Where I draw the line on government involvement.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
United States
May 31, 2012 6:35am CST
I was just reading that the Mayor of New York city is trying to ban the sale of large sugary drinks in stores. I normally support government involvement on issues that matter, but this is a case where I will not stand for it. What business is it to anyone if I want to drink a 2 liter bottle of soda with my lunch or not. I'm tired of these so called fitness experts trying to force people to conform to their views of how heavy a person should be. I weigh over 300lbs, and if it kills me 10 years earlier than a skinny person I don't care. I'd rather die happy than healthy any day of the week. It seems to me politicians need to worry about issues that matter and stop invading the private lives of people. To all the fitness junkies out there. If you don't like fattening foods, don't buy them. Stop trying to get venders to stop selling them, it's none of your damn business. What are you thoughts people? Am I wrong in thinking like this?
16 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
31 May 12
When you give government more power than the Constitution allows, you have opened the door to their grabbing as much power as they can.
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@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
I may open the door, but I have a baseball bat that will encourage them to get out real fast. My faith isn't in the government knowing when to back off. My faith is in the citizens knowing when to take back the power.

@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
31 May 12
Hahaha. That is so stupid. What is the mayor thinking about anyway. If I can't buy a 2 liter soda bottle, I can certainly buy two 1 liter bottles. I don't see the point. If I can't buy a 1 liter soda, eh I'll just buy 2 500ml bottles. So sue me. Okay just for that I'll go ahead and buy 4. I used to be overweight myself. Gee, I love to eat and drink. Although I've been training my a$$ off to get fit. I've lost more than 30lbs. I still love to eat like a horse and drink like there's no tomorrow. Sad to say, I am a victim myself of what society feeds me. hehehe. But I've figured out a way to keep fit while still being my old food loving self. Yup, the fitness sector is at an all out war with all kinds of unhealthy stuff. But you are certainly right about one thing, let the people decide for themselves what to buy. If one is against these kinds of unhealthy food or drink, then don't buy them. If the demand is no longer there, the products in question will surely die on its own time and not before. hehehe.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
See that's reasonable. The fact is I enjoy some exercise every now and then, but I will do it in my own time. I just reserve the right to reward myself with a nice carbonated, sugary beverage afterwards.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
31 May 12
But hey it's all politics. One way or another the business sector will just find another way to sell us stuff. Or pay off the damn mayor. either way, I still will be buying some of them unhealthy stuff for self gratification. Now that got me thinking of ice cream. hehe.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
I'll start making my own soda, before I let these guy take it away from me.

@justinus (1104)
• Karawaci, Indonesia
1 Jun 12
no, you did not wrong, in my country even sometimes super market sell expired canned food (mean they did not take tight control to their stuff and they safe there is no problem with it) - sorry I just try to add my earning by joining your topic, thanks for your interesting discussion.

@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Supermarkets should not sell expired food. I know I wouldn't buy it.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Okay, I see what you mean. Still expired food is kind of a bad example. LOL. I get the creeps just thinking about eating day old cold cuts.

@lampar (7584)
• United States
31 May 12
That is what you going to get from a city government that has too much free time on hand and having too many incompetency onboard. Whether someone want to be thin or heavy is strictly his/her personal business, not city government affair. A fatty or a bone as* should be left to choose to buy a soda pack with sugar, calories, coloring, or even vitamins whenever he/she likes, it is his money and his constitutional rights to buy whatever drinks he likes, stop harassing soft drinks producers and American consumers. I agree with you on this one. 

@lampar (7584)
• United States
31 May 12
May be the mayor of this city received million dollars on political contribution from 'health' drink and food industry to come out with such intrusive policy on personal liberty. If soda producers can't sell their sugary pack drinks in the city's stores, other 'health' drinks manufacturers will replace them with premium priced soft drinks that can earn billion anually. 

@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
I won't stand for it, but I'm concerned their are to many people around who discriminate against fat people.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
In that case the mayor should be impeached because he has betrayed the trust of his people.

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Well this is the natural result of allowing government to be involved.
Once you allow government into any aspect of controlling your private personal life, then there will always be slippery slope.
You can ban headphones, because someone was wearing them when they got killed by a train.
You can ban cell phones, because someone hit another person while talking on the phone.
Once you allow government in, once that that control, then the limit becomes arbitrary. Your limit is this. My limit is that. Both of can make cases either way, but the limit is simply arbitrary.
This is why government shouldn't be allowed even the ability to dictate what drink you have, or any other pointless personal preference.

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Ah... but then you have to define what 'hurting others' means.
When you smoke, and cause other people to smoke by your example, you are hurting others?
When you drink, and cause other people to think being drunk is cool, you are hurting others?
When you become obese, or get lung cancer, or cirrhosis of your liver, and that costs the public money for government funded health care, you are hurting others?
When your actions cause other people to get STDs, or have mental issues from broken relationships, you are hurting others?
See, your clear cut definition, might be clear to you, but other people do not share that definition.
This is why it's better to not have government involved at all. Obviously there are more people who disagree with you, than agree. And once they wield the power of government that you gave them, they'll dictate just as much to you, as you would to them.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I was thinking about that after I made my post. It is true, in that case I think its better to smack their hands for everything.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I have a clear cut definition of what the government has the right to interfere with and what they don't. If my actions have the possibility to hurt another person then there should be a rule limiting me from doing those things, but if my actions only affect me, then the government needs to mind their own business.

@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
1 Jun 12
The more the government grows, the less freedom we will have.
Many think the government should control people until they are ideal citizens. However we have learned that in many cases it does the opposite. Many because people are losing their freedom and choices.
All I say is lets get the government out of our lives so we can get religion back into it.

@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
2 Jun 12
The last four years were bearable. I think we need to punish a few more greedy CEO's for moving all the businesses out of the country for chap labor, and then once they get the message that American citizens need jobs too then we can go back to kicking the government out of our lives.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
No, Religions is even worse than government when it comes to controlling people. I'll just give Obama his last term, then I'll see what the Republicans have to offer.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
31 May 12
It's just more nanny-state garbage from Bloomberg. This guy really wants to control everything you eat or drink. He also banned people from giving food to homeless people because it might not he couldn't verify the amount of salt in the food.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
Wow. That is ridiculous. No homeless people we have no food for you because the mayor doesn't think its healthy enough for you. Who does this guy think he is?
@angelwithkids (1256)
• United States
1 Jun 12
if i lived in ny, i would be telling that man to leave my soda pop alone! it's the only vise i have left and i need my caffiene! since I AM the one that carried a child for 9 months and gave birth to that child, I AM the one that determines what they can drink. if I deem that they can have a 2 ltr pop, that's MY choice. after all, this is AMERICA! it's my RIGHT! he can get out!!
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I'm with you, and to be honest I encourage my children to live healthier than I do, but ultimately when they are old enough to be responsible for their own decisions then they can choose what size beverage they want.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
31 May 12
The more protection from ourselves the government can insist we need, the more government we'll need. This gives them job security. And this is why I get so worked up when people dare to blame all of America's woes on capitalism.
No. The greediest, evilest SOBs in the world are politicians in our country. They can pretend they're loving and that they care about things, but at the end of the day they're just out for their own job security.
Policing junk food invites more government to monitor the more government that's going to overlap the more government promoted to police it. Healthy salaries, big benefits, nice cars, free food and travel, and I bet a Franklin to a bottle of Dr. Pepper that these self-righteous charlatans will be drinking sugary sodas all the while. (That's in between lobster dinners and $16 muffins of course.)

@crossbones27 (50232)
• Mojave, California
1 Jun 12
You hit it of the head phil. It has to be balanced
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
I prefer a balance of government and capitalism. I draw the line when government officials try to tell me what I can eat or drink. It's time they got their hands smacked.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
It's just weird capitalist keep arguing for a pure capitalist society, but in a system like that, only the most greedy people can exist and the ones who aren't suffer. Socialist argue for pure communism, but that rewards the most lazy and the ambitious people suffer. I think the best government takes the best of two worlds and tries to make the majority of the people happy all the time. I won't be happy till I live in my own country where I make the rules. LOL.

@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
2 Jun 12
Yesterday was ban big sodas day. Today was celebrate National DONUT Day! This Mayor has got to get a plan and stick to it! Talk about wishy-washy. But, I'm with you - get out of my kitchen, my soda size and anything else that yells 'Nanny State!'
Something the good Mayor isn't taking into account is that Physical Education has almost been banned from all schools because the darling kiddies might get a scratch and the dear parents will then sue, sue, sue.
If the darling kids had their computers, cell phones, ipods, etc., taken away and they were kicked out the door to play real live games of running, hiding, seeking, and any game requiring movement, the weight problem might not rise quite so fast. But stopping the sell of something that catches the Mayor's fancy ain't gonna do a darned thing until the kiddies get off their tushes!

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jun 12
@myticmaggie, I agree with you, but I will add that the government itself is contributing to the obesity and diabetes epidemic in America by making it more profitable for food producers when they use high fructose corn syrup rather than beet or cane sugar. They subsidize the corn growers who lobbyied them for the subsidies. High fructose corn syrup does not metabolize the same way as sugar in the human body. It cannot be burned as readily as beet or cane sugar. Independent (of the gov. or corn growers) studies prove this.
Follow the money. It will show you who is for you and who is not.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
2 Jun 12
You hit the nail on the head. Inactivity is why America is getting heavier. We have too many distractions to keep us in doors. They'll probable start limiting internet access for people next, since people are incapable of doing whats best for themselves.

@millertime (1394)
• United States
4 Jun 12
Bloomberg is an absolute moron and a socialist of the first order. Or maybe its socialist and a moron of the first order... He is of the ilk that believe that the government has to control every aspect of citizen's lives. He believes that the ruling class, such as himself, knows better than everyone else what is "good" for them, so he has to enact laws to protect people from themselves. He thinks everyone is much too stupid and incapable of deciding for themselves what they should eat or drink.
This is the absolute worst kind of government intervention. The people of New York are having their freedoms taken away from them and they just sit idly by and let it happen. I guess they deserve what they get.
Bloomberg is pro choice. So he believes that a woman has the right to choose to kill a baby inside her, but he is saying that I can't have the right to choose to buy a large soda. How stupid is this guy? I'll tell you, he's dangerous stupid. If the people of New York had any sense, they'd get him and anybody that thinks like him out of office ASAP.

@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
4 Jun 12
People kept telling me if you give the government an inch they will take the whole mile, but I didn't want to believe them. If the Republicans are all about the rich, and the Democrats are all about the politicians. I feel the need to start a third party all about the people.

@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
1 Jun 12
That`s great news.Maybe if they will take you the soda and the cookies you like to eat you will start to ask yourself about what exactly freedom means and who wants to take your freedom away from you.
Enjoy your sugar free soda.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jun 12
They pollute our food, we start getting sick, then they tell us it's all our fault for having no self control and take away our food. DO YOU NOT SEE what they are doing Philly? Piece it together.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Now that's just blasphemy. You can't take away a fat person's soda and cookies. Do you know the seismic activity that would happen if fat people all decided to have a temper tantrum at once.

@uirufurede (20)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
Maybe they are just concern regarding the issue of unhealthy life style and weight of people that is why they are proposing this kind of stuff. It is up to the people if they will going to approve or support this.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I do not believe its anyone's place to tell me how to live my life. It most certainly isn't up to the mayor, and it definitely isn't up to any other person. I reserve the right to purchase what ever size drink I want, and I should not have options taken away from me, because people think they know whats best for me.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 May 12
I totally agree with you on this one. It is none of the government's business what you want to eat or drink or how much of it. And what happens when they ban the sale of 2 litre bottles of soda? They go to making more one litre bottles, which in the long run doesn't mean less soda, it just means more bottles, more packaging to dispose of. Besides, not all people are the same or put on weight at the same rate. I know plenty of "skinny" people who drink a whole lot more than 2 litres of soda a day. And where does it stop? If they are so concerned about obesity as a health issue next they will be forcing people to do a certain amount of exercise every day, then banning computers because some people think that computers and video games are responsible for obesity in our young people...where does it all end?
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
It's crazy because this same mayor believes people will just sit there and take it, because he was able to pass a ban on smoking in public places. I can accept a ban on smoking because it affects more than just the smoker, but this time he's gone too far. I just hope the people are smart enough to take it.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
All that does is drive up the prices for the consumer, and that's not fair. I will say if someone tries to bring laws like that to my city, they better not count on getting elected.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
31 May 12
I can understand the ban on smoking in public places as well. Here there are very few places where one can smoke. You're right, the soft drink issue is really pushing it. The question is, do people care enough to actively oppose it or will they just find a way around it, i.e. buy just as much soda only in different packaging?

@GemmaR (8517)
31 May 12
I know your views on this, as you replied to my topic earlier. I think that the government has a responsibility to give people all of the information that they need about what would happen to them if they chose to eat sugary drinks, and what would change if they stopped drinking them. If an individual has all of the information available to them, then I think that it is then up to them whether they want to take notice of the advice or continue to live their lives. As long as you are paying for your own health care and aren't costing anybody else money, then you're quite right and it is your choice. In my country though, everyone pays tax for the health service, and there are a lot of people being admitting to hospital with obesity related illnesses. If you pay for your hospital treatment then that's all perfectly fine.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
These obese people are doing you a favor. With the average life expectancy about 10 years less for obese people. They are saving you from having to pay Health Care for 10 extra years. Elderly people have a lot of medical bills as well. Should the government stop people from aging past a certain age.
@syramoon (654)
• United States
31 May 12
I totally agree with you, to go as far a banning certain sized drinks it's insane. And it's like you said all these people who are so worried about them making people fat, there is a simple solution for those people, don't drink the sugary drinks.
@PhillyDreamer (3039)
• United States
31 May 12
It's like the whole documentary called Supersize Me. As soon as that movie aired, McDonalds stopped the whole Supersizing Deal, but my thing is they aren't forcing people to super size, they are giving the option. I'm tired of my options taken away, because some people are too stupid to exercise self control.