
May 31, 2012 5:46am CST
it is a joy to see old couples who are still together. are younger generations still capable of being married to one man or woman for 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90 yrs?
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10 responses
• United States
31 May 12
It's very rare, because more and more people have given up on the idea of love. Now people are marrying for convenience or just to say they were married. I know my fiance and I will be one of these couples who is together for a lifetime, because we compliment each other so well.
• United States
2 Jun 12
I appreciate that, I think people should really open their eyes more so that they can see people for more than just physical appearance. I think we let lust get into our minds so much that we forget when it's time to love, and once that initial magic is gone, the relationship doesn't normally last.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
then i am happy for you and your fiancee. i pray that things for the both of you will indeed last and you will be blessed with a happy family and a happy and blissful married life. thanks for your reply.
@Mashnn (4501)
31 May 12
I agree, I usually admire those couples and make me just wonder what goes wrong with modern couples though I still believe that they are still some couples outside there who are committed to their marriage and working towards making it last.
@Mashnn (4501)
2 Jun 12
I totall agree. There is still hope.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
hehe.. modern couples have become modern with their thoughts as well. but lasting commitment is still possible. with faith in the relationship and strength to overcome obstacles, i think a couple can stay long with each other.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
31 May 12
I do see myself capable of staying with the same person for the rest of my life and that is what i tend to do. Some cant because they have commitment issues and that is normal to have depending on how they grow up and how they feel about the situation. You just need to find that person you can say that you really want to be with until your last day on earth.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
same with me. i can say that i can stay with the same person till my last breath. and you're also right in saying that not all people have the same outlook when it comes to commitments as everyone grew up with a different environment.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
Yes, i admire couples who have stayed together until they were old.. they are s loyal to each otehr and a perfect example that love, true love still exists.. I hope i can find a man who will stay with me for that long too... i think it is still possible.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
i think it is always possible. let's never stop searching and hoping. :) thank you for your reply. :)
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
31 May 12
I completely agree with you. It is a joy to see couples who have been married for such a long time. My husband and I have a friend who was married for 61 years. That is the longest that we have personally known anyone to be married. It really is an encouragement.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
wow.. 61 years.. that's amazing! makes me happy. :D i wish my bf and i will reach that.:) thank you for this wonderful story.:)
• Philippines
31 May 12
Yes, I think so. relationship is a give and take process. both man and woman must give love to each other and show it towards their partner to maintain their relationship. I do believe that our generation will still be able to have long span relationship with their partners.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
thank you for your response. i also believe that we are still capable of loving and being committed to marriage. hope is always here.:)
@GemmaR (8517)
31 May 12
I do think that there are still some people who would be able to be married for that long, however one thing that you do have to remember is that it is a lot easier to get a divorce these days, which means that a lot more people might choose that option if they're finding that they're no longer happy in their relationship. In the past, although people might have stayed together for longer, there is always the chance that they didn't actually like being together and they wouldn't have been if they had been able to get a divorce. So, while it might seem as though things are changing, this might not actually be the case as such.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
you're right but still, divorce or annulment wouldn't be necessary if one marries the person whom he or she knows well. thanks for your reply. :)
• Philippines
31 May 12
Of course dear.. If they both continue on loving each other and be faithful until the end of time. I know you are thinking that it might not be possible because divorce, annulment and any other legal separation can be easily accessed nowadays. But with loving the right one will make your relationship last. Remember, it is good to marry the one you love but it is better to love the one you marry. Thank You for this discussion.
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
thank you so much for this.. i like the line "it is good to marry the one you love but it is better to love the one you marry." i still believe in everlasting commitment. although it's hard to look for this nowadays, still, it is possible.
@taura2p (349)
• Romania
22 Jun 12
Oh, yes, it is such a joy! I have a friend, and her grandparents have been married for many many years now. They still love each other as if they were young. He brings her flowers, he always tell her that she is the most beautiful woman in the world and the love of his life. I hope to live this too one day...
• Philippines
31 May 12
hai How could I wish If I got married,she will be with me till our last breath, I will love and care her with all my strength.and marry again her at the other side of life, if there have a nice day
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
:) you will find her with enough prayers and faith and of course effort. i still believe in commitments. it will work out so long as both parties are true to each other.