Is PRIDE purely a bad thing???
@whoslovetanyway (58)
14 responses
@ladyhemingway (965)
• Philippines
14 May 12
Pride is not purely a bad thing. There are times when a person need it in order to keep his self esteem intact. It is only bad if it is used excessively and manifested in every action that one person takes. It is bad if other people's sake are being compromised.
@samson1 (738)
• Jamaica
1 May 12
In my opinion, having pride in oneself is never to be viewed as a bad thing. In fact, having pride in oneself serves as (1) a good measure of self worth, and (2) an expression of confidence in one's ability to do and accomplish anything that one sets out to achieve.
Whoslovetanyway, I do not envisage why one should try to balance it out with anything whatsoever. In fact, 'forgetting one's pride' is not to be interpreted as forgetting one's self worth; but this statement should make one aware that one needs to take stock of one's behavior, which may be viewed as boastful to others! Note, being boastful is an measure of an 'undesirable' human trait which does not auger well with one's 'wholesome' self image.
Hence, in the context of that last sentence of your discussion, you're saying that you are prepared to curtain your expressions of confidence in your abilities in such a way that it does not embarrass any other person(s) who has less self worth than you possess (whether these individuals have unresloved issues which may originate from lack of(or waning) self esteem , or issues that adversely affect their own self worth).
In addition, I do not think that choosing to 'forget one's pride'- in any context- is a bad thing. Why? I think that by taking that approach, one decides to be gracious in one's application; by wishing to avoid embarrassing anyone who is less off than one, and one does not intend to use one's attributes to boast on the other individual(s).
What do you think about my explanation forwarded?
@Jevendiran (778)
• India
1 May 12
PRIDE is good or bad depending on how you feel it/ express it. There are people who feel proud of their actions, if they are worth, and appreciate themselves for that achievement. They feel happy and contented about their actions which motivates them to achieve further and further. Apart from self-motivation, they also inspire people around them. Such a pride is very very good!! There is another class of people who, on the other hand, boast about themselves. They show off so much that they become irritating characters to others. This attitude makes a bad impression about them among their friends and family circles. Even though they have achieved something, it is of no use! Neither they get the recognition from others, nor they inspire anyone! Such a pride should not be there!!
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
1 May 12
Pride is not necessarily bad. It's not good if we look down on others because they didn't achieve what we did. But why couldn't we proud of something we worked hard for. And it can be definitely good if pride can stop us from doing something hat's considered bad.
@zaskasahagun (346)
• Philippines
1 May 12
pride is a bad thing if you always let that thing get into and over you. it is bad if you cant control your pride like not being sorry for what you did even when you know for yourself that it was your fault. being prideful can make you lose friends and loved ones. but it isnt a pure bad thing though. pride is also important when you know that others are stepping up onto your individuality. in this case, you should take your pride up so that those bad people wont eat your dignity up.
@leizldelosreyes (141)
• Philippines
1 May 12
Everyone has pride. For us Christians, pride, is a capital sin. To use it in a positive note means you are satisfied with your achievements, decisions or actions. In a negative note, it means you are biased with your own point of view, personal status or achievements. Thus, negatively, pride usually comes together with selfishness. Pride when used for the wrong reason mostly creates conflicts, destroys people and relationships. Often times, it really depends on the situation that you are into. There are times when our pride uplifts us when you need a push, but most of us use it for our own benefit only and not of the others. Pride comes in when we do not accept our mistakes, when we highly think of ourselves and sometimes we push people down because of it. Pride if used for the right reason will help us. But if it is used for our own selfish intention, then it would destroy us.
@sassygirlanne007 (4517)
• United States
30 Apr 12
There is nothing wrong with having pride, it shows you believe in something but there is a time and place for pride. There are some places where having too much pride can offend someone and start problems but as long as you can determine when is a good time, having pride shouldn't be something to hide.
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Apr 12
I think that a certain level of pride is perfectly fine if you have done something good in your life that you had to work very hard to achieve. However, there are a lot of people who just brag about the things that have gone well for them during the course of their lives, and I think that this is bragging more than pride. Pride is a feeling that is inside ourself, but bragging is when we try to force that pride upon other people who just don't really want to know. That is the big difference; and in my opinion pride is fine and should be encouraged, whereas bragging should not.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
I think it would depend on the situation. It is not bad when you know you are on the right side and you wish to defend with what you stand for. I too am a prideful person, especially when I know I am right. But sometimes, I have to think things again and again and see the pros and cons and to know where I am really right or was I only right on my own belief. I try not to be too much full of pride because there's this one person who taught me to be lower it down, even if you know you are somewhat correct. Sometimes, it is the best to do especially when it comes to relationships. Pride makes things fall into pieces sometimes especially when we don't know how much wrong our stand is.
@vaishnavc (556)
• India
30 Apr 12
Pride is a good thing to an extent.As it will make you realize how much you are worth.And also help you live in society with your head held high.
But as with anything,too much of it is not so good.As you can sometimes hurt the people who care about you.In such cases pride is not good at at all.So try to balance it and don't let it ruin your relationships.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
30 Apr 12
Is it wrong to know oneself? I don't think so. Is it wrong to know where you good at? I don't think so. Is it wrong to have self esteem (because of that)? I also don't think so. I think if you are full of pride because of.. there is nothing wrong with that. Especially not if it is because of what you do, made work, come true etc.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
30 Apr 12
In my book it isn't. If I ahcieve something because of my own hard work, I'm entitled to feel proud. Also, in today's world, it's not an evil thing to have poise and dignity... it's not a sin, just a way to only get close to people who aren't going to betray us.
@ShadowSky (221)
• Bulgaria
30 Apr 12
Pride,like any other thing,has both a good and a bad side.It's definitely not an entirely negative thing.While it might cause you trouble if you are too proud,usually having pride brings about having confidence and having faith in yourself is an important step to success.Besides that to be proud doesn't necessarily mean to be stuck up or overconfident.The way I see just means that you appreciate your success and yourself and see you own value and that's a very rare quality,usually found in people who a born winners. To me,there is absolutely nothing wrong with carrying yourself with pride as long as you understand when to show a little humility.