do you believe in HEAVEN and HELL?
By dorothy172
@dorothy172 (984)
June 25, 2012 4:02am CST
i read a book just now, and suddenly this question came into my mind, guys, do you guys believe in heaven and hell? many people do not believe in heaven and hell, because they do not believe life have what we call previous life and future life. they only know presence life. of course that i can understand why people not believe in reincarnation, this is because we can't see the situation in hell and heaven, so it is hard for us to believe. but, cannot see doesn't mean there is not exist. we also cannot see the wind, but wind is really exist surrounding us, right? for me, i am kindly believe that there is heaven and hell, and i do believe reincarnation. if there is no reincarnation, why will us reborn to this world? what is you guys opinion? let's share together =) happy mylotting
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17 responses
@maclanis (2406)
• Belgium
25 Jun 12
I don't believe in heaven or hell. It doesn't make sense to make a division between good and bad people because there is no grey area. How is it decided which people go to heaven and which go to hell, if there is basically nobody who is 100% good, or 100% bad. It's kind of hard to put into words what I mean, but I hope you understand. (:
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@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
It only then created another question, to which God's job (what Christian religion) are you pertaining to?
that for every Christian religion is different in viewing or picture outing that heaven or hell...
there is actually no single interpretation to heaven and hell;
different christian religions out there claimed that they are true while other christian religion's interpretation to heaven and hell is false...
Why can't a different christian religions out there unite each other?
and if they only unite each other, then it is easy to answer if what is really that heaven or hell...
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@urbandekay (18278)
25 Jun 12
Heaven and Hell have been described to me thus.
Both heaven and hell are the same everyone has a bowl of rice and 4' long chop sticks; in hell everyone starves, in heaven people feed each other
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
27 Jun 12
More like being selfish and greedy makes it hell and being kind makes it heaven
all the best urban
@dorothy172 (984)
• Malaysia
27 Jun 12
Yes, this is really true, help each other and always be kindness, you are staying in heaven. If selfishness, then you are staying in hell. So just to be kindness and also do good,
@olliekobra1 (1825)
26 Jun 12
That's an interesting thought if your kind you go to heaven if your selfish and greedy you go to hell

@olliekobra1 (1825)
25 Jun 12
I do believe in heaven and hell because I don't believe that you just die there must be something at the end of it all. There has been lots of storys about people having out of body experiences and things like that so there must be some truth in it. Also when you die and people remember you isn't that a form of heaven?.
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@Rasniki09 (183)
25 Jun 12
I believe in Heaven and Hell, as least what I was taught in Sunday school but most of what I was taught to me was just the preacher putting fear in me, so I wouldn't do certain things.
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@dorothy172 (984)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 12
yes, when you believe in hell and heaven, then you will control yourself not to do certain things that is not suit the rule =) for those that dont believe in heaven and hell, they will simply do whatever they like since they not believe if you do wrong you will receive the punishment from GOD.
@sharonla (25)
• South Africa
25 Jun 12
I believe that heaven and hell comes from your state of mind. If your soul is full of guilt and pain then your afterlife will be too. I don't really know about reincarnation but who am I to say that it isn't real. There is just so much that we can never understand until it is our time.

@urbandekay (18278)
27 Jun 12
Limbo and Purgatory are inventions of the Roman or Orthodox Churches and not taught by Christ
all the best urban
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
If you only listen to all of the reply comments regarding heaven and hell, this shows that there are thousands of different interpretations regarding heaven and hell, there is no single explanation to a simple heaven and hell, this also shows that there are plenty of God out there too....
the only thing i know about HEAVEN
is a storage place for soul that did not committed any of the mortal and original sin, as original sin will instantly deleted if you receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and communion.
the only thing i know about HELL
is a storage place for soul where a man(the owner of that soul) committed a mortal sin who did not repent or asking forgiveness to God, and when they die, a barbecue of soul in the fires of hell for eternal damnation.
Not only that, lots of dancing demons happily hopping and jumping because another bad soul are newly migrated to the lake of fire.
the only thing i know about LIMBO
is a storage place for soul where a man(especially the fetus or baby) who did not receive the sacraments of baptism.
the only thing i know about PURGATORY
is a storage place for soul where a man(the owner of that soul) committed an original sin, never received the sacraments of confirmation, never ask forgiveness (to priest, pope, nun, saints, Mary, Joseph, or God) for the original sin that he did.
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@sharonla (25)
• South Africa
27 Jun 12
First off, I don't agree with the Roman Catholic definition. I believe that organised religion, especially Christianity got so twisted up by man's greed and corruption that it bears absolutely no resemblance to the original teaching of Christ. Politicians with agenda's of their own decided what was included in the Bible and what context it should be put in. I trust my own heart, that inner voice inside me tells me when something is not right.

@lis301 (5)
• United States
25 Jun 12
I believe that there is an afterlife, and I believe that we had a life before this one, as spirits. I believe that we will have something like heaven and hell, but probably not like what we think of though. I do believe that if we do good, we will be rewarded, if not now on earth, then in heaven.
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@dorothy172 (984)
• Malaysia
26 Jun 12
Yes, you are right. All the rewarded will be given after deduct from the sin that we have done in previous life and this life, if we continue to do good, i do believe the reward will be come to us soon.
@pormadi (1300)
• Indonesia
25 Jun 12
I believe in heaven and hell. Heaven or hell is a situation and condition. You can feel heaven in the world when you live in peace, prosperous, happy in your family. But you can feel the hell if your life get in pressure, full of stress, and so on.
@maidangela7349 (1191)
26 Jun 12
No of course I don't believe in such nonsense just as I don't believe in other fairy tales. What baffles me is why try and compare such silly beliefs with the wind. Of course you can't see the wind but there is masses of evidence for it and the results are clear whereas there is not a scrap of evidence for heaven and hell and there are not results at all.

@JohnRok1 (2051)
26 Jun 12
If you take your chance on there being a heaven and hell and live accordingly and there turns out not to be, you've lost a little pleasure, which never fully satisfies anyway. But if you've taken your chance on there not being a heaven and hell and ignored your conscience in the belief that no retribution is ever going to come, and you turn out to be wrong ... and then find that it did no more than serve you right ...
Thank God, the Holy Spirit changes people's beliefs in this life.
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@dorothy172 (984)
• Malaysia
26 Jun 12
We will not believe because we can't see it and also feel it. as we believe there is wind, because we can feel it. We do not believe in heaven and hell because we still not yet come to it, and this is only can be judged at the end of our life, so there is no silly things as you said =)

@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
26 Jun 12
I believe in it , its almost hard kinda not to , but to each is own , in my philosphy i always say theres a yin and yang to everything on this earth the good and the bad the beautiful and the ugly , so why not a heaven and hell , i mean that kinda sucks if you die and you see nothing but darkness for eternitty , lights out basically .

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
You mention about Yin and Yang...
Do you know that in the Yin side of the circle, there you could see a small Yang?
The same also to the opposite side which is Yang, there's a small circle of Yin...
meaning, no matter what Heaven is the place, call it the Garden of Eden (Yang), but there are an existing of a Forbidden Fruit Apple (Yin) that grows...
meaning, that in the world of Hell (Yin), at a certain place or area there you could find an elements of good (Yang)...
@dorothy172 (984)
• Malaysia
26 Jun 12
Ya, everything consisit of yin and yang, this one is pretty accurate.

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
and i know what kind of religion that you mean, here in our place are plenty of that type of religion, and i can say that 95 percent of members on that religion are still believing in SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS that seems a part of their religion.
Actually, it is a majority religion in the country Philippines.
Believing in any of Superstitious Beliefs makes your religion weak and trust to the Lord thy God also weakens...
"but deliver us from evil" is they always said for a thousands of times in their prayers, but still believing in thousands of superstitious beliefs...
@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Jun 12
I will not wait for hell to reveal itself to me before my very eyes, because that means it's too late.
If you want to know more about heaven and hell, read the Bible and it could give you the answer to all of your questions.
I don't have a religion but I believe in God. And I am trying my best to maintain a good relationship with Him. I believe in heaven and hell because it is written in His word. Godbless!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
Hi, I just wondering why you believe in God but you don't have any religion affiliation, for we all know that through religion (is like a bridge) in order to know the faq and some more information about God...
The more different type of religions you listen to their explanation, the more info you'll learn about God...
and every religion reveals different approach to God...
and which type of God are you pertaining to, a Catholic God or none-Christian God?
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Jun 12
You can see the wind I don't mean by looking at a tree. I don't believe in hell but I do believe in heaven. I do believe you can be reborn again that is why some times we feel that we have done things or that we know someone but yet we've never meet them before or why we are so scared of something since we where really little and just don't know why.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
25 Jun 12
I believe in HEAVEN and HELL , I don't believe reincarnation , God Almighty who created human , Can create him again ,
" why will us reborn to this world? " to worship our creator , He said in the Holy Quran :
" I have not created mankind and jinn except to worship Me. " Adh-Dharyiaat : 56
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@jorshelle (71)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
In catholic practice, we believe in heaven and hell but in other religion, for them there's no such thing called heaven or hell, I'm also wandering what are the consequences if we die and some of us can't go to heaven in our religion they say there is a purgatory to suffer before going to heaven, I don't know if this things are reliable.. But for me I can't imagine being there.. But I wish I could go to good place..
@maidangela7349 (1191)
26 Jun 12
Purgatory and limbo are just inventions by priests so that they can frighten their followers to stay following and at one time sell indulgences. It is all a big con
@dorothy172 (984)
• Malaysia
26 Jun 12
Dont worry jorshelle, i do believe if we do good when we are still alive, then when the end of our life, we should can go to a good place, back to heaven.

@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
26 Jun 12
I believe in it , its almost hard kinda not to , but to each is own , in my philosphy i always say theres a yin and yang to everything on this earth the good and the bad the beautiful and the ugly , so why not a heaven and hell , i mean that kinda sucks if you die and you see nothing but darkness for eternitty , lights out basically .
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
26 Jun 12
No, I don't believe in a heaven and a hell.
Wind, we can't directly see, but we can test. We see over and over again, the direct effects of wind. As I look outside, I can even see tree branches moving around, because of the wind.
Heaven and hell, or afterlife and previous life, there is no such evidence for. There is the same chance of pink elephants living in the sky, as there is of the afterlives you speak of.