Call me maybe

@Axai2012 (371)
July 27, 2012 4:06am CST
It has been the song that has been playing for days in my head. It is very catchy, the melody and the lyrics. My 4-year-old niece has been singing it though the words can't be understood which I think is very cute. Then I watched the spoof on youtube of this song my favorite being the one by cookie monster of Sesame Street. How about you? Do you like the song?
2 responses
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
I haven't heard the song yet. I will try to find a copy for that, since I have one year old niece too. She is still very young to grasp the lyrics. But, I am anticipating that she might be like your niece.
• Philippines
27 Jul 12
That song is very popular! I didn't even know the title at first but it was just like being recorded in my mind already. I don't even know the lyrics, but the melody would keep playing in my head. :)