US troops to stay in Afghanistan until 2024 under new deal
By EvanHunter
@EvanHunter (4026)
United States
April 28, 2012 7:09pm CST
So much for Obama's campaign promises:
"US forces will stay in Afghanistan until 2024 under a deal aimed at reassuring the Afghan public, regional powers and insurgents that Washington will not abandon Kabul after most foreign troops withdraw."
So it looks like we are going to be stuck in Afghanistan for another 12 years. My only question is why? Obviously it's not Bin Laden. Is it the Oil, is it the Lithium or is it the poppy fields that produce 90% of the worlds heroin which happens to be on the rise in the United States. In fact in 1999 there were a total of 1,725 heroin overdoses but that number has nearly doubled since we invaded Afghanistan. In fact in 2009 there were 3,278 overdoses of opiate drugs. We are now loosing more lives every year from heroin than we lost in 9/11. Not to mention the president of Afghanistan's brother being involved in the heroin trade.
Anyone else think its time we got the hell out of dodge and worried about securing our own borders and cleaning up our own crooked politicians instead of worrying about others?
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5 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
29 Apr 12
Back when I was barely pushing my 20s and we were attacked on 911, I subsequently bought into the idea that we had to engage the enemy over there and stop them from forming cells, getting organized and coming over here. In fact, that's a view I've held until recently.
But the more I study asymmetrical forces, and the more I realize that Islamic terrorists are governed by a different set of principles than even our bravest men and women, I have pulled a complete 180.
The odds are totally stacked against anything that would stand as a significant "victory" in Iraq, Afghanistan, or even our on-again, off-again allies/enemies in Pakistan. And let's not even get into countries like Iran or the various organizations like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
It's an organized effort, the USA, vs. patches of various extremists all across the vast expanse of the Middle East and beyond who want everything from the annihilation of imperialism and the extinction of the Jews to true and total Sharia rule and a cultural cleansing of anyone, including fellow Muslims, who don't follow the faith per one sect's demands.
For the love of all things holy, it's time to get out of those places.
I was always a believer that we had no choice but to take the fight to them. But bravery and honor doesn't mean you walk through the dark by yourself, punching at random enemies. Sure, you may hit a few. But what's that worth?
There are other nations in closer proximity to that region and who have more, for lack of a better and truer term, moral authority dealing with specific Muslim relations, as our name is mud amongst, I would assume, the majority.
America's finest will die for their country. I solute them for that. Their "finest" will blow themselves to hell and back again tenfold just to take out one of ours.
It's their territory. It's their culture. And while I'm not on the isolationist train, I do recognize that over ten years after 911, if we haven't got the other Muslims on board, that silent majority, then it's never going to happen. And although I might be branded this or that for holding this opinion, I have to assume that a large chunk of those silent are against us rather than with us.
It's a fight we can't win abroad. But it is a battle we can control by holding down the fort.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
29 Apr 12
You said that very wall. It all makes sense and I agree with you. They are not going to change or back down. It is their culture. We have lost so many good soldiers over there, thousands have been killed. Troops are still being killed daily, weekly, monthly. All for what?
It's been over ten years now and we haven't accomplished one thing other than lose soldiers.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I'm for leaving Afghanistan too. And I am definately not an isolationist. But I think we need to get our southern border in order, quick.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Apr 12
But the war on terror is over? Haven't you heard? 

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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
29 Apr 12
The ending is the most important part, meet the new boss ... same as the old boss
@kareng (71060)
• United States
29 Apr 12
I am all for taking care of the good old USA and only the USA now. We fed China. We bought all their crap, the multitudes of inferior products, toys for our children that contained harmful lead, etc. It's time to shut down the borders, keep our troops at home and secure our safety. Too many lunatics in the world, and lots of crooked politicians.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
29 Apr 12
I been saying for awhile now, 50 years ago politicians and business leaders would of been arrested and charged with treason for selling us out to Communist China. I see no reason why that should of ever changed.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
29 Apr 12
We need to stop policing the World if our Military was positioned like that of other Countries we wouldn't have to worry about terrorist getting into the United States because the Military could do it's Constitutional jump which is oh guess what defend this countries borders.
I have lost faith in Obama within his first few days of him taking office when he didn't say okay we are ending the wars now. He didn't do it and that is when I knew he would be the same sort of politician that he said he wasn't going to be. He was a liar and he took me and others for a ride. Some have woken up to this little fact others though are still asleep.
I try to wake them up but many of them are so stuck in their ideological grid lock that they won't wake up to see it. I bet they would even deny that they where ever against the Patriot Act.
Obama is a liar and well I won't be voting for him this year.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
29 Apr 12
"They put a Black face on the New World Order and now we all happy. KRS ain't buying it.” … HipHop artist KRS-One