There will be no more poverty! How?

@rhodzptc (1317)
August 16, 2012 6:12am CST
I was watching this ads on TV it is about an institution who build homes and giving them to people. They build homes by the help of private companies as their sponsors, now one the officials of the institution give his speech on how it could help people and their vision is to stop poverty and his ending speech he says if they continue building homes for other people in future there will be no more poverty. Then it comes up to my mind that how can we stop poverty? can we stop poverty by building homes for free or by just keep helping those needless people? No matter what country where we go there will be poverty. Poor people and rich people are what makes the economy keep in balance. So do you think would it be possibly to stop poverty?
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19 responses
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
2 Sep 12
one big possible way to stop poverty i think is to stop war, there is huge amount of money is being used in preparing for war, if im not mistaken an average quality jet fighter will easily cost around 30 to 60million dollars, how i wish someday that the war against fellow human will going to a war against poverty
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
2 Sep 12
I wish too my friend. A jet fighter has it purpose and same as his pilot it makes a balance in nature, There are lot of aspects that makes poverty never ended as an example from what you mentioned about the cost of jet fighter. Some benefits from it even the lowest level of worker do benefit from so if we stop making jet fighters it will only produce another jobless and poor people right? Those are the factors that keeps the balance between poor and rich, professionals to blue collar jobs.
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
2 Sep 12
well the workers involve in manufacturing of jet fighters that is use for killing humans can manufacture passenger airplanes that can be generate lot of jobs too...
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
18 Sep 12
I think in India no chance to stop poverty. Because only politicians gathered all money in their home. Thats good thoughts if there is not poverty. In which country this good thing will happen.
@rkbazad (131)
• India
18 Sep 12
Hi Surekha, I am not agree with you that no chance to stop poverty in india, in india reducing poverty. I spent maximum time of my life in city but I am belong from a farmer family from a small village of rajasthan. I am one of the example of reducing poverty. A big change come in last 15 years. before 15 years in village 70% houses were bullied from soil and other thing and people living was hard, but now in my village cant find single house like this. Now in my village people have more facility then any middle class city home.Now maximum poverty in papers, not in real ..because still many family from my village have name in BPL List. I don't had any connection with my village in my childhood, just spent 2-3 weeks in a year here that time. I think you will also agree with me .. My Grandfather was a poor farmer ... My father is a Govt. Servent ... I am a Engineer. I think poverty reducing in india :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Sep 12
I honestly believe that as long as there are people on this earth there is going to be some degree of poverty. The reason that I say this is that there are simply a lot of people throughout the world that are in need and there are just not enough resources to help all of those people. However, I do think that instead of giving people something for free, it is much more important to teach people sustainable skills as opposed to just giving them something.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
29 Dec 12
hi, i don't know if that would be possible to happen,no poverty at all,maybe it will need to start from the top such as the government and leader of the country going down,so that we could have good economy and can provide employment to the nation.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
29 Aug 12
this is Habitat for Humanity I believe you are talking about. There will always be poverty otherwise the government wouldn't have anything to blame things on.
@paulli3 (312)
• China
16 Aug 12
i think it is possibly to stop poverty, in fact, i agree that the country must have poor people and rich people to keep balance, actully if the power of productive improve, it is easy to stop poverty, if we have strong power, then we can product many things to meet our demand, so we will not have poverty, everyone can enjoy their lives, at least everyone can meet their basic demand fine, it will come true ! i hope so !
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
If there will be no more poor people then there will be no more worker right? some poor people are those worker like construction workers or past food crew. I think poverty could only be ease but cannot be stop.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
17 Aug 12
Well of course every foundation that provides assistance to the poor dreams that someday poverty will be eliminated. I think what he means is that everybody or most of the people in that sector will be provided shelter at least to have a quality life each deserve.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
17 Aug 12
The U.S. presently has a surplus of vacant houses. There are now far more empty houses than there are homeless. How exactly is making more houses supposed to fix the problem? People need jobs with a decent income otherwise you'd just have to keep giving them handouts.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
22 Aug 12
It will take a lot more than building and giving away houses to end poverty. Do those houses come with free water and electricity? Poverty exists for many reasons and it is a huge problem that affects every corner of the earth in some way, yet there are too many people who don't care.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Aug 12
The only way to end poverty, is by learning a skill or trade, or business, that will generate wealth. Of course doing this is very very hard work. The problem is, many people don't want to do the hard work to be wealthy, and not in poverty. You can't force people to work, because slavery is wrong. But as long as people have the right to not work, there will be some that simply don't work. Thus there will ALWAYS be poverty. The problem with giving people homes, is that if they do not create wealth (working a job to make an income), then they will not have the money to keep the home. Homes cost money to fix, repair, maintain, update to modern standards.... Without money to keep the property fixed, eventually their home will become a slum. (broken down, not worth anything).
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Aug 12
I don't think that simply giving poor people a house for free is something that would stop poverty. The reason that I feel this way is because those individuals that are just given, will never have the kind of respect for their property that someone that has worked hard all their life has had. I really think that one of the best things that could be done to end poverty would be to require that all people that are getting public assistance should have to work toward improving their lives.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
16 Aug 12
To eliminate poverty we have to make sure all can earn a decent living by their own labor. We have to make sure that there are jobs available. We have to make sure that they are paid reasonable wages. We have to provide training for unskilled labors. To give something free of charge is not the solution. It will only make things worse. Anyway, it is impossible to give every one a house who is in need of one. Teach them to fish. Education is the key to kill poverty.
@Shavkat (137922)
• Philippines
24 Aug 12
We can not eradicate poverty, but we can advocate against it. If the government system is still having the old type of practices, like corruptions. Poverty will not be replenish from being like this.
• India
17 Aug 12
poverty arises due to unequal distribution of resources among,to eradicate poverty it is important to make such policies in which people can get equal this matter education can help a lot,because education will bring employment and a better way of living for them.
@ChoukseyMK (1045)
• India
16 Aug 12
creating more job opportunities for poor is only the solution to reduce poverty. providing them free home, food will not serve the purpose. their neediness will be endless.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
16 Aug 12
At this time and age poverty should not me there is not excuse for poverty where so many countries in the world are actually drownig in abundance...where they can create and show reality TV specially the cooking ones where so much food goes to waste! It still amazes me how the politicians can justify me is just disgusting!
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
We all know that shelter is only one part of the three basic needs of man. The other two are food (including water) and clothing. If shelter is already provided, then what about the other two. So, providing the shelter will not stop poverty but will help ease the problem.
• India
16 Aug 12
Hi friend, it is really hard to stop poverty, but we can control it by helping the poor and needy peoples, only building homes and allocate them to the poor people don't help to stop poverty, the poor people who got their homes can sell their home and spend the money easily, after that they remain as poor, so this kind of ideas don't stop the poverty, it may reduce and control the percentage of poor people
@somupriti (353)
16 Aug 12
I am agree with you my friend. We can't eradicate poverty by simply providing free giveaway to poor people. The believe of being poor is one type of psychological inertia. At this stage people like to get more and more free things than working for better living. Eco-physical support is required but it is required only to make people able enough to handle and create opportunities available around them selves to make their life better.