A Liar Friend - What Will You Do?

@julyteen (13252)
Davao, Philippines
September 6, 2012 12:21am CST
Once you become a friend, of course you trusted him/her. What if one time you caught him/her lied to a very sensitive things. Instead of begging an apology to you, he/she insulted you that it doesn't make sense if you knew about it. What will you do?
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17 responses
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
Nothing I know that she lies to me and its her problem not mine. I will never be a friend of her anymore. Im not the one who loose its her.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
Typo *loose* it should be lost
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
So you are closing the door of your friendship immediately?
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
8 Sep 12
Yes once she done it once she will do it again. Specially if I forgive her so fast. A true friend always value a friendship.
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
Hi there! First and foremost, I think that friends shouldn't be hiding anything important from each other. Lying is a big NO-NO. It would ruin trust and respect for whatever relationship you share with each other. With your case, I don't think they're really good friends if they lied to you, caught them in the act of lying and no apologies, and even insulted you in a way. It just goes to show that they are guilty of something, whatever that is. With that being said, friends like those would do the same thing over and over as years pass, unless they would truly change.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Sep 12
As I observe him lately, no changes but before he said the changes I want him to do. He can't promise he can make it immediately. Need more months or even year to see changes from him.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
26 Jan 13
I think I will listen to you, need to be more careful
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
Then I guess you should be careful not to trust him too much. Be on your guard and keep the balance of friendship and not allowing yourself to be fooled again. If you'd see changes, then that's good, but if you don't, then let him be. But during the process, help him and support him in a way that would keep him on track on changing his bad habits. Good luck!
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
That person is not a true friend then. A true friend never lied. Granting a friend lied and made a mistake, it is given. But to deny the truth after finding it and the worse is, insulting you after you find the truth about the lies- that's explains what kind of a friend that person is. I won't continue any friendship with such kind of a person who never accepts their mistake and insult a friend who trusted much.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Sep 12
I tried myself to keep away from him. More than a week already I never talk to him.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
It's painful to know if the one you are trusted lied you. He lost all my trust to him. I tried to lost my track with him. He doesn't know at the moment that I cut the bridge of our friendship.
• India
6 Sep 12
Dont keep yourself away. Just be casual with him. Forgiving is not a sin, yes lying is, insulting is. Keep in touch, keep talking. Now you know his qualities, never give him this freedom and ofcourse he lost your trust.
• India
6 Sep 12
Just, forgive.... That a unique quality in you. You are not the right person to punish him/her for the deeds. That's why we believe god. I understand it is difficult to have the same relation restored as it was, but remember "it wasn't your fault".
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
I am a nice person to all specially to my friends but when I caught that somebody abuse me, I will cut the communication and gone. If I declare myself to cut the bridge I want everything would be clear. The reason why it won't happen yet it's because when I am about to cut it, they will come back and apologize. This guy, though he apologize but still the attitude still not good.
• China
7 Sep 12
I like it---it is difficult to have the some relation restored as it was,but i wasn't your fault.
• Mexico
10 Sep 12
Hi july teen: At first I would express my regret and my feelings to this person and how disgusting is this but if this person just doesn't want to change I won't believe so easily in his/her words which is just a shame. ALVARO
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Sep 12
Many Lotters don't want his attitude being a friend. His a kind of person not worthy and might waste of time to mingle.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
I also have a friend who is like that. I really confronted her for lying, and she would stand by her lie. I decided that my life will be happier without having her as my friend. When i meet her , i don't smile nor give a word or two. I simply ignore her.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
25 Feb 13
I don't know what would be his reaction and mine too if we meet one day. So far I didn't see him yet
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
A liar! A liar can't be a good friend so what to do with a liar friend? There is only one thing to do with her. Junk that person. Don't ever associate with that liar again. A liar can't be trusted at all so what is the use of getting a friend you can't even trust?
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
What I knew him before, I didn't expect that this guy lied to me many times. I didn't lied to anybody he knows it. I want to be transparent even with my personal things. The days passed by some of his hidden attitude already come out. It's painful to know such traits if your trust him as one of your close friend.
@myhuni (112)
• New Zealand
6 Sep 12
Hey there I would get rid of them there not worth being your friend if thats all there going to do Hugz myhuni
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
How many times I did everytime I caught him lying. But because I am a nice person I didn't close the door of our friendship immediately. I want him realize how hard to find good friends. In fact, as far as I know he don't have friends I mean close friends even to his family he is not close. I felt pity with him but still he is very hard. He promise to change his attitude but as what I observe, though there's a changes but I think only 2% from the total.
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
Be thankful that I've known the real him/her that way i will know how to treat him next time. At least now I will be extra careful when dealing with him (that is if I can't really avoid him)and be spare from more frustration.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
You mean to say, still I will have to communicate with him and show nice attitude? I think I am more cautious now.
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
I have several friends but only a few are close to me. I selected my close friends that is why I seldom experience being hurt. If that's the kind of friend I won't talk to that anymore.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
So I need to cut off the bridges now? It's my plan so that it won't happen again. He abuses already my kindness.
• India
6 Sep 12
Hi friend, if my friend asked sorry for his activity then i will forgive him, instead of asking apology, he got anger for his mistake, then i will keep distance from him and forget about his friendship. This kind of persons are untrustworthy
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
That's annoying. He made the mistakes and he is the one felt angry to you. What kind of attitude. My friend he has a little bad attitude same like your friend.
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
Well, if my friend and she's a closest friend lied to me for one time well I will definitely forgive her and ask her the reason why? if she insulted me instead of asking sorry I will still ask her why she did that.But, if she will keeps on doing that then of course I will not mind her, I will not let her ruin my day. The easiest thing I can do is to be aware about her, I will not tell her my secrets anymore.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
What he did before he always share to me his doings and undertakings. Well, maybe he want me to go inside his trap. I don't know what in his mind. I treat him very nice but still he oftentimes lying to me. If one time only, of course I will forgot it but many times he did and some are very sensitive specially if related to money.
@ligwan (44)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
Are you referring to a relationship issue? When you caught him/her having someone in a dinner or in a mall and then when you try asking him/her at the end of the day, he/she just denied everything as if nothing has happened? It is somehow related to, like, in a particular relationship having 3rd parties involved. And that involvement plays part you considered to be your best friend or close friend. It is disgusting and irritated. You may end up telling yourself blaming everyone else but YOU. Beware. Be cautious. Stay alarmed and be emotionally prepared of whatever things that may arise. God bless! :)
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Sep 12
It's not about third party or whatsoever. It's about money issue. We agreed something but at the end I knew he used the funds in different project without informing me. I own that funds so he should tell me about it.
@VGDesigns (102)
• United States
8 Sep 12
Not a good friend. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You have to ask yourself, "why do you put up with it?"
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Sep 12
I stop our connection.. Almost a month no calls and SMS
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
6 Sep 12
Depending on the case but then as much as possible I would leave that person alone and forget that we became friends. Honestly I have a friend that I already left alone because she became dishonest to me and I caught her in the act on how she backbite me.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Sep 12
Since the beginning I never left any of my friend. Even how many times I caught them lied and backbite to me. I show them my kindness. Maybe that is the reason why people specially my friends like me most. It's normal to get angry but later on I will apologize and tell them what I feel.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
Definitely I would stay away and avoid that friend.Don't kind of people should not treasured and not worth it of our time.Dealing with them would be a waste of time. Indeed, it is really easy to find and gain friends but true friends is hard to keep/find that will last for a lifetime.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Sep 12
I don't know would be my treatment on my friend many times already he lied to me. Many times also he came to me and asked help.
@Otanetix (508)
• United States
6 Sep 12
If a friend of mine lied about sensitive matters without apologizing to me and just trying to avert the conversation, I would probably give them another chance. However, if I catch them lying with sensitive matters on multiple occasions later, I would start to question whether or not our friendship should end. Friendships are relationships built on trust, which means without trust it becomes a very fragile relationship. If he/she does not stop his/her habits of lying in that type of manner and not showing any sense of remorse, I will have no choice but to end the relationship, no questions asked.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Sep 12
Never happen into my life I loss a friend but I think with multiple mistakes he did to me might lead to a separation of our ways. I don't want to abuse any kindness from any people. Likewise, I don't like to be abuse also.