Birthday Present : Do I need to give it now?

@gelomon (286)
June 2, 2012 6:22am CST
hello there, good rainy day to all of you. A friend of mine just celebrated her birthday last near moth end of may and for me she is special and I have a gift for her but I have not given it to her yet, I just want to do things that are not done normally and repeatedly by other guys. Thats why I did not give my gift to her on her birthday. I an thinking of a great date of when to give my birthday present to her. Do you think i should give it now? Or i should give it the other day? When do you think is a great date to give my present? And why.? Have you done this before too?
16 responses
@buddha3 (1026)
• India
2 Jun 12
LISTEN FRIEND!! I say u must give her the gift right now!! But NOT AS A BIRTHDAY GIFT, OF COURSE. Just tell her "everybody gives birthday gifts, but I thought I will gift you something some other day, as I feel you are special to me" and just present her the gift. And, if you want to tell her SOMETHING MORE, you can take this opportunity and tell it
@buddha3 (1026)
• India
3 Jun 12
You are welcome! Just let me know if it worked. When you presented it? what u told? and how she reacted. Please share it with us :) good luck
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
4 Jun 12
oh thanks for your support man! i will post it here if it turned out good, but he it did not or something worse happened maybe I will take it all my self and will not post it here, but I am hoping that it will bed good!
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
oh thanks for the advice dude! That will help me much in what i will tell when i finally give her the gift. Thanks. I think this is a big help.!
2 Jun 12
I think better you give it now because we don't know maybe she will misinterpret on it that you are forgotten her birthday.Have you greeted her on her birthday?
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
Do i really need to give it now? I am thinking of that thing too. But I have greeted her on her birthday. But there is no gift. Can you suggest something?
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
3 Jun 12
wow a fine dining thing is nice but is'nt it too much as I am not courting her? Maybe she will not accept it because she is not taking suitors yet, by the way, thanks for the advice maybe if something happened not in my plan this can be the solution.
2 Jun 12
If you ask me a suggestion since I don't know her, I prefer you to invite her like to have a fine dining.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
3 Jun 12
Birthday Present is a Present given in the birthday. is it? I really don't understand why you have to delay to give her Birthday Present. Now, ask yourself: Why do you have to give her a Birthday Present in a normal day?
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
5 Jun 12
I am a woman then i think you should listen to woman's opinion...Men and women have different thinking...
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
4 Jun 12
for me, it is just a thing that maybe she will not forget, not that I do not want to give here the gift on her birthday. I see that almost all of the response do not agree with me.
@ShyBear88 (59339)
• Sterling, Virginia
2 Jun 12
You should have given it to her on her birthday when she was feeling special any other day it just seems like you didn't really care or didn't have the gift and gave not thought that on her birthday was the prefect day. I can understand if you don't live close but if you see her all of the time that just makes you kind of a bad friend not giving it to her on that day of her birthday. There is no other special day other then someones birthday. At this time of the year there is no holidays in which a gift should be given or gotten for someone. You can always give a gift just because any other day but a birthday present that should be either day before, the day or the next day but not any longer then a day.
@ShyBear88 (59339)
• Sterling, Virginia
4 Jun 12
The birthday is pretty much the only day that is about that one person the other days they don't count. You can give a gift other then a birthday present any other day of the year and it means nothing its not that special at least not for a women. We want gifts on that day unless you live far away from each other. I would be pissed at any friend or family member that lived close to me that didn't give me a gift or a card the day before, of or the day after my birthday. They don't seem to care about me if they wait a week or a month or 3 days later then we are not friends or family really at all. They are just people that really didn't give a sh!t about me they are making it about when they think its okay to give a gift. You never try to find another day that will be better then the day you where physically born on. As a mom if someone didn't give my daughter a gift on her birthday that to me is and insult to her life and all of our friends and family that care and love her made sure her gifts where her the day of her birthday. We got most all with her Christmas gifts to put up for another month. That to me means they care about the day she came into this world there is no other special day in this world then that day as well as the day her brother will be born on.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
oh if thats so.. I am looking for a day celebration like for example a "chocolate day or etc." someday that is a great day of celebration. Plus the gift hope that i will work. And if not, then there is another time to give a present and more years will come.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
4 Jun 12
oh now I see that my gift will not work any more. That thing will bother me, maybe ill wont give it any more or the gift will serve as a normal day gift. :( thanks for sharing your opinion.
• United States
2 Jun 12
It's not a birthday present unless you give it on the birthday. Of all the reasons not give a person a birthday present, that my friend is the worst one I've ever heard. LOL.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
Yes, what you have said is already thinked by me.. Hmmm I can say that what will I do is really awkward and a bit somewhat that maybe irritating. But I want something that she will not forget her whole life. Yes the gift was a very simple one, but I think she have not recieved a birthday gift not on her birthday. Yeah it is really really awkward. Haha but I am after to those things that she will not forget. Haha am i crazy? :-)
• United States
2 Jun 12
You could always wait till next year. Apparently she forgives you this time around. LOL.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
Nice idea! Maybe i will keep all my gifts for her and will wait for her next birthday to come and give her all the present! So she will have a lots of gifts from me next year on her birthday! LOL
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
3 Jun 12
In my own opinion you should given on the day of her birthday because to show how special she is to you. Actually before I forgot to give my birthday present to my friend, it takes 2 weeks before I gave my gift to her and she was very happy when she received it. There's a saying "It is better to be late than never", you should give your gift now or you should wait until June 12 before you give your gift which Independence Day here in our country (Philippines) and invite her over lunch or dinner to make it more special and memorable.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
4 Jun 12
I am hoping that what happened to you will happen to me too so that it will turn out good too. Independence day is a good date too. Thanks for the info.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
2 Jun 12
No, you can wait awhile. My birthday is not until July. Appreciate the thought, though.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
dude that thing bothers me now! Oh what will i do, but thanks for that. I might think of some ways she finds it good considering what you have said..
@maezee (41988)
• United States
2 Jun 12
I think it's up to you when you give her the gift, but the sooner the better. It shows that you remember her birthday\ and want to celebrate it, which is always nice. I would pick a time to hang out with her and then give it to her.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
oh things have come into my mind that I might fail. But i will do this thing! :) i hope that it will be nice to her. Maybe i will just give it to her and when she asks for what is that i will say that she will find it out when she opened the gift. :)
@simonelee (2715)
• China
2 Jun 12
There is always a perfect timing and it is you who only know when. It would be much surprising if she didn't get any hint. We ladies love surprises specially to someone who is special to us. I'm sure she'll gonna like it. Do you find her special? Are you courting her? Pretty sure it would be one of the unforgettable moment for her. Good luck to your plan gelomon.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
You said that you girl love surprises from the one that is special to you. Hmmm I do not know if i am a normal, more than normal, or special to here in any way.. I do really find her special, and something different in many ways to others.. I am not yet courting her because she is not allowing suitors until she graduates in college. Hope that things in well! Thanks.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
3 Jun 12
Well, it is better late than never. What is your gift anyway? You should give it to her soon though, at least it is still close to her birthday...and make sure you give it personally.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
4 Jun 12
I am planning for the date when I will give it, surely, I will give it to her personally so that it will be good. So it will be somewhat special
@mokkka (881)
• Bulgaria
2 Jun 12
This is a bit tricky so you should be really careful with it. Most girls expect presents for such occasions so she may be angry with the fact she did not receive anything from you for her birthday. If you ask me you had better not wait any longer but give your gift right away otherwise you may later regret waiting.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
yes it is very tricky but what I am after is the thing that she will not forget. I am really thinking of a thing that can be a nice package for the day that I will finally give my late birthday present.
@rkennedee (333)
2 Jun 12
well maybe it's better to give your gift to her on your planned date. In this way she'll get many surprise from you. Goodluck and regards to your friend
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
Thanks for what you have said. This gives me hope and strength to make things that i have not done before. I am more encouraged now.
• United States
2 Jun 12
Seriously because you waited she probably thinks you forgot and anything from here out is slightly awkward.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
thats the one thing too. I made her think that maybe I forgot to give her a present or I really do not have a present. This thing is a tricky thing and awkward i know but i hope this will turn up successful.
2 Jun 12
birthday present should be given on birthday, but still some people would appreciate for the late present birthday but the memories and happiness already different from the one that been giving on that dayy.. :)
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
oh the memories and happines on that exact day. . I can not bring those things back but i will make memories of me in her and somewhat give her even a small amount of happines.
@Mashnn (4501)
2 Jun 12
I haven't done something like this but I am sure your friend will appreciate your gift whenever you will give it to her. She might even find it more fun if you do it differently.
@gelomon (286)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
thanks for the respond friend. I am hoping that she will appreciate it. Because my gift is just a simple gift that I think she will not forget. Plus the awkward day that I am planning is an additional unforgettable thing i thought. I hope this will work well.
• Philippines
8 Jun 12
If she is so special to you and if you have the guts then you have to give your present right in front of everybody in the day of her birthday. If you have this small guts to give your present, the day after her birthday where you can express truly for her and there is a great humble approach.