How do you take care of your lover??

August 10, 2012 7:48am CST
I just want to know how you guys are being taking care of your lovers. As a gf, you have to do something for your bfs, right? You do have responsibilities as a lover. I want to be a good girlfriend. So, I am asking for tips on how to be a good one. LOL! Embarassing but I badly need it. How would I make my boyfriend happy and satisfied with me?? What do men usually want from women? Others say that you have to be good at cooking. Gosh, I am very bad at cooking but I'm gonna try my best. Some says that you need to help him clean his apartment and do something sincere for him. Act like a caring mom but not to the point that you are giving him a hard time just because you are taking care of him too much. Am I making sense?? haha.. I have been away from mylot for a couple of days because I have no idea to talk about but suddenly this topic came across my mind. I miss you all mylotters!
5 responses
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
Guys don't like being nag. It is so stressful when it comes to this point. They wanted to be free and not to be locked down. Man is a man.
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
The first thing you need to know is you should never ever ever ever do anything that you don't want to do for your boyfriend or anyone else in fact. There is a difference between being a good girlfriend from being a nag and push over. I don't think that you have a responsibility actually. You should do something because you want to and care about that person and not becasue you are oblige to do so. For example, you might call you boyfriend at the end of the day to ask how his day went or maybe give him advice. You don't have to clean his apartment if you really don't want to. You may help him to do it but you should not do it alone unless it's what you want.
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
Cooking for him, helping him clean his apartment, etc. are good ideas. In addition, you can support him if he is undergoing some problems. You can run some errands for him if he doesn't have time to do them himself, etc. Staying by his side through thick and thin counts too.
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
This reminds me of the past. hehe...As far as i can still remember i tried to show my love and care to my ex bf through actions. Like giving him a note or card on our special days, i brought him medicine when he got sick, sometimes i brought him some food. I also make it a point to be a good listener when he shared some sentiments to me. I guess there is no such a formula as to how we should take care of our lover. One thing's fore sure is that, when we are in love we can do things we never used to do in order to make that person happy and make him feel special and loved. hehe...
• United States
10 Aug 12
I think it depends on your boyfriend and what he wants. It also depends on your standards, and whether or not you can give him, what he wants. Some guys like a woman cooking for them. Some guys are really good house keepers and they don't need someone to help them clean. I think, one of the best things you can do, for your boyfriend is to make sure he knows that you sincerely care about him. Also, make sure if you do things for him there are NO strings attached. Don't have unreasonable expectations like throwing temper tantrums if he doesn't remember your birthday. Everyone is unique so if you can talk with him, and find out what's important to him, you can do your best to hit the target.