Clint Eastwood "Makes my day" and the liberals are mad.

@Fatcat44 (1141)
United States
August 31, 2012 1:23pm CST
I was almost rolling on the floor last night as Clint was doing his act. It was hilarious. And today I see many left wingers are totally upset about this. Bob Newhart is threatening to sue because he thinks Clint stole his act of using an empty chair. Many said all Clint did was mummer nonsense and they were not able to understand what he said. Well I understood it all too well. He told Obama off. The left is so upset that someone would do a SNL style act on their hero. I was wish these lefties would get a life and some knowledge on what is going on.
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13 responses
@crossbones27 (50178)
• Mojave, California
31 Aug 12
Who's mad? I am not mad about it. While I do think its kind of weird to talk to an empty chair on national TV. Then try to pretend its the President. I thought parts of it was kind of funny, but probably shouldn't of been used in a major campaign event. Especially when they are trying to promote Mitt Romney not Clint Eastwood. I do not think I have heard anyone say they were mad about it. Most people just thought it was weird or bizarre for a major political event. That Mitt Romney's video should of been played prime-time not Clint Eastwood. Now I did hear that many people in the bible belt took offense, but that's mainly your own party. If anything liberals are happy because it just shows more of how Republicans are out of touch with the rest of the world.
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• United States
31 Aug 12
Well, it's not like the President is going to attend the RNC just to sit in a chair for Clint Eastwood. It really isn't that bizarre. There would have been a lot more "rage" if there had been an actor representing President Obama sitting in the chair. What it really shows is that the liberals have no sense of humor whatsoever.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
31 Aug 12
Not upset or mad about it, okay, if you say so. Well, if the rest of the world is going down in massive debt and wanting to spend more and more, well then I guess being out of touch with the rest of the world is actually not a bad thing.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Aug 12
Fatcat, since you're doubting crossbones' word here, how about giving us some examples of those who are upset or mad. Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Aug 12
Where exactly are these liberals that are mad? If anything it should be the Romney campaign who's mad since all that display did was take time away from what was supposed to be Mitt's big moment. Left wingers are totally upset? HUH??? You do realize the left has more reason to thank Eastwood for making an a$$ of himself at the RNC than to be "upset", don't you think? As for Bob Newhart, all I heard was that he tweeted a JOKE about suing! Personally, I found the whole bizarre act rather pathetic and certainly not hilarious. I got the distinct impression that Ann Romney agrees with me. Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Aug 12
WHERE is the backlash? Sure people are making fun of the whole thing but I don't see any kind of outrage or even "protest", rather more "bemusement" than "amusement". You can't deny it was disrespectful of both the current President and the other party's Presidential candidate! I have as good a sense of humor as anyone and a decent imagination, but I somehow fail to see any real humor in having an "imaginary" President telling someone to "go f**k himself". Annie
• United States
31 Aug 12
The President even thought it was funny "claiming the seat was already taken." At least that's the quote making the rounds. Hollywood could learn a few lessons from that one speech.
• United States
31 Aug 12
It wasn't bizarre. It is called real acting. Something that Hollywood seems to be woefully short of lately judging by the latest movies. Believe me, there would have been a much bigger protest aka backlash had an actual actor been portraying President Obama. It's not like the President was going to show up in person to the RNC and sit there while Clint Eastwood lectured him. Again, such backlash shows a distinct lack of imagination or even a sense of humor. No wonder, Hollywood keeps pushing out horrible films that don't even merit the rank of comedy.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
2 Sep 12
I thought it was weird but it was well done. He is up there in age and well he did a good job. Also it is kinda funny because Romney went to Harvard Law School. So Eastwood kinda went after Romney too a little bit. Also Clint Eastwood has stated that he finds his political views in line with Milton Friedman and Noam Chomsky. "These people who are making a big deal about gay marriage? I don't give a f##k about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of ... Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want." I think most of the attacks are coming from the fact that Liberals think that he is a Republican like Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan who the left right now at least hate with a fiery passion. Clint Eastwood however sees himself as being an Libertarian more than an republican.
• United States
1 Sep 12
I will have to be honest...I did not see it live. I had to go to youtube to watch after everyone started talking about. By the time they got to that point in the convention I was done with it. I am not big on endorsements or famous people endorsing candidates. Who cares what they think and why should it sway my vote? That being said...he had some good one liners. I didn't think Eastwood could be it was a nice surprise. I don't see why anyone would get their panties in a wad over it. Big deal made over nothing. So someone decided to make fun of a politican. Happens everyday...heck John Stuart makes a living doing it.
@lawdude (237)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I'm a conservative who thought Clint looked like a silly old man. He was incoherent. It was a distraction from the serious message Romney was making to undecided voters. He misreprensented a few of Romney's positions. It was silly.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
2 Sep 12
Thanks for noting a form of excellence and perpetuating it in this discussion. I'm with you on this. Rev. James David Manning says Eastwood "hit it out of the park" - HOMERUN! Finally, someone comes closer to the truth of the emptiness of this usurper. Liberals have no sense of humor because they are whining "baby-brats" and when they don't get their WRONG WAY they name-call. They care not a whit for truth or justice, just their perverted selves. So sad that they have been instrumental in leading a once free nation to the edge of doom.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
31 Aug 12
I loved it, too! I think the reason some say all he did was mutter nonsense is that they don't want to hear what he said. He mocked Obama in a classic and graceful way - as graceful as Clint Eastwood could ever be. "We own this country!" Classic, true blood Americanism.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I didnt see the part about the chair but I did get in on after that and I loved what clint had to say!!! so true they work for US
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
31 Aug 12
I thought it was great and it is so nice to see a Hollywood star who is willing to say he is a conservative and even to say that there are many more like him. One of the most famous ones before him was John Wayne. In addition to poking some fun at Pres. Obama, he made some very good points. He told no lies unlike a lot of the liberals tell about conservatives. So he mixed some humor in with the truths he told, there is nothing wrong with that.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Sep 12
Piers Morgan used an empty chair all week to represent that Akin guy who didn't come on his show. Sue him first. And the funny thing is, no one called Piers Morgan crazy or senile. Of course, that's probably because we're calling him things like egotistical moron. Clint is crazy like a fox. He's got a new movie coming out this fall and due to his speech last night, the liberals are calling for a boycott on the movie. Well, what happened the last time the liberals called for a boycott? Can anyone say Chick-fil-A? Clint has just guaranteed himself a boffo box office smash hit. Crazy? I don't think so...
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
31 Aug 12
The first thing I read on the internet this morning was that what he did was weird. I was laughing my butt off. I guess some people don't have a sense of humor.
• United States
31 Aug 12
Have you seen the political cartoon floating around on Facebook. It has Clint Eastwood standing in front of the White House with a rifle exclaiming, "Get off my lawn". That's how I saw him last night, he's tired, and the rest of us are tired of people who don't work wanting a free ride. They can't stand it when somebody accuses their god (little g for a reason) of being less than he is supposed to be.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
1 Sep 12
Hey, I'm not mad. I thought it was funny and in some way actually brilliant. He was adlibbing. No teleprompter, no notes. I don't think you could find one politician that can do that. I've seen some comments on the news pages that intimated that he mumbled and was showing some senility. I don't think so. He may be 82 yrs old, but he's still got an active mind. The whole bit proved that.