Are You Bothered By Success of Other People?
By Muelitz
@Muelitz (1592)
April 17, 2012 10:16am CST
I am happily married with 3 beautiful kids. I have a permanent job in the Government and a lot of people say I am lucky. I recently was invited to a social networking web site called LinkedIn. I joined and was able to find some of my classmates in high school and college as well as my previous co-workers. I found out that some of them are very successful. Some are directors and presidents of their company. Some have amassed a lot of experience that I am sure will help them to be more successful in the future. At first I was envious. I asked myself why I am not at the same stature. After reading a bible verse, I felt at peace and not wanting more than what our God has given us. The verse is from the book of Philippians, Chapter 4:11. It states "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances".
How about you how do you feel about the success of others?

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18 responses
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
The success of others gives me strength to strive harder to become successful one day not to have a comparison with those who are already successful but it gives me inspiration to become successful.I an not an envious person but I just work harder to reach what I like to become one day.I do not also let other people know what I have achieve to let them envy me but I just share something so they could have something to use.
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to share my opinion towards your nice discussion.You are an amazing guy to become a good example from your good deeds.
@luisnarvaez582 (93)
• Puerto Rico
17 Apr 12
I like to learn about the success of others so that I can learn about what makes them successful. Another thing I do is that I try to get around a lot of people are doing good an learn about their failures in order to avoid committing the same mistakes myself. I do not feel envy against no one because most of the people that are successful have worked hard to get where they are and that is a source of inspiration for me. I have many friends that are starting their careers and are starting to get good jobs that pay well and I am happy with that because they inspire me to follow their path and learn from their experiences.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
I am not bothered by ther peoples success. I do not mind them having successful life... And so on. But i do think that we all are created equal. So they may be successful in ine aspect bu struggling in some other aspect of their life... Hehw
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I have never been envious of the success of others. If anything, I think it's great how well they have done and what they have achieved. I have had successes and failures in my life, but have always believed that things happen for a reason, and in some instances the failures were just a stepping stone to the next thing in my life. I have two beautiful daughters, I am very proud of. I have had 2 unsuccessful marriages, but from each divorce I learned and grew from it. I have worked my dream job, wildland firefighter for the forest service, and I am still a firefighter with a volunteer department. In that aspect of my life, I have gone from certified basic firefighter to Engine Boss. And it still surprises me sometimes of the respect that I have earned from the other guys. I am strong, independent and am perfectly fine being on my one ( last divorce was 7 years ago).
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
18 Apr 12
i am happy that they are doing well, but that was not always the case, i use to be jealous of everyone else becasue they were doing well and i thoght they had no problems, and then i found out i was wrong everyone has problems.. and then i started to do little things to imporve my life and now im happy for others becasue im content in my own life and am just as happy with my pt job as i would be doing
any other job in the world becasue i realise that with my bipolar i am dong the best i can.. and im proud just to be able to go to work at all .. something i could not do in the past.. and im loving the ot job hours 6-10 thur-sun and off mon-wed.. so i have time for the fun thing sin life as well.. it seems to be a God sent job.. so im happy for me.. and always glad to hear others doing well in there life.. its nice to love yourself and be happy right where you are at now..
@ashveronica (63)
• India
17 Apr 12
we should admire success of others and should make our mind to work hard so much that others would admire us.....
@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
If I see successful people,I look up to them.They are good examples to me because they became successful through patience & perseverance.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
18 Apr 12
I agree with you... Plus everyone has their different idea of "success". You never know, those career women & men probably long for a family of 3 beautiful healthy children. Career doesn't equate to everything. I feel like career/finances is only a very small part of 'success'. Experiences, traveling, volunteer work, family, etc - are all important as well if you ask me!
@lookatme_888567me (72)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
Well for me I am not bothered for the success of others I'm very much happy for them for what they have been achieved in their lives. We just have to learn how to accept and learn what we are now but we will still be continuing struggling and be patient in order for us to be successful.
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 12
I get jealous very easily and i can say that i can be bothered by other people success really easy. But i am also a person that keep most things to myself, so i just look cool and people just keep getting success in front of me. Hah. But all i'm thinking was not to take them down or anything. What i did was work harder to beat them to get them jealous. I know this is not the way i should do, but it really gives me the motivation i needed just like when i work. What i really was doing is to work only for money, but i work hard to get them. The money was the motivation i need to get going and become a good worker. Some people would say, you work because that is what you like to do. I dare to say that around 60%-90% of people around the world do not like their job, but the money keep them going.
@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
18 Apr 12
As long as you keep your jealousy in check, you should be okay. And you are correct, most people work because they need the money. There are a few jobs that are out there where people like what they do. I even know that some people get paid for doing exactly what they want. Perfect examples are baskteball players. I only wish we were one of them Hahaha!

• Philippines
18 Apr 12
What I feel about the success of others is something I am proud of because I know that they succeed because of their hard works, patience and perseverance.
@guttoo (17)
• Canada
18 Apr 12
I can understand how you feel. We all go through this feeling sometimes in life. Actually, in reality, someone will always be more successful than another and someone will be less successful than another. You are right. When you know where you want to draw the line and be happy, that is the highest point of your success. However, since you have got envious about others' success, and were unhappy even for a while, I think you still haven't reached that point of success. You want to achieve more. So, think of any possibility of achieving anything else in future, or think whether you can be happy with whatever you have. If you feel an unrest, you still have miles to go. Maybe you have a hidden talent which you can work at. I know lots of people who gave up secured, permanent jobs to follow their adventurous dreams. I am not asking you to do that putting your family at stake, but you can follow your dreams simultaneously, if you have one. If you don't, think what makes you happy.
I had been a journalist for over 20 years in renowned newspapers. But I threw it all up to publish my novel. Then when I tried to go back to journalism, I realized I do not have the mindset for it anymore. Now I am starting my own business, my own small boutique... heavily different from what I pursued for almost 25 years. But I am happy, that what matters.
@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
18 Apr 12
I am happy for you that you have your own business. If I had the capital I would probably engage in business too. Because only this way you can control your time. I am quite satisfied with what I have right now. There is a balance in all aspects of life. I sometimes wish I was like my succssful friends. However, I do not have intentions on reaching the same level. Like some of the posts above, people may be successful in terms of financial aspect of life. But them may lack something else. I hope that we all find our happiness and success.

@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
17 Apr 12
Not at all. Life's too short. Why should I waste time bring bothered by their success, when I could go out and make my own success? No matter what I do there will always be someone better off. I am not going to waste my life.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
29 Apr 12
well success is measured differently to different people. to me, success simply means getting what i am after. so if you had started out life working towards having a happy family and a stable job, i'd say you are very successful. being directors and presidents doesn't automatically make a person successful. especially if it is not what they wanted in life!
i'm not saying this because i am not a director or president. i'm sure if i had wanted to be one, i'd be willing to work my butt off and become one.
it's just that it is not what i wanted at all. spending most of my life working is definitely not what i consider to be 'having a life'. what i've always wanted, and i have it now, is time to do what i enjoy in life. things like spending time with my family, going on holidays at least twice a year with my partner. that is what is most important to me and i'm really happy with the way things are now. if you ask me to choose between my life now or become an important person with a lot of money, i'll choose my life now any time!

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Apr 12
If other people have their success in their life, then good for them. I am hope they are happy with what they have done and live their long fulfilling lives. I don't really tend to be bothered with comparing myself to other people because I'll be honest, it seldom really ends all that well, where some people tend to get jealous rather easily and it causes them to be obsessed with what they can do to be like someone else.
For me, I make my own success and my own failures. I do not define myself by another person. I am my own person, whatever happens in my life is relevant to me and that is just the way things are going to go. Sometimes it is a tough road and sometimes people have found a bit easier, but they were crafty enough to find a bit of an easier path, so good for them. Perhaps one day, I will find my own easy path.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
18 Apr 12
Hi, Muelitz, sometimes we may be envious but this is a human trait. Many people are not content, they want more. This is not always bad because it means also greater achievements. But it doesn't worth it to compare ourselves to other people. Some of your classmates may have a higher social status but maybe they are not happy like you. At the other hand envy could be a stimulus to achieve more. As for myself I'm disposed to look more at me. If something bothers me this is my problems.