friends are better when compared to parents
@srikanth777ias (326)
May 10, 2012 5:00am CST
yes friends are always better when compared to parents . parents always put rules and regulations and always want to control our activities and they have a command on us. offcourse their is a command on every childrens but they cant understand the childrens wishes .
i dont understand why parents are behaving like that and what is the reason behind that .
so i always enjoy company with my friends . friends always support me and make me happy always . and they always enjoy my company and me to.friends had a great commitment towars us when compared to parents. i think our growth depends on our friends motivation and their encouragements. i am so happy now because of my friends and my lover
7 responses
@GajaGamini (1070)
• India
10 May 12
the main thing which friends and parents does not have is the same thinking that we called generation gap.
old people do not understand what new people think that is why their thinking,values always clash with each other.
friends do not change in any situation but parents does.
we can share everything with friends but not with parents.
parents complaint about small small things but friends accepts us as we are.
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
11 May 12
i think like that only waht you are said but i will tell one other thing that are parents are thinking about our future very well when compare to friends . parents think that we are doing so many mistakes because we dont have aproper plan to involve in this kind of discussions . but friend only heips us and encourage but he could not think about our future . because he has to limit in that case because he is not responsible for our future only our parents are responsible for our future
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
11 May 12
I think you can only talk about your own parents. I never interfered in my kids their friends(ships) or jobs, or education or school. I only want them to be happy the way they like to be. I respect them the way they respect me. I don't have or ever had plans for their future. Personaly I don't care if they spend the rest of their lives in bed or on the couch as long as it makes them happy and they are able to take care of themselves. Since this is what raising a child means: being able to take care of yourself as soon as possible. Which is normal in my country. Parents are not responsible for your future, you are! You are an adult of will be an adult, it's your life so your responsibility. Also I do believe everybody has to make his own "mistakes" to get life experiences. BTW I don't call things that easily a mistake at all, so this also depends on how you look upon life.
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
12 May 12
oh thank you again my dear friend . ok any way you are always right in this discussion . i will try to change myself to get rid off all this problems . kindly please respond to this kind of my further opinions once again thank you all

@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
11 May 12
Sorry to disappoint you but friends and friendship works by rules as well. Pity for you, you have such "terrible" parents. Wonder if this might have to do with you as well. Think I am lucky since my kids are my best friends and they will always be.
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
11 May 12
first off all thank you for responding to my my subject, yor are very good parent . like you if remaining parents are there means it is very good . but all parents are not like you. in this situation only friends are very useful and helpful and encourageful
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
12 May 12
your children are so luck my dear friend . please in future also you behave like that only towards your son and daughter and keep it up my dear friend . my parents are lovable but they are not encouraging me like my friends and sisters and brothers
and i am depend on all ways on my parents and they are restricting in all ways in my life and i am not able to tolerate this kind of critical situation in the world so please give a sugession to get rid of all this problems from my parents . please my dear friends . and i am very thank ful towards your opinion on me
@lampar (7584)
• United States
14 May 12
I wound not think for a second friends are better than parent, they are just not for comparison purposes. One is like apple and the other is like orange, both are important to our personal growth and well beings. Parent and friends are obviously two different type of relationship we have in our daily life and play different role during the stages in our life. Yes, Parent usually have rule and regulation, but those are usually there for the good of us when we are children, so that we can avoid mixing up with the wrong group of people and stay away from danger, they are always there for us if we are in trouble. While good friends can always provide supports and fun during our teenage and adult years. Both are better and essential to me, not one is better than the other. Cheer! 

@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
14 May 12
first off all i am very happy to receive our response for my discussion my dear friend and the next thing i want to tell is this is just my opinion my dear friend and to decrease the integrity and respect of the parents . all parents are not like that of my parents i now that i had a lot s of feelings and i suffered a lot with my parents in many ocassions and i hurted so many times infront of my relatives thats why i had a such kind of opinion my dear friend . if you felt bad because of my discussion i am really sorry for that and forgive me . i love much for to my friend rather than my parents thats it . thanks again for respondi ti this message
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
10 May 12
We don't really understand why our parents are like that. But, later on we will come to realize that what they did or do are for our own good (or maybe what they think are good for us). When I tell this to older friends they say that someday you will understand your parents when you become a parent yourself.
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
11 May 12
good night my dear friend and i am very happy because of your response for my subject thanks for your response . parents are our role model in this life . based on the ideology of the parents only we can built our career but we cant beleive in parents because they say no to us for the things we are going to do my dear friend. ok friend thank you give the similar response for my further subjects . once again thanking you my dear freind
@HosmanF (92)
• Belgium
10 May 12
Good evenindear friend srikanth777ias , ohhh this is a verry fragile subject ( at least for me ), i am currently 25 years old and i have an older sister ( she has twenty six years ) and we were both raised by our mother , and had a stepfather , whom also liked to control everything in our lifes , tho' depriving me of free choice , but my mother she always been sûpportive of my dreams and what i wanted to do and she thaught me to always trust her , and i talked with my mother about everything , she knew all my dark secrets and fears and she always fighted for me and my sister , sometimes parents forget how it is been a child , searching for a true Role Model , whom understands and loves us unconditionally , even when i was doing bad thingz , she did showed me that she is more dissapointed , rather then upset with me , a fact wich always made me wanna become a better person.
I'd really wish you find some support in your familly , because our friends dont always have our best interest at heart , at least after a certain time you will realise that we only have verry few true good friends , because people change all the time , and you should know that even if parents are sometimes control maniacs is because they love us soo much that they forget we hate been controlled.
I wish you all the happinnes in the world.
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
11 May 12
good night my dear friend have a great and nice day i am very happy because of your great respose for my subject and today i am very well funrished because today heard one thing that is when compared to friends our sisters and brothers are best for giving us the great oppertunity to us to in building up our career and our future .
parent s should not trust us because they think that only their opinions are better for our career that our ideas and view so we cant to any thing . because we depends on them
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
10 May 12
I never think like that any time. One who gives us advice for our goodness then they are not taking us in the wrong path. It is common to both parents. All parents except few wont let their children down. If they are being strict it does not mean that they are controlling for their wish. It is to make us to realise what is life and we have to be safe.
In the meantime, if we are happy with our friends does not mean they are the only true caring people. A true friend you can find only in hard situation and not during your enjoyment.
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
11 May 12
parents corrects our path of journey and shows the correct way to move . but friends does not show the correct path just they follow our path and they back us and encourage our things and attitude .but they cant correct our path of our journey.
parents has a better plan in our journey of life .we cant determine best in friends and parents. because our future decides who are best. based on the things that are going to happen in our life and so on this is the best thing i like in the parents and friends