Chain letters, chain letters @##$$$%%%^%^#$^^&&***$^&& and thensome.

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
September 5, 2012 12:05pm CST
A few years back my childhood play mate and best friend lost contact with me and then got a computer from her daughter. they found me through my sons I and Dorothy started emailing one other and I enjoyed it but lately she sends me chain letter after chainletter so I now have fifty and I wish she would instead write to me about herself,her family and her husband,after all we grew up as really close friends.but get this she was up set that I 'changed parties to being a democrat. so instead of her just corresponding with me she sends me all these articles and the chain letters,.I once told her I do not like chain letters. so now your take mylotters how can I hold onto my friendship with my old childhood chum and not have tons of chain letters?we are the same age by the way.
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35 responses
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
hi hatley, I have a college friend who always send me a chain messages on mobile phone it's annoying actually so I pissed off and tell her frankly how bad I feel every time she send me a message like that then she stop sending me a chain messages but we are still friend till today happy mylotting
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
bhaby, Well, no one wants to send me any chain messages.....
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• Philippines
5 Sep 12
@ kish, She just respect what I want and she must
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• Philippines
5 Sep 12
@ jai, Who will dare to send one?
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Sep 12
I think better to receive a chain letter from someone you know, you call friend because it means she exist. I have a friend, even single message or SMS he cannot send me even he has load balance on his mobile. He only send message if he need something. It's difficult to forgot something specially when it is related to your friend. Try to send her a message explaining what is the best for her not just sending only a chain message to you.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
Hello Granny, Actually, my habit also is to send SMS chain to all my friends specially when I am busy but if they replied me and ask something. The good conversation start. I have one friend, I don't like because I don't know what's wrong with him. He won't talk to you with good experiences. Always, he talk about his problem. Now, I stop communicating him He wasted my time. By the way, I left Saudi Arabia last April 26. My wife now is pregnant and I am about to left my family again for another work in another country name QATAR.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
hi ju lyteen but t hat is to keep contact with your friends s0 you are going to be a daddy congrats wow Qatar that will be yet a different experience for you hope they pay you well. Will you be able to go home for the birth of your and your wife;'s b ab y.'wish you both so much good thigs,. blessings.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi julyteen yes of cour se there is that but she is just filling my inbox with that stuff. I thihk I need to eamil her a nice letter all a bou t my life and my son , and ask her about o ur honme town adn her life,her family I want to hear personal st uff not junk e mails.Yes we do need to ca tc h up; as its been years since I left there. I just wish she wou ld not ride me about b eing a democrat.Are yo u still in the hotel bu siness in A rabia?
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
6 Sep 12
delete, delete, delete...
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@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I know what you mean, I only hear from one friend with real news about twice a year, the other times are just forwards, but they have slowed down...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi ElicBXn thats what i started doing and b y golly today were only five., I wanted her friendship but thats not fri endship thats jus piling up junk in my inbox. I willk try again to write something personal about me and my son maybe she will catch on, ;
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
yes she j ust floods m y inbox and I would need to have ten more hours a d ay just to read and sift throu gh all her ju nk.I have just started deleting all but one or two that I d o like hen write her about me., ho pe it wo rks
@vandana7 (101375)
• India
6 Sep 12
What are chain letters. :) I do get forwards. And I quite enjoy them. Though nowadays I dont send them to others. :) I think her memory is failing. I also think she is enjoying using computers now and it is making her excited may be. :) She possibly wants to impress you that she can do something like that. :) You can report it all as spam..may be in your email. Her mails can get classified as spam, and when you want to contact her, you always have the compose facility. I would be scared of hurting her at this stage. She must be lonely too.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi vandy lost my coment drat it,. chain letters are full of some sort of news and you are asked to pass this on to 10 other people or something terrib le will befall you.i do not like to send those on as they threaten people and besides in some states here its illegal,Some articles she sends me are lovely and I enjoy them but only four or five, the other 30 are just junk.she might be unsure of her computer ability bu t why did she jump on m e for becoming a democrat?whats that got to do with renewing our friendship?I am going to write her a nice personal email about my self and ask her about her life and about our home town,
@deazil (4730)
• United States
6 Sep 12
Hi, Hatley! I have a niece who use to send me lots of urban legend stuff and I snoped it, too, like you do. In Snopes there is an option to mail the article. So every time she sent me something stupid I went to Snopes, looked it up, found it to be false and emailed it to her. She never said anything to me but I know she hated it and she stopped sending me stupid urban legend crap. People like that stuff. They prefer to believe it so they can "ooh" and "ahh" and "did you read this or that what he did?" So getting a message showing that it's absolutely not true is something they don't want to hear. And I think the suggestion somebody else made about sending a handwritten card snail mail is a good idea. But I really think she is being vindictive because of politics. People, now matter how nice or how good a friend they might be, will turn on you in a minute over politics. They are called rabid democrats or rabid republicans. I'm sure you've heard the term before. Money and politics are 2 of the most quarreled over subjects in the world. I've seen people hate someone they used to like over political differences. It's bad, but some people are like that. Hope you find a solution to your problem soon.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi deazil wrote a n ice long comment gggrrrr and it flew off., so copy.I think that the email my son on receipt of one of her scare articles might open her eyes as he snoped it and most of the stuff in it was urban legends and too the date was 2000 so its been floating around for 12 I w ill send her his email ans see if she mighgt not get the idea to stop; with that stuff already.I can write a letter to her telling her about my life'and asking her about hers. And too some are driving me nuts try iong to tell me a democrat is awfu l and other garbage.
• India
6 Sep 12
Hatley, sad to hear about this, some persons believe this kind of chain messages and send it to their friends, i don't believe this kind of messages, simply delete them without reading it. Hope she is still in touch with you, don't consider he chain mails and delete without reading it, if you are interested in continuing her friendship for a long time
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi vidhyaprakash yes it hurts that she just sends me all this stuff but never writes about herself or her family all the things'I would love to hear., I have started sending a few lines'about me on the things she sends that I enjoy.buta lot of stuff she sends I have to delete as I do not pass o n c hain letters to anyone. oh I do want to continue our friendship but am not sure she does as shes upset with me for being ademocrat which is absurd,.we are friends I thought and Americans why let a silly political party interfere with our friendship.
@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
5 Sep 12
Some people send those things because they want others to know they're thinking of them, even if they themselves have nothing to say. In your emails to her, do you tell her about what's happening in your life and ask her questions about hers?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Sep 12
hi Barbararz lately I have just made it a point as I keep hoping she will tell me more about herself and her family. I started just opening one or two.we are clear across the US from each other,I am here in Calif and shes still back in my home state.I cannot afford to phone her but I can email her and have shared a lot but she does not return anything,. She is irritated at me for being a democrat when we had been brought up to be Republicans,bgut why does politics have to be important to two grown old ladies who were child hood friends? I do not care if she is a repulican? i
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi echoforever yes i will do that as if she can get past that, her views do not bother me as I refuse to talk pplitic as people ex plode over t hem.She does keep sending me anti Democratic st uff so I just delete it. I w ill not fight politics with anyone. hope shewill respond to me.
• United States
6 Sep 12
Ohh see I gained more information here by reading that I should have added in my post! Hmm... Perhaps you could see about asking if you two can set aside the political issue. (or if she can since it seems like you've nothing wrong with her belief) That is really horrible if she is basing her silence on that, I hope that it is not the case but that maybe she is too busy....
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Sep 12
I had a cousin, who is about 12 years older than I, and when we finally connected up after so many years of no contact, we did so by phone because I didn't have a computer. Then she tells me I need to get out of the "ice age" and get a computer, because she prefers to stay in contact with e-mails, even though I told her we had no money for one. When we finally did get a computer, we e-mailed a few times about what was going on, but then she started sending all this junk mail. When I finally asked her about why she doesn't just e-mail me about what is going on with her, know what she told me? I prefer to call you to talk.. Talk about being difficult..Needless to say, she kept sending me until, but instead of reading it, I would just delete it until I think she realized I wasn't going to respond and now she never e-mails me..
• United States
5 Sep 12
Too bad one of you does not have digital phone, then you can talk anytime without a fee...I have that,but because my cousin doesn't really know how she prefers to stay in touch, I just talk to her little sister, who is a few months younger than I.
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• United States
7 Sep 12
Digital phone service through Time Warner. I can call anywhere in the USA toll free on my phone.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi Carm we are both 85 I think shes a few months older than I am bu but we were very close as kids. A digital phone? I have not known about that wow.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Sep 12
I know what you mean!! I have told all my friends and family that I don't like "forwards" or chain letters and if they think something is just so funny they have to send it, go ahead but I might just trash it without reading it. One person sent me a forwarded thing that pointed out that people send these to say they are thinking of you. I responded by saying just a one line "hi, thinking of you!" is much more appreciated. I used trash a most of these without reading them but everyone realized I meant what I said. Now I only have about 4 per day and they are hilarious and appreciated or important things I want to act upon. Just tell her how you feel, like I did. Send her a snail mail card and write inside it, "isn't this much better than an impersonal forwarded email? I really appreciate you!" So that's what I have done. Hope something works for you. If not, just hit delete when those things come!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Sep 12
hi dragon54u yes thats what I really need to do is write to'gher and explain I want t o her from he r about her self and family'and do not need fifty articles I do not r elate to.I d elete most so the ones I like I will send her that message that its more fun having just two or three super emails from you, So please a nice note about your self and y our family.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
9 Sep 12
I have had that problem with a couple of my friends. One of them sends me the cutest pictures and sayings that are of course the introduction to some kind of chain letter. I don't like them either and will not send them on. Some of them are really cute though. I told my friend that I did not participate in chain letters and asked her not to be offended if I did not respond to them but that I did love to hear from her and I did appreciate the information that some of the chain letters were trying to pass along. That worked out pretty well. She gets to keep enjoying her hobby and sometimes she adds personal notes that keep me up to date with what is going on where she is. And I just delete the chain letters and let it go.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
hi savak still love your mousie lol yes I am going to try once more with my email about m e and my life and ask her to tell me how is'her life going and how is our home town,then if she does not show some interest in me well I will just delete the crappy stuff and wait to see if she wi ll send me p ersonal notes.,
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
hi savak Ialways smile when I see y our mo use lol., yes I must give her some chances to respond to me,. its only fair.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
9 Sep 12
That is the best thing to do.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
hello friend, Maam, look at it this way, people change in the course of time, well she might not be the same person you knew at a younger age. Now at your age (how old is she?), it you look at it at a perspective, she might have health or financial troubles cause these are what chain letters are all about anyway, getting well and making some sort of instant wealth or both, just a suggestion, perhaps you should dig deeper at her state right now
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
oh sorry i was not paying attention, you are of the same ageyes perhaps she's not as healthy or in a better state as you are, I know it's hard but we just need to have patience and better understanding sometimes
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi louievill what really hurts is she got mad at me for changing from the Republican party as a kid and teen t o the democratic party as an adult. to me friends should never talk politics as too many get furious if you do not share their beliefs. I really do not know just how healthy she is bu t I rememger her telling me when we first started corresponding'that she has glaucoma in her eyes but she was treated and she is okay.then she stopped with personal details and started sending me tons of articles and chain letters.I told her once that I do n ot do chain letters bu t she must hav e forgotten. she has a large family with a lot of children so she sho uld not be lonel y .I find it depressing to think so m any peo ple my age are losing some memoryh or having other mental problems.I keep my mind acive and I still have a high IQ too,Perhaps just sending her some personal emails might get her to share with m e.
• China
7 Sep 12
It is unconceivable that She sends you chain letters rather than writing to you,just because you hold different political views.She seems to be an out-and-out republican.In her eyes,the political views come before everything including your friendship.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
that seems to be it and its hard to swallow as kids and teens we were best friends but I guess we all change when we become adults but when my hubby was still alive she did stop to visit with me on a trip she was making on her way back to South Dakote. She is really gung ho on being a republican and I hat e it that this should break up a friendship when she went to the trouble to find me online., sad we are both Americans so whats the problem we were friends.,
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 12
hik chang my son got so f ed up with the insulting innuendos in the political stuff she started sending me that he fixed it so all her emails just go into her folder under her name and any I want to reply to I can otherwise I just hit delete I have not done that to her for being a Republican so why does she do this to me.
• China
11 Sep 12
I think her ideas were pretty radical.You only have different political views,which has nothing to do with each other's moral character.I see no reason why the different political views should stand in the way of your friendship.She must know everyone should be free to do what is right in their own sights as long as they don't break the law.
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@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
5 Sep 12
I get this garbage fairly regularly myself. I get them via email on Facebook. I'm not thrilled to see them. If it gets annoying I tell the friend in question that I'd rather they not send that sort of thing. It isn't that I don't care as some of them seem to imply. I just have better things to do with myself then sort through this stuff. I think maybe they think sending this stuff helps them to maintain connection with their friends.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Sep 12
hi koopharper your last sentence is what I have been thinking to as she was so leery to use her laptop at firs t and she thinks shes really connecting with me by sending all'that stuff,. like i have s aid some things are really interesting but 99 percent are not and its fills my email box. I have tried to add somethings about me and how I am doing on those I respond to but its not made her open up with me at all. I would love to get even a short email all about her and our home town
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
you I think have hit it on the nail its a cru tch,simple to do'and takes just a few seconds where as writing a nice email about herself, her fam ily and home town wou ld take a little doing
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• Canada
6 Sep 12
I think may be these chain letters and forward message things are a symptom of life getting way to busy. It ends up being a crutch that is convenient and replaces actually taking the time to say something personal.
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@echoforever (5180)
• United States
5 Sep 12
I used to have friends whom did this to me also. I used to be agrravated by it also but at first I thought it was cute. Now I just wish they would stop. I'm sorry you've got different views of politics that get in the way also. I think its the silliest thing for friends or family to discuss politics at length and eventually argue over it all. I would suggest trying to send her real letters in hopes she will do the same. If you have tried this then I guess just ask her to stop or keep throwing them away. Try not to let it affect your friendship too much. If nothing else just call her on the phone and talk!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Sep 12
hi ecoforever I live here in California while she is back in' my home stat e South Dakota I have no long distance on my phone but I s ure could start semding her real letters but the chain stuff just has to st op. I should have fibbed to her about what party I belonged to.politics in not something good friends have to share.I h ave wondered why instead of just emailing me personal emails she sends all this stuff.maybe shes telling me she does not want to share.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi echoforever long distace phone is tooe xpensive for me bu t i dan send he a real letter and tell her my own news and s ee if she' will email me a personal email back instead of just sending more stuff.
• United States
6 Sep 12
I hope this is not the case, perhaps she thinks you might like the chain letters so that is why she sends them. She may have forgotten you asked her not to. I hope that you two can talk for real on the phone at least if you get the chance to. Don't be too discouraged with the letters though, is all I am trying to say!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Personally I prefer keeping up with people via here, or on Facebook, etc than via personal email. I do not even usually check my email much except to see what I might be missing in way of friends discussions when I might be running out of ideas here in what to respond back too. Personally I would email or contact her again and let her know you are only wanting personal emails etc from her, and she can leave the other information for someone else. If she wants to share how she believes politically etc direct her to being a member here where she can come talk about it. Just my thoughts.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
hi tina I am going to email her and tell her I long to hear about her and her family and our hometown as I have been gone from there'for many years. she used to tell me about people we went'to school with and quit when I stupidly said I w as a democrat. she acted like I had become a witch or something I was shocked 'she looked me up because she wanted to keep in touch with me from South Dakota w here she was to California where I am. I asked her to join Mylot as myreferral but she refused. I think her daughter is on Facebook and I wish she was as maybe we could have a little bit of personal exchange.she would go with a lot of people on the political interest.I do not go there as people get really violent and insulting and I am a peace lover,.
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Sep 12
I really don't take those 'chain letters' seriously and unless I really agree with some subject matter in one I don't bother with them much. And I also get alittle hurt and irritated that people don't take the time to write to me instead of sinding me one of these. I do, however, enjoy the 'poke' on facebook. I use it daily almost. Nice way to let others know you are thinking of them. It's just a lazy way to say 'hi' in this busy world we live in. Not enough time to do all we want to do in this life.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi celticeagle yes me either as hitting delete is fast and unclutters m y inbox,.i just wish she would actually email me about herself and her family and our hometown I love to poke people in Facebook too lol.But i do wish Dorothy would just write to me about herself and I will write back to her,lol
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@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Sep 12
Wouldn't we all. I wish some of these girls I made freinds with on Mylot and then Facebook would email me about themselves too. But they don't. The internet has and texting and cell phones has really make it too easy for us. We don't communicate like we used to. Just a quick text or a comment or a poke and that suffices for actual communication.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
8 Sep 12
Oh wow. I am not crazy about chain letters either. You are probably on her mailing list so everytime she sends one you are automatically attached. I guess I would just delete them as I got them if she continued to send them after you told her that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
hi jenintn yes she seems to pass on every thing anyone has sent her and some is nice but the chains I just delete. I will try once more to ask no chains but tell me about you and your family and our home town,.and if she will not oka y. I will still delete those that are cra p.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Sep 12
So are these chain letters that she is sending to you the only correpondance that you are able to have with her? If that is the only way that you are in touch with her, then I really don't know if there is a way that you can maintain your relationship with her. However, if she does send you letter about her life and her family from time to time along with these chain letters, then my suggestion would be to ignore these chain letters and just respond to the personal emails that she sends to you.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 12
hi doranmwin the first few times she sent me several short b ut nice emails then I had to open my dumb mouth and sa y I was now'a democrat and this she acted like i had become an awful person bu t she did keep sending me some cute articles and one w ord or a sentence bu t cool and I still tried to write something abvout mme and mylife onones I liked that she sent me.bu t I have not ever got ano t her email that was just personal.i have been responding to the few things she sends me that are nice as I wanted to keep in contact with her b ut lately I feel she is just going throught the m otions and could not really care.,but I am still going to see if she will not o pen up to me a bit.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
10 Sep 12
There are a few people in my friends list that I sort of 'forgive' for sending me chain letters. I don't read it, I just put it in the trash right away. I guess their friendship means more to me than telling them off. But I know what you mean. There are a few out there where you'd wish you'd never accepted their friend request in the first place.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 12
hibounce whats so sad is she wanted to r enew our frie nship and fo ujnd my email addy through my sons website. Now because I am a democrat after having been Republiocan when we w ere yong she is insulting me for it some friendship.I dol not care if she is republcan or anything else that does not mar my idea of being friends.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
There are types of chain letters that are worth making like a solicitation for someone in need but letters asking you to send to ten friends or so then promising a spiritual reward then a warning if you don't comply is nonsense. No human have been given authority to invent such and it's rubbish.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hi toyota the ones she sends tells you you must send it on to ten people or something horrible will happen to I just delete and hope for more.,I am going to send a personal email to her and see if she will not send me one back ins tead of more junk mail.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
You might as well say you don't have time or say you did send a few. But the best part is to share what you believe so to enlighten them. If succeed, the more grateful your friend will be.
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