Do You Use Twitter A Lot? I Prefer It To Facebook.

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
March 14, 2012 9:22am CST
I use Twitter quite a lot and I don't actually have a Facebook account. In fact, the first I knew of Whitney Houston's death was on Twitter. Obviously, I thought it was some sick joke at first, but, unfortunately it wasn't. However, because it's limited to (I think) 140 characters, it's hard for "idiots" to get a look in due to the fact you have to have a bit of intelligence in order to use it. I have a feeling it's monitored too, which I don't mind at all. Today I needed cheering up and a tweet from The Born Free Foundation provided the answer. I love tales of animal rescue, especially when they are successful like this one has proved to be. I do follow many animal welfare organisations and Twitter is a great tool for getting messages across in a powerful way. I love it! Enjoy the video![tt_news]=991&cHash=6b0a508271
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21 responses
15 Mar 12
I love Twitter. I'm seriously addicted to it. I use Facebook, too, but not nearly as much as I used Twitter. Facebook I use mainly to keep up with "real life" friends and family, and Twitter is my method of making new friends and talking to people who share similar interests. I'm always on there... When I'm out, I'm constantly checking Twitter on my phone. I definitely prefer it to Facebook.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
I'm not addicted but I probably would be if I had a phone. Amazingly, I don't have one but that's purely due to the fact I don't need one. I don't miss it either. If I was still using Facebook (which I don't anymore) I'm sure I would prefer using Twitter too. It can be addicting if I let it.. you're right and I'm amazed how it's grown!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
Well, the main celebrities I follow are Ricky Gervais, Joan Collins and Eddie Izzard. Ricky Gervais only gets involved in arguments so I never actually disagree with him so he leaves me alone. Haha! I don't follow Lady Gaga but I'm sure she'll answer a few tweets, otherwise what's the point?
• United Kingdom
15 Mar 12
That's what I am afraid of! I have been tempted but worry I'd get addicted and never actually DO anything else throughout the day. I have voyeured on it, mainly celebs. Apparently Lady Gaga has 20 million followers but would she ever tweet me back if I followed? (See I know some of the terms)
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
15 Mar 12
Well, I have a FaceBook account and a Twitter account as well. I hardly go on FaceBook anymore. I do from time to time go on Twitter. I do like Twitter better because i is set up the way it is. I like the quick post or response. And I like following certain people. And it seems to me that you find out more information from Twitter then FaceBook like you said.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
Twitter is a great tool to get things "out there" such as petitions and the like. I could spend all day signing things but I don't..honest!
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
23 Mar 12
But, I now spend more time here at MyLot and that wonderful Social Network that you are now a part of.
@youless (112898)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Mar 12
We have a similar Twitter website here and it is called Weibo. I am active in it since I like to share my status with my friends by Weibo. I am not very interested in Facebook since I don't have many real friends there. I have a Twitter account but I found that it is too difficult for me to share my status in 140 English words. Besides, I also don't have real friends in Twitter. Sometimes I am using Twitter just to do some online earning tasks. I love China
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Mar 12
Thanks for letting us know about Weibo. I'm glad you like it so much.
• India
19 Mar 12
I have both twitter and facebook accounts though I only use facebook regularly .My friends are on facebook and I find twitter a bit boring and on facebook you have memes I just love them.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
19 Mar 12
Good for you!
• China
15 Mar 12
I have had neither Twitter nor Facebook account.I don't have too much time on my hands to browse through other websits and grant that I have,I may shrink back at the fact that it is limited to 140 characters and must have a bit of intelligence.Happy birthday to you!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
Shush, it's not my birthday yet..and you need to keep it quiet as we're not allowed to, you know lol.
• China
16 Mar 12
Sorry! I got it wrong.I don't know if "keep it quiet" is a custom there.Excuse my liberties.
@Orson_Kart (7097)
• United Kingdom
15 Mar 12
I have often fancied joining twitter but as there are only 140 characters allowed, I am sure the full quota has been taken up, and there isn't room for little old me?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
140 characters in one go. You can tweet many times but each time you're limited to 140 characters. Apparently, there are programs that can increase this quota but I don't see many adopting it to be honest. It makes a nice change limiting myself 'cos I don't do that on MyLot - you've probably noticed!
• United Kingdom
15 Mar 12
Oh, you don't mean characters like Donald Duck and Goofy? I checked my 1st response to you and even that is way over 140, so how on earth do you manage? Do you have to keep re-editing your text? It must be very frustrating.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
14 Mar 12
i seldom go on facebook and even though i have a twitter account, i never go on it! i would rather stay here on mylot and make money and pintrest is my new hobby.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
I suppose I go on Twitter for information as it's on my homepage. Besides following people and certain organisations I also follow the news on there too..anything "breaking" tends to come through Twitter and I only follow legitimate news channels for that.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Mar 12
hi janey I have been tempted to join twitter as I am prettysick of Facebook too many apps and people there wanting me to play twenty various games. I cannot play games and make enough earnings both on my lot so chose mylot as I need it to pay my internet bill monthly and Facebook does not help in that respect.that was a heart warming video so thanks for sharing it hugs from hatley
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
18 Mar 12
You would love Twitter as I reckon you would be more in control of who you follow as you make the choice. With me I'm careful not to follow anyone or anything I'm unfamiliar with. There are no adverts on there so that's unlike Facebook for a start. Glad you liked the Born Free video..nice song too.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
15 Mar 12
I don't have a face book account either and I don't know how to use twitter. I have a feeling that using it would probably be time excessive. I still rely on newspapers and television to get my news for the most part.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
I've only started using Twitter more in the last couple of months or so, mainly due to the fact I can have it on my homepage, therefore the latest tweets appear on there from the people or organisations I follow. I do try to limit my time on it as I don't want to become addicted!
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
15 Mar 12
Hi Janey Thanks for sharing the great video. I am a member of the BFO and support everything they do. I originally got interested in them because of their name. The movie "Born Free" is one of my all time most favorite movies. If you have not seen it, do yourself a huge favor and get a copy of it and watch. It is such a beautiful story and even though I have watched it at least 100 times, I still cry as if it were the first time. There is a sequel to it, "Living Free" which is also very good but not quite as good as "Born Free" As a matter of fact, I named my cat Elsa, after the star of the movie! I also, every single morning, watch the Animal Planet's show " The Big Cat Diary" If you don't have that over there, it is a show that follows the writers of the book TBCD who follow prides of Lions as well as Leopards, and Cheetahs who are the long legged spotted cats of Africa who are the swiftest mammal that run up to 70mph when running down game. Really cool show.. ANYWAY...back to your post...Yes, I do use and like Twitter better than Facebook. I never until just recently used Twitter, basically cause I really didn't know how to use it. I got a copy from a friend of "Twitter for Dummies" and now I have a much better understanding of the site. I do more reading than "tweeting" there and I always find something amusing to occupy myself. I haven't used it as a sounding board for an issue but glad to know its a good place to voice something. Anyway, thanks again and talk to you soon...I'm off to the Cayman Islands in the am. Working, unfortunately, but will enjoy the beauty of the Caribbean and the three islands in the couple of hours a day I'll have away from the galley.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
Cayman Islands eh? It's been so gloomy this week, no wonder I feel depressed! Quite mild though. Yes, I'm aware of the Born Free film and it's amazing isn't it? One of the all time great films, I must say. I never knew there was a "Twitter for Dummies." Haha! I like it. Would suit me really well I think.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
15 Mar 12
I use it more than facebook because I blog so I put my links there. Now facebook is like home, everything is in there, close friends, feeds, favorite's like we can't live without it but we don't visit everyday.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
I've used links from other tweets, if you get what I mean but I don't know how to use my own.
@pandora22 (868)
• Romania
15 Mar 12
actually i do not have a twitter account.i wish to open one but each time i get caught in doing something else.i find it more interesting than face book because is more about information,and i will sure get a profile soon.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
Good for you!
@nyang1984 (464)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
i have an account on both i barely open it since the time i became a member here in mylot. but i use my ym account and link both twitter and facebook so i can see the updates. and i sometimes post somethings using my ym and my post will just show up in my twitter and facebook.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
Clever stuff! I'm impressed!
• Philippines
16 Mar 12
Yes. I use twitter a lot for I have easy access of it in my phone but I'm not saying that I prefer it much or the other way around. I am just happy that I can share my thoughts via twitter without being hassle of having myself online. :)
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
16 Mar 12
Oh right, I didn't realise you could use it on your phone without being on the internet first. I've learned something new today, thanks! I don't have a mobile phone you see, so I'm a bit behind with all new technology available nowadays!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
3 Apr 12
I use Facebook and not Twitter. I haven't tried or checked out Twitter but I find that Facebook helps me organize my homeschooling journey better. I always felt that it wouldn't be easy to do that on Twitter - no idea why I felt that way.
• United States
23 Apr 12
I have a Twitter and Facebook account. To be honest I don't really use either a whole lot. With Facebook I'll just log on for a minute or two here and there every day just to see if I have any alerts or what's going on or something. I post more on Twitter than I do Facebook though.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
14 Mar 12
I don't use any sociall networking sites. I hear on the news all the time about the problems it causes, and I just don't need that kind of drama in my life.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
I do know what you mean. There are only a few organisations and people I "follow" on Twitter. When I used Facebook I didn't have 400 friends as I thought it was silly because no-one has that many in real life, do you know what I mean? If anybody can become my "friend"..well, I can't see the point.
• Philippines
1 Apr 12
Admittedly, I am a Twitter addict. I use it a lot. I do have a Facebook account, but I prefer to use Twitter. Twitter is one of the most awesome thing on the social media industry.
@erjnsimon (1191)
• Makati, Philippines
14 Mar 12
i have an account on both twitter and facebook and i equally use them at the same time but i used to knew news on facebook other than twitter because most news on fb have source on it.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 12
I actually cancelled my Facebook account some time ago as I found it boring, to be honest. However, I do realise that millions of people use it and love it so that's fair enough.
• Finland
25 Jun 12
hello! i use twitter A LOT and someways i could say i am addicted LOL. I have personal and business account to separate free-tiem with work. I'm also looking for ways to make money money with twitter, i heard some actually do. thanks for the discussion and have a wonderful day!