Are your friends frugal?
By cutepenguin
@cutepenguin (6431)
September 9, 2012 9:30pm CST
I have friends who don't make as much as we do. They make enough to be comfortable, but they are living paycheque to paycheque. Sometimes I want to suggest ways they could be frugal, especially when they make purchases of things they do not need and then complain that they can't afford some of the things we have. Do you have friends who are not frugal? Do you suggest ways to be frugal to them? How has that worked out for you?
14 responses
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
12 Sep 12
This topic reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend sometime ago. He told me he was adding a room in his house to accomodate a family friend of four. I know he has a big house and he said the family friend can stay in his house for free in exchange of some help with house maintenance. He said the friend lives paycheck to paycheck, so he thought he would be helping them. Well, when I saw him months later, the room had been built but things did not really go as planned. Turned out his family friend prefered a different living arrangements. They would rather rent a simple 2-bedroom apartment with all the privacy instead of living in a mansion for free but having to compromise their privacy for other family.
Till this day my friend thinks his friend is a fool for wasting money for rent. He thinks his suggestion to be frugal to his friend should be the best way to go.
He forgets that his friend is completely entitle to prefer privacy over money.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Sep 12
It's true that his friend was entitled to prefer privacy over money. But I think that friend should have told your friend about this before the renovations were started because building an addition onto your house is a big step.
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@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
13 Sep 12
My feelings are that friend did mention to my friend how he felt about the idea... I know my friend, he is a good person but he can be quite stubborn and tend to think that he is always right. He went ahead with the renovation anyway thinking that his friend would change his mind once he realizes how 'great' the idea was...
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
28 Sep 12
Im the most frugal of my friends. I keep finding ways to save money here and there and people think Im nuts. I know that it is more work sometimes but every cent I can save is one I dont need to figure out how to make. I wish I had more frugal friends. It seems like life would be easier if I had a support group to bounce ideas off in my real life. That is one of the reasons I love it here. I ger so many great ideas and I dont feel like a freak show when I share my ideas here.
@Belle_of_the_Ball (896)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Luckily the friends I hang out with are frugal. We also find stores and thrift shops where we can buy clothes and some items. One of my friends always accompanies me to garage sales to get pieces of furniture and stuff for my newly bought house. We share ideas on how to save money. But I guess, I am more frugal than they are.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Sep 12
none of our friends seem to be as poor as we are but my hubby's sister and brother in law seem to spend like there is no tomorrow. i cannot imagine the debt load that they have.
i never really suggest ways to be frugal to anyone just because no one really needs to hear it except online. i also write about different ways to be frugal.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
20 Sep 12
Yes, there isn't much point in telling people ways to be frugal because everyone's household is run differently. Online, it's usually that people are looking for different ways to be frugal.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Sep 12
Honestly, I will never make frugal suggestions to people any more because of the fact there were far too many times that I would make frugal suggestions to people and they would look at me like I am an alien.
Yes, my husband and I did make some mistakes financially when we were younger, but we've changed the way that we are living and that does mean that though we are struggling now, it will only be a few months before we will actually be able to go out and buy whatever we want to buy whenever we want to buy it.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Sep 12
We're going to be struggling for awhile still - our city is particularly expensive but we can't move because it's the only place that has a job in the field my husband works in.
I try not to tell people frugal things that they could do unless they ask me, but it can be hard sometimes when people complain about having no money but then as soon as they get paid go out and spend $50 on a toy but say that the money doesn't count because it was for a gift. For themselves.
@prakashsahni (185)
• India
18 Sep 12
To be frugal is not that much easier to some people. As their mind set and spending habits are too improper to be frugal. They might seem at times listening to your views about how to save money and how exercise self control and make a better future but the reality is that they really need some great inspiration or a great lesson to stop doing such things that can make them financially black listed or bankrupt.
Ways you can opt or suggest them:
Keep yourself busy. This will divert your mind and prevent you from spending on shopping.
Analyze: Analyze and Interpret or Introspect yourself and try to know after admitting it all why you are falling again and doing the same things that you accepted to be money and time wasting.
Carve out a plan or monthly budget when it is the first week of the month and go only by that/ strictly follow that.
Make out or do an overall assessment (be motivated) of your current financial standing and plan for your future.
Analyze and optimize your strengths and get control over your weaknesses.
Exercise all this with others who are in same situation and discuss about it as a team.
Last but not the least, Take pictures of all those stuff you don't need and sell them on EBAY.
@Belle_of_the_Ball (896)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
REally notable pieces of advice prakash! I like " Analyze and optimize your strengths and get control over your weaknesses. This is hard to do because two of my weakenesses are eating and shopping for clothes. Since I have discovered that buying clothes on thrift shop is cheaper, I acquired the habit of checking out the thrift store that is close to our place. Though the items are 80% cheaper than in shopping malls, I think I still overspend because I end up having too much clothes than my cupboard can accommodate. Anyway, I started selling some of them on ebay hahaha.
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
15 Sep 12
I do have friends like this and my husband and I will talk about it between the two of us swaying why would they both go get new cars and have two car payments now that is just stupid when your money is tight. I don't really tell them how to live or what to do but I will make suggestions like places I shop to save or where I order diapers from that are the cheapest price. Whether they take me up on my suggestion I am not sure. Some people are so set in their ways they don't want to try anything different.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
People think a lot of things are necessary when they really aren't, don't they? We just have one car that is paid off. Yes, it's old, but hey, no car payment.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
10 Sep 12
I have lots of friends (and family) who are not frugal. I have found that it's best to mention things in passing but not to make a big deal of it, then forget about it and let them make their own decisions. The only thing is that I don't bail them out when I know they've blown money they shouldn't have.
Everyone knows I'm frugal and sometimes they even ask my opinion. Most of the time they don't talk about money situations because they don't want my opinion, though! 

@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
10 Sep 12
That's true. People who are not frugal seem to think that it's hard to be frugal, so they don't want to do it.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
10 Sep 12
Cute, i have some friends who are frugal and some are not. When we get around together, we always share around the info on how to live life the frugal ways, so won't waste the money that we had earned. Indeed, it is quite hard to live life based o frugal at first if we are not used to it. When i was still working before, i like to spend money on buying things to decorate my home. Only after i had stopped working, then i realized the need to start living frugal, to b able to save money for future needs. Because we never know when we are in need of money. I am happy that i had learned to live frugally nowadays, as my home don't look too messy anymore.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
10 Sep 12
Yes, there are a lot of side benefits to being frugal, aren't there?
I am being frugal so that I can save up and so that I have more choices in other things. Why should I buy the expensive kind of ___________ when I can save a bit of money and have choices in other areas.
@marguicha (225703)
• Chile
11 Sep 12
I don´t listen to people who say they don´t have enough money when I see them spending it in unneeded things. I had a caregiver for about a year during my chemo. Although she was adorable, she was always saying how little money she had and how it was that she could not get proper medical care because she didn´t have the money. I told her that she had more monthly money than I did. In fact, it was my mother who paid for her as I don´t have the means.
One day, when she was telling me about her pains and that she would have to wait forever for a doctor to see her for free, I asked her how many TV sets did she have in her home. She had five. THen I asked her if any of them was older than my new one (who is about 10 years old
) and she said no. Then I asked her if she had a plasma TV and she said she only had one. I cannot afford a plasma TV set, but I want a decent medical care if I´m ill. I guess frugality has to do with choosing what is more important for each of us. I don´t need a plasma TV set and I donñ´t need a Blackberry as her son has. But I like to be debt free, eat well and be comfortable.

@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
11 Sep 12
We don't have a tv either - we don't have the space.
I do think frugality is more about choosing where you're going to spend your money - I choose to save for a house and for the occasional (once every two years) vacation, where some of my friends indulge in toys and dinners out. And some of them can genuinely afford it - they make more than we do and save plenty of their income. But some cannot.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
10 Sep 12
I know the feeling all too well. My parents are not frugal at all and spend money like it grows on trees. They kept asking Randy and I to help out with their bills while we were living with them instead of allowing us to get back on our feet. My parents knew that Randy could not work because of his foot condition and that social security took a while to kick in, but they did not care they still wanted money. It got to the point where we decided to move out and took my brother with us. Now things are worse because my mother had not helped us with the packing and loading the U-haul truck. My mother has not called us for money yet, but we are not going to give her any. It is not my fault that my mother cannot budget and has big credit card debt. I live frugally and do my best to buy only the necessities. I have shown my mom how to budget, but it goes in one ear and out the other.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
10 Sep 12
It is particularly hard when people who are not frugal try to depend on you for financial support, and this is even harder for you because you don't have extra. I hope your parents, without being able to ask you or your brother for money, figure out how to budget. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.
@jricky1 (6798)
• China
11 Sep 12
I live frugal for i graduated just one year and do not have much money in my pocket.So i decided to make money to make my parents living better life and that's what i wanted all the time, to use rest money to do something that really helpful to others.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
11 Sep 12
That's a good use for your money. And it's good to be in the habit of being frugal so that you will have money when you retire.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
20 Sep 12
Hi friend, there is not wrong in frugal living, always i suggest my friends to follow the frugal life, most of them are following it and avoid unwanted spending, we can save a lot with our frugal life.
@Belle_of_the_Ball (896)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Yes, my friends are frugal. But I think I am more frugal than they are. We share ideas how to save money and it really helps if you hang out with frugal friends because you got to spend a lot of money but you still enjoy their company because of the choice of lifestyle.