Anti-Mendicancy Law

September 4, 2012 9:24am CST
A law which states that anyone who ever give money to those street children will be punished.. it's a nice way to discourage those parents and even those gangs to use children to beg on the streets.. but i also feel sorry for those children cause what if they don't really have money to eat for they don't have a family, then they will just starve right? I just hope that they'll just agree on going to DSWD so that atleast in there, they'll be able to eat and there might even be a chance that they'll find a nice foster home to stay right? What do you think about this law?
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17 responses
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
this law is strictly implemented in some parts in Cebu. if we give money to the people in the streets they will be motivated to ask more money to more people and also other mendicants will resort to just being in the streets rather than looking after themselves. if you are caught giving you really have to pay a big amount to the authorities because it is already a law.
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• Philippines
5 Sep 12
i'm from Cebu and i haven't really seen someone paying money for giving alms.. so i'm not really sure how strict they are with this law.. It's just that sometimes i see street children just go inside the jeepney and then sing their own version of any song to describe their situation right now.. though i pity them, i just don't give them money because i'm not really sure who will benefit from what they're doings and that maybe someone like their parents or syndicate are just using them..
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
Hope this law will be strictly imposed and that street children when seen in the streets will be immediately taken to DSWD, they were just used by either syndicates or thir parents. Once you give to one children many will come to you like a bees to beg too., sometimes if you will not give because they are too many expect that your car will have scratches. I love kids but I hate seeing them in streets, their parents should take responsible to them. hope this law will be strictly implemented not only in writing .
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
Yeah thats what i want too it would really be helpful if the government impose this strictly and help those children to get out the dangers of the streets.. At least if they are in DSWD, they'll be able to live normally without begging and to eat 3 times a day than be hungry
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
There are so many deprived children, and since they do not have healthy homes, they thrive in the streets where there are more excitement begging for alms. At first glance, we would really take a pity on them, for who would like to see such malnourished kids, and very filthy at that. Of course we are prohibited by law to give these children money, for we all know that this is big time business, children being used by the syndicates to earn money for them. Children are not punishable by law. And of course we also know that the children do not really buy food, they buy rugby and inhale the substance at the dark corners of the highway. I carry packs of biscuits and cookies in the car. When children ask for alms, I hand them food to eat. At that moment, their hunger was satisfied. Why do I do this? Because it is written that when somebody asks for help, that moment is critical, so do not ask them to come back for your help, that time might never come.
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
That's a really nice way to help them.. Atleast, only them will benefit from what you've given and not some syndicates who might be behind them.. But i've heard some stories from my friend.. she said that her sister who just bought some food which is burger steak.. A beggar asked her for alms but her sister gave the food to the children... it shocked her when the child said that she doesn't eat such food and that she want it to be exchanged into spaghetti.. =( it's really sad knowing that you help someone yet they even demand for another.. i just hope that not all street children are like that..
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@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
Actually much as i pity these street children but i don't usually give them for the reason that i am not sure if they will be getting it or the syndicate. what more, we are encouraging their laziness and the distorted view on earning the easy way.
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
me, too.. though sometimes i feel bad for not giving in to them but then i don't really like the fact that maybe someone is behind them who tells them to beg to get food and in the end it's those people who uses the money and not those children..
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
Oh, is this law existing? Because if it is being implemented, then there would be no street children, because for sure they should have brought to DSWD by the police. Sometimes, we can't help giving these children some spare coins. I do give them food, if i have with me during my grocery days. But honestly, i don't just give them money, because i know doing so would encourage them more to beg.
• Sri Lanka
5 Sep 12
Yeah , you are right and that is possibly the best thing to do.
@zinhaya (10)
• Sri Lanka
5 Sep 12
Is this practical?.I mean I personally don't know much about Philippines but I've heard about India some Asian countries and European countries too where there are a lot of beggars children including,can the governments take care of all of them?. It's good if it's started but I think that the governments should make very big plans to promote peoples' ability to make a living.
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
yeah.. but unfortunately i haven't heard of whatever plans that the government is doing just to help those beggars off the streets.. I don't know about the actions of the government here in the Philippines since i'm not really that updated but i just hope that someone in that position will find ways to help those people..
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
I don't give money too to beggars, most of the time we give food. I hope the government will create more programs that will help the street children. Give them a place to stay where one can grow productively and in turn will help the country in the future.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
5 Sep 12
i believe with the purpose of this law. i believe that begging should be regulated if could not stop. but the government should make their own ways to keep the beggars away from the streets by providing them shelter and their own livelihood. beggars in a way are somewhat used by some people for their own personal or business interest.
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
That is why i don't give money to beggars because they will abuse. Last time I read a discussion here about a mylotter constantly giving alms to them. until one time they tried to take her shopping, after she refused the children say bad words on her and curse her with foul words. Since then, she hasn't been giving to any of them. am sorry but money is earned from their hard work that you can't just give it them like that and besides, they are being used by the syndicate or their parents
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
yeah i've heard such situation too by my friends.. She said that her sister tried giving food to a beggar yet she didn't like it and want her to change it to spaghetti.. There's also a time when she gave coin to another beggar yet he asked for more than what she had given.. It's really sad hearing such stories cause its as if they're just acting innocently for you to give alms but if you refuse to give, they end up using harsh words on you.. =(
@factorial (977)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
Place these children/persons in a place where they can be productive, say a farm where they can plant vegetables and sell these veges thereby giving them income. Send them to schools.
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
What a rank I have... it is 666!
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
this law should strictly be implemented for the sake of the safety of children, if someone want to help unfortunate children there are constitutions and foundations that safety for the children to visit..
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
If the parents of this children are still alive,they should be punish too.How could a parent let their children like that.
5 Sep 12
Years back my former old neighbour made known to me that there is such a law..and since then I dont give alms to any people who would come up to me with their hand gesturing me to give them money..The children that we see in the streets begging for money..singing in jeepneys and even adults holding a baby is a big syndicate now..It's a sad sad reality..I wonder why it cant be stopped by the authorities..They can easily pick up beggars in the street but they cant or they wont..
5 Sep 12
i think this law is partially right.the government should have made departmenrts for such children to bring them up and then make them useful by taking them into national industry.just prohebtting giving alms will not solve this but rather destroy.these children will then result into the theft and robery like problems.
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
5 Sep 12
Hi, Anti Mendicancy Law or PD 1563 was passed by the world's greatest thief and Philippine dictator on 1978. It was anti-poor, anti child exploitation and other provisions that could solve the problem of people too poor to support themselves. Failing to enrich the Filipino people by robbing them by the millions, Apo Marcos threatened the impoverished ones with penalties short of shooting them as criminals. Begging because one is poor is a crime, quite opposite to the teaching of the great leader who said that "Whatever you do the least of my brothers, you do unto me." If well-endowed people could only stop exploiting the lesser citizens, then there would be no such law here.
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
The law implied not to give a cause for street children, it is really a rules of law. But then, if the parental rights of these children surrendered of their parents, the social welfare sectors are entitled to take good care of these hopeless souls.
• United States
4 Sep 12
my thought regarding this law... mm... the law should states that anyone who see street children in the street and asking money for food, these children should be directed immediately to DSWD or the nearest police station for assistance... the same with old persons who asked for little money or food :( mm... the law shouldn't be like that :(((