fourth of July I am proud to be an American born int the USA

@Hatley (163776)
Garden Grove, California
July 4, 2012 2:17pm CST
here inGarden Grove ca its chilly about 60 not sunny but I will be darned we had a barbeque to celebrate so I sat outside without a sweater and shivered as I thought about how our country started out and became independent. we had hamburgers and hot dogs. everything was delicious but me I was chilled.but I am so happy as I got to post last night finally ,before I could get on but my responses would not post. but thinking of all the wonderful things our country has evolved in I felt ashamed to be angry because of the glitches. 'We are free, we have ways to get computers and monitors and enjoy using them even us poor people and we have so much compared to other countries we should be so darned grateful .yet like me we will and complain when something does not work. we forget to be thankful for all we have.So I wish us all to be content and to be grateful for what we do have. Happy Fourth of July
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23 responses
6 Jul 12
awww I would so love to celebrate but we don't have that here in the UK :( lol!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 12
hi chicksdigscars my great great grandfather Thomas c Clark came from Derry Ireland along with wife Fitzpatrick to land in Kentucky'where they had seven children including my great grandfather James Clark. Northern Ireland still under British rule thats sad. I had never thought Clark an Irish name until I stared digging for my forefathers. And Thomas Clark; father was named Andweiler ,ANdrew Clark, and I gather he did not leave Ireland., I have often wished I has the money to get to Derry and look up any info at all I could get.but money for travel is not something I have,I have always wanted to visit Ireland but want does not do it. lol
11 Jul 12
well I'm irish lol so I'd like to celebrate except northern ireland still is under british rule haha!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
6 Jul 12
What??? It is 60 there? We must have some of your heat, we have been close to, if not in, the triple digits here... We had our party last Saturday, with food, swimming, boating, and finally fireworks. :) I also agree to some degree about being thankful for what we have. In fact my 10 y/o did this very thing a couple nights ago, he said how thankful he was for all we have.."out of the mouths of babes"
• United States
8 Jul 12
Oh, I can't imagine walking into a room with a heater right now, UGH!!! :P Has your roommate ever heard of "blankets"???
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 12
carm the woman has two blankets and a comforter on her bed and a heating pad on her knee. this year since we do not have a heater we have not had that happen. It was sizzling here 99 and I sat for 30 minutes out in the sun waiting for the access bus to take me to my drs diabetic check up appt. by the time I got there I was nauseated and felt like I could not breahte,but their office is new and really cold so I started to feel better, He said I was just overheated'and my pulse was too fast, my bp up a bit and he said you will be fine after you get cooled off. I had to chuckle as tthey have gone t o compu ters but he could not get the computer to send the bloodworkd I needed to the lab \so he ended up making paperwork any way. He said well these at least work as he handed me a prescription for ointment for my broke out leg and bloodwork for a check up.I almost told him he needs someone like my son to trouble shoot. those he asked for help seemed as lost as him. lol
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Jul 12
hi carm yes its weird right now but in the tale end of July here it will be hot, hotter and hottest for sure. and my roomie cannot any longer put the heater on. last year in July I came in our room and I wo uld swear it was ninety in here and she said she can got cold. the heater was on full tilt. turned it off and p u t the air conditioner on. then suddenly she admitted she was sweating., the woman was going looney tunes then but only I could see it. thats not kind of m e but she had been changing and often got lost for awhile but she is better now.Children can be amazing at times. my son was showing me that all the later presidents had the same big corporations backing their run for elections.and the same corps. ' were backing both Republican and democrats running for election,. He is now 53
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
12 Jul 12
Glad you had a great time on the 4th. Here in Denver, Colo. we have a very dry season. Many wild fires started by dry storms. Like a thunderstorm without the rain. So all fireworks were canceled except one in the downtown area. The following week we had downpours. I heard so many people complaining about how we should have had the rains a week before so they could have celebrated. Personally i dont celebrate the holidays. I felt the complainng was so wrong. They reminded me of the Isrealites wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jul 12
hijdyrj777 I read about those fires and really felt for you people. I living here in Southern Calif have seen some bad wildfire falls here too when it was so dry.we have had a few' thunderstorms but no rain. if it stays this dry we are apt to have another fall with wild fires that are so destructive.sadly a lot of the fires we get are ones started by arsonists.For the last five years fireworks have been cancelled here except for public displays and they had to be where there was no danger of setting off fires this was because four homes were burned to the ground from fire works landing or deliberatelyh being tossed on roogs and of cours at the fourth the people w ere not home but down town watching the ;public fire work the homes were engulfed in flames before anyone noticed and called the fire dep artment.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
16 Jul 12
One of the wildfires here was actually started out as a controlled burn by the state that went out of control. Then when the people started filling claims the state didnt want to pay. But then when somebody 'accidently' starts one they want to charge and imprison them. Thats really horrible for people to be setting fires on purpose. They must be sick.
@much2say (56567)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Jul 12
Happy 4th, Hatley! Wow, you already had a barbeque so early? Yah, it was chilly out this morning (til now - now it's all sunny) in the San Fernando Valley. I suspect it will be chilly again when it's time to watch the fireworks tonight! You're so right . . . we should be grateful for what we have . . . makes these days of glitchy myLot seem so rather unimportant in the bigger scheme of things, right? I won't be able to post so much today because of the holiday . . . so I won't be able to take advantage of 4x very much now that the site is up and working . . . but at least I got to say hello today to some people I have missed in the past few days!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Hatley, happy July 4th, and let's all celebrate in honor of our country today!!!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 12
yes we always eat at 11 am here at Gold Crest, and it was cool and overcast but something one of my table mates said made me realize that the Mylot problems were pretty small in the larger scheme of life and that really I am so grateful to have a computer and know how to use it.Its 12;38 pm now here and the sun has yet to shine as its overcast like the JuneGloom has been.Happy fourth to you.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 12
hi much2say yes its still overcast and looks as if we might have some rain headed our way.we could use some about now.before some jerk arsonists decide to set some wild fires like other falls that were just dreadful. I like the cooler weather too as we always get the heat about August and sept, it never fails so lets enjoy the cool while we got to maybe 70 which is not bad at all.yes when we pit the mylot mess against the things that went into getting our freedom it does not sound all that bad.
• China
10 Jul 12
I guess that your Fourth of July equates to our National Day .Here,National Day is an occasion for general rejoicings and we take three days off .At that time,we can't help cherishing the memory of our martyrs and exhorting ourselves not to forget where our happiness comes from.Here It has been in terrible mess lately.It seems that they haven't completely put it right.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 12
hi chang are you in the Philippines I have heard others say there is much graft in your government but National day should be cherished and hopefully those who do wrong in the government can be kicked out. here sadly so many are divided on Obama 'and his health care and we are allAmericans too. I hate that. I have just refused to post anything in the polotics interest as people get really nasty.
• China
12 Jul 12
Sorry,I haven't made myself clear.I meant here on mylot have been in a mess lately.I can't often get the notifications about my friends' discussions and responses from my Yahoo inbox.I am from China.We have a good government that heeps bettering the life of people.
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• China
12 Jul 12
Sorry! there is a typo,the heeps must be keeps.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
5 Jul 12
Ours as you know is July 1st, William Shatner did a cute little o'canda song well I caught the news and saw how someone noticed a lot of American flags where made in China - the one thing I like about the states are the people in it. Everyone got busy and made some home grown ones. There were companies involved but it was touching to see film shots of even the old singers humming. Good one people!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 12
hi bluedoll oh I love your national anthem Its really touching and the year the Olympics were in Canada I got to watch all the Olympics from the opening ceremony to the wonderful closing Ceremony.Its funny as I just checked my two cup water glacc that I had assumed was made in the USA nope it says Made in China on the bottom sad when we c annot even make US flags here in o ur own country of course I have nothing against CHina, as I have mylot friends from china but we in the US should be manufacturing more stuff ourselves. lol. I would have loved to have hear William Shatnere do the O Canada song,its really pretty.he he I live the people here in the US too and when we had a vacation in Alberta and went to Banff I loved a lot of Candaian people too. we had a wonderful 'vacation there.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 12
oh lord water glacc I meant water glass.and live should have been love. darned fingers always making typos. lol
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
5 Jul 12
Hi Hatley, happy 4th of July and congratulation to all American friends in its Independent Day. Happy to see your new discussion in this great day Yeah, we should be grateful and content to the peaceful life we have. Having positive thinking whenever facing difficulty or unsatisfied thing would enable us to be happy all the time. For, we know how to tolerant and think of , and consider others stand. And undesirable thing won't turn to be good if we keep on blaming. I didn't blame even though I couldn't get my response page opened in the second day. I contacted myLot straight away. I's happy that they pm me to get it restored. I realized that myLot tried very hard to get everything to be available during the difficult time. What's more important than to get my quadruple earning than to get the whole site to be restored as usual. I's really happy that I could post as usual yesterday morning. I grab such opportunity to post as many posts as I could before the due time certainly. Happy posting
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 12
hi 1kbooi yes it was frustrating but Tue eve I started being able to post responses again so that was good. looking at things in comparison I felt what we went through on mylot was not so bad compared to what my forefathers had to go through to make our country free and gain our independence. So I got my perspective righted for a change. I am so glad I was born here in the land where we do have many countries if you said something bad about the leaders you could even get shot. so USA is a pretty good place to live.
@AmbiePam (94550)
• United States
6 Jul 12
First off, I'm jealous that it was in the 60s. I want those temperatures! Secondly, great post! You're asbolutely right. I watched some of the fireworks last night on television, and one of the channels was shooting off fireworks while playing patriotic songs. "God Bless the USA" came on and I got goosebumps. I'm proud of our country and although I don't like the direction we are going in, I still think it's the best country in the world.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
9 Jul 12
hi Hatley... Happy 4th of July..though a belated one... So u enjoyed your independence day right?...i just replied to one more friend written on this topic here... i don't know the history of America....from who's rule u were free etc...but Independence is must for all countries....ours is coming next month 15th of august...
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 12
hi eshaan hugs back We got of independence from England before the thirteen colonies were still under English rule though our ancestors had fled the British Isles to have freedom to worship as they wanted. so gaining our independence and being a free nation was wondrous for them back then.Now I imagine a lot of us do take our freedoms forgraned but I do not for one.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Jul 12
Good heavens, it was 98° here yesterday!! I would've given anything to be shivering! I'm glad you had a nice Independence Day. I sat inside with one trembling dog as the fireworks exploded all around my neighborhood--illegal, but the cops won't do anything about it. I had to bring the other dog in before she ran or barked herself into exhaustion. It was a miserable night for all three of us. I am very grateful to be a US citizen. With all its faults and all its troubles and all its lousy, greedy politicians this country is probably still the best place on earth to live. I love my country.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
10 Jul 12
Hi, Hatley. I'm glad they gave you all a barbecue. That was nice, even if it was cool out. I hope you were able to post some new discussions last week because they offered quadruple payments for the entire week. I wasn't able to respond to anything the first couple of days, but I was able to start discussions, so I did. It had been a long time since I was that active. I am most definitely grateful for what I have, even if it's not much. It could be so much worse!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 12
hijerxgirl I got in onthe quadruple earnings last Thursday and Friday before that I had not been able to post anything not even a discussion. I did do a lot of responses starting last Tues eve and made some good earnings too . I am now glad for what I have as it makes me feel happier instead of feeling sad for what I did not have.
@ifa225 (14460)
• Indonesia
5 Jul 12
Hi mrs.Hatley i am glad you enjoy the chill and glithes there is no reason to not enjoy all the things that we have while we still breathe And happy fourth of july too
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 12
hi ifa Yes we must live life while we are alive and feel all the good in things and smile and laugh. I never unserstood my dad as he was sour,embittered, disliked most everyone and trusted nobody, he just did not seem to enjoy his later years and why was he like that? I never knew what caused him to be that way.'now as an older person looking back I think he was mentally ill and needed help but refused to believe he was.Oddly I smile more and am happier in my old age then I was in middle years. my marriage years were great but after I lost my husband I grieved and could not see colors just grays til I realize he would not have wanted me to act like that,. he was a happy man full of spirit and smiling and I started to mellow and soon I was happy again.I never ever wanted to be like my dad and now I am not so thank God. Happy fourth.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Jul 12
Wonderful post Ms.Hatley! I think there are far too many times that we get caught up in ourselves and forget how fortunate we really are. I am as guilty as anyone else about fussing over this or that but, the truth is, that it can always be worse.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Jul 12
thats it jenintn we need to think of what we do have, not of what we 'do not have.,We are really so fortunate many countries could you be really critical of Obama and not get into hot water'or even shot as a traitor? we are so lucky and sometimes we just take it all fore granted too.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
14 Jul 12
Dear Hatley. thanks for this wonderful post. I am not American so I guess I am not even allowed to sing this song. Its very impressing and I found something lovely for you on youtube NOT a REFERRAL LINK Hope you can watch the little video. I love it and I also love the USA. Would be proud to be an American too if I was born in that wonderful country.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jul 12
hi rittersport yes I got to watch that and I love it, with tears in my eyes.God Bless the USA. I too love the USA and am proud to bve An American. My forebears came here from Ireland and Scotland to be able to worship as they wished but I am born here and I am an American first.I noticed the person who made that video is training to be a soldier I believe it said.anyway it was well done a lovely tribute to the fourth of Ju ly.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Very well said, Mrs. Hatley. Thank you. We were wondering about you yesterday. I've been thinking about all of the people who are going without electricity from the storm(s) in this triple digit heat. Food having to be tossed out. Numerous hardships being experienced by those people who depend upon electricity for health reasons. Those of us who are in the area unaffected by the storms are so blessed. Other people are homeless now after the fires in the west. I can't even imagine their current hardship and what is to come. Then here we are whining and gritching because an internet site is going through a little difficulty. Perspectives do change, don't they? Happy Birthday, America!!!!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 12
hi yoyo here in Ca we have been so lucky nice temps not too hot nor cold, no storms not even a tremor.I have read how bad the storm was and how the heat waves were really hurting people. I am triply glad our weather has been so good. yes perspectives do change. I say too Happy Birthday America also last night I finally got back on to post,before I could not respond to anyone. Those fire often caused by arson are heartless causing loss of homes and even some deaths.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jul 12
I enjoyed a quiet day with daughter and family. I read to the grandkids a short story about our founding fathers and we talked about our revolution and how big a sacrifice our founders made to ensure our freedoms. My three year old grandson enjoyed a lot of the patriotic songs on youtube that we searched out, his favorite was a version of the national anthem by a rock band. lol here is the link: And then we watched some small fireworks by our neighbors. We had a good fun day. And I love my country and the American people! Glad you had a good day Hatley.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 12
hi debracarey even my roomie liked that video, made tears come to my eyes seeings the different scenes. we owe so much to our armed forces over the years, and I did enjoy yesterday the barbeque and watching fire works from out window but the vietnamese kids and those fire crachers while I was trying to mylot just about drove me nuts.bang and I would jump and make a typo of course. that was an interesting version b y the rock band ,I liked it I also loe our american p eople,. glad to be born in the USA
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 12
hi debra yhes it was really unique and too they did care, and you cou ld see it in their faces too so that made it sort of special.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jul 12
LOL, I was jumping too at the neighbor's fireworks. I'm glad you and your room mate liked the video. It is a unique version of the Star Spangled Banner.
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• United States
4 Jul 12
I am also proud to be an American as well. Randy was an Army man and each every day he reminds me that it because of our military men and women that we are able to enjoy our freedoms and independence. Right now it is raining and very cloudy and windy so I have a feeling that we may not see any fireworks or be able to BBQ. I am able to post again and am hoping to try to catch up on here as well as my homework.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 12
hi randylovesdar yes i too am mylotting like crazy as only last night did i get back to be able to post. there are a few discussions here that I cannot get a box and cannot post.I did notice they do not have a lot of responses so maybe others cannot post to some discussions.odd but its not anything compared to what has goneinto making our U S ind ependent and free. happy fourth of July randylovesdar.
@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
4 Jul 12
Happy Fourth of July to you. I am watching John Adam mini series on HBO. It is a very uplifting drama. I feel like I am there as I experience the birth of our very great country. I have just returned from Boston where I attended my 50th high school reunion. It was wonderful and I am using the holiday to relax and get caught up. The beginnings of our country were all around me in Boston. It makes today all the more significant. I feel very contented, peaceful and satisfied as I post this.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 12
hi bostonphi oh yes Boston and history there the beginings of our country.After an outdoors barbeque here at Gold Crest I realized the problems we had at mylot pale in consideraton of how our forefathers worked to found our America.Happy Birthday Anmerica
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
5 Jul 12
Happy Fourth of July there Hatley Though I'm living outside U.S., I have a high regards for Americans for so many reasons, it is the place where my Dad and my brother and his family is staying there for so many years now. Next is that, in the past, your forefathers help us to be free from any outside forces. Until now, U.S. has been a partner of our country toward progress. Count our blessings it is. I'm glad everything is going ok now. As long as it's working, I'll be doing my best to work also. Do my fair share. Thanks
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 12
hi mikyung thanks happy fourth to ypu too.So your dad and brother lived here in the US for manyyears.. I am glad my forefathers helped you to be free from outside forces. y es I started counting our blessings too as I had forgot to be thankful for what I do have, not crabbyh for what I do not have. so now mylot is okay so am really working today to get some things done. Happy fou rth.
• United States
4 Jul 12
Happy fourth to you friend. I enjoy being free and an american as well. Indeed we take a lot for granted, and times like these remind us to stay humble.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 12
hi Lmfisher happy fourth back.Yes I am glad to be born here and today I was shivering then thinking why be gloomy when I do have much to be thankful for. I am proud to be an American born in the USA and proud that my Iris and Scottish ancestors migrate here to the US. My dad's Clarks and my Mom's Richeys might have met in other times too b ut they came here to the US so I am born an American .