Are You Better than Others????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
23 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Jul 12
What an odd question, "Does religion allow some people to be Better than others??" Religion can't permit some people to be better than others. Did you mean, does religion see some people as better than others? If that is what you mean, I'd say, probably so. Of course, religion can't see a person's heart the way God can.
Remember the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican in Luke 18:9-14?

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Jul 12
I tell you you're blaming God because you do. You're correct that the real God doesn't fry anyone. No one with any sense will choose to go to hell, but one's choice to not believe or trust in God or His written Word will send them there. That's why it's essential that the Bible be read and studied for the Bible has the Word of truth that tells us what we must do to be saved. God does not send anyone to Hell, it's one's choice not to believe God or the Bible that condemns a person. It's typical, you want freedom of choice but when the consequences are not in your favor, you're constantly blaming God for those stupid choices even though man has been told the consequences. You're the one doing all the blaming. Was that one of those lessons from your god, falsely accuse then saddle your actions on to others?
What do you know of truth? You seem to think we're suppose the believe what you say just because you say it. Your story of God is ridiculous. Besides, who are you that we should believe anything you say?
I know you don't care a whit about Christianity or the truth, and I realize blaming others is just a part of your makeup; but there may be others who read these discussions, so I'll keep at you for their sake.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Jul 12
bestboy19. So you agree that you are no better or no worse than all those evil sinners out there. So you agree God doesn't see you as somehow better even though you have memorized your holy book and strive to gain followers. I realize you do not care for me. Does your god consider us equal? If your god considers all His children equal, why does your god fry some of his kids?? Clearly, everyone is not equal.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
bestboy19. I can't understand why you tell me I'm blaming God for anything. The Real God doesn't fry those kiddies. On the other hand, your stories of mankind's view of God has Him frying those He does not like. Your version is a far cry from the truth. Your religion has taught you that blame is important. It is petty. It means nothing to me.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
2 Jul 12
God's gift of salvation has been offered to everyone. So since that is the case, everyone is on equal ground. The problem is not with God and whether or not some are more special than others, the problem is with ourselves. The most heinous criminal has the same opportunity to be saved by accepting salvation that comes through Jesus Christ as the most saintly of saints. They also have the same chance of being lost. It has never been nor ever will be about what we do, or our works, but about what God did for us through Jesus and whether or not we accepted it.
It's not religion It's whether or not one accepts God's gift of salvation that is offered to everyone.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Let me see now. Bird, you just blames religion of treating some people badly, of looking down on people who are different, of thinking they are better than others, of having an ego, of pointing fingers, of claiming to know it all, of judging and blaming. Religion doesn't hold a candle to all the blaming you just did. This means you're still a "Big part of Mankind". As Jesus said, "Get the log out of your eye before you criticize the speck in another's eye."
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Bestboy. I do not Blame. I do shine a light on the truth and sometimes truth makes people angry because it isn't pretty. I love all God's children, sinner or saint alike. Don't you see. We are all the same. Each is just at a different level of understanding.
6precious102. Yes, there is a difference between warning and condemning. For some it can be a fine line. In order to really tell, you must ask yourself. Is your action really what you want to receive from others??? Further, at what point do you stop? At what point does it become your need to be right?? To continue, when one warns shouldn't one warn armed with the facts rather than with mere beliefs? Of course, if one warns that they only have beliefs then it is left to others to discover the truth. This would be acceptable. Do you warn people that you only have beliefs no matter how hard you believe it's true?
Yes, precious, there are lots of things to consider.
Lots of Love and Kindness just for you!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
What does having the same opportunity have to do with some being better than others?? If everyone is equal,why are some people treated so badly from religion simply because they don't agree? Why does religion look down on some people who are different? I think religious people love to think they are better than others. It is an Ego trip to be righteous and point fingers claiming to know all the answers even when those answers do not add up. Judging and Blaming is a Big part of the Mankind that is in religion. Look again.

@urbandekay (18278)
11 Aug 12
As is your premise and the statements you make in defence of it Bird...
Pot meet kettle
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
12 Aug 12
Rather it seems it is Bird... that considers others insights and learnings as inferior to his own
all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Doesn't religion judge some people as evil and worse than others? I know one lady whose pastor told her never to associate with evil people. Of course, the pastor made the determination of who was evil. Doesn't religion say only the select people who believe will be favored by God to go to Heaven? Isn't religion about people being better than others??

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Jul 12
So you are saying that the righteous are equal to the murderer, right?? Yes, you do have the right answer. It's about what we each learn not that others are better or worse. Perhaps the topic is useless for those who have already learned that lesson. Let's see if everyone has.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
25 Jul 12
Hi friend, All are same in front of god and no one is inferior and no one is superior. All the religions treat all the people in the same way.

@urbandekay (18278)
11 Aug 12
" Believers are valued more in religions. Nonbelievers often end up being hated."
That is your belief Bird... not a fact, it is also not true
all the best urban

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
it never occured to me to ever think that i am better than anyone else... Not even if i know in my heart that i always try to give the best of me... I am no religious person... I am not even the type who always attends church... I often miss it but if i would lok at the people i see everywhere or evn at work who are seemingly religious and is always attending masses then i wonder why God hasnt mpved in their lives that even with what they try to project they act differently when they are not in the church - yes i talk about people who can b hypocrites at times and pretends to be good... Maybe this is where their bastful personality is coming from that they think they are people of God thus givng them some kind of immunitu to particularly act as if they are only the blessed person.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Life is about learning and growing as people. God will accomplish this with or without church. We all learn through different influences in our lives. Since there is some goodness in all religions, I can see where some might benefit. Perhaps their selective vision will see only the good parts.
Indeed, we are all special regardless of what anyone else in the world thinks. We are meant to interact with those around us in life for the benefit of us all. That is why it is important for each of us to express our views, our selves with the world regardless of the Drama. Though this road can be bumpy at times, it will make the world a better place for it will generate the wisdom for us all to become closer to being like God. God is Unconditional Love.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
4 Jul 12
As a people and as an individual we are all unique "per se"...but are we better than others? I don't know we each are good in what we do but that does not mean I Am better than you or vice verse! now when it comes to religion I find some religious people quite interesting! they preach a lot but they don't do what they preach!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
I guess, it's the old do what I say not do what I do. You are right. Talk is cheap. Actions always speak louder than words. You are right. Even though we all have different capabilities, we are all equally important to the Mosaic that is this world. The picture will never look right if pieces are missing.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
7 Jul 12
Certain religions cause a lot of people to think they are better than others, but that does not make it the case. Religion should not be about putting your nose in the air and looking down at everyone else. It should be about your own personal journey. That is why I chose not to follow convential religion, because I didn't want to be shackled with that mindset that I saw everyone else around me following. I have my own journey to make to grow and to travel. I am a flawed person and so is everyone else, but I hope to grow and become better through following my path and become a better person one day. Not better than everyone else... better than I am right now.
@sjvg1976 (42022)
• Delhi, India
15 Aug 12
Hello Bird,
I don't know if being religious makes us better than other but I firmly believe if we don't hurt others we certainly are better than those who even being religious don't think other's equal and discriminate with them for anything. and hurt them for it.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Aug 12
Yes, we are all here to help. It should be everyone's intention not to hurt. Does that make us better than those who hurt?? No. We are all children of God. On the other hand, it does mean we have a greater Understanding of God than some religious people who judge and hurt others with that. Still God loves us all unconditionally. We must learn to do so as well. God will send lessons for us all.
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Jul 12
Hi, good thing, i think i like also that all the people have something unique tha t make them different and make them good in thing, so we humans are different and we have something better than other persons, means to say taht each has a uniue work in the world
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jul 12
Yes, how boring a place would it be if we were all exactly alike. Diversity is a wonderful thing. If anyone out there ever feels that they don't belong in this world, stop listening to mankind. You are exactly what this world and the people around you need. We are all so special even in ways we may never realize.
@psychoartist (756)
• United States
7 Jul 12
hi bird123! i think that within the christian relationship between people and jesus/god there is an important paradox which is this: we are all equal as humans and need god, but because of our relationship with god our spiritual/emotional reality is elevated....i say this because of jesus and the early church's social views...jesus and his ministry welcomed women as equal partners in ministry and life...before that, the religion considered women as very low and they had no worth...jesus ministry did not discriminate against people who were from other countries and cultures, but welcomed them with open arms...the religion he was born into believed that god was only for their one paul discussed this mystery of being equal in christ when he wrote, "in christ there is no jew not greek, no bond nor free, no male nor female, but christ is all and in all" (galatians 3:28) so my opinion of the answer to your question is both! people are equal in the sight of jesus/god, they are elevated to a new life of hope in christ, and people who are in relationship with jesus/god have the humility to recognize jesus/god's supremacy and their own humility....peace to you!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Jul 12
People who have greater understanding of God have more knowledge, however that does not make them better nor worse than any other of God's children. Do you love your smart,well behaved children more than those troubled? How could you? Sure those smart, well behaved kids are easier to deal with but should love really be determined by how much work they are to us? Those troubled souls just need more lessons and more work. On the other hand,won't it be glorious when they too, Understand.
@bhelle76 (353)
• Canada
23 Nov 12
No one is better than others in the eyes of God. It is only human being who always compare themselves to others that they are better person compare to anybody. Well, for me religion doesn't make people better, it is our own choices if we want to be a better person or not. However, religion will helps us understand how and why it is good to be better.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Yes, people are the ones who are comparing. Religions are run by people and it is important for them to have followers. They are quick to point out those of their religion are better than others.
Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God which is a good thing. Mankind brings and spreads their view instead of God's real view. Our every action shows God and the world what we need to learn. Yes, religion has much to learn. Everything they teach is not good.
@Lauraleigh99 (4718)
• United States
2 Jul 12
I don't believe so. I think God looks at us all the same. I am in no position to judge others or compare what I do to what they do and things like that. Each person's situation and life is different. I try not to be the person that judges others or their beliefs in Religion
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Jul 12
The Christian bible teaches us that God is not a respecter of persons. That passage teaches that neither race nor nationality make any difference. Other passages teach us that neither wealth nor position make any difference in the eyes of God.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
2 Jul 12
Hi bird: I follow a religious system not because I want to proof that I'm a better person than somebody else but because I think it helps me to improve as a human being and to have peace in my mind. I don't like when people use their own beliefs as a weapon to judge the others. I think that's not the real sense of religion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Religion is a catalyst which brings out so many issues with people so they can deal with those issues. Clearly, God is not about favoritism. The average middle of the road person of religion doesn't go for this favoritism either. I guess some use it as a tool to attract followers. If your religion helps you to improve as a human being along with having peace of mind, then you are on a good path. Walking your own path instead of following others will take you in the right direction. God is in all religions. Ignore mankind's part, then how can you go wrong? One must get to know God first to really see the difference.
@Chikezie (385)
• Malaysia
2 Jul 12
Christianity, I know teach us that no one can be good or kind because we do not have that capacity because of sinful nature. God in His divine mercy made provision for us to good in the blood of Jesus. It teaches us that we all same only that we are saved by grace and not our human effort
@EmmyLu18 (102)
• United States
2 Jul 12
The way I see it we are all on our own hill climbing upwards towards God. Some of us have more trials like a steep incline or loose rocks, but everyone's hill is different. You can't really make yourself feel better by comparing yourself to others because they are on a different hill, a totally different journey, from you. You can only look down your hill, see the progress you've made, and be proud of yourself for that. Any other comparisons are false because you don't know where that person is in their climb towards God, what has held them back, or anything.
Granted, many people use religion to feel superior to other people, but the fact is they aren't. In fact, when they do that, they are slowing their progress because God condemns pride, judging other people, and feeling superior.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 12
EmmyLu18 Your quote: Granted, many people use religion to feel superior to other people, but the fact is they aren't. In fact, when they do that, they are slowing their progress because God condemns pride, judging other people, and feeling superior. My answer: God doesn't condemn. On the other hand,just as you say, one must rise above those petty things as pride, judging and feeling superior. Ego does get in the way of not only wisdom but true understanding.