The smell of the body.

June 8, 2012 9:29pm CST
My girlfriend has decided to divorce. The reason is because she can not bear the smell of her husband's body. Her husband was the habit of bathing in the morning only. The evening he does not bath. My friend could not stand the smell of his body. After years of suffering, she decided to divorce, although they have a common child. Body odor is very important for marriage happiness. Do you think so?
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20 responses
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
For me, I don't see any reason to get divorce just because of the body odor,in a marriage odor is not important, the most important things are love, respect, fidelity, loyalty, trust, and etc... I think there's something happening beyond close door within two of them that they cant settle it anymore. For me as a wife, its my responsibility to take care of my husband and if he smell bad I encourage him to take a bath. If he is tired and does not enough energy to take a bath in his own I took in charge by giving him sponge bath. Marriage are more on understanding, patience and helping each other physically and emotionally. :)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
I agree. Communication is also the key with solving all problems in marriage.
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• Indonesia
9 Jun 12
I agree with Bhebelen14, if the man is too tired or too lazy to take the evening bath why dont she try to do something to help the husband to get rid his bad habit. Hey, how about taking bath together and uhmmm have fun in the bath up? The wife can help her husband to wash his back lol this comment will be marked as a mature content hahaha. By taking bath together it can improve the romance between the husband and the wife, and also it is helping the husband to take regular bath everyday.
• Vietnam
11 Jun 12
Hi All, I know that everyone are very optimistic in this situation. But you know, my friend has got marriage 5 years. She tried all ways such as you said, but her husband didn't like them. He only took a bat at evening at the first year of marriage life, then, he didn't. My friend didn't want to sleep with him, but he forced her. He even used violence with her. Could you sleep beside a waste mess???
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
I don't think that i will divorce my husband just because he smell bad. What i do is that talk to him about his bad odor in a nice way and tell him that i can't stand it anymore. I will help him to smell good and advice to put some deodorant or something to stop the bad odor. Taking a bath does help but it does not prevent it forever. But i don't blame your girlfriend, maybe she can't stand it anymore that's why she gave up.
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• Vietnam
11 Jun 12
As I said, they got married for a long time. My friend tried many ways to change her husband but she can't. She can't sleep in the same bad with her husband!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
9 Jun 12
Well yes, but really she should try to talk to him about it instead of divorcing. Maybe if she let him know about it he would be more open to bathing twice a day. I mean, really even they could spice it up and bathe together?
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• Vietnam
11 Jun 12
My friend tried many ways to change her husband. He only changed in the first year of marriage life. Then, he turned back his old habit!
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Oh if she wants divorce for that reason it must really be that bad then...
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• Vietnam
11 Jun 12
Sure. Because this reason, there are many arguments between them for along time. They can't solve them. Their love lost. So, they have divorced.
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Oh this is sad. But I agree that personal hygiene is really important that it should be well maintained. But it is sad that it is the reason for divorce.
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• United States
9 Jun 12
Oh the poor woman. It must have been difficult for her. I imagine he wasn't wearing deodorant/antiperspirant or doing something during the day that made him sweat? I am a very clean person and I and my husband will bathe in the morning and at night depending on what we did during the day. My husband runs around all day long and showers when he comes home again. If he got into bed with his feet right out of his work sneakers I think I would divorce him too.
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• Vietnam
11 Jun 12
Me too I can't stand the smell of man, special after an active day. I think my friend must stand very much after those years.
@marguicha (225703)
• Chile
22 Jun 12
If the odor is so bad, it might be something more than just the lack of cleanness. It could be an hormone unbalance or fungii. I would go to a doctor, if I were him. I think other things can be tried before divorce.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
20 Jun 12
Couldn't your friend talk to her husband about his habit of taking a bath or talk about her husband's hygiene? It's really not necessary to ask for a divorce if you can still change that habit. Well, that's if your friend really loves the guy. Also, love if accepting who and what the person is right? So if she can't stand it, maybe she just have to try to talk to her husband about it. And if the husband doesn't change still, then I think it will be her choice to file a divorce.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
4 Jul 12
Oh well I can't find the words to say.
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
9 Jun 12
In my oppinion is not a good reason to get divorse and more over having a kid. I think she should think about the boy first , and talk to her husband about the odor. You know? when I got marry my husband didnt like to take shower , he used to take them every 3 days, he really doesnt like to shower, but, I told him in a good way to take shower everyday , so , now that we been married for 12 years he does it everyday and in summer time twice a day. In winter every 2 days, my husband also smokes and eat garlic , so , can you image the smell ? hahahaah , but , I am not thinking to ask him for the divorse, There is always a better way to do right things , tell your friend to look for a good way to fix that situation.
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@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
18 Jul 12
well, for me it is important that my partner or husband also consider proper hygiene, it would be gross if he smells really bad all the time,..also i will suffer if through the years he was like this. it would be really hard. i'm the type of person who likes to take care of myself and get proper hygiene at least. if i really love my partner but he is like this and doesn't really care or help himself. because we can only tell people but it is only up to themselves to follow or change themselves for the better. if not then it could happen..
• India
22 Jun 12
She she can't cop up with the smell of her smell of her husband then why can;t she asked him to do have regular bath twice per each day ? Body odor is very important to have fun as well as enjoyment in life. A person feels very uncomfortable with a person who has such a smell. So he lacks less interactions in his life and he cannot find good times
• United States
14 Jun 12
I think you're friend is a jerk honestly lol. If you love someone you should love them no matter what. Not to mention divorcing someone over body odor is just harsh! However, I think he should have decided to bath at night only instead of in the morning, but if he was a night sweater (which is probably why she suffered from his odor) then it would make sense for him to only bath in the morning. But still they should have talked it out or at least got Therapy!!!
• Canada
22 Jun 12
I agree, if body odor is an issue, than he must do something about it. But at the same time, I don't think I would leave my partner only over the odor. I would offer to take a bath with him or shower with him. May also bring some oomph back. LOL. They obviously have more problems than just odor
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Shouldn't they at least try to fix this problem before going for divorce? I think they should consider that they have a child and it would be so sad if they had to do this without even trying something else.
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
9 Jun 12
Personally I think that this is a terrible reason to get a divorce. I am sure that if she just spoke to her husband about the problem, he would be happy to do something about it, especially if it would save the marriage. I think that there are other things that they could be doing, but to get divorced because of something like this, is in my opinion, just blatant disrespect for the vows that you take when getting married. If this is your friends idea of solving the problem, I think she is making a very big mistake. First off, if it was such a big problem to her, why not talk to her husband about it a long time ago? I am sure that if she told him that the smell is making her want to leave, he would do something about it. I am sure that she is not perfect, even if it isn't a problem with body smells, and yet her husband probably puts up with it even though it doesn't seem like she is willing to make an effort. I have to wonder if your friend wanted to be in the marriage in the first place. I just can't fathom getting divorced because of something like this. I think it is just silly and a n easy way out.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
10 Jun 12
I have heard of a lot of bad reasons to divorce, but never this. I think talking to him would be the first step. I agree that hygine can be very important, but it is no cause for divorce! If she is set on divorce I would think ther was another reason,
@emerillus (467)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Hi! I guess they haven't really known each other for a long time as girlfriend/boyfriend am I right? Because in my opinion, the longer you've been together the more likely you'll get used to each other's smell. If not, they should have talked about the matter and if the man really loves her he would never be offended with her suggestions to be clean at all times. Small things could get big once the person concerned is not open-minded to suggestions. Have they tried discussing about their problem?
@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
My nose has always been sensitive to bad odor. I easily vomit almost anywhere if ever I smell something that I don't like. Now, My husband (although he doesn't have a bad odor) perspire heavily, like you can actually squeeze his perspiration out of his shirt. OF course, men has a certain smell... and it smell like... MEN! ^__^ My husband is aware of my sensitive nose, and is kind enough to wash his body every time he goes to bed, he also knows how I love to smell him when he is freshly out of bath. Actually he is doing this so that he doesn't sweat that much when we are sleeping during the night. Anyway, hygiene is important whether you're in a marriage or not. And having to do extra things like taking a bath just for your partner shows not only that you love him/her but also it's a sign of respect. I mean, imagine saying this... "I don't want to take a bath I'm already tired! I don't care what you think.. I don't even care if I stink I just want to sleep!" eeeiiiwwww!!!
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
9 Jun 12
Hello tkonlinevn I am imagining that her spouses poor personal hygiene and offensive body odor are only one of the ways that your friend has suffered in her marriage, and that this is just something on which she focuses and that represents all that she can't stand about the man anymore. I was once in a relationship in which I was constantly put off by my partner's odor, but I didn't think this constituted divorce. It was just a constant, lingering, reminder of putridness of our relationship. I hope that your friend and her family are okay.