Does it amaze you at times how inconsiderate people can be?
By Dominique25
@Dominique25 (9464)
United States
July 13, 2012 12:32pm CST
My landlord is definitely getting on my nerves. Two years ago he asked us to move into this house because he didn't want it to be empty for two years when he moved to a different state (he didn't want an empty house where he had to dish out all this money and not be living in it) now he has left his wife, has a new girlfriend and decided he wants to move back into this house. So he asked what would be a good time for him to do things around the yard etc. My husband said the EVENINGS since our daughter takes a nap in the afternoon. and so what does he do, he has some gigantic trunk come and start drilling something in the ground and it's the afternoon time while my daughter is trying to sleep. Man if they wake her up I'm going to be fuming. I usually try to take a nap while she sleeps but I think that's now out of the question. Since by the time the noise stops I'm sure she will be up or soon to wake up. Have you ever had something like that happen to you? What did you do?
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9 responses
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
13 Jul 12
There lots of people around us who are inconsiderate...I myself have been a victim of those in our office....and to think that the person involve is nothing compared to my rank! She doesn't know where to take her place...she doesn't care that she is already hurting other people's feelings....and the worst is that all of the people here doesn't already like her and that they are staying away from her....
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
15 Jul 12
It is really sad when people are inconsiderate of others. The person at your office is making things worse for herself. Hopefully she will realize she is making enemies not friends. It would be better for her to help others instead of causing problems.
@Beaver114 (73)
• Philippines
13 Jul 12
I basically am not surprised because people are people. You can never expect that the world we live in is a world that is perfect. People are just human and that its part of being human, making mistakes. Its actually hard to discuss but the bottom line is that no one is perfect.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
16 Jul 12
Yeah I agree with you we are all imperfect. But we should do our best to live our life in a good way. Us being imperfect does give us an excuse to continually do what is wrong especially when we are aware of what we are doing. It would be nice if we weren't imperfect but we all are and so we have to learn from our mistakes. Otherwise we just stay in the same spot and we don't progress that way.
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
13 Jul 12
Most landlords are like that. They do what they want, when they want. Unless it violates your lease or is outright illegal, you haven't much recourse.
Since he is pushing your family out after you've rented that house for two years, he really has no reason to even bother pretending to be considerate.
I will be happy when my boyfriend and I finally own a place. However, that is not going to be for a while, so I will continue dealing with the ridiculous situations and waste of money that goes with renting for quite some time to go.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Jul 12
Yeah that's the thing he's not doing anything illegal just being inconsiderate. But then again a lot of the laws we have aren't clearly thought out either. It's considered reasonable to give a person thirty days to be out of a place. And that's bologne. But oh well we will deal with it and scrounge up the money that we need to move. But I already let him know he's not getting all the money for August since we need it to move. If he will not bend for the date then he can't get all the money because we surely can't do it all. Unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees or we would be out with no problem. Sorry to hear that you still have a ways to go with renting. I don't want to ever buy a house, for us it would be far to much work or I should say for me. As my husband doesn't like to rake or cut the grass so I couldn't imagine me trying to fix and do everything.
@anklesmash (1412)
13 Jul 12
That sounds very inconsiderate though i wouldnt act on the assumption straightaway that he is trying to make life dificult for you it maybe that was the only possible time for him to get that particular work done.If this kept on happening i would politely speak to him about my concerns and if that didnt work i would get advice to see what legal rights i had.Im sure you must have some legal right for him not to come round anytime he feels like it as its your home and you have a right to privacy.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Jul 12
Yeah I agree with you. He is still being inconsiderate it just really frustrates. Just this morning there was a big truck doing something with the sewer drain parked slanted in our drive way so it was very difficult for us to get out and take my husband to work. So when I was coming home I thought I would park in front of the house that way I didn't have to worry about trying to fit in the driveway. And what do you know: there was one of the workers jeep parked in front of the house. With the way he is acting I just can't wait to get the money that we need to move. Then we will be able to have a regular schedule again instead of dealing with all of this.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jul 12
I have had things like this happen. But not from the landlord. Just yesterday my husband told one of our neighbors do not knock on our door before 9am because that is when the kids sleep until. So of course this morning he knocked on our door at 7:30am! I was so mad. I felt like you do now...
Not only does he pound the door instead of knocking but we have a dog that barks when someone is at our house so of course the dog barking woke them up! I was really mad. I told my husband he needs to have ANOTHER talk with the guy because he apparently has a hard time hearing or he cannot tell time!
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Jul 12
Wow that is crazy. That would make me very upset. I would be steaming. I don't like really for anyone to stop by unannounced. As we do live in our house and it is not always in order. And I can guarantee that there are dishes in the sink. I hope that he listens when your husband talks to him. That is why to early to be going to someone house. Seven thirty really? That's crazy.
@McCreeper (777)
• United States
13 Jul 12
I work with a woman who is in her late 30s who gave me the silent treatment for nearly two weeks, and then she deleted me off of her facebook because I accidentally ate her dinner.
If you're wondering how I accidentally ate hers, let me explain; It was just the two of us working that shift, so we ordered pizza burgers from the pizza place. Our orders were nearly identical, but mine had an extra topping. I took my break first, and I took her burger by mistake and ate it. As soon as I realized my mistake, I offered to giver her mine, buy her a new one (Multiple times), or even buy her something else. I felt awful and apologized multiple times too.
What shee did instead was that she ignored my offers, moped around and whined about how starved she was, and then walked out of the store, without a word to me and bought herself something from the food court. She acted odd toward me the rest of the night. Later, she told all of our coworkers that I ate her burger and didn't even say sorry. She then told to my face just how rude she thought I was, when I said to her, "You Do remember that I DID say sorry, and offer you to buy new food, right?" her reply was, "Oh, I guess I just didn't hear you."
You wouldn't believe the feeling I had over this.. -_-"
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Jul 12
That is really awful that she treated you that way. Especially after you apologized and offered to buy her another one. She obviously just wanted something to complain about. I'm sorry that she started spreading rumors to your coworkers. It would have been easy to accidently take the wrong pizza burger when they were really close to being the same. If she would have took her break first she might have ate yours. She Really was inconsiderate.
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
13 Jul 12
The one time that I rented, my landlord drove me insane. He would find any reason whatsoever to come up (it was a duplex and he and his wife and children lived on the main level downstairs). He was mainly just nosey and wanted to see what we were doing with the place (painting and improvements). It was the first time they owned a rental property and they didn't trust people. We were the first renters. Also, he was a disgusting flirt and always tried to come up when I was alone.
When we got fed up and decided to buy a home of our own, we advised him we wouldn't be renewing the lease. He started immediately wanting to bring people to see the place (even though we gave him about 6 months notice). We would get home from work and just sit down to eat dinner and he'd phone and say he wanted to bring someone in... WHILE we were eating. I finally called the rental board to find out my rights -- and he did have to book a time in advance for visits, he wasn't allowed to just come up whenever it suited him.
When I sold my first house, the purchasers were in a huge hurry to get in and didn't want to respect their occupancy date. They would want to come in to measure for curtains or whatever and, one day, I was home alone with my baby (because I was on maternity leave) and I heard loud banging on my roof. I ran outside and found the purchasers had sent a roofing company over to do an estimate -- without advising me or having my consent. I yelled at them to get OFF my roof and to have the purchasers call me as they should have been considerate enough to do. The guy actually said to me, "Oh.. you're here. They told me they didn't think anyone would be home during the day." I was livid.
I can certainly empathize with your frustration when you're trying to keep your daughter down for her nap. The only thing I can possibly say in your landlord's defense is that it's not realistic to expect him to only have work done in the evenings. Many of the companies or services he will deal with simply do not work in the evenings -- they keep daytime business hours. He should have the consideration, though, to advise you if some work needs to be done so you can be prepared... or maybe even be somewhere else so your daughter can nap where it's quiet. Best of luck to you all... I know it's really aggravating 

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Jul 12
I have rented for 35 years and finally just bought my first house last year. Landlords of houses are all alike. It is their house and it doesn't matter much waht the renter says..he does what he wants to. I rented a house where the landlord literally just came into the back yard and started messing with the hose and sprinklers! No notice at all! I went out there and asked what was going on and he said he is checking sprinklers, and I said well you scared me.. I didn't know it was you. Why didn't you call and say you were coming? He said "this is my house I dont need your permission to come check on things".
Another place..the landlord and his family drove by every sunday after church in their convertible and would sit in the street for a few minutes just looking at the house...I asked him about this after awhile and he said he "it's my families house and I can come check on it whenever I want to".
Another one was when he wanted to paint the house...he was nice about it and all as far as setting the painting time with us and all, but I asked him...does this mean you are raising the rent? He said "Oh no.. I just believe in preventive maintenance". 6 months later when our rental year was up, he raised the rent!
So nothing you can say to them ...they think they are God.. and you have to watch..they can raise the rent when your lease/rent term is up. In most cases tho.. it is stupid. If you have good tenants, why raise the rent and risk loosing them and getting bad tenants to replace them and all the expense to get it rented again. Landlords are just scum of the earth it seems. Oh yeah, there are some good ones, but in my life.. I haven't had a single "good" landlord. It's always something and they don't appreciate good tenants.
I am sure it is over now, but I'd say be cautious..if he is doing yard work, and wanting to move back in the house...that means he wont be renewing your lease and you'll have to move.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
24 Jul 12
Congratulations on being able to purchase your home. Yeah you are absolutely right they just do whatever they want. Your experiences would have been annoying as well. I'm glad that you have a house of your own now. It sad that our landlord is acting like this, it's like you said they don't appreciate good tenants. We will be out at the latest by september 1st. We are shooting for August 1st though to see if we can get help with the security deposit since he wants us out so soon.
Yeah he was living in a different state with his wife and son and then called us up out of the blue and said that he would be moving back to the area in two weeks. Mind you he showed up with his new girlfriend so that let's us know right there that he knew far in advance than what he told us that he would be coming back. It would have been nice of him to tell us ahead of time when he started talking to his girlfriend about it. Since we are renting from him he should have let us know first.
I will be happy when we are out. We are moving to a place where I had the landlord previously and she is nice and respectful. So I'm happy about that. It's just now it will be further for my husband to drive to work.
@rebelmel (1386)
• United States
13 Jul 12
I live in a pretty big city, so I deal with this stuff ALL THE TIME. Our neighbors mow the law at 7am sometimes, and there is road construction at like 9am. It's awful! Maybe you can try to talk to him and see if that does any good? It might not, but at least he will know that you feel that this in unacceptable.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
24 Jul 12
Wow yeah yours is a lot worse. It would be awful to have to hear all that noise that early in the morning. Yeah unfortunately talking to him will do no good. So I will have to just deal with it until we are out. We hopefully will be out by the first weekend of August.