Let's Get to Know One Another

@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
March 23, 2012 9:04am CST
My brain is tired. Let's talk about something else besides the state of this world, like who we are and why we are here on myLot; I'm a 55 year old woman with five grown children and 15 grandchildren, if you count the step grandchildren. Which I most certainly do. I love to hear a breeze through the leaves of the trees and the sound of water over the rocks at the river. I love cats, dogs, anything with fur that will LET me hold it and I don't like bugs of any kind. But I do teach my grandkids NOT to destroy ant hills or pull the wings off moths. I respect life, but I will defend my own. I'll read just about anything you put in front of me; I like all kinds of music, from gospel and the blues, to classical, to bagpipes, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Motown and Led Zeppelin. I love acoustic guitar, and the mandolin. I think Dave Mustaine is a talented and smart man. Symphany of Destruction is a prophetic song. http://www.noisecreep.com/2012/03/18/dave-mustaine-satanists-gays/ I am a product of my time and my culture. But I try to understand other times and cultures. I believe Mother Tereasa is a true saint of God. I believe George Washington was a hero. I cried when John Lennon was shot. I try to be flexible when necessary. But I am very opinionated. I take my time to make up my mind, so I'm pretty sure I'm correct when I say what I say. But I will not refuse to change my mind if someone can prove I am not correct to my satisfaction. I love the fall, a gentle thunderstorm, (tornados terrify me) I like to know what is going to happen, do not like surprises. I believe in God, the Judeo/Christian God. And I recognize that other belief systems can contain truth. I try and practice love and mercy; but sometimes my Irish temper gets in the way. I am quick to apologize when I see I have hurt someone. So, tell me about you.
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17 responses
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Hi Debra, I'm 44, a mother of 2, 12 and 9 years old, both boys. I married late so you can see that my kids are still young while I'm in my mid 40s already. I hope to see them settle down and get married, and I hope to see my future grandchildren too. I work as human resources practitioner. My work gave me a lot of opportunities to be with people, understand them, listen to their needs, look after their welfare, hear their grievances, and many more - and because of this I feel lucky and fulfilled in terms of my career. Next month my family will be moving to another country for good, and we're all excited about it. But I also feel a little scared of what lies ahead of us coz we'll be moving to a place that's too far from home (my country) with different culture, maybe different values. I just hope my kids won't find it hard to fit in their new environment. and I love doing myLot during my free time.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Hi Doryvien! I, too, married late and had my first child at age 33. My boys are now 23 and 24. There's a lot to be said about having children later--all your partying is done and your wild oats are sown and you're ready to settle down. You've lived enough to be able to give your children really good advice because you've been through all the same things. Any wrong your children do at any age you've probably done yourself and you can be more understanding about it and know what works as discipline or guidance. I hope your move goes well and your family thrives in your new home!
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
24 Mar 12
@dragon, At first I didn't want to get married coz I didn't want the "burden" of having children and having to live with a stranger for the rest of my life. But I as go near the age of 30 I was beginning to falter in my philosophy, started feeling scared of growing old alone, and started imagining how it is to have children and a family. So eventually I decided I wanted to get married. Good that my (then) boyfriend agreed to marry me. I'm glad I did marry, have no regrets so far. The best part is seeing my kids grow. You're right, when I decided to finally settle down it was because I felt I have "been there, done that" and it felt like, what's next for me now? My family gave me a new perspective in life and losing the "freedom" is sure worth it.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Helo Doryvien, where are you moving to? How exciting! I married early, to early. And as dragon says, it's better to wait. But I try and find the positive, I was young enough to remember, to relate to what my kids were going through when they were teenagers. We kinda grew up together. It is good that you found a career that brings you fulfillment. I am in the midst of a career change myself. I was a medication technician, passing meds. in a nursing home. Now, I am in school studying business technology, and working part time as a medical records clerk. It is a bit stressful at my age, learning so many new things. I'm hoping to get an Associates degree in business technology. One more reason to get all that behind you when you are young. School is harder when you are old. lol I hope you and your family find your new home to your liking. Thanks for responding. I hope we can become friends.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
23 Mar 12
My brain has been tired for a long time! And now my body is. I'm 66, a mother of three and grandmother of three. I'm still trying to decide if moving to town after living in the country most of my life was the biggest mistake of my life. I love seeing sunsets and sunrises and watching things grow, walking in secluded areas, watching birds, every season except the middle of summer, knitting, reading, playing and listening to music (no rock'n'roll, but I like jazz, country, classic, pop and Christian music). I love "puttering," trying this and that and doing small experiments, like seeing if I can make a hobo stove or grow wheat just because. I'm opinionated, too, and sometimes come across as a know-it-all, although I don't intend to. I do have a lot of experience under my belt in some things, though. Divorced about... 18 years ago, I took up doing what I had always loved doing: writing. I was the Guide for Frugal Living at About.com for 9 years and now work part time for Dollar Stretcher, but am mostly retired. I believe in and have a living, breathing relationship with God and Jesus Christ. I keep trying to learn Hebrew! One of these days... The biggest problem I have is finding enough time and energy to do all the things I want to do, but my ambition is subsiding as I grow older.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Yes, I'm weary of politics, too. But it's a necessary evil if we want to continue living in a free country. *sigh* Wow, you have a lot of children to love, hooray! I have two adult sons and I'm going to become a grandma in September. I'm divorced with no intention of ever being in a relationship again. My life is full enough and I don't need a man to complete it, thank you. I'm a Christian, too. I think of God as my parent and when bad things happen I don't blame Him because He'll help me handle it and hopefully learn a lesson, just as a real parent would do. I believe in Lucifer, too, because his work is all around us. I respect all other religions, live and let live. I'm Irish, too! Well, Irish partly--English, German and a little American Indian in there, too. I love all animals and reptiles and the only thing I truly hate on this earth are cockroaches, they give me the willys so bad that I can't stand to squish them. I two dogs that I love dearly. I'm moving from the Midwest back to the Southwest this summer to be with my sons and grandchild. Hopefully I won't take much of a loss on my house. I loathe Arizona but I won't have my grandchild raised in daycare by strangers. I'll learn to like the state this time, I'm sure, if I put my mind to it. I will now post this and enjoy reading about all the responders. Thank you for a fun discussion!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Thanks to you dragon, for being the friend you are to me here on myLot. I have a bit of Scots and German too. Some Italian and a wee bit of Native as well. Here in America, it all blends together nicely. I am with you on the cockroaches! Had to deal with them for the first time in my early married days, when all we could afford was a tiny tiny walkup apartment in the city. YUCK Enjoy your new grandbaby! I look forward to hearing all about her/him soon!
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@doryvien (2284)
• United States
25 Mar 12
I don't think I can ever love reptiles, no matter what kind. They scare me like no other. Cockroaches are so common where I live so they don't affect me that much, except when they fly - that freaks me out.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
25 Mar 12
They FLY???
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I am Amber and am 24 years old. I think if you'd let I'd go on and on about who I am, or atleast who I think I am. I am a cashier at a grocery store, and I enjoy it some days and not on others. I am divorced. Not many people on here know that, but I suppose now they do if they see your discussion. Im still at the point where I don't want another relationship and I am not sure that I ever will. I have a dream to live in the country again, I feel more at peace when I am in the country. My dream is to own a plot of land and grow my own groceries. I've got ideas on how to start that, one is to open a CD account. I don't like politics and don't vote. I don't know whether to think myself a nuisance because of it or not, but I don't ever want to vote for the wrong person so I Would rather not vote. I also don't like to respond to discussions here about politics which may be why you don't see me very often. My favorite type of Music is Country. I am Christian, and proud.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I am like SCG on the politics...I really hate them and have often not voted because honestly...I don't trust any of them and also often have second-guessed myself on that. I have at times voted for whom I feel is the least harmful but not sure that does much good. I really do hate politics and can't remember the last time I felt good about my vote and continued to feel good about it after the election. Rock is my main choice of music. My boss insists on making us listen to country while at work and I will grudgingly admit that some of it has gotten me. Here is a perfect meeting of real rock and country. I stumbled upon it on youtube quite by accident because I do not watch the CMt awards... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbbIvGVQqKk
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I am sorry to hear of your divorce. I've been there and I know how you feel. For awhile after I divorced, I dated. But I found that there was no one worth changing who I am. I am Christian too. That helps me a lot, when I am lonely. I would love to raise a big garden. I did for a few years. Had a small one last year. But this summer is going to be so busy, I don't know if I'll have the energy. lol Good luck with your dream, trust God to provide and do what you are doing to make it happen. I love some country. The Dance is one of my favorite songs. I also like Red Rag Top by Tim McGraw. And You're Not My god by Keith Urban. Country music sometimes makes me cry. It's all over the radio here in Missouri where I live, and I listen to it when I need a good reason to bawl. I understand about not wanting to vote for the wrong person. I have that fear too. But after 9/11 I decided I could not complain unless I did something about it. So, here I am doing what I do. I'd like to see more of you SomeCowgirl. I'll try and post more varied discussions so you will visit more often. OK? Thanks for stopping by and hope to see more of you.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Wow, Steve Tyler and Carrie Underwood. What a pair. lol Never thought I'd see that. Hello Sid, thanks for responding. I'm hearing that a lot, about voting and not feeling good about it. Perhaps I am on the wrong path. I try so hard to educate people about the issues. Lately, I've been feeling that there really is no 'fixing' it. But then my father's words haunt me. Don't complain if you did nothing, or something to that effect. You're lucky to get country, we get MUSAK. Canned music, they call it.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
Nice to know those facts about you Debra... Well let's see. I am 27 year old.. with three wonderful kids, 7 years old is the eldest - she is in second grade and is quite a handful. My second is a boy, who is 4 years old now and is in kindergarten, who is the most loving of the three - loves to hug and kiss..and the third is 2 years old, who is a bit bubbly and is not shy at all! me and hubby actually met online, through IRC - those ancient chatrooms lol when i was 15 and well it all started from there. I love life too even though often times it gives you sh*t and it is up to us to really enjoy it. I believe that if we keep on sulking around, we will never get to somewhere...but if we look at it in a different way, we choose to be happy and look at problems head on, then we will get to where we want to go. I maybe young but life was never that easy for me too. It was a whirlwind of everything. I am not even sure if i have cervical cancer or not. Still going through medical stuff. I love music, even though my vocal chords are that bad - really bad. but i love music, i love listening to it.. currently i love Adele, she got this big mesmerizing voice that i just love. My whole family loves music too hoping one of my kids will turn to be a musician one day..but they keep on saying they want to be a chef and a soldier. lol. As for religion, i was baptized to be CAtholic and those my views changed as i grew old, i do not think i will be converting in the new future. i will stay as is as i believe it does not matter what religion we are in as long as we all believe in one GOD then it will just be the same, that we believe it is bad to hurt other people then things will be all right i guess. I believe religion is just a facade sometimes, built to just gather people...so they could have something to do or something to cling on when times get rough. well i could go on and on and on debra! lol...but it is nice to know you and honestly, i admire you, you get to be online! my mom is the same age as you are and she does not know a thing about this!! so you are cool...
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I remember when I had a house full of little rug rats. lol Boy, was I ever tired. all the time tired, are you like that? I played down on the floor with mine, we made up plays and sang and did all kinds of fun things. I also homeschooled. That was real fun. My boys were all born the first five years I was married. Real close in age. I did not sleep for years. ha ha You seem to have a bright outlook on life. You mention cervical cancer, I had the same, and had a hysterectomy at 36. It was scary, I was so afraid of leaving everyone behind. Make sure you do exactly as the doctor says. ok? I'll pray for you that all will be as it should be. I know Adele's music, and you're right a BIG voice. I like Rolling in the Deep. My granddaughter's sing with and dance so cute when they hear it. Alexa is six and she is a dancing fool. lol I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school for six years. I give the credit for any good that came out of my education to those nuns. I'm told I have very pretty penmanship, lol...you better if nuns taught you to do script. I thank you for your kind, nice words to me. It is very sweet of you. Being online comes natural to me now, it didn't back ten years ago when I got my first computer. Tell your mom I said come on and join us here. lol Hope to see more of you jazel_juan. God bless.
• United States
23 Mar 12
I'm a grandmother of 3 grown grand boys. One is married. I live with my daughter and son in law. I'm a retired nurse. I regret never becoming a doctor. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and make that dream come true. I don't follow politics much. I assume that most politicians are slippery and slimy. The tell you what you want to hear to get your vote and then they do what they want. I believe in people. I don't question the truthfulness that people tell me unless what they say is unbelievable....or I've caught them lying. My eyes are green and my favorite color is violet.
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@doryvien (2284)
• United States
25 Mar 12
@Pointless, Haha, I like this iine so much: "They (politicians) tell you what you want to hear to get your vote and then do what they want." Same here in my country. They promise everything and once they win, they give nothing.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
I am glad to know you pointlessquestions. I too, live my with my daughter and son-in-law and their four precious children. I am blesed to be so loved. I didn't follow politics either, until after 9/11, and then it all changed for me as it did so many other Americans. I do not trust as easily as you do, but I wish I could. I truly wish I could. God has blessed you with that. I worked as a medication technician up until recently. Now I am in school studying business technology, working part time in medical records at our local hospital. Years and years ago, I started in LPN school. Divorce happened and I did not finish. I did work as a CNA, certified nurse's aid, for over twenty years. Came to find from observation, that I was glad I never finished nursing school. THE STRESS, how did you ever manage? lol I am a student of alternative medicine now, my fondest dream is to become a naturopath. It will happen only if I win the lottery. lol My eyes are brown and my hair is salt and pepper now, it was auburn, dark brown when I was younger. Thanks for your response!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Sounds great, the hair I mean. lol I quit dying my hair cause it grows so fast I got tired of all the bother. lol I'm hearing of all these writing gigs online from you guys and wondering how to get involved, any clues?
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
Well I'm 40 right now with two daughters 21 and 14 and have one grandson. I love to cook and to dance. Dancing is my career for 20 yrs now I teach ballroom dancing. I lived int he city before but I decided to go back here in the province since I'm very tired in living in complicated city with lots of crime, pollution. I finally found myself to living in a simple and quite environment. My youngest daughter is with me since my eldest has her own family. I still loved to worked online and offline, I have a store business before but when I got tired and for some personal reasons I quit my business. I've been in lots of tough relationship from my ex's that's why I'm alone now. Well I'm not regretting it but of course I'm still wishing someday to have someone who will loved me and be with for the rest of my life. I'm have lots of patience as much as possible I want to be always cool.So far I'm suffering from seasonal sinus headache and still an issue everyday since the weather here in my country is not that good. I love dogs since childhood I have lots of dogs. I considered them one of my siblings since I don't have.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
I like to watch that too but I seldom saw that series we don't have a cable, I sometimes watch it online. I forgot to tell you that I'm a Filipina and I know you already knew some info about my country. I have a retail store before but unfortunately even the store runs good I got tired and it seems the effort I put in the business does not worth what I earn. So I decided to quit and concentrate on my part time job as a dance instructress. Thanks also for a great discussion it was a great pleasure to meet you even it only online. Take care and have a nice day always.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
25 Mar 12
I have thought of trying to open a business. I'd like to run a preschool. I taught for four years in a private school, I homeschooled my children as well. I love teaching and yet, I am afraid the government here would make it most difficult to make it profitable. So, I settle for teaching my grandkids. I love the people of your country. I've known many and respect them all. And I'd love to visit the Philippines.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I like to watch Dancing With The Stars (a show with ballroom dancing in USA), as I wanted to be a dancer before I got married and had children. I love to watch, but probably would not be so good at it now. I was born in the city of Chicago, lived on and off in the city and I too prefer the country. It is much less stressful. I was a victim of violent crime when I lived in the city. I moved as far as I could, as soon as I could. I just cannot understand the violence people do to one another. I gave up on finding the perfect mate. I am living my life alone too. At times it is refreshing, at times I am lonely. I've learned to trust the emotional place I am in, and just go with the flow so to speak. I am hoping for you, that there is someone and you find joy. What type of business did you run? And I can definately relate to having pets as part of the family. If I lived by myself (I live with daughter and her family) I would have several too. My daughter and son in law have a Great Dane, and she is definately a part of the family. So sweet and gentle she is. She will stand for a long time with her head in my lap letting me scratch her ears. I think she wants to crawl up in my lap, but that would be a disaster! lol Thanks for your response lynboobsy. I'm glad to meet you.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Hi Deb, Love this discussion! I am also 55 and I think the late 60's and 70's brought about a mind-set that is probably a big part of why we are so much alike on so many things including wide range of musical tastes. I love such a variety. I have not yet but definitly will check out that link you provided and get back to you on it. I got that Irish temper going on too but like you am quick to apologize when I've hurt someone and they are quicker to forgive me than I am myself when that happens. I worked in insurance (small auto claims adjuster) for 12 years to quit and do many many different jobs. I've been with my current job which started out to be tempory and I hated it...a very busy convenience store in a small town. It's privately owned and I have been there 19 yrs.! I love the people! I've been married twice. Once for 5 yrs..got married right straigh out of highschool (stupid me) and then again for 13 years. I have 4 girls ages 35, 27, 25 and one still at home that just turned 18 last month. I also have 3 grandchildren ages 13, 6 and 14 months. It's awesome...never get bored. I'm very independent having been on my own with the girls for so long and can't even imagine living with a man again but I do date. I love all the weather which is why I live in New England. It's rare but we do occasionally get some scary weather which I really don't like at all. Religion..I was raised Catholic and exposed to all types and I respect all of them. I don't follow any particular religion. I just am just open to all possibilities. When I was a teen, I typed manuscripts for Charles Hapgood who was a medium and he opened up and sparked my interest in all things paranormal...quite a contrast but then again not too much, from my Catholic upbringing. Well, this is getting too long...55 yrs worth of "who am I" adds up quickly. Great discussion...looking forward to reading all the responses.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I've read so much on the paranormal and also religious beliefs from various religions and my take on it all was very similar. In the end, I know for certain no more than when I started. I prefer to just keep an open mind to the possibilities. History...used to be my "sleeping" class. I think so much depends on the teacher. NOW I find it facinating and love it. I'll have to look up Dave Mustaine...never heard of him but the lyrics are great! I can certainly see the link to Obama. I have to say again that I am loving this discussion. Talk of the music brings back so many memories. The Beatles, Creedence, Neil Young, Doors,Led zep, Pink Floyd etc etc.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Ok, I read the link and found it very interesting. Must add...He has amazing hair! now I'll go to youtube and check out his music. Thanks!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Hi sid, on the 60 & 70s, adolesent and teen memories flood my mind. Like I said above, I was a bit rebellious and don't like to go into all that.but the music did shape who I am. I try now, because some of it has gotten so...nasty, to limit what I listen to. But I definately can relate to even the music my grandkids listen to. I try to talk to them about the stuff I feel has crossed the line. My marriage was to my high school sweetheart, like you, very young. It ended (the first time) after 7 years. He quit drinking for a year, we remarried (my Catholic conscience) and almost immediately he began drinking again, I still tried to make it work. I think it was about 10 years I stayed. By the end of those years I was a mess. But thanks to my Faith in Jesus (new found) I pulled through, but it wasn't easy. Had some real serious problems with anxiety and depression. Went down the medication road, but found that alternative measures worked better, and I could function better. My oldest son is a Dave Mustaine fan. I lived with him after his divorce, to help out. I was on here myLotting, he was listening to music and reading. I was, as usual talking politics and Obama. lol Symphany of Destruction was playing. (Dave Mustaine) and the words just fit what I was feeling about Obama... You take a mortal man And put him in control Watch him become a god Watch peoples heads a 'roll A 'roll, a 'roll Just like the pied piper Led rats through the streets We dance like Marionettes Swaying to the symphony of destruction Sorry, but it just seemed to fit. If you take a look at the link, Dave Mustaine is a conservative and a born again Christian now, after years of wild living. That is why I feel that deep down he is a thinking man. Most rock stars could care less about politics or God. Anyway, I have family on the east coast. Would love to visit there and cross the mountains, see the capital and take a tour of civil war battle fields. If you don't already know, I love history! lol My personal opinion on the paranormal is that most of it is bunk. BUT, believing as I do in spiritual things, I do recognize that the unexplainable DOES happen. When it does, I am quick to try and find out what it was. I believe in miracles, and I believe that energy can be effected by the human spirit. Dose that mean I believe in ghosts, not so much. More so I believe in positive and negative energy. Like on those battlefields, so much fear and suffering does put out a vibe that probably stays there for a long long time. Like 'sacred spots' around the earth, something changes the energy. Whether it is good, or bad depends though. I do believe also, that some, a very few, do have an extraordinary sense and can discern when there is a change in energy. I believe in good and evil and that there is a battle for the mind and spirit of mankind. So, not knowing enough about it all, I tend to shy away from the paranormal. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to do so again. I am finding you ALL very interesting people!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Mar 12
hi debracarey hi I am Patsie Hatley widow and elderly lady who has been mylotting for almost five years. I am now 85 but not senile but a happy mylotter. I feel really strange that I am first in the ranks of users but this is because I am retired with lots of time and living now in a retirement center in Southern California. I love music and playing bingo, cross word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and puzzles of all kinds., they kept my mind used and functioning well. I have one grown son 53 in June and lost a daughter when she was 8 years old.I retired from the Tustin Library at 79. I love nature and take care to enjoy flowers withut pulling them off so others cannot enjoy them.I love classical music, specially Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.I am not too good at talking about myself and while I can write, I am shy in person. My picture is on my Hatley Facebook Account I am the one with the white hair and the wild sweater and quad cane.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Mar 12
hi jazel __juan thanks that so sweet and I try to be nice, honest I do.lol
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
and Ms. Hatley is very nice!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Hello Hately, good to see you! Boy I hope I am as good here on myLot when I am your age. I worked for a long time in nursing homes, and we had several of the ladies who used the computer for writing. One wrote a weekly column in our town's paper. MyLot does make one happy. I enjoy learning and boy can you learn a lot from other people. I'd love to read some stories from your life. That would make a great discussion, if you could come out of your shyness. I do puzzles too, and always buy the grandkids a puzzle for Christmas, then I can help them put it together. It sounds like you got it all together Hately. Hope to see more of you. And write as discussion on something from your life. I'd love to read and respond! God Bless. And thanks for stopping by.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
24 Mar 12
I'm currently 35 , happily divorced, but not looking. From my previous marriage, I have two brilliant and out going daughters. Both the complete opposite of my introvert self. My interests are forever changing and growing. I collect message dolls, chap sticks and have a slight manga obsession. I love art in all forms especially literature, music and photography. I also enjoy all kinds of music, though there are some genres (such as rap) which I like less than others. My favorite domestic animal is the cat, but since I'm allergic I've never owned any. I'm afraid of birds, rats, heights and the dark. I maybe shy and a bit on the small side, so people assume they can treat me however. Big mistake on their part. I am definitely not afraid to speak my mind even if it does get me into a little trouble, but I do know there are limits . I wish to help better the lives of others and teach my children to be the same way. I'm not always purely good and behaved though. Sometimes I have a bad side which I call my "evil twin". I think every one has one. Like a yin and yang personality. My ancestry includes Scotch -Irish from my fathers side. My parents are really big into genealogy and have so far traced us up to Robert The Bruce. I hear that Robert was a bit of a $lut and left numerous descendants behind. Supposedly we came via one of his mistresses. Not sure on my bio mother's side as I don't communicate with her.
• United States
24 Mar 12
Hi debrakcarey. Message dolls are these cute dolls that come with a little slip of paper. You write something on the paper, put it into a slot on the doll and then send it to friends or relatives. Manga is Japanese comic books. You read them from right to left instead of left to right in most.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Thanks for explaining that. You'd think I'd already know, I am living with three granddaughters. lol I was heavy into Superman when I was young. Watched the movies and it ruined it for me. Spiderman is big at our house now, with the girls. Imagine that.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Wow, Robert the Bruce, he knew my all time fav scotsman, William Wallace. I am most impressed. My nephew did ours on ancestry . com and he found we have noble blood, Cartwrights and Berryhills I believe. Got kicked out of the country for fighting the British. Came here to America and got rich all over again. The family must of came on hard times, cause I sure didn't see any of it. What are message dolls? Sounds interesting. I have one collection, rocks. Been collecting pretty rocks since I was a kid. My fav one is a piece of pipestone I got from the sacred pipestone in Minnesota, where my Dad was born. I also have lots of obsidian. I've polished it and I even have one arrowhead made of it. I've not always been good either dear. God is merciful if we ask for forgiveness. I find myself asking a lot. I get angry, I get fearful and I get selfish. I find when I pray about it, it's easier to keep from acting on it. Also, what is manga? I almost forgot to ask. Any way, thanks for dropping in and make sure you return. Ok?
@maezee (41988)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Nice discussion! It's a nice change of pace. My name is Alyssa and I am 21 years old living in Minnesota of the U.S. I currently just work full time but I really want to go back to college and finish my BA so I can get a better job (my dream job). I am working on getting out of debt first in order to afford to go back. I generally love road trips, thrift shopping, hanging with friends, and even going on the occasional bar-crawl. A typical girl, I love shopping for clothes (I just got done doing this). I also enjoy gambling, working out, going to rock concerts and so on. I can't really think of anything else that describes me. I am a product of the 90's. . Happy MyLotting!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
25 Mar 12
Hello Alyssa. I've been to Minnesota. Pipestone, where my dad was born. I have a piece of pipestone that I treasure. It is the blood red clay like stone that the Natives made pipes from. Easy to carve. (you may have already known that) Yes, that does sound like the typical girl stuff for someone your age. I have in younger days been known to enjoy some of those things. Road trips especially. The only thing I didn't ever get into was shopping. I recently went out and got some new stuff only because I had to. I'm weird, hate to spend money. The only concerts I've been to are Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Fleetwood Mac and Journey. I'd LOVE to go see some of the others I've mentioned in this discussion. But most of them are no longer together or they don't tour. I'm a BIG Steven Tyler fan, I love a guy who can reform and make things right between him and his family. I saw an interview of him by Oprah. I normally don't watch her, but was flipping through and caught it. Great story, his life. Enough of that, I'm just glad that so many are responding with the stories of their lives. Thanks!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Wow Debra! What an excellent discussion once again! So I'm going to take a stab at it too- I'm a 55 year old woman. I love: My husband of 30 years and my three grown sons. I love dogs, cats and horses and cool summer mornings, especially when I'm getting ready to mount my quarter horse at 5:30 with no other plans for the day but ride. I love talking to new people. Making things out of "nothing" and being able to sell it. I love the sounds the Cardinals make in spring. My biggest faults: I often misstate what I mean to say, sometimes making people mad. People can't get by with stating something that isn't true without trying to set them straight. I can't stand when people are cruel to me, others and animals. I believe we should defend our way of life by defending our constitution. Every citizen should visit Philadelphia for at least a day and take a historical tour, ride the trolley, and visit the liberty bell. We should be doing more to be kind to one another. Everyone should hold a new born baby, puppy and kitten at least for a couple of minutes. And everyone should discuss what they think by the rules of debate, not fighting. And lastly, everyone should be having an ongoing conversation with God, knowing He is your friend and consultant.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
This is so much fun! I'm getting a true sense of the people I talk to each day on here. We are the same age! lol I'm thinking its strange that those I've 'discussed' things with are so similar to me in ideas and life. I had a Welsh pony when I was a child. I used to just lay across his back and doze in the summer warmth. I haven't been on a horse is so long though. But I remember the 'connection' and wish I could have that again. My granddaughter Kayle wants a horse so bad. Maybe her folks will get her one and we can share. I think the 'connection' between horse and rider can be almost 'primal'. You already know that I love my country. Not what it has become, but what the 'ideal' is, what it was meant to be. And I agree, everyone should experience the history we all take for granted, or ignore. It is ok, about being misunderstood. I am often misunderstood, my mind runs 200 miles an hour, and I say something in a way that is easily misunderstood. I'm trying to slow it down, and think first. lol Babies should humble us. Baby animals as well. The innocence, the possibilities, the vulnerability and trust. All things we should ponder. I can relate. It's fun getting to know each of you guys. Thank you for your kind words, once again. I look forward to more discussions with you.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Great FUN!!!!
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
23 Mar 12
My brain is tired too and to be honest I don't care about the world ending or so anymore. I just care about me and being me after all these years. At the moment I do a great job and I never been happier. .. well not quite happy.. my eldest daughter left her dog with me this morning and it run out.. so we (me and my other kids) are looking for it already since hourse. We reported the lost dog everywhere... strange nobody finds it since it also has a part of the leash still around it's neck.. well I assume it has since it bit the rope while I was doing the laundry. But the sun is shining, my daughter is with her family in law for a long weekend staying on the island and in 30 min. I will go over to her house to see if her dog went over there (would be a long walk for it but you never know). I have 5 kids too (4 daughters: 28, 26, 21 and 6 years old) and one son (Monday he will be 9 years old). So a lot to arrange (Eastern for scouting and school and his birthday). I wonder how you know it's your Irish temper.. why not just your temper? I have one if you really make me angry (which can take years but if you better hide). I like to travel so in 2 weeks time I am in Hungary again :-D really looking forward to that. BTW my husband lives in Africa so I live a kind of single life which I like. At the moment he is in Guinee Bissau. I am not easy apologizing, the word "I am sorry" means nothing to me, also people don't need to say it.. if they mean it (which is seldom) I am able to see it (attitude should prove not just some words.. what hurts needs time to heal). I don't have grandkids btw and it's also not one of my wishes so my kids can do what they like. The eldest is not only a bakery but also great model, one of my other daughters is a great animator.. btw all my kids are very creative (like mum). I wish you a great mylotting day and lots of sun.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
You seem like a strong woman. I respect that. I too, have never been happier. It is not a bad thing to grow older. For myself, it seems like I've overcome a lot. And I hope it has made me wiser. I'm sorry about your daughter's dog, I hope he/she is found soon. My oldest son is almost 39. I have only one daughter, and four sons who try me even now that they are grown. They all make me proud as they have overcome much. My daughter is my rock. She doesn't know that, but she is a wonderful, caring person and teaches me daily by her example. I wish I could travel like you, but I have to settle for the National Geographic channel or a good book that describes other cultures. What takes you to Hungary? Family? or just a pleasure trip? What does your husband do in Africa? As for my 'Irish temper', I guess its just a covenient stereotype. The Irish have always been fighters, I guess. And quick to speak their mind. I never really thought about why I see it as that, until you asked. I do not hold grudges. But I guess I do remember if someone hurts me or mine. I try to forgive, it takes to much emotional energy to hate. You are right, many people only mouth the words 'I'm sorry'. And its easy to tell when it is not really heartfelt. I wished for my children to wait to have their own children too. It is so difficult to be a parent, but I am pleased with my grandchildren. I do worry for their futures. My oldest grandchild just turned 19. I want her to live in a world where she can prosper and be happy.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
WakeupKitty - you sound strong! plus you are lucky you get to travel.. how i wish i could. I find Hungary an interesting place!
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
24 Mar 12
You seem like an interesting person. I am an animal lover too. I have started discussions about my dog and cat and maybe you could too. I am a grandmother too but sadly I don't see the kids too often , we live in different cities. I get lonely with nobody to talk to all day so when I found my lot, I was glad to communicate with others and people here have been very kind and interesting.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
25 Mar 12
I can see you love dogs, that's a cute picture. Your puppy? Thank you for being so kind, I try to post things that people can benefit from. I tend to be to serious in my topic choices, so this was a 'letting my hair down' kind of discussion, and I'm so glad I did it. I have five of my grandchildren who live out of state. I miss them so much and have missed so much of their lives. We chat via text and facebook but it is not the same. I LOVE myLot. I'm committed to this place and enjoy it more than facebook or any of the other social networks I've been on the last ten years. Glad you are enjoying myLot too! stop by more often. I'll try and be more apolitial. lol That will be hard. But if I post one discussion a week on other topics, maybe I'll see more of all of you great folks.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
24 Mar 12
Hello Debra. I'm Anne, I live in the Philippines and though I am nearing 40 I still look like I'm in my mid-twenties. I don't really look my age that sometimes I need to bring out my social security ID just to prove my date of birth. I live alone since my mom passed away last August and my brothers live abroad. I have two cats who are the bane of my existence and most of the time get in the way of my gardening. I love to trek and my last trek was in the Cordilleras where I saw our famous Banawe Rice Terraces. I was born and raised a Catholic but haven't been a practicing Catholic since my twenties. I believe that there is hope in my country, the Philippines, that's why I refuse to leave and work abroad like so many Filipinos do. I still believe that life here in my country is still easy in comparison with that living abroad. I love classical, rock and R&B. I love to bake when I have the time and ingredients at hand and give these to friends and family. I am a quiet person and don't like socializing. I don't have that much friends, but the friends that I have are those that have journeyed with me since I was 12.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
Hello Anne. I have often thought I'd love to visit the Philippines. I know quite a few of your countrymen/women and admire them all. At our hospital we employ a doctor who is Filipino. Dr. Goh. He is an admirable man. I respect him greatly. I too, looked young for my age up until my health took a nose dive. Now I just go with the flow and allow nature to take it's course. lol I also admire that you have roots and are happy in your homeland. I have an adventure streak and have moved around a lot. Now I am settled and find I am regretting not putting down roots sooner. There is a lot to be said for staying put. I admire that you choose only a few close friends too. That is how I am. I love people but only let a few get real close, even though I am open and not shy to tell about myself, it is scary to me to allow deep emotions to be shared. Thank you for telling us about yourself. I hope you will be visiting my discussions in the future.
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
23 Mar 12
I am 34. I am Amanda. I love music, movies and the simple things. Jesus is my Savior. My mom is my best friend. I am a writer. I love Spring and Fall. I am patient, kind and gentle.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Mar 12
Glad to meet you MandaLee. What sort of music do you like? Jesus is my Savior too. I love Him more than anything. I pray He gives me strength to be as much like Him as I can be. Your mon is your best friend, how wonderful! I hope my daughter and sons can say that about me! You must be a wonderful daughter. Thanks for responding Mandalee. God bless.
1 person likes this
• China
24 Mar 12
I am Shirley, 26 years old.I like drawing and singing.Every weekend I will go shopping and buy a lot of food especially yogurt that I like best.Now most of my time focused on my current job. I am a sales in a caster company and it is almost 5 years working here since I graduated from university.Currenly my work performace is good as per feedback from my customer and my boss. But I want to be better before I get married.In my mind, I could focus all my time on my job but once I married I need and I will divide my time to my family. I like my job.Here normally at this adge it is time to plan for marriage. I have a boyfriend and he treated me well.We are schoolmate in university.Both of our parents are pushing us to get married and have babies since last year. But we have our own opinion and planning. We are intend to hold our wedding end of this year.I am expecting.haha... I lived with my colleagues and so far I never lived alone. When I was still studying in school, I lived with my parents then in university I lived with my classmates.Even though,I am an independent girl,indeed.I like communication with others as every communication can explode new inspiration.Nice feeling. I am easy to get moved even crying with the player in movies. Ok.So much of this time.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Mar 12
What type of singing do you do shirley2all? I do not have a singing voice but enjoy singing my favorite songs alone in the car. I can appreciate a good voice. It is interesting to hear your plans, I hope married life and babies bring you joy. I think it is best to plan, and to not let that most important part of life 'just happen'. Good for you and your boyfriend. Don't be pushed, do it as you both feel comfortable. I do advise living alone, if ony for a short time before marriage. When my marriage ended, and my kids were moved out it was a shock to me to be alone. A big adjustment. I can relate to your thoughts on communication too. It is a nice feeling to be inspired by another's ideas. Don't be shy about crying at movies. Movies are intened to move us emotionally. Just like music. It is normal and cleansing. God bless and thanks for responding shirley2all. I hope to see more of you here on myLot.