Men in earrings
@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
United States
March 17, 2012 2:05pm CST
Men in earrings, I know it's prevelant nowadays, but there's still something about it that just makes me wonder Why(?) would a man, young or old and anything in between want to wear earrings and the real kicker for me is when I see a man with two earrings. What? And even worse is when I see an older man with earrings. This picture is wrong. I don't care to date a man who wears earrings and my son will not be allowed to wear them. Hopefully he won't even want to. Now before anyone gets to thinking, 'what's the big deal?' I know people have the right, for the most part, to wear what they want. When guys started wearing pink, that bothered me a little but not as much as the earrings. And I think what truly disturbs me about men in earrings is that they've gone from wearing 1 to wearing 2. Do you have any issues with this or no?
16 responses

@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Doryvien, I sure don't blame you for feeling that way. I would too.
@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Hello Kitty pj's and earrings on boys. Interesting. LOL!

@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
I don't mind at all, if they thought they look manly donning those earrings that's fine with me. As you have said any man had the right and preference what they want to wear. As for the pink color I guess there's no issue about that, maybe they want to be different from others.

@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Look more cute or in, yes I guess so .Maybe it's their way to show too that they are unique from others. Anyway it's their choice.
@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
19 Mar 12
I don't think a man in earrings thinks he looks more manly. I sure hope not, at least. I think they feel it makes them look more cute, cool and hip. Either way, it's their choice.

@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
well i don't mind that boys wear earrings. old men got earrings because the most probable reason is they had it since they were young. my boyfriend doesn't have earrings and i am very much happy about that. he doesn't like wearing pink although i would force him to try it hehehehe
well, all in all i don't really mind it. i just let people do whatever they wanna with their lives as long as it doesn't involve me and bother me.

@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
ooohhhh okay. maybe they want to look cool too at the late age??? 

@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Cherish14, thanks for commenting. I know some older guys who got their earrings later, i.e., they didn't have them when they were younger. But like you said to each their own.

@NailTech (6874)
• United States
17 Mar 12
It isn't a big deal to me, like you said people are allowed to wear what they like. I'm not into a specific type of man who never wears pink, or has a tattoo or earrings, or not. If he treats me well then I don't even care if he wears six earrings. I think people should worry more about the type of person he is rather than what he is wearing. Pink isn't an issue with me at all, there are a few men who look fine i na pink shirt. The earring thing is something my brother went through too, now I don't know if he even likes women, he just stays at his parents home after work and watches TV with Mom every night. But that is probably a separate problem.
@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
17 Mar 12
Well I'm not a shallow person (not that you insinuated that). But it's just the earring thing. I don't want my man wearing pink, I'll be honest. But that's not even as big an issue for me as him wearing earrings, especially 2 earrings. That's just wrong. LOL! In my eyes. It's not a good lool at all. It is about how a man treats us more than anything else, of course. But we'd be lying if we said the outer doesn't matter.
@ellefable (48)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
i dont like men with earrings.i find them kinda dirty but it is just my personal opinion and preference. i know they just want to express themselves or whatever reason they have for having them.

@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Yeah, they're just trying to be expressive and we all have that right. I just think if these guys'd think they'd leave the earrings for the women. It's a much better match. Thanks, ellefable.

@Galena (9110)
28 Mar 12
not an issue to me at all.
I think two earrings looks a little odd, unless they have several other visible piercings. if they have their nose, eyebrow or whatever done, two doesn't look strange. if they just have two ear piercings, that does look a bit odd.
but it doesn't bother me.
and I really can't see why anyone would be bothered by men wearing pink at all. but then all colours are unisex. I find it baffling that people still associate colours with genders in this day and age.
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
22 Mar 12
I am a 64 year young Native American who at present does not wear any earrings. I am thinking of wearing either a suibgkle oif a pair of earrings that will go with my Native roots such as bear claw/tooth, wolf tooth/claw earring or rattle snake rattle snake rattles/ fang earring(s). I know where I can get them as I put them together and sell them at Native American pow wows. I am not saying that every man should wear earrings but it is good that peope are individuals and can dress to be themselves. It would be very booring if everyone looked like everyone else, wouldn't it? It seems that each new generation trys to shock the older generations by coming out with out ragious (to others)tings to shock us. We must be tolorent of the younger ones as they are the leader of tomorrow.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
Nowadays more men have their guts to show their own style maybe that's what new generation influenced them. I don't like it seeing men with earrings too, sometimes they put in some other parts of their body. But I do respect them, I just don't like the idea of that, maybe If I had a boy child I will not allowed him too. It's just I don't see men wearing earring decent to me.
@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
19 Mar 12
Lyn, that's exactly what I'm saying. It doesn't look appropriate for guys to wear earrings. Like the sagging pants, it's a fashion statement that's gone on way too long. I will respect those who choose to wear earrings, I just think it looks tacky.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Ear ring to this man is like lip stick to a woman, he want to make himself look pretty in the eye of women/men and get her/his attention. I have no beef about a man want to wear one; two or even more ear rings to his ear, it is his right to choose whatever he want to hang on his ear, his nose, his touge or manhood. After all, these organs on his body is strictly belong to him, he has every right to wear whatever he likes or choose. Wearing Ear ring by a man can means different thing, it is up to you to ask him. n certain culture, men are required to wear ear rings, while in another, it is just like cosmetic for some men, they want to have the rights to seek gender equality. 

@doryvien (2284)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Hi Yolanda,
I don't mind guys wearing pink, some actually look cute in it. I don't think it affects their masculinity at all. But guys wearing earrings? I don't like it. I have two boys and I always tell them that when they grow up they should not go with the fashion of men wearing earrings and tattoos. It makes them look like goons.
@yolanda_yvette777 (60)
• United States
18 Mar 12
Doryvien, thanks for commenting. Yeah, I can get past guys wearing pink. It's the earrings that just irks me. And I agree earrings and tatoos on guys do make them look like goons. People want to pretend that it doesn't matter what a person looks like in appearance, but it does. Others judge us according to our outer. Not saying it right, but we all do it.
@davis1229 (56)
• Latvia
9 Jul 12
Well I'am young men, and I have earing. I thought it would look great, that in my left earn would be a earing. In my school many boys have pierced earn, it doesn't at all look gey if you have cool earing of course :D
@mgzg11 (139)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Mar 12
There is a time and place for everything. So does it for man body decorations as well. It'll be strange to see police officer or teacher to wear earrings or piercings while at duty, but in their free time, it should be their choice.
In some cultures, such details are part of cultural identity (just like a beard in some other), and should be accepted as such. Now days, it also might be sign of belonging to certain subculture groups, or merely a fashion statement. In any case, it's private thing, and as long as it used in private manner (not during the work in public positions), it should be allowed. It's obvious that some people will disapprove it, but, it's their right, and bottom line is discussion about aesthetics, which is personal thing, and not everyone must have the same criteria about it.
@honest_efforts100 (1607)
• India
28 Jun 12
I personally think it is the way how a man wears his earring. Some looks good while I do not recommend other men to wear it. They say that wearing an earring tells something about the man who wears it. They say that “straight men pierce their left ear”. So next time you see a man wearing an earring, you could tell whether he is “straight’ or not.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
18 Mar 12
I don't really mind this. My daughter's husband has two earrings but he doesn't want any more.I think that it's what they want and it's a lot better than putting holes in their tongue or lip or eyebrow. And I don't see why guys can't. Is there a big rule that only girls can do certain things and guys are wrong for it? If I was with someone like that, that would disturb me. Now if you tell me men are starting to wear skirts and high heels then talk to me but other than that I don't see where it matters. And like I said I'd rather they wear earrings than a eybrow piercing or a lip piercing.
@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I have brother do that in the ear,and i am not appreciating it because it is bad and does not look so good and also he is a man.
And i am not liking about it because only woman are earring and also weird to the boys.