Friends who have different views of my religion

United States
July 29, 2012 12:34am CST
Do other people have friends who don't share the same religion views? I don't think this is something that should break a friendship up but I have a friend who doesn't really believe in Christianity the way I do. For example she believes the human race has evolved, and I don't believe that. I just don't know if I should surround myself with people who don't believe the things I do, but I might be in her life for a reason and don't want to lose her friendship.
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11 responses
@else22 (4317)
• India
29 Jul 12
I am a Hindu and I have great respect for Christianity.I have a lot of Christian friends.We celebrate each other's festivals.They too have never shown any disrespect for my religion nor have I to theirs.Religion is a personal matter.And never forget one thing.Whatever religion we follow,we pray to the same God.It is another matter that we try to attain Him through different ways.Religion must not come between us.And even if it comes,it should not be allowed to divide us.
• China
29 Jul 12
Nice comment!! I totally agree with you!! Religion is a personal stuff so it can't interfere friendship. I appreciate your celebrating each other's festivals. The world is brilliant and colorful just because its multifarious people and opinions. So what we should do is to keep a comprehensive mind and respect people even their thoughts contradict with ours.
@else22 (4317)
• India
30 Jul 12
I agree with you.After all we all are human beings no matter what faith we follow.God is our father and mother.We all seek Him through different ways.Our ways may be different,but our destination is the same.Thanks for your nice comment.
@timsmom3 (21)
• United States
31 Jul 12
In the Bible when marriage is referred to, we are told that if the unbelieving spouse is alright with staying married to the believing spouse, the believer shouldn't divorce the unbeliever. This is because the believer can be a great witness to the unbeliever, possibly bringing the other to salvation. I believe it's the same with friendships. I have A LOT of friends who don't believe in Christianity, but I stay friends to be a witness. However, that doesn't mean you have to be welcome mat that she can wipe her feet on, if that's an issue. She doesn't have to believe the way you do, and you don't have to believe her way, but that doesn't mean it has to be something to beat each other over the head with. If you can have decent conversations about the topic, go for it! If not, respectfully decide it isn't a topic for discussion. You can still witness, but through actions and what you refrain from that she does that goes against what God would want you to do. We are to love everyone... just not their sin. It is extremely frustrating when someone refuses to see what you have learned, but that's with every aspect of life. You do have to be careful that you don't let her bring you down. If your faith isn't strong enough to do what you know is right when with this person, then you may want to limit the amount of time you spend with her. You can still be friends, though.
• United States
31 Jul 12
Thanks! Great response. Definitely gave me insight.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
31 Jul 12
Honestly, I don't have any idea what kinds o religious views that the majority of my friends have and even if I did it really wouldn't make any difference to me. The reason that I say that is because of the fact that I'm not out to preach my religion to someone else and if they were to start to preach their religion to me, I would listen to them, but I wouldn't change the beliefs that I have. With that said, I don't think that knowing that a friend of mine had a totally different set of beliefs from me would be something that would make our friendship come to an end.
@paulli3 (312)
• China
30 Jul 12
it's a problem but is's easy to solve. if you have friends who have different views. please forget it and then enjoy your friendship. you must konw everyone has freedom to decide what they believe. maybe they have diffirent views but it doesn't matter. it is just personal choice and even you have difficult views, it can't effect your friendship. you should try to know what they believe is their own things and it don't need to lse your friendship. just be good friend as before.
@bocknoy (32)
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
I don't think differences in religion should be an issue among friends. I am a Christian, and I have friends who don't believe in Christ the same way I do, but it does not bother me at all. Respect is a part of friendship, and apart from religion, there can be a lot of differences among friends, so why should religion be an exception. I stand firm for what I believe is real, and it won't change even if i surround myself with people who have other opinions. The best thing to do to avoid conflicts is to not bring it up in conversations, or to not try to prove who is right or wrong.
• United States
9 Aug 12
Yes, I have other friends who are not Christian. I am not going to judge nor condemn them for this as the Bible says we are not to do that. And honestly I am Christian because I was brought up that way. They may have been brought up another way. And I don't know 100% that Christianity or any religion is real. How am I supposed to tell them that their religion is wrong when I have absolutely no evidence of this?
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
29 Jul 12
In fact, a lot of my good friends are from different religions. I actually enjoy a lot discussing the nuances of different religions. I must say that I am lucky that most of my friends are not fanatics and actually are very good practitioners of their religion so these discussions are really enlightening. The more these kind of discussions we have had, I have realized that all religions actually lead down the same path, only the modus operandi is different. Cheers! Ram
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
29 Jul 12
I am a Christian and I have an atheist friend. She's my best friend and my sister. I don't push my religion on her and she doesn't push her lack of one on me.. We are friends because we love each other, we've shared experiences, been through things together, not because of a religion. I can understand how you feel but remember it's not the religion of a person that attracts you to them, is it?
• United States
29 Jul 12
If we don't have any type of relationship with people who believe differently than we, how can we ever teach them the truth? If your friend is a Christian but accepts the theory of evolution as the truth, you might remind her/him what the Bible says regarding how creation came into being.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
29 Jul 12
Sometimes it can really test one's friendship when religion is involved. There were times that I also wondered if I should keep some friends who disagree with my religious beliefs, especially those who cross the line and somewhat mock it. But I guess a true friend would respect what our beliefs are, and in turn we should respect their own beliefs. If those friends of yours don't, then I think you should distance yourself.
@Lorden (348)
• South Africa
29 Jul 12
Oh yes, you can be friends with most anyone. Never let religion be the evil divider of people, as it has at so many times in history been. Anyway, there are lots more things to talk about and to enjoy other than religion. So it shouldn't be a problem to maintain a friendship with somebody who doesn't believe in religious dogma.