10 Commandments of the Bible has been changed?

September 5, 2012 2:21am CST
Would you agree that the 10 Commandments in the Bible that was written by God's own finger will be replaced by the 10 commandments that has been revised by man? Jesus said in John 10:35 "the Scripture cannot be broken" One reason that the Bible cannot be changed over time because God will judge every man by the words of the Bible. How could God judge man according to a book that has been changed and corrupted. Be careful when you read the Bible that it is God's "incorruptible" words.
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6 responses
@Akaimiko (15)
• United States
5 Sep 12
Just because God's scriptures cannot be broken doesn't mean they won't be. As soon as Jesus left this earth, the Bible was in trouble of being corrupted. Man is self-serving by nature, so eventually people in places of "religious authority" (as if God Himself gave them that) decided it was their responsibility to tweak things here or there to ensure their positions, compete with other faiths, control the flock...or make things easy on themselves (ahem, King what's-his-face who legalized divorce so he could get rid of his barren wife?). All for power over fellow man. Yay, organized religion.
• United States
19 Oct 12
Most translations of the Bible say of themselves that they are "compared diligently to the original languages" the original manuscripts were written in. I like to compare, so I have a use many translations. I find they all say the same thing, only phrased slightly differently. After all, If I wanted to give a Bible to a new Christian I would choose a modern version and not one in the King's Englishe (King James, tho I love that version of course!) As all the thou's and wherefores make it very hard reading until one gets more practiced and reads it while translating it to them self.. thee to you, etc.. Kind of like if we were now supposed to speak in the language of a Shakespearean play.. It would not be as clear and simple to us as modern language. -And then long ago, records of men indicate the Old Testament was copied word for word, letter for letter, excruciatingly carefully. And the monks who did hand copies of old and new testament manuscripts were almost as scrupulous. I do believe there are some minor errors but these are found where information was likely taken from the records of men, as in genealogies and the like. And also much is often made of differences in the four gospel eye witness accounts/testimonies, but since when don't folks remember things slightly differently? And what is our impression if they don't? And the gospels were written 30+ years after the events occurred. The Bible says of itself it was "inspired by God" not dictated word for word. The gospels only differ on very minor details. (And, the apostles, the "eye witnesses" were executed, except one, for their sticking with their accounts. It's hard to imagine them dying for falsehood!) - But you are right of course that the book and christianity has been used for politics and power.. although the inquisitions were more the working out of long held pagan tribal disputes.. and some of the faith got pretty far from the book.. Paganism had a pontifex maximus and a 'god' of travel, of the hearth, and so on, for different arenas of life, and now we had patron saints of travel, hearth, and so on which was all human invention.. But if one sticks to that slim volume of the New Testament/contract/promise they should do very well!
6 Sep 12
I think you are referring to Henry VIII but the did not change the rules. He was a Catholic and took control of the Catholic church in England as he said that the bible did not mention popes but did talk about kings being in charge. His grounds for divorcing his wife was that she had been his brother's wife and he should not have married her in the first place. Of course it was all a load of nonsense but then so is the silly idea that some god or other invented the set of rules that Moses was supposed to have laid down for the Israelite's
• Kenya
6 Sep 12
The ten commandments are unchanged and the only worry is if someone who does not know them reads the misinterpreted ones.God actually put the ability to walk in his ways in our hearts and he is always sending messages through people to talk to others about his laws so one way or another, God will lead his people in the right way. About breaking the commandments is a human weakness and the beauty of God is that he forgives us when we acknowledge that we have sinned.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Oct 12
I like how Jesus summed up the ten commandments (the great guide to behavior) by saying how love fulfills the law.. If we will love God with all our heart, and soul and life, we will be filled up with God "who is love" (1 John 4:8) and "love works no ill", "does no harm".. i.e. it doesn't cheat, fraud, harm or take life of another.. but if we tryly love God thus we will truly love our neighbor.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
5 Sep 12
That is the reason why we have several Bible translation. By carefully reading some controversial verses you can compare who' translation is correct. People who revised the Bible inserted their own ideas. They want to mislead people who doesn't care about the correct translation.
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@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
5 Sep 12
What 10 commanndment by man should that be? Man have made a lot of rules not just 10 commandments and non of us really aware what is within the rules or not until we get busted or punish by authority. GOD 10 commandment are just a set of rules, very simple rules, which will make us a better person. By following the 10 commandments it is well said that we really Love GOD and our fellow man. If everybody follow what 10 commandments said, there will be no war or crime. But because we fail to abide with the simple laws, our world is not what it should be.
@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
8 Sep 12
I haven't notice anywhere inside Bible said that. But it certainly GOD's rules is not grievous. It is for the good for all of us.
• United States
19 Oct 12
I think it's Micah who wrote (in the book of "Micah") "what has God desired of thee O man, but to love mercy and to walk humbly with the LORD thy God?"
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
Thanks for the warning. I should read my bible again and review the ten commandments of God. I'm pretty sure i'm breaking one of them, or maybe two, maybe three! Yes, i'm a sinner and sometimes it's just too difficult to follow the word of God. It's much easier to break those rules actually rather than following them and the hardest part is, I get so used to breaking them I am deceived I'm doing the right thing.
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