Origin of Human Being
By Rasedul19
@Rasedul19 (114)
August 24, 2012 5:51am CST
According to bible Origin of man is far from now is about 10000 years. But according science it is so long more than five hundred thousand years. in bible in both old and new testament there is series of fore father of Jesus Christ and their age. Which is the right the science or biblical verses.
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12 responses
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I believe i n the bible but I do not believe the story about Adam and Eve . I also do not believe we were first ape/monkey . I believe in a greater power than human being , if their was none what would be the purpose of life .
Even though I am a christian I dont support ever thing in the bible because its has a lot of contradiction . I dont believe in every rubbish that scientist claim either . Nice post

@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I believe God made everything but i dont believe the story about Adam and Eve being the first people made ,scientist talk about evolution but I believe we were always human like trees were always tree. Thanks for asking lol
@Rasedul19 (114)
25 Aug 12
dear sister silver, i am 100% agree with you about evolution, scientist never could prove that we were ape/monkey, it is the proven false of some scientist. but some wanted to establish it as true though they know that it is not true. but I believe in Adam and Eve History. but not biblical history. because its true is mixed with falseness.

@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
25 Aug 12
Science is the right one. There is so much physical evidence that we can see and test, and it can go along with changes that we find. If we found anything that denies the majority of what we've already learned, it would completely destroy the concept of evolution, but nothing along those lines has ever been discovered. If we predict something, and it turns out to be wrong, we are willing to take a step back and change it to be more suitable.
Religion is not. Religion refuses to change, and religion has loads and loads of errors and mistakes to it.
Believe in science. If you don't believe something, then do the testing yourself to prove it wrong. If you can prove that, then you will be very highly regarded in science.
On the other hand, don't believe any single thing the bible says, and people will hate you for it, and cut you off.
Which do you think sounds better?
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
26 Aug 12
"religion has loads and loads of errors and mistakes to it."
What are the errors in the teachings of Confucius or the Buddha. What are the errors in the Hinduism and Jainism. If you are going to make a blanket condemnation of religion it has to include much more than the Abrahamic ones.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
21 Sep 12
Christoph, is science write or are you just assuming that. Besides science, particularly evolution changes whenever it finds some new evidence. How did life start in the first place? There are all sort of other problems with evolution (e.g. how do you know what constitutes a species with fossil organisms as you can't tell what interbreeds with what). Also evidence that modern humans interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovians supports Gene 6:1-4.
Is the Bible (I know there are all sorts of other religions so your blanket comment was rather abserd, in fact atheism is religion, there's even organised atheist groups) wrong or just missinterpreted? If God had explained how he'd created the universe, going into great detail of genetics, partical physics etc. either the Israelites would have rejected the Torah for being way to long and complicated or they'd have built an atom bomb and blown themselves up (I don't think any other group of people would have done better). The Bible does contain other things which support its claims, like references to atom bombs and Mendilian genetics.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
24 Sep 12
Christoph, evolutionary theory has changed and it keeps changing. Originally it was based on the idea that conditions on earth have allways been roughly the same so sedimentary rocks have accumulated at a constant slow rate. Then they realized that there were a number of jumps where most organism dissapeared and a new lot appeared. So they came up with punctuated equilibria to hang a lable on this and hope people thought that was an explanation. This also rather shot the foundation of evolution out from under it but they hoped nobody would notice that. Originally there was continuious small change and things just averaged out like mixing paint. Then they realized that this would mean that advantageous changes would just get diluted to the point that they made no difference and added in Mendel's genetics which had earlyer been rejected because it had distinct units of change.
Neanderthal and Denisovian DNA has been sequenced and it's now been shown that everybody except Africans have some Neanderthal DNA and some people (I think from Indonesia) have some Denisovian DNA. Get your facts right!
Actually I call Atheism a religion because it makes a claim about the paranormal (there isn't any) and this implies that there aren't clear moral standards either. The fact that some atheists meet in groups means that in some cases its an organized religion.
Have you actually read the Bible or the Koran? Read Reve 8 and then watch Deep Impact (which is very scientifically accurate), the similarity is spooky! There's nothing like this in the Koran.

@carol2532001 (467)
• Jamaica
25 Aug 12
What about the theory that "God" was a spaceman? Looking and doing godlike things to our uncivilized understanding? This is not my belief, just adding another gogg in the discussion.
@bananamamma (1)
• United States
25 Aug 12
This is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately.

@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
24 Aug 12
The bible gives no date or even in reality a rough timing for the creation of man. I don't know where you get the number 10000 from. If you take all the genealogies quoted in the bible and guessimate from that you will come up with a number a little over six thousand. There are problems with that reckoning though. Namely it can be proven from the bible that the writers deliberately skipped generations for their own purposes. That isn't to bad mouth the bible. It's just that they were showing a line of decent and exact details of the line were not the point of the exercise. If you examine those lines of decent there are 22 generations before one point in history then another 22 generation till another major point in history and finally another 22 generation to Messiah. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Acrostic poetry based on that alphabet run all through the old testament. That is not a coincidence. Another consideration is that the entire creation story is told in a very symbolic poetic story form. I'm not saying it's inaccurate but our understanding of it could be.
Before throwing out the idea of a creator consider this. Science has proven genetically that every human on earth is descended from one woman. It also has proven that we all also have a common male ancestor. Whether they existed at the same time in the same place is beyond science. That does leave the door open to the existence of Adam and Eve.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
24 Aug 12
While every woman on earth share the mitochondrial material of an early ancestor and every man the Y-chromosome of an early man they lived in different parts of Africa and are separated by several thousand years. This does not quite fit the biblical creation myth.
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
24 Aug 12
You give equal weight to fact and theory. Scientists are guessing the where and when. If you read the literature you will note phrases like scientists believe or experts think.
@Rasedul19 (114)
25 Aug 12
i did not calculate the actual year of origin of man from bible. i just guess to compare biblical origin and scientific origin, nothing else. in comparing with 5,000,000 is negligible to 10,000 and 6,000. both are negligible to actual year. Where the first human was, it is not so cleared to the scientist.

@else22 (4317)
• India
24 Aug 12
No,it is much less.I don't know what Bible means by years,but if it is the year consisting of 12 months each of 30 days,then certainly the claim is wrong.Even the origin of the Hindu civilization of India dates back to more than 7 or 8 thousand years ago.Going by the Puranas,the birth of Lord ShriRam is eight lack years back.It is now difficult to say when the first human came to the earth.

@else22 (4317)
• India
25 Aug 12
May be.I have no idea about the Islamic philosophy.It is really very difficult to calculate the exact time when the human race came into existence.I,for one,am a Hindu and so believe in the Hindu philosophy.At the same time I am not sure about it.
Thanks a lot for the BR.
@Rasedul19 (114)
25 Aug 12
with actual age of Human being, Qur'an does not say any thing. The messenger of Qur'an Muhammad(peace be upon Him) said that more than 100,000 prophets came on earth. As far i know about philosophy of Islam that Prophet comes only then when people forget God Almighty and start to do crime in their society. in this case if i suppose that average age of every prophet coming on Earth then it may be similar to Science.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
18 Sep 12
Rasedul, the Koran is generally much vaguer than the Bible. The Bible does give lots of dates and says how long lots of people lived for, how long kings reigned, how old men were when the fathered the next person in the genealogy etc. Therefore it's possible to work out a chronology but there do seem to have been some omissions (the Hebrew word "son" can also mean "descendent"). You can't construct a chronology from the Koran. In the Bible prophets are frequent and some live at the same time.

@Rasedul19 (114)
25 Aug 12
God created the universe. and this creation is creation is scientific. Then God must be scientific. if He is not scientific, then how can He create a scientific and mathematical Universe. God is not science but He is scientific. In this sense God can never be opposite if science is proven. you see my comments in this discussions.
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
26 Aug 12
Christoph from your statement it is clear to me you have never actually read a bible.
@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
16 Sep 12
If someone makes a statement about the Bible that is untrue I always ask them where they read this. It happens that they never have read the bible, they are quoting from someone else who hasn't read it either. This book is unique, whether you choose to believe it or not, it deserves to be read before it is misquoted.

@Celanith (2327)
• United States
29 Aug 12
First of all the bible in Genesis talks about the re-creation of the earth. It was without form and void. Why because in Isaiah 14:12-15 shows us about Satan who had been known as Lucifer rebelling against his Father and Creator and causing a war in the heavens. It was a terrible battle, involving all the created angels and the sons of God whom Satan is one of them. Job 1:1 Also in Genesis 6:1 talks about the sons of God ( spiritual beings ) left their natural state and took daughters of men, physical women and there were giants due the progeny they produced. God did not want this and forbade it but they rebelled. These spiritual created sons of God,were punished and put in Tarshish where Christ himself preached at them later.
Okay the earth is very old older than 6,000 or 7,000 years. Satan who was Lucifer was on the earth for awhile he was given earth to prepare it. But as he created this on the earth he became jealous of God his father's plan to create human's that were to eventually qualify to be sons of God as well. Deut 34:12 the increase of God's government will have no end. Satan did not want to share this he wanted to overthrow his creator and father' throne. He had made some sort of humanioid creatures and he also created dinosaurs that would not be in keeping with what God wanted. One third of the angels God created sided with Satan. Satan lost the war and was cast down to the earth. How long the earth was without form and void after this war is not known, it could have been decades, centuries, millenia or more. But eventually God once again had a plan, Earth was restored.
Genisis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. It does not say how long it was before he finally began to make it friendly for human habitation. Genisis 1:3 is when God began creating things for man's habitation.
God continued through the next 7 days to create things for mankind and in vs 28 he tells the man and woman be frutiful, multiply and replentish the earth.
re·plen·ish a Verb:means
Fill (something) up again.
Restore (a stock or supply of something) to the former level or condition.
The earth before God created it for human kind had been inhabited before by Lucifer and his creation and much of it displeased God. Satan then once again lied to the woman and Adam (was with her) he knew the consequences. Adam and Eve did die in the day they ate of the tree of good and evil. Only it was not the physical 24 hour day of man God had for humanity but the 1000 year day of God. 2Pe 3:8 - But be not ye ignorant - Whatever they are. Of this one thing - Which casts much light on the point in hand. That one day is with the Lord as a thousand year. We are nearing the end of God's week. We are in about the end of the sixth millinal day and the next 1000th period is going to be a millineal rest, Christ returns to the earth to set up his kingdom. He is not going to take us all to heaven. Mat 5:5 - Happy are the meek - They that hold all their passions and affections evenly balanced. They shall inherit the earth - They shall have all things really necessary for life and godliness. They shall enjoy whatever portion God hath given them here, and shall hereafter possess the new earth. Right now God has given mankind free choice. He gave us all a manuel to follow called a Bible he has set laws for our good but many choose the world, mammon or sit on a fence trying to balance good and bad. So yes the earth is much older than humanity and human life on the earth it was occupied before humanity. The earth was Lucifer's he was cast back down to the earth until the time of redemption and restoration and Christ qualifed to take Satan's place. Satan knows his days are numbered and things will get worse until Christ comes to restore all things.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
24 Aug 12
The choice that you offer us is between knowledge and myth. While myth is important it is limited to individual culture. The Bible serves up one creation myth but there are hundreds of others. None of them are factual. For more than half of the people living on this planet the Bible is nothing more than a rather quant collection of old folklore and myth.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
17 Sep 12
Rasedul, where is Zulquarnain's barrier? According to the Koran (18:98-100) it is a wall of iron and bronze between two mountains that was built a long time ago (a lot of people think Zulquarnain was Alexander the Great) and will fall down around Judgement Day. It also has Gog and Magog trapped behind it. Surely such a structure should be famous, like the pyramids. It should be easy to see on satalite photographs. Where is it?
@Rasedul19 (114)
24 Aug 12
I believe in science and i also believe in God. I believe God is also scientific. and God sent true bible. but problem is that people change the bible a lot. that is why we can not find God in bible. if Bible is from God then how it can give a false theory on science. in this case i agree with you. but i do not agree with you that it is a collection of old folklore. read Qur'an, if you find any mistake in Qur'an then i leave my faith in God almighty. Same God sent Bible and Qur'an.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Aug 12
I think that there may have been people before the origin that the bible describes. Do you remember in Genesis that there was a city where Cain met his wife after slaying Able? I think there are many years between some of the verses too. I wonder sometimes if at that time and in that book if there wasn't a separation of sorts. You know that in the Old Testament that God had chosen people. It was much later when the gentiles were allowed grace.
@anil78650 (177)
• India
25 Aug 12
hi.....u r right bible is true so thus science.......both have facts that lure u to somewhere where u feel its true....but u know both are written by human.....so if want to believe in any of them just believe......cause u r believe is matter....

@anil78650 (177)
• India
27 Aug 12
hey buddy u r saying right....I also believe in God, but remember one thing GOD didn't make any religion or book to separate human being form each other.....its Human who did that.....they make there own God......own religions so do the Holy books..........if you want to believe them no one is going to stop you.....but remember the almighty GOD is always beneath very skin....in ur heart......so whenever I want GOD....He is always beside me, I never let Him go...u know I didn't read any Holy book or something.....cause I didn't have to if you want to remember GOD just listen to your heart and HE will be there......(^_^)....
@Rasedul19 (114)
25 Aug 12
i am not such kind of that just believe without proof. I believe in God Almighty and also believe that bible was from God. but men changed a lot. in bible which is proven and logical only that thing i can accept. I have also read Qur'an. yet I did not get any mistake there. If you get please so me one there. when i get one mistake then believe will less in Qur'an. but still now i do not get. i also try to read the book of Puran and Bed. but those book are not on my hand.

@ajk111 (2495)
24 Aug 12
i suspect you will recieve many replies supporting each theory.
I personally believe in science and have no time in believing in a book that has no credibility.
I suggest you follow your heart. if you feel better believing in the bible than that is the right choice for you. For me religion has caused so much destruction over the years i have no time for it but i fully understand that it has also brought happiness to many.
Good luck in your discussion.

@himzey (1321)
• India
24 Aug 12
Absolutely. Today many religious organizations are trying to pollute our way of thinking by putting forward false facts and spreading rumors about scientific discoveries being mere theories and without proof. Its on to us to decide which side we choose and we should make the decision intellectually.

@himzey (1321)
• India
24 Aug 12
Archeologists have recently discovered the Judas Bible and I've heard that in it he's the main lead and Jesus as his subordinate, as per the context. There are more than 50 Bibles and the official version of Bible was launched more than 50 years after Christ. It went through a process of compilation all these years before the official copy came out. Also you need to have a good look at the Old Testament cause there are many phrases which you may not like to include in; many of the Christians don't refer to the Old Testament and try to avoid any argument based on the context.
You can even go to the atheistexperience's site to acquire more knowledge about it. I assure you its all documented facts out there and nothing fake or made up. You will get any info you want from Matt Dillahunty.
@Rasedul19 (114)
24 Aug 12
i agree with your response. but i believe in God Almighty. I Believe that bible is from God Almighty. then question is that if it is from God Almighty then how it can be possible that He does not know the actual age of human being? in this case you are absolutely right. but problem is in other place. and that is Man changes bible a lot. what is root language of bible? of course, Hebrew. but Hebrew bible and English are not same. if God wishes then i will discuss about it later.