not see it or we don't want to see it...Either way it is unfair that she's left going through this.
12 Mar 12
yes, what she lost is not only a lot of money, but also her kindheart. My father often reminds me that I should not lost my head when falling in love.
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
He is an evil man for breaking a woman's heart like that. It is a double insult, she not only lost love but also money. Yes, I do think there is no way she can make the guy pay. And a fool thing to do out of love. But all has been done, so I think the girl have no choice but to start picking up the pieces and move on with life. Let's just hope that the guy will get what he deserves in time and for the girl to learn her lesson in this.
• United States
12 Mar 12
Wow...it all seems very silly doesn't it. We can hope that women learned a big life lesson from all that. I believe...and I've taught my children...that if they're in a relationship with someone who wants money from them they should see a... BIG RED FLAG. There is something seriously wrong with that scenario. It will probably be difficult for that woman to trust again after being seriously burned. Sometime the feeling of being in love can have people behaving like their brain is in the OFF position.