do you believed that god is one?
By Jhovarie
@Jhovarie (1168)
12 responses
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
28 Aug 12
I think the best way to look at it is through what Richard Dawkins said about the matter;
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
29 Aug 12
famous atheist?
I'm an atheist, and I read books and papers by famous atheists on a regular basis... but I had never even heard of Jeffrey Lang before... even looking him up, he doesn't even have a wikipedia page... but I looked further, and one thing I found, for sure, is that he doesn't have a single book or paper or anything, from when he was an atheist.
So, the quote I gave, fits him, too. He's an atheist about all gods that societies have ever believed in... except for one.
Well, an actual atheist, like myself, doesn't believe in Ra, or Vishnu, or Jesus, or Allah, or the Toothfairy.

@JohnRok1 (2051)
28 Aug 12
He is certainly one God and does not have a person as a wife, but the Bible speaks of His redeemed people as being the Bride of Christ (Masih), Who is God the Son and has been from all eternity, from Ezel. There was never a moment when God the Son came into existence, He has always related to God the Father as Son to Father, as begotten to begetter, as Word to Speaker. Both are individually and, with the Holy Spirit, corporately, the one God. You cannot be eternally forgiven one sin unless God the Son has paid the penalty for it on your behalf to God the Father, because your smallest sin is infinite. You need Father, Son and Holy Spirit if you are to be saved.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
28 Aug 12
There is only one true God, Who is three Persons, each of Whom is God. As infinity plus infinity plus infinity equals infinity, not infinities, so, when you're talking about the true, infinite God, God plus God plus God equals God. No mystery there, however much people may say there is one.
However, there are many idols, false gods, which are finite.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
28 Aug 12
I studied about the Egyptian Gods. I came away with the impression that many of the difference were actually created by the archaeologists. Most archaeologists are anti-Christ style where they pretty much on purpose try to make the Gods of ancient societies seem pagan.
I studied about three Gods which you look at the meanings of the God they resemble description and purposed of God The Father, Jesus Christ the Savior, and the Holy Spirit.
So I kind of feel these Gods difference are from the mistakes and misunderstanding our Archealogists are making in trying to re-assemble these ancient societies and trying to understand them.
@lonelyjem (74)
31 Aug 12
for me i belive that bec im a born again im a christian. i called his father the creator the provider the lifegiver anfull and only one godd most of all the power
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 12
There is one Superior Being. Many call Him G-d. But other peoples give Him other names and other religions see Him splintered into many forms of both genders.This is why I say all religions are correct. G-d is One. The best way I can explain this is that G-d is seen by many in many different ways . Why? because we need Him in different ways. The Christians Need Him as Jesus, The Jews as G-d.many need Him as Allah. But He is the One Being or Essence.
@maidangela7349 (1191)
28 Aug 12
It really does not matter what you believe or don't believe about god as nobody knows who or what created the universe and laid down the natural laws by which it all works including the start and evolution of life. So it is irrelevant what you believe the chances of you being right are so remote it is not worth worrying about. So whatever turns you on is okay.
@tedifa (1232)
• Indonesia
28 Aug 12
GOD is only one.And this topic can't be joke.It's about our religion and believe.In this era,many people has become crazy.There are people who confirm that he is a god.I don't know.What kinds of fool is that ? People has own perception and religion.We can't bother other religion with their believe.And Other religion also can't bother our religion.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
I believe that there is only one God who is the most high over all the earth like what the bible state. I think that those gods mentioned on the link provided aren't that high because they only live in the mountains LOL unlike the one true God who lives in heaven. Seriously, I think that they are just a myth. I still believe in the bible.
@Sapphiremoon (82)
• Malaysia
28 Aug 12
That's a really good question. All i can is that during ancient times people didn't understand many things and so created monsters and gods to explain the phenomena.
I think there are so many they used to live with a hierarchy, with each member in the hierarchy doing a specific job. They must have believed that each god controlled something different while ruling under their king just like they were.