Do you Believe in love at first sight? or fate to meet him/her?

July 30, 2012 7:43pm CST
hey everyone i think ive read so many books that usually when hero and the heroine usually have some spark when they first see each other or their fate keeps coming together. i know its fiction and made up but what better to know if this happens in real life then asking real people. so i ask you when u met that special someone was there a spark, "love at first sight", something more then just oh he/she looks beautiful? or did your fate just happen to collide so many times? im really curtious about ur love story let me know thanks :)
5 responses
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
I don't believe in love at first sight or even such thing existed. One reason is it never happened to me. They say it's like in a slow motion thing, but for me, it's just having an attraction to that person. You'll truly love them the moment you get to know them and spend time with them.
• Canada
5 Aug 12
When I meet my other half, it was though a friend. I found him so interesting that I needed to get to know him more. For the first time in my life I found myself asking for his number, and calling him. I had never done this before, I had never approached a guy before. But this time there was something about him, that I needed to know. We hung out for a couple of days after I called him, then one day we were driving in the car (in the winter), my hand was cold, and he offered to warm it up for me. Since something like this had not happened to me since High School, I just wanted to know where this was going. So I asked him "What is this?" holding up our hands together, and he replied "I would like to get to know you better as boyfriend and girlfriend...." I could tell that he was really nerves that I would blow him off. But I was really excited that he had said that, and we have been together ever since and I couldn't be happier.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
31 Jul 12
Yes, the same thing happened to me years ago when I met the men who would become my husband. But I didn't see sparks and I didn't ask myself what was this. It just happened, I was very happy and about an year later we got married. And only now I realize that it was indeed love at first sight.
@bocknoy (32)
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
Hi. My husband and I were introduced by a common friend. He said that the first time he saw me, he knew right then and there that I am the one for him. I didn't feel the same way he did during our first meeting, but I saw in his eyes that he meant more than friendship. For months that he was courting me, I never felt magic or "spark" at all, but he made me feel special form the littlest tokens to the biggest favors he gave me. We dated for 3 years before we decided to marry. We have been together for more than 2 years now, and I can still see his efforts to make me happy. To him it was love at first sight, and I believe in him.
• United States
1 Aug 12
The first time I saw my husband he was directing traffic. I had my mom with me, and as I spotted him I told my my "ooo look, a redhead!" She laughed since I have always had a thing for redheads. He saw me at work a few days later but was shy about approaching me, and I was equally shy. After that first glimpse whenever he came by the bookstore where I worked, he looked for me but I was usually hiding. Finally my friend who worked at the dispatcher's office found out one day that I thought he was cute so she gave him my phone number. Once he figured out who I was, he called me that weekend. We talked on a Sunday for 6 hours on the phone until the charge went out on my phone. He came to see me at work the next day, and we have been together pretty much ever since. We dated for about a year, moved in together and got married six months after that. Our 10 year anniversary is in April 2013. So yes, we have our love story. Not saying marriage is easy, but it's definitely worth it!