Tacky People w/Handicap Tags

United States
July 16, 2012 5:27am CST
First let me say i have a handicap parking tag in my car. I do not try to take advantage of having one. Last wed. i went to the farmer's market. As i got up to where the people were set up to sell their veggies sitting in the middle of the drive was this jerk in his car, too lazy or whatever to get out of his car & shop.. I bet i sat there a good 5 minutes waiting on him to get out of the way so i could get to a parking place, get out to shop myself. I know that would be alot easier to shop from your car but i would not treat people that way. I thought he was an a** for doing that. THEN after i finally was able to get out here comes a lady in a big fine car doing the same thing. She made two trips through never getting out of her car.When i got back in my car i could not back out for her..Needless to say i was pretty p.o. by then.I really didn't feel like getting out & walking either but i did. I can't stand people like that. They seem to think they are special but in my book they sure aren't. If that's the way i had to shop i'd just stay home!!I have a pretty hard time getting around, use a cane, walker or my new power chair when i can but i am not rude like they were & think i have the right to block the whole frigging street. WOULD U ACT LIKE WAY. WHAT DO U THINK ABOUT PEOPLE WHO DO??
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16 responses
• United States
16 Jul 12
You know to be honest Antique, I never really paid attention to the handicap parking spaces until a few years back, I knew they were there and what they were for but because I dont use them I just didn't pay any mind to them. But a few years back my mother in law started dating a man that had polio when he was younger and is now in a wheelchair because he is paralyzed from his hips down well a few years back we decided to head out to Wisconsin to visit them and then is when I first noticed how bad is was with the "handicapped" people. There are so many people that use these that really don't appear to be handicapped So many of them that I see using the plaques look healthy and in better shape than me at 30 and it just makes you sick that because of these people that are "handicapped in the head" as mom in laws boyfriend calls them are ruining it for the people that really are handicapped and never have a parking spot because the others have taken them. I just know that after seeing what he went through i pay a lot more attention to those spots now and who is in them.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
16 Jul 12
One big problem for handicapped people is sometimes their handicap isn't visible. I have had a placard for my handicap since I was in my 30's. I have gotten horrible looks and chewed out many times. Not only do I now have difficulty walking and a heart problem, but I have a neck injury from 1982 that has left me unstable in my ability to walk. To everyone I look fine and healthy, but if you are watching me you will see the problem. I know a lot of people who have hidden handicaps and they have had battles with people who think that they are simply faking it to get the good parking spots. Another rant for me is people who HAVE to be dropped off at the door of the store. They block the driveway and obstruct traffic. I have seen the people in the store, and overhear them talking about going to the gym from the store. They also are the people who will circle the parking lot trying to find a parking spot as close to the store as they can...and they have a gym's parking sticker on their window and will be in the exercise apparel section to buy new duds to wear to work out... Uhh, isn't walking from the car to the store good exercise, or am I missing something???? I will give our Wal Mart points for catching the people who are using the carts for playing. They get tossed off the electric carts and ejected from the store. Even though our Wal Mart has a dozen electric carts there are times where there just isn't enough of them...so having people who don't rate using them abusing the needs of others really gets people ticked off...especially the Wal Mart employees. The manager encourages the employees to catch those people by giving them a bonus!
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jul 12
lover, u make some good points but like u said u see them out doing other things when they are taking advantage of the handicap tags.OUR WAL-MART HERE DOESN'T HAVE BUT 2 OR 3 ELECTRIC CARTS SO U CAN VERY SELDOM GET ONE. i HAVE JUST QUIT GOING TO WAL-MART HERE ALTOGETHER. mY SON GOES FOR ME SOMETIMES BUT I ALWAYS HATE TO ASK HIM TO. i REALLY HATE TO ASK ANYBODY TO DO ANYTHING FOR ME.
• United States
16 Jul 12
GOOD FOR YOU! Thanks for responding. Peole have no consideration for others & it gets worse all the time. I find it very sad. It's the same way inside a store that furnishes people the motorized chairs to get around in. U see people playing & racing on them & just having a big ol' time on them. They act like they are carnival rides. PEOPLE, PEOPLE.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 12
You should be able to mention to the people that they are blocking the route for others. The man should have parked his car in a sensible place and gone around the farmers market. My disabled son has a blue badge which lets me park in disabled parking spaces if I am with him. If I am not out with him I can't use his blue badge and I respect that rule. I never park my car blocking a route because I think of others. A polite comment is best to show you are displeased with someone. Any annoyance you could hide and speak very calmly.
2 people like this
• United States
16 Jul 12
U are soooooo right.People have the blue badges for a reason but it's not for taking advantage like they were doing. I have one to but would not consider blocking the drive & shopping from my car.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
16 Jul 12
I don't think our farmer's markets let you do that - they keep the cars back with barriers...
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• United States
16 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. I wish ours didn't. People will take advantage of anything they can it seems.
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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
16 Jul 12
I don't mean to be flippant, but doesn't your horn work? Perhaps you can have a word with the organizers of the market and suggest restricting vehicular traffic. Then there's that scene in Fried Green Tomatoes...
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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
16 Jul 12
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• United States
16 Jul 12
tHANKS FOR RESPONDING. u ARE ALWAYS FLIPPANT, LOL. My horn does work & i used it on the lady when i couldn't back out for her. I also had a few choice words for the guy when he finally got out of the way. I can be flippant to, lol.
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• United States
17 Jul 12
Takes one to know one.
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@gypsygoth (244)
• Philippines
16 Jul 12
I think it would have been better if you were able to speak your mind to these people in a kind manner, at least they will be aware of what you really feel. Some people aren't really sensitive enough unless they are being told. Just my advice. :)
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. I did have a few choice words for the guy when he went by. I wouldn't say they were mice tho..I think it very rude to do things like that & i have never been a rude person.
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• Philippines
16 Jul 12
LOL well we do lose our temper sometimes :)) and we do hope some people would actually be considerate enough even without being told, but that's life. there are so many a--h-les that we need to deal with brusque when they turn a blind eye to what's right infront of them :))
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• United States
17 Jul 12
Yes, i am well known for my temper, lol.I just hate it when people like u say act like a**holes.Have a good one.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
16 Jul 12
hi dearest Antiquelady I fully agree with you. I guess I would already spit venom if that happened to me. Lots of rude things also happen to me when I commute to work for hours by train but thats nothing compared to things like you mention here.
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• United States
16 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. hey!!!! u made a 1000, yea!!I hate it when people take advanntage of a good thing.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Jul 12
Some people just think they're special because they're handicapped/disabled, or I see it more often with people who have more money, especially in my job. Some people seem to think they're exempt from showing identification to cash a check because they have over $10,000 in the bank. Well, they doesn't prove you are who you say you are, and you'd be complaining up a storm if I cashed this check for someone who wasn't you.. I just don't get why people don't realize asking for ID benefits them! It's not that big of a deal!
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. There are people who think 'their stuff don't stink' as the old saying goes. People like that turn me off real quick.U run into all kinds that's for sure.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
18 Jul 12
I , too, think those guys are jerks. Maybe, they think I am one, too, when I use a handicap parking space. It's legal. I do have a handicap placard. Usually I only use the handicap parking space when my husband, who uses a walker, is with me.
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• United States
18 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. I'm sure u do the right thing when u need to. I know u aren't one of the jerks i was talking about,u are too nice for that.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Jul 12
No, I wouldn't act like that. There is a thing called Karma that will come back to bite these people when they least expect it. They will wonder what in the world couold they have possibly done to deserve such treatment. They will never get it. But still Karma will reak its revenge on them and they will be the p.o. ones then. So what goes around comes around. That is what I think of people like this.
• United States
17 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. I am a firm believer also of what goes around comes around. just hope i see some of them get what's coming to them, lol.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Jul 12
i also think they are butt holes. i see them all the time. my oldest daughter has cussed them out when they do that. my late hubby used to say loudly, they look like they could use the walk. because usually the people taking up space from handicapped was often big tubby people that could walk all around the stores on their own. he would have told them whats for.
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• United States
17 Jul 12
HI BON, Thanks for respopnding.Good for your daughter & your late hubby. It is a hateful thing for people to do.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Jul 12
No..I wouldn't act that way. I think that there are people out there taking advantage while those that do really have a rough time suffer for it. I have got aggravated when someone was parked in the middle of the street and then just jumped out an practically ran to the door..lol.
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• United States
21 Jul 12
Thanks for responding, jen. I know u wouldn't act that way, u are a classy lady .People can sure try your patience. I'll admit i'm short on patience to start with, lol.U ask about ann the other day & i forgot to answer u. She's about like me just hanging in there. We e-mail most every day but i haven't seen her in awhile. Been to hot to go anywhere.
• United States
16 Jul 12
That does sound really frustrating. The farmer's markets around here, you can't do that. They're blocked off from cars so the cars can't drive through. I would have tried to find someone in charge so I could recommend that or something similar, because that sounds like it's not only annoying but could be a potential hazard for other people. I don't think anyone should be allowed to shop in their car, block up the road, or potentially cause an accident because they're disabled in some way. I've also known some people to wave around their handicapped tags even when they're clearly not disabled.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jul 12
Thanks for responding. They shouldn't be allowed to do it here either. Like all things people take advantage of the handicap tag. I see alot of people that have them that don't look to me like they need them.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
7 Aug 12
How rude! I can't stand people like this. They think they are better then everyone else and are just plain selfish. I'm so sorry that you had to deal with such inconsiderate people like that. I find as I get older that there are alot of people like this in the world today. There is definitely a generation out there that thinks everyone owes them and they are superiorto others.
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• United States
8 Aug 12
Thanks for responding, Lelin. Seems as if i have run into alot of them lately.I have never thought i was better than anybody else as so many do but do think i'm as good as anyone.
• United States
17 Jul 12
Even if I could at our market I wouldn't. I mean how lazy can you be?
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• United States
17 Jul 12
tHANKS FOR RESPONDING. pretty darn lazy so it seems w/these jerks.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
16 Jul 12
If people are able to obstruct traffic that way at y our farmer's market I think that it needs to be set up differently to discourage them because they obviously cannot think about anyone else by themself. I really dislike rude people.
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• United States
17 Jul 12
I do to, GG. Thanks for responding. Something needs be done about people doing this. I didn't even go to the market today. There are a few independant sellers around so i shopped w/them today. At least i didn't lose my sweet, lol disposition that way.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Jul 12
hi antiquelady I too use a walker most of the time. what i d o is leave my walker in my friend's car and take a grocery cart and walk into the store and shop. if Iam a farmers market I w ill g et myh walker o ut g o in to t he markedt,juse my handy 99 cent bag to put produce in., I do not block anyones way as I am just one of thousands of people with a bit ot impairmentof my walking. I am not privileged any more than anyone else. I think peo ple like that are most insensitive and think first and only of themselves. speak to the person who will not g et out, as they need to be told there are others needing to get to the store so quit blocking the way. thats selfish shopping from ones car if you can w alk at all. my God if you can walk, walk. thank G od we can as some cannot.
• United States
16 Jul 12
HI HATLEY, Thanks for your response.I know u wouldn't do that nor would i. I think it is very tacky & selfish of people to do that. I sure didn't appreciate it & i'm sure there were alot of others that didn't.One day i was there & a lady got so close to me w/her car i could have reached in & slapped her & did think about it, lol.