bruno mars song "marry you". this song is really fun and sweet^^

bruno mars - amazing singer ^^
May 9, 2012 7:43am CST
hi guys i was just listening to bruno mars song "marry you". he says really sweet things but at the same time is fun.i think this song shows how love should be. happy mostly. even if things go wrong try to understand and move on. i think he is a fabulous singer and composer bcs this song and the song "just the way you are" have great meanings^^ what do you think? do you identify yourselves with these songs too?^^
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12 responses
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
9 May 12
All his songs are great I believe. I love him too and I love his songs. They're just amazing . You easily fall in love with his songs. He's half Filipino or something so I am proud of him
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 May 12
His concert might cost a lot and I don't have the money to pay for the ticket. But I sure do know it will really be worth watching. I am not sure if he has been in our country as well. I hope I get to see and hear him live right in front of me and not just online or on tv.
• Portugal
14 May 12
yes gaiza thats true^^ he is half filipino, half porto rican ^^ i saw on tv^^ he is a great singer. all his songs are always super sweet and romantic^^ wouldnt it be great if you were friends with him? or go to his concert?^^ i would like to. this year there will be music festivals in my country and some international bands and singers will come but he isnt one of them so sad :( maybe next year^^
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
9 May 12
hello cat, Glad to see you back I like Bruno Mars, I like his songs and his style. I like him much upon knowing he is half Filipino
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• Portugal
14 May 12
im happy you like bruno^^ thanks im happy to see you in my discussions too^^ i been absent for awhile cause was working far from my house so couldnt be online. also i didnt have access to internet. but now i be here more often^^ yes he is half filipino and he is really talented^^ his songs are really sweet and emotional^^ besides they are fun^^
@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 May 12
wow, I know a lot of girl that are crazy about him, I don't like him very much, I just listen to 2 or 3 of his songs, but I am not a fan of music, but for sure I identify with one of his song. "lazy song" :) thanks for the discussion and nice to see you after a long time!
• Portugal
9 May 12
thanks lucas^^ yes i been absent for awhile^^ didnt have internet and then got busy with a new job. his song lazy? ahah thats a funny one^^ but his song marry you is really sweet and fun too^^ if you listen you will like it i guess. i just admire his compositions and the happy way he shows in his songs. he doesnt sing about sad loves but about happy ones. and thats what we need to keep our dreams going^^ nice to talk to you again too^^
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@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 May 12
Thanks sweetloveforeve, I will listen to this song and pay more attention about his lyrics.
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• Portugal
14 May 12
i wish you enjoy it^^ im sure you will because it has a fun sound even its romantic too^^
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@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
10 May 12
It's funny and i like the tune but if you dig deeper in the lyrics, the guy is just thinking of marrying but is not really serious about it. In fact he said that it could be the dancing shoes, the beautiful night, etc. Which means that he is just considering it because of the romantic surrounding and not because he really is in love.
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• Portugal
14 May 12
well toni but i think that is how teenagers love mostly^^ they go for the moment without thinking in consequences much. thats good sometimes. if you get risks sometimes life will be more interesting^^ i know that he says its ok if she wants to break up that at least they had fun together. thats how we love when we are young i think. we fall in love easily^^ thats why i like this song cause its different than what i heard before^^
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
9 May 12
not only this song but all of his songs was on my iPhone, I just love all of his music
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• Portugal
9 May 12
yes i love his songs too^^ i just talked about this one bcs i think its so fun and sweet. like teenagers love^^ we are all silly and do all for love when we are young right?^^ thats why i identify myself with this song. i also do any i can when i really like a guy^^ im happy you are a fan of him also^^ thanks for your opinion^^ have a very happy day^^
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@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
9 May 12
Burno Mars is famous among the girls here. But as a guy myself, i actually enjoy his songs and i think his sound is sweet. Not as awesome as Adam Levine, but i think both has their own thing and Adam has the awesome and he has the sweet one. And yes, Bruno Mars songs is great to listen when i am just alone thinking about girls and stuff, you would understand it best when you have something going on and just listen to his songs.
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• Portugal
9 May 12
yes thats why i identify myself with his songs^^ cause what he says is the way we girls like to be treated^^ if a guy tells us that we are beautiful and mean it its just great. and when he says if you want to break up thats cool it was fun. that shows that we all should accept when things are over and be able to move on. i totally agree with it. its a hard thing to do but sometimes its what saves us from getting hurt^^ im happy that you as a guy also like his songs. i wish you are like him to girls too^^ be very happy^^
• Portugal
14 May 12
ahah im happy you act this way with girls^^ sure we girls like to be treated well. i wish your girl treats you good too^^ you deserve to be happy. dont forget to always be a gentleman^^
• Malaysia
12 May 12
Yeah, of course. I'm trying to be and so far, it's kinda good and really, girls like to be treated that way. :)
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@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
10 May 12
I remember when I first mentioned the song to a friend, she said it was from Glee not Bruno Mars. Love this song!
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• Portugal
14 May 12
ahah really?^^ well in glee they sang it too.they are great performers actually^^ and they usually choose good songs to sing. i think it was puck that sang bruno mars song right? he is great ^^and so cute ahah^^ this bruno mars song is amazing cause its so much fun but so sweet at the same time. love should always be like in this song dont you agree?^^ that way love would always be happy^^ wish you have a good love life too^^
• Philippines
9 May 12
Hello Sweet-Love-forever, bruno mars is a cool singer and had been giving a lot of good contributions to the song. though the song is lovely, i don't see myself connecting to it because am single. though there are marriage type of song that i have listened to in the past. But i realized i was just dreaming and instead i chose to listen to songs that are more related to my single hood. Have a Nice day
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• Portugal
14 May 12
you can call me cat^^ well im single too but i listen all kinds of songs^^ you can dream with your future too right? songs are not just for us to relate with our situation right now but also the future or how we would like our life to be^^ even you are single im sure someday you will get married^^ you are not different of other people. if mean people get married good ones also do^^ just be more confident about yourself^^
• Calgary, Alberta
9 May 12
"its a beautiful night, we have something dumb to do, oh baby i want to marry you" I love that line, Its a happy go lucky and pure couple who will get married because they love each other and they were not afraid of the circumstance and the problems they will face, what matters to them is that they love each other, Its a very naive , sweet and innocent song. Though yeah, we should be careful before getting married
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• Portugal
14 May 12
ahah yes albert^^ its a pure, innocent and fun song^^ they love each other and go for the moment^^ i think this song shows that sometimes people are too much afraid to risk. we should risk more and enjoy life because we dont know about the future. people worry too much and i think this song shows perfectly how teenagers live love that is to the fullest and thats how it should be even to older people^^ that way the world would be a better and happier place^^
• United States
10 May 12
All I know is that song is going to my wedding song, because it's a nice romantic song and it's a fun song to listen to and dance to.
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• Portugal
14 May 12
ahah really?^^ thats so sweet. this song is very romantic and its like showing young love's. they risk without care much about what will happen. they love and they risk even if things go wrong. thats what we all do. we never know if our love decisions are right but we risk it anyway^^ im sure you will be very happy. your wedding will be fun too^^ i wish you the best ^^
@rashme317 (250)
• Philippines
17 May 12
. i agree with you , not only marry you ,but almost all of his sings are fund and it have very sweet message , i guess bruno mars is a sweet person ,i just love all of his songs.
• United States
10 May 12
Yeah they are pretty good songs.
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• Portugal
14 May 12
im happy you like it^^ his songs are really great and meaningful. he is a great artist because he doesnt only sing but also writes i think. besides he has a really good smile^^ seems like he really means what he says when he is singing. who knows he wrote his songs to a girl maybe? there is always something we get inspired to^^ have a happy day^^