What's a reasonable amount of computer time?

@GreenMoo (11833)
March 29, 2012 8:39am CST
Apart from work related use, what do you think is a reasonable amount of time to spend online each day? Do you set limits on yourself? We all know an adult locked in their adolescence for ever, playing online games in a darkened bedroom and ordering in pizza! I find the computer quite addictive, though not to that extent! The trouble is that I can waste so much time online doing not very much. I go to one site to look something up, say, then end up following a link which catches my eye, then another, and ... well, you know how that plays out. Now that summer is on it's way my solar panels can cope with providing me with more electricity for my computer than in the winter time. It's the wrong way around really, as now is the time I would really rather be out enjoying the warmer weather. How about for children, playing games and watching youtube and so on? Do you limit your children's computer use? Why?
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16 responses
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 12
It's hard for me to comment, because I don't really limit my time online at all. As soon as I get up, I can barely wait to get on my computer. I'm on it on and off most days. Yet, my main love online is writing: I don't tend to use the computer to relax, that is, until my work is done, when I like to watch a movie online. As to You Tube, it's often on in the background, playing music. I can listen for hours and hours. But I use for my PC for so much; writing; creating; organising; networking; researching; socialising; looking for work; listening to music; watching movies...I don't limit my time at all. The only time I've been known to limit my time online is on those rare occasions I get sore eyes...possibly from being online too long...then what I'll do is listen to use my PC to listen to music or documentaries...but limit my eye-use. I just love my computer.
@GreenMoo (11833)
1 Apr 12
If you're using your computer to work, I was counting that separately. I don't really count using it to watch films or listen to music as online time either as you're just using it replace a TV or stereo.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
31 Mar 12
I fluctuate my time on the computer. But I wind up being on it most of the day. I work with lots of sites other then MyLot. So, I need lots of time to work with them. I am trying to work out a schedule for myself and to stream line the amount of sites that I use. I am trying to monitor some sites to see how valuable they are in terms of money earned and enjoyment as well and of course functionality.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
1 Apr 12
You're using the internet as a money generating tool as well as for enjoyment.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
11 Apr 12
Yes I am. I actually like the internet more then I do TV these days. I find that there is way more entertainment here online. And one of my favorite things to do online is to come here to MyLot.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 Apr 12
Personally as the amount of time I have available to be online each day varies, most days when I am able to get online, I have so much stuff I really need to get done, but never enough time to do it. For me my main issue would be finding a better way to prioritize and learn to spend X amount of minutes doing each important thing.
@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Apr 12
I never have enough time to do the things I'd like to online. I tend to get distracted and not do the things I went online to do in the first place.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Apr 12
I have been there many times, but since I now have 2 online Businesses plus wanting to somehow at least reach somewhat of a goal in here this month, I try to make time to do everything I need too online when I am here, and hope for the Best.
• Singapore
30 Mar 12
Well it depends on personal preference. For me, I'm a whole day user and I even switch on my jazz the moment I switch on my computer. I Facebook all day, participate in discussions, not including liking my friends' statuses. Other than that, I do flight simulation flying from one country to the other and back and I also watch Youtube videos. A lot of things can be done and plus, the internet is wide and vast, so much information is available. It's for us to explore! So I guess, for parents, they would want their child to spend no more than 2 hours a day playing the computer including surfing the net. Children, so we understand that too much computer is not good for them but for us adults, it's no problem for us surfing the internet for hours and hours. We can play games too!
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@GreenMoo (11833)
1 Apr 12
Do you not have anything else to do? Like work or college or something? I don't really count listening to music or watching films as using the internet as it's not active participation. You're replacing the TV or stereo with an alternative technology. there's nothing wrong with all those things, playing games, facebook and all the rest. I just couldn't do it all day. I'd get bored to be honest.
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30 Mar 12
I'm on a computer for 8 hours a day in work, and thats where I do all my computer needs, and my mylotting etc.. however, today I was really busy doing other work, and wasn't at my computer much. Usually I ban myself from the computer when I'm at home [apart from the weekends] because I'm on it so much at work. But because I was away from my computer today, I'm allowing myself a few hours now I'm home haha! :)
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@GreenMoo (11833)
30 Mar 12
Enjoy yourself lol
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@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
29 Mar 12
I think playing or being in the computer can lead you to a vicious or an addiction, which is not good for our lives. We must set a time and have a balance for everything so , we dont get obsess with the new technology which is just a helper or entretainment. I limit the playing time to my son , he doesnt play during the weekdays but, he can play 2 hours with 10 minutes of rest in between on saturday and sunday , this way he doesnt get that addicted to it. I think its fear. I try to take them outside to ride bicycle or for swimming , or just play in a park , adults should do the same instead of spending too long playing the computer or watching tv. Have a good day .
@GreenMoo (11833)
29 Mar 12
I like your suggestion of building breaks into computer time. That's a healthier option than continued use. My son has a tendency to slouch when he's on the computer, which will damage his neck and shoulders if he is not careful.
@GreenMoo (11833)
1 Apr 12
that's what i used to do when i worked with a screen all day. i never thought of asking the kids to do it. doh! thanks for the reminder.
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
30 Mar 12
You know what else I do with my kids when they have their break from playing in the computer? I ask them to exersice their eyes for example: looking to the right side they count untill 5, the same thing looking to the left side, now looking up later, looking down finally they must close their eyes the same counting till 5 , that is a good exersice that rest and relax the eyes.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
30 Mar 12
No kids here but I find I spend more then enough time on the computer everyday.....I enjoy mylot..facebook...my emails....pinterest....stamping site....just to name a few..I have to leave my computer off on my days off for a while in the morning while I get a few things done otherwise I get sidetracked! LOL
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
29 Mar 12
I try not to go past an hour or two. Esp. now that instead of being able to stay awake from 6AM to 9PM, I have to have a nap in there somewhere.
@GreenMoo (11833)
29 Mar 12
Normally something else demands my time or I run out of power before I'm through. My weakness is interesting blogs.
@ellie333 (21016)
18 Apr 12
Hi GreenMoo, I will answer the last question first re childrens computer time , whenever my son asks I let him purely because after searching for a homework topic and playing a few games he gets bored after about 20 minutes so although his limit is an hour he has never gone over. Myself however I do have to discipline because I will have my work tab open but also FB and now back on the Lot a Lot tab open and at the same time be searching doing research. The last week I have stayed off Facebook a lot more and have been reading real books because I found suddenly once my son was in bed at eight four hours would pass and I hadn't even realised then I wake feeling groggy so spending more time away from it. Huggles. Ellie :D
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Mar 12
I did limit my kids' computer time. Running and playing kept them healthy, much more than if they sat in a chair for hours. I did allow them some computer time, supervised by me until they were 13. I thought experiencing real life was much more valuable than living vicariously through the computer. I think after homework is done and it's too dark to play outside a child 16 or under should spend no more than an hour online. I know of children as young as 6 that spend nearly all their leisure hours online--they are out of shape and sickly-looking and are probably shortening their lives.
@GreenMoo (11833)
29 Mar 12
This has come up as my eldest has just developed a fascination for computer games. He plays online with his friends, and I don't think it's healthy in excess. I'm happy for him to spend some time each day online. After all, familiarity with the online world is much more important for young people today than it was when I was younger. I feel about an hour a day would be maximum though. Perhaps if he were reading websites, investigating things I would feel more comfortable with him doing more, but computer games seem to have no benefit.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
30 Mar 12
Hi there greenmoo, i guess it depends in what you are doing on the computer. If you are spending too much time playing computer games then i guess you should limit yourself, 1 to 2 hours will do.. computer games can be very addictive and it can have negative effects on your life as a husband/wife, son/daughter, etc. however if you are in front of the computer for work-related stuff then i guess it is okay to spend more than 5 hours.. just make sure to have breaks in between.. stand up and do some exercises to avoid getting strained/sprained or whatever.. morever, consider your electric consumption.. electric company like Meralco charges real high fees these days especially during summer season..
@GreenMoo (11833)
1 Apr 12
No electric bills here, which is the only upside of my only being able to use the computer when the sun shines!
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
5 Apr 12
I try to limit my kids' computer time. Because I know that if I don't, they could very well spend the whole day in front of a monitor. Aside from games, they would go to youtube, and find ways how to play their games. It's a difficult balance that I try to play, because I also want them to be computer savvy, as I think it would be a necessity in their future (being able to navigate well online, I mean).
@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Apr 12
I don't think we need worry about the kids growing up computer savvy. They seem to absorb the knowledge from the air around them.
@Orson_Kart (7139)
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 12
I think you should stop when either you start going cross-eyed or falling asleep. Any further time spent is unproductive and can cause unnecessary cost/crinks in the neck/embarrassment (if caught with page open /strange lines on your face. Looking at it from your point of view - I would take advantage of the sunny weather and abuse it for all it's worth. As them farming folk say - "Make hay while the sun shines"
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
29 Mar 12
I personally have no limits on time spent on the computer. but my kids think that there should be some limitation as an hour or two but not more children still must have mode. it's how they teach. very important first seven years. Yet we are already adults and do not have much time does your computer and it's mode. Interesting discussion. nice day! !
@GreenMoo (11833)
29 Mar 12
Agreed the first seven years are important. I wouldn't allow a child under 7 to use the computer for long.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Mar 12
I really don't limit my computer time, but I do tend to ensure I get other things accomplished with my day also. At the moment I would honestly say I don't spend a whole lot of time online doing nothing. I do my school work, check my e-mail and Facebook, maybe do a bit of Mylotting.. and when I'm bored I might look at some Youtube videos or something. Although my computer is on all the time that I'm home and awake, I'm not always on it doing something. I'll sit and have a smoke and check Facebook or Mylot, then get up and go get dinner going or do some dishes or laundry or something.. then come back for another smoke break and then go do something again, etc. etc. With the kids I have not yet set limits, I just try to make sure they get their chores and homework done, and if it's a nice day I'll tell them that their time is better spent outdoors, but I won't set hourly limits per day for TV or video games. I usually just leave them be unless I think it has become disruptive.
@Kojigirl (188)
29 Mar 12
Some days I never even get around to turning the computer on. Boy, do I regret that when I see the number of surveys that pile up! But life is more than that, so I get on with it. My husband is disabled, and when he's having a bad day I just can't get on here. If the weather is bad, I can spend time on here while he watches telly, but here in England we're have a drought which means that I am out in the garden pulling weeds and trying to beat back the Triffids that have taken over. I seldom spend more than a couple of hours on here, so there's not as much time as I'd like, but there are so many other things to do in life. What a sad thing, to get to the end of your life and worry that you didn't spend enough time online!