Prepare for Pregnancy

July 29, 2012 5:22pm CST
Is it really necessary to plan your pregnancy, or is it enough that both you and your husband agree to have a child? Unplanned pregnancy is blamed for many cases of child abuse, malnutrition, birth defects, among others. They say that when a woman gets pregnant unplanned, tendency is for her not to care of herself and the baby inside her womb, or get an abortion. On the other hand, women who are looking forward to become moms do a lot of things to prepare for pregnancy on top of seeing the OB-GYNE on a regular basis.
15 responses
30 Jul 12
It should be a mutual plan by MARRIED couples. In the first place, unmarried couple should not do the act.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
You have a point. The problem is that, in some cultures "the act" is their demonstration of love, and it's just an ordinary thing for people in a romantic relationship. But I belong to a Christian community, and also believe in chastity before marriage.
• Morocco
30 Jul 12
good it sfuny cool
@SIMPLYD (90720)
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
It doesn't mean that just because you weren't prepared for the pregnancy, you won't take care of your pregnancy anymore, bocknoy. Though, i would say that it depends on the persons involved.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Yes. I know someone who got pregnant at a very early age, but is still able to prove herself as a good mother.
@SIMPLYD (90720)
• Philippines
1 Aug 12
I think when a woman becomes a mother, whether she likes it or not she has to learn how to take care of the baby.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
30 Jul 12
I would say its necessary based on today economy condition . I want whenever I have a child I am financially stable . Unplanned pregnancy can be good if you already mature and have stable home are means to raise a family . I want my child to be born in loving environment and stable financially . I want to be happy and relax not worrying like when teenagers get pregnant and starts to panic .
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
I totally agree with you. Maturity and financial stability of the parents are what can ensure a brighter future for their baby. It feels good to become pregnant with a husband by your side, and all your nees and those of the baby provided for.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
30 Jul 12
No it's not necessary to plan out a pregnancy with your partner. Weather a child is planned or not there are good parents and bad parents that will do things to there kids. There is no link to an unplanned baby and there parents being bad. Because one that would just be an insult to a lot of women out there that have had babies unplanned and love them and are great mothers. I've had two unplanned pregnancy and just because my babies where not planned out doesn't mean I don't love them and that I didn't want them. As soon as I knew in both of my pregnancy this one and my last one I started seeing a doctor and even taking vitamins. I did everything that was asked of me. yes I did have a preemie for my first baby but that had nothing to do with the fact that she was unplanned. By daughter is a healthy 18 month old. There are risk's period in any pregnancy. YOu can have a baby born with anything and will not come up on a test or and ultrasound and that hasn't anything to do with them being planned or not. Weather a baby is planned or not the mother is offered the same things. A lot of women don't know if they don't have health care that they get it for free through the state all you have to do is go to your local health department. I have never hurt my daughter I've taken her to every doctor appointment since she was born been there for ever shot she was given, delt with every fever, every little hurt and pain. Both me and her father were thrilled to find out we where having her and we are even thrilled to be having a another baby in our lives really soon. Both of them mean the world to us and we would die for the both of them.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
You are right. There is no valid reason to why a mother can't love her child. Prepared or not, the baby is the parents' responsibility, and a gift to love and protect.
• Philippines
30 Jul 12
pregnancy is a long way, it been 9 months and when i near to give birth, the father or mother will have to find money when its time. so some medical staff are get mad bec. the parents are not prepared for the delivery of the baby. so it is need to prepared the pregnancy, of the mother, and not only that how to rises the family is more important after pregnancy is the medical of the baby, the milk, and others need of the child. prepared for pregancy is the only step in the next level.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Yes. The baby will need not just love, but material things too. Parents should prepare for the child's coming. But if pregnancy happens unexpectedly, it does not give parents the right to give it poor attention.
30 Jul 12
for me its better u plan before u get pregnant ,because it is not a game.what i mean getting pregnant is the big issue, not only to your self but it involves your to child its better u plan before u do.sothat the child will get suffered.
30 Jul 12
i mean the child not suffered when the time comes.
• Indonesia
1 Aug 12
I think this is very important to plan about pregnancy. especially for young couple, the presence of new member in family have important role in life and will bring a lot of impact for relationship and economical. if you have no preparation for pregnancy, the result could be unexpected thing, such as your baby is unmaintained and even abortion
@512771751 (1096)
• China
30 Jul 12
It is so important to have a clever and healthy baby, so in today's society, people are always planning how to have a excellent baby. Good luck to you and wish you have a good baby.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Thanks. My son is almost 2 now. It's just that before I got pregnant with him, people thought that I got too excited about my pregnancy.
@debbygirl (213)
• Philippines
29 Jul 12
Hi! I had my unplanned pregnancy with my son and when i discovered that im pregnant to him, that was the most difficult time of my life and my boyfriend. Though i had ideas of destroying it many times, but i was not able to do it because i dont have time to see a doctor or a abortionist, or maybe the Lord is really trying to stop me from hurting myself and my son.Soon, my boyfriend ask me to marry him and we did. We love each other so much that my unprepared pregnancy becomes one of our happiest moment of our life :) Yes we had struggled a lot like financial difficulty but the Lord provided everything. That time i realized the Lord loved the little children. For me,unprepared pregnancy is not a reason for a parent to be a irresponsible person. Actually for me, that's the best time they can proved how to make straight the wrong path they had take or to make good the bad things they are into. :)
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Every child is a gift. You are right, parents should give their children the love and attention they deserve in spite of difficulties in life.
@Axai2012 (371)
29 Jul 12
Unplanned pregnancy does not necessarily mean unwanted pregnancy. It is more like the unwanted pregnancy that leads to abuse and neglect in the future though unplanned pregnancy, especially among the teens may lead to that as well maybe because they think that the pregnancy has destroyed their life. So it is best to plan for the pregnancy. It is also reassuring to know that along the process of pregnancy that family and friends are present to support the pregnant woman.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
You are right. Pregnant women will need all the support that she can get especially from the people who care about her.
@ridzzz0 (131)
30 Jul 12
in modern days we even plan what to eat which is our basic need,then why we shouldn't plan for our baby.there are many things which should be taken under consideration,anyhow i wish Good luck & have a healthy baby.
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Pregnancy is a very delicate situation and I believe that a woman should be make preparations for it. Given that both parents have agreed to have a child and that they are financially capable to do it, a woman should also understand that her body will become the baby's shelter and source of everything it will need for 9 months. In this case, a woman should prepare herself,making it a healthy environment for the baby she will conceive. Consulting an OB-GYNE is a must. See more from
• Philippines
1 Aug 12
I think a woman should prepare for pregnancy to ensure that she is in the best of health when she conceives a baby. a healthy mom is important to the development of a healthy baby. preparation is the key to success, as the old adage goes. Preparing for pregnancy is what can reduce the risks of birth defects and complicated childbirth. See a few more advice from
30 Jul 12
I think that prepare is important, and also scheduling the pregnancy, I mean everything must be planned, because pregnant and become mom is a serious thing.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
30 Jul 12
First off, I have to say that just because a pregnancy is not planned does not mean that the pregnancy is unwanted. My daughter, who is almost ten years old now was a completely unplanned pregnancy, in fact, her father and I weren't even sure that we wanted to spend our lives together at the time that I found out that I was pregnant with her. However, as soon as I found out that I was pregnant with her, she was a very wanted child. That said, I think that there are certain steps that a woman should be taking if she thinks that she might want to have a child in the future. She should be having regular check-ups with her GYN and she should also be eating a healthy diet. These are two of the most important things to be considered if you want to have a healthy pregnancy.