I wish I was my own referral

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
United States
April 16, 2012 3:39pm CST
]This discussion has been done upside down and side to side so many different ways and different times that it's crazy. Not to mention by different people. However I know that many of us are on here for various reasons, a lot have come and gone too. We can all admit though that we came here at first to earn. I know I sure did as I needed the money at the time, my ex and I were trying to save up to get married and our dream was to be able to not work but yet work from home. I work online now, when I am not at work because I need the money to move out of where I ended up after we split. I guess this discussion is turning into a revealing one as not many people on mylot know I'm divorced! [em]rofl[/em. I guess now you do and I can care less that you do know. I don't want to discuss the why so don't ask. In any case, I am on here now to get out of the situation I am in but also to relieve stress and relax. I find it funny that many in my group of online friends that are here aren't so much here for the money but for the relaxation part of it. It kind of makes me an outcast. It actually makes me feel bad about starting all these discussions from time to time, but truth is I love it, it's my way to relax so ya'll can shove it. (shove it right over there if you don't mind? I've been trying to move that dang dresser for ages already!) ANYWAY the real whole thing behind this is, I do so well on here I wish I had someone who did just as well on here to be my referral! haha!
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18 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 Apr 12
I sure can't recall who referred me to myLot but glad they did. Think there is a way to check on the site and find out who sent me here but can't remember how to do it. I agree with you about wishing I was my own referral. I like being on the site and enjoy responding to many discussions. I like to read what certain friends are doing here and also if they have any new crafts they are working on or just what's happening in their lives. The extra money comes in handy but my main interest is learning about different lifestyles and cultures. I did have a few referrals however they bailed after a short amount of time. I have one who is still a referral for 5 years but has never posted or responded to any discussions! Guess this means I have to continue to solo myLot.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 Apr 12
Exactly. When I have the time and am on the computer, I am somewhere in the vicinity of myLot. Always end up here.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 12
hi thats mainly why I have never tried to get referrals as so many others here have had them and they quit after one or two days. sad as they never gave the lot a chance to show them what it all entails and how you can have fun here and enjoy yourself too and make some money.,
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I was thinking that there must be some way to check about who may have referred us here, I'll have to check in and get back to you both on this. Now I know it's just not worth it to try to get referrals unless it's a trusted chain. I've had so many come and go, posting once or twice. If only they could see how much fun it is, forget the earnings, the fun keeps me staying! (the earnings dont hurt though)
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
16 Apr 12
I think that everyone is going to agree with you I'm quite happy about earning for my upline as I'm sure she will offer me an ice or something when I eventually get to visit US I didn't realise that I had been away so long last year. I remember your posts about saving up to get married but nothing about you getting unmarried. I'm sorry it didn't work out but as long as you are happy, that's all that matters
2 people like this
• United States
16 Apr 12
I'll offer you an ice or something when you visit the U.S., mysdianait. In fact, I'll offer you a tour of our inner harbor and some real Maryland seafood, too!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 12
hi timetravel and diana anytime either of you come to the US and Southern California do stop in at Gold C rest and say hi to me please? I have only met one mylotter in person and she was a lovely warm hearted lady too. wish we could see each other agin.anyway I will welcome any mylotter who drops by.I would take you down to Newport Beach where C harley's chili makes the best in the world.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
16 Apr 12
Gosh you are both so sweet! I am going to have to arrange it so that I stay a while and get to see as many Lotters as I possibly can
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
16 Apr 12
I don't even remember how I found MyLot anymore. It has been so long. I use to be pretty active in making money. But now just post as a way to relax...talk with out going out of breath per say. As referrals, I am glad MyLot doesn't go by that. As I am not good at getting referrals. Or if I dod get some, they don't stay long enough for me to make any money off them.
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Apr 12
Hi SomeCowgirl, Wouldn't it be great if we could be our own referral looking at the number of posts you have made you would have earn a fair amount to help you with the moving process. Perhaps we should put it to the Lot that if we weren't referred and came here of our own means we should get the 25% now that would certainly make a difference eh! I have returned very recently as you know as yes it is a means of escape and relaxation. Think we would all like referrals that stayed but so far my longest staying reached 121 posts and then nothing :( Hope you get to be able to move very sonn Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Apr 12
Hi Hatley, Wow 25% of your posts would be amazing. Remember when you were off the Lot for a while and we were all concerned about you but it was whilst you were in the middle of your move. Glad you still enjoying and yes understand the companship factor as many a time when it is too late to call someone I have posted a discussion and felt comforted by the responses. Huggles to you Ellie :D
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 12
oh Ellie do I ever remember,I had my computer and monitor in storage and missed everyone so much=that move to 'antioch w as a ho rrible mess as it never happened. our online benedfactor from \ England has owedand ohhe and gu shes over my son, She wo uld put us up in an apartment in Antioch C a where her sister lived but at the last moment after even signing a paper to the landlord and agreeing to sponsor us she calle up long distance and told the landlord to destroy the paper she was not going to help us at all. so we were homeless and finally afraid for my health at my age my son got me in here a retirement center. and he was put iun housing America and helped for rent until hje finally got a decent jog. so the only moves were me here where I had never ever planned to be, 'and him now in a boarding house sharing a big room with three other guys, he now has a fairly decent job, or wo uld be in other less expensive states but he cannot afford a 2 bedroom apt yet but is goinbg to get help to get into a one bedroom aparment I think its sponsored by HUD or some similar bureau. so he will not have to share one room with three other guys. so the english ladyh sure did change our lives. but anyway I make myself happy here as what else can I do? being miserable would be silly and not solve anything.,but mylot has become friend and therapy and so m uch more for me and of course the earnings help me to afford to be on the net too.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 12
hi ellie welcome back wow remember when I first met you a long time'back.oh 25 percent wou ld be lovely lol for me its not just earnings, but companionship for a retiree and I get to meet some wonderful people here so along with the earnings and friendship I have been a happy camper each day I am on the lotl
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• United States
16 Apr 12
Now that would be something but I know it's not possible. LOL I do come on here for the discussions I can find among my friends. It's not so much about the money, although if I really put in some effort, I know I can make it work to cashout every month. I'd rather come in at my leisure just as yourself and reply to what you all have, AND LAUGH if the discussion warrants it.
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• United States
17 Apr 12
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I wonder if you'll come back to even see this comment. A period isn't going to earn you anything because you didn't put any effort into this at all. Normally I would ask for this type of thing to be erased but I won't. I"m just hoping this reaches you and you will actually come back and give me something to comment back to you with.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
You're good, I know those kind of errors do happen. I use my tablet sometiems and have to doublecheck I've not double posted, and that goes for anywhere I am on that thing.
• United States
17 Apr 12
sorry didn't know i did that lol
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I had guessed a little bit of this. I also would like the benefit of an active referral. I do find it relaxing here, and always have.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
It is just a great place to go, I've probably been on this site today alone about five times.
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I probably make more for the person who referred me than she does these days since I seldom see her responding to things...
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I met Steph on pogo... so... yes, I still go there sometimes...
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I don't even remember if I followed a referral link or not. This was my second site ever to join on the net.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
18 Apr 12
Good luck with referals, I've tried. People don't come here for me at all. It would be nice if they did. I hope you have better luck than me. I definitely come here to relax, but I like to think I've helped a few people. Esp. the ones who are looking for ways to save money who are now going to make a solar oven or solar cooker from mostly junk they find at their house to cut the cost of cooking.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
18 Apr 12
Two people responded, one that has a solar cooker that she bought and one who made one. So you can check out that discussion, it starts out talking about research because there are many sites online that have everything from ones you can buy to ones you can make from cardboard,styrofoam, and alluminum foil plus wood stove black paint. Come check it out. Would be nice to not heat up the house on hot days and not have to pay for electric or fuel for cooking too.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Apr 12
Oh I am not going to even try to look for referrals. Unless I get to know someone from another site I use and talk with them a lot about it, I'm not going to worry about it. Now this solar oven / solar cooker thing has gotten me intrigued.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 12
hi somecowgirl well yeah let them shove it. I personally enjoy your discussions myself. I came here for two things, some company and some extra money plus a place to relax and be my self and be accepted as myself an elderly retired woman who needed some friends , a way to make money, a way to learn new things each and every day. this site is better therapy than going to a shrink for me and more affordable. too. [em]sad[/em
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 Apr 12
Like your way of thinking, Hatley.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 12
thanks carolbee mylot has meant a lot to me over the past five years and its nice to just be myself here lol.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
Hatley I am glad you are happy here. I seem to remember some sort of whispers (vaguely remembering) of people not believing your true age? I recently saw a picture of you via facebook and the group we have there. It should be pretty simple to find me as well if you'd like a peak at who I am. I rather enjoy the group, putting faces to words afterall. This is definitely a much cozier place to be then a stuffy old therapist's office, and we get paid, we don't pay them! Always a bonus!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Apr 12
You and me both. All of my really active referrals are gone, but at least I had them for a bit...
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I had mine for maybe two or three posts, so go figure.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
17 Apr 12
i feel the same way, i do put forth a good effort here and i make pretty good and im happy with that, i cant wait until morning to see how much i earn each day lol or look at mylot gigest, and i have no referals who even do it.. so if i had more like me i could earn alot.. i also do it to releive stress as well.. and it works wonders and after i meet my quota i feel so accomplished each day.. and that feels great .. and i can even do mylot and work my pt job as well no problem.. so mylot money i make is my play money.. well after i get my few bills taken care of.. i will use my pt job to hlep pay local utilities and hubby pays the rest.. so it works out nicely..
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Apr 12
Everything I earn here I keep saying will go to something different each month. I am waiitng on something and really I'll be waiting forever if I do it that way. I'm still going to be waiting, but well long story short earnings with mylot and the way I AM going to do it will make it easier. My only obligations are my cellphone and my food, so it makes it easier BUT I want out so...
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 12
Well, if we can actually become our own referral, that would make any site creating a big loss for them. Since we would be very active to support our self in earning something. Well, i am here in mylot like others, to make some cash. All i think about is that a nice relaxing and easy posting on a forum that i did most time on the web and i can get some cash for each of it. This is somekind of easy reward and i'm glad that i'm actually here. Now, i am aiming to earn more on mylot with quality posting so i wouldn't regret by not getting paid for some silly post just to make extra cash fast. And i am actually enjoy writing here since the last time i post like this are when i am updating my blog 2 years ago, where this actually helps me in my writing.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Apr 12
I wasn't saying it to be like that. I know that we must actively get referrals if we want to earn but well sometimes, especially on this site, referrals do not stay. I am saying I am active enough on this site that I wish I had someone like me who would be as active, then I'd make twice as much.
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
I'm thankful to our teacher because he refer this to us. I really want to earn and help with my family since our income financially not stable that is why I'm looking for something that I could earn. But what I think it is still the best that you refer the myLot to your friends because you will earn big. Not only you could earn money here but also it will enhance your communication skills and having friends with different people all over the world.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I think I've heard of another person saying they'd been referred here by a teacher. It is great to see so many different cultures coming together. I actually have a friend that is considering joining the site, but she's not gotten back to me so not sure if she has or hasn't joined yet.
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
17 Apr 12
Good to know you are relieving stress and relaxing on mylot. I too came here to earn but then with the different discussions and all the support i got from this site, i decided to continue on this site. I think all the people who post daily on mylot have the same wishes as you because you could benefit from your earnings as well as your referrals earnings but i don't think it is possible in the real world. I had one referral under me, he posted from sometime and then he stopped posting because of his studies and busy schedule.
@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Apr 12
Well, this is an entirely new leaf you are turning over. I hope you find your referral. Good ones are very hard to find. I have gone through quite afew. They either check it our and find it isn't what they thought it was or they work for awhile and then dissappear.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
17 Apr 12
Ha ha, it appears as though you are rockin' here on MyLot. 15K posts?! That's amazing. I finally broke 10,000 after being on here 2-3 years or so and it feels good I guess... Although I really don't' want to think about how many hours of my life MyLotting has taken off of me. I am also like you though...In that money is the prime motivation. Especially now...I am trying to work myself out of debt so anything I make online (on this site as well as a few others I go back and forth between) goes directly to the debt. Of course I put money in from my full-time job's paychecks, but I like making this kind of money on the side because it goes DIRECTLY into the (get out of debt) savings account. I have managed to get quite a few referrals over the years - alot of friends, family, & also folks from the web - but none of them have ever been as much of a "lifer" (or "regular", should I say) as you... Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a referral that was kickin' butt and taking names? I sometimes wonder if I was someone's referral. I don't think I am, but man, they would be making bank off of me! . Anyways, happy mylotting to you!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
17 Apr 12
There are some that have been here as long as I and are really kickin' butt and taking names when it comes to post count. All this talk about referrals reminded me of a discussion I saw a few years ago where a few 'lotters talked about a guy who used to earn $100.00 a month off of himself and his referrals. Of course the site was a lot different back then, now it's much more popular. I don't remember if I signed up under anyone else or not, but they would also be enjoying my activity as while there times I've gone MIA, when I am here I try to kick some major butt!
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 Apr 12
My problem is that I can`t find a referral because nobody in my neighborhood is interested... Do you know a way of getting referrals from the internet..? xD