When friendship turns sour...

By Toni
@toniganzon (72281)
August 4, 2012 10:23am CST
They've been good friends for two to three years. They share each other's secrets, helped each other in times of needs, gave advices to each other. They were like sisters, till one of them chose to fall for the wrong guy and started betraying her friend. It's really sad and i'm in the middle. I knew the other friend was at fault and yet i feel sorry for her for not being so smart in her choices. Now their friendship is totally broken and cannot be repaired. All because of a man who's not even worth it at all. When do you stop being a friend to a friend?
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17 responses
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
4 Aug 12
Personally I think it really depends on a situation, and how the people react around each other. I am sure that even though the one person might have felt or known the guy was no good the other friend chose to ignore it, and instead flaunt her new found friendship with this man. But if he is No good and the one decided to break off the friendship and not listen hopefully in the end she will one day wake up and come apologize as well. For you the Best advice is be their as a friend to both of them while trying to stay out of the middle, and hope the Best for them both.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks Tina. I am trying to be a good friend to both of them. I really am trying my best. But knowing that she betrayed the other because of a man, i can't help but feel a bit disappointed in her but i'm not condemning her though.
@Byamee (84)
• India
4 Aug 12
You never stop being a friend to a friend. ONCE A FRIEND ALWAYS A FRIEND. If you leave your friends side when going gets tough then their will be no difference between the two of you. And if that is the message you want to pass along then you should stop immediately. You just need to rebuild your foundations. learn from the past experience and you will see your friendship sour to new heights ALL THE BEST!
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
5 Aug 12
I also think that good friends always will be friends forever. I think it is good to have lots of good friends in life.
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
I agree, a true friend never stops from being a friend. When everybody else turns their back on you and you feel like the whole world is against you, true friends come to rescue. A good friend never leaves you, especially when you need him or her the most. "In good times and bad times, I'll be on your side forevermore... That's what friends are for..." as the song says.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
We tried that with her. We stood by her even though we know that guy was really wrong for her. She's married with two kids and she's been neglecting her kids, not even feeding them and giving money to this guy who has a real girlfriend too. We already let her see that she has changed a lot since she met this man and she should at least take care of her kids. This boyfriend even beats her up and hides her when the real girlfriend is there. And after what we did for her, helping her, consoling her when she's crying, reminding her that she has kids, she chose to betray a friend so that he could have this man's attention which we all think doesn't even love her.
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Aug 12
I stopped being a friend to a friendship that I had with a friend for well over 20 years, as she tried texting my husband behind my back chatting him up. When I confronted both my friend as well as my husband they were both shocked to think that I had found out. Nowfriends like her I can do without in my life and if the truth was to be known, she was coming here to see my husband and take the micky out of me behind my back, talking also about me to other friends about what she was doing. As for my husband, we dont speak to each other unless it is todo with our children.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
Thanks for sharing this. I'm so sorry that you are not having a good relationship with your husband. That person was never a friend to you at all and i'm sorry that you ever met her. She was a leech. I just don't understand that people like that exist in this world. You deserve to be happy.
• Canada
5 Aug 12
The friendship ends when one does not respect the gift of having such a friend. Do what's right, protect yourself.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thank you for sharing this. I agree, it's the respect that comes along with a true friendship.
• Canada
6 Aug 12
No problem.
5 Aug 12
This si a sad, but too often true story. You hear it a lot. I dont see why people put men over friends. There is no reason that you cant have a partner and friends, you just balance time spent with both of them. It is always a shame when friendships go wrong. I know friends come and go sometimes and so do partners, but often friendships are lost over silly little things. it is always a sasd time I live byt e saying treat others how you want to be treated yourself.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Good words, treat others how you want to be treated. It really is sad and i don't think they could go back to the way they were. I had the same experience when i was in my teens but my best friend and i discussed about it and she even wrote me a letter that no man would ever come between us. For that i was very thankful. They didn't end up together but we are still friends until now.
• Canada
4 Aug 12
I think that when the friend betrays you that's when you need to put the friendship to an end. If you don't then there are trust issue that come with the friendship, after everything is over. True friendship last even if there is boys included in the picture.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
4 Aug 12
I also think that most friendships end when one person betrays another. I think most probably true friends will last forever and all friends will be happy in this type of relationships.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
I agree that no man could come in between true friends but betrayal is different. Once trust is broken the friendship will already be tainted and i don't think it'll ever go back to what it used to be.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
16 Sep 12
I also agree that no man would come in between true friends.
• United States
5 Aug 12
That's happened to me. I have had people take advantage of me and betray my trust, and go behind my back. I have learned to be very picky about friends, and I have learned to know who your enemies are, and know your real friends from those who are just pretending to be your friends. You stop being their friend they minute they betray your trust, they minute they turn their back on you, and the minute they treat you like a door mat. You don't want friends like that.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
I must agree. I would stop being a friend as well the moment she betrays me. I just couldn't stand people i couldn't trust anymore.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
4 Aug 12
I think most probably you might tell both of them and might do a talk sometimes it might help and sometimes it is not. I also have seen lots of girls going for men who are not worth it and sometimes they go for men who are not good at character. Sometimes I wonder why they go for such guys rather than someone who is sweet and make them feel like princess. I have heard from some of my friends (girls) that they like to have tough guys or guys who smoke or drink etc than sweet guys. Something that I wonder why they go for it. I think most times friendships that are broken are hard to fix it and most probably you can do a little counseling and hope that will help it.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
They have lost trust with each other and i don't think i would be able to fix the two of them. The fight has gone too far. I just try to be friends to both of them anyway.
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@alberello (4752)
• Italy
5 Aug 12
Well, the friendship seems a simple thing, but sometimes, it's more complicated than it appears! I personally, do not exclude of knowing "only for view" most people but if you really want to know the truth, the true friends I can count only 3. I am totally out of any romantic relationship, but when people who then frequented in the past have become engaged, to me, left me alone, and this bothered me a lot! Do you know if you have a true friend will never betray you, but with the various engagements, we are sure that always reign loyalty?
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
It's true. I guess she never was a true friend then. Sometimes it's better to trust only yourself with a secret. Once a secret is told to somebody, no matter how close that person is to you, it's no longer called a a secret. I guess she's not a great loss after all.
• India
5 Aug 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about this, love have the ability to split the good friendship, this story is a great example for this. The girl who loved the wrong guy lost everything including her good friend. I will give up my friendship if the person is wrong and doing betraying or cheating activities against me
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Indeed i would choose my friends over a guy who's cheating and beating me up. But then again one becomes blinded by too much lust and love sometimes they lose logic. It's such a pity.
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
I stop being a friend to a friend when she don't want me anymore. A good friend tells you if what your doing is right or wrong. She will never tolerate you when she knows that what your doing is really bad or wrong. Its up to the person if she wants to take the advice but you can never ask a person to follow your advice. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and there are times that we differ from one's opinion. As a good friend, we should not feel mad if our opinions or advices were taken for granted. Yes, it is true that a good friend always wish for the best but at the end of the day we cannot make the decision for another person's personal life especially pertaining to the affairs of the heart. If her affair turns sour, as a good friend we should always be at her side and give her the sturdy shoulders she can lean on.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
I agree, we couldn't decide for anybody at all. All we could do is give advice and a leaning shoulders to cry on. But if we were betrayed by our so called friend and she sacrifices friendship over lust, then that's another story.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
It is a given that when a friend betrays you, everything that has to do with her suddenly stops. But in your case that you're in the middle of those two, it must have been hard. If you chose to be with the one who's been betrayed, the other will feel bad because technically, she had done nothing to you. Moreover, trying to fix them both won't do any good, for you might be in trouble and end up to be the cause of a more troublesome relationship with them. I guess you have to give them time to think things over just between them. It wouldn't hurt if you'll just keep silent for a while.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
It's difficult when both of them are pouring their pains to me and i try to stay friends to both of them. However, i can tell who's lying and who's telling the truth.
@nnanduri (23)
5 Aug 12
First of all, my question is "why she has to listen everything".Whether he is good or bad, leave it.What is her age?.She has the capability to chose her life partner.But she cant make a decision about her friend.May be she dont want to be with her friend and stopped speaking with her.
• Egypt
16 Sep 12
friends are important in our life.they can turn to a bad memory to you.so we should pick them carefully
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
There are times though, that even if we did pick our friends carefully, other circumstances might still lead to an unhappy ending.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
True friendship is supposed to last forever. If it doesn't, then it wasn't real friendship.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Yes, true friendship should, and there are tests for this. If one stays true and doesn't betray then that's true friendship. It'll never end.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
I don't think we should stop being a friend to anyone unless he/she do something grave to you. Two to three years is long but I have experienced this with whom I thought my bestfriend for 15years!
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
And what act do you consider grave as to end the friendship?
@sania06 (15)
• India
5 Aug 12
I stop being a friend to a friend when she does not help me in my life problems,when she makes fun of my weakness.