why do some women like married man?

September 12, 2012 8:36am CST
this is not a new thing and more and more women today are doing this. they like to be with married man.. do they really think first before entering in that kind of relationship? or are they too selfish enough not to consider the effects of it... they ruin the family and they are claiming for their rights. what's happening in this world?
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22 responses
@blinjk (617)
• United States
12 Sep 12
Most married man are sweet and so caring and maybe that is why some woman fall for them. Sometimes I also ask the same question but I really do not know why.You are right,women should think first before entering a relationship like that because it is not just the family they are trying to destroy but also their lives.They should think of the children of the married guys and not only themselves.Sometimes, I also think that why women who like married guys are always to be blamed.It is also the fault of married guys.They should think of their family first and should not flirt because they are already committed.
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• Greece
12 Sep 12
I think some women are attracted to married men because they are easy prey. Men like variety but promise when they marry to 'forsake all others' After some years they get restless and along comes some available 'variety'. The only competition the new woman faces is the wife who is no longer a novelty, getting older and maybe preoccupied with a growing family. The new woman gives the man attention and flattery. Hopefully most married men see the danger signs and take action to remove themselves from the temptation. Married men are nicer than single ones because they have lived with a woman who has rubbed off most of their rough edges. It is unkind and immoral to tempt a married man to be unfaithful to his wife.
18 Sep 12
@blinkjk It is true that most married men are caring since they already experienced how to care for their family and became more mature than single ones.. but why do women should take a man who is already taken? the fact that a married man is sweet, caring, and responsible do not give the woman a license to ruin the family of a married man. I agree with your point that the blame should not go solely to the woman but to married man as well. For married man and women, flirting should be a big no since it is often the beginning of immorality. @41combed yes men like variety and younger ones but these kind of men only see their own interests and I must say that they are not thinking wise. they have to suffer for the results of their decision.. the woman shouldn't flirt to a married guy and should find a man of her own. I admire those men and women who resist the temptation of doing any kind of immorality.
• Philippines
12 Sep 12
I don't think any woman would like to get involved with a married man. Most of the cases I've heard, they start with harmless interactions and eventually get a deeper connection, and before they can get out, they have already fallen and are too weak to stop. It's not an excuse or a justification, nothing can ever make adultery right. The best way to avoid being trapped is to acknowledge the feelings early and confide to someone you trust, reach out and get someone to convince you to get off before it's too late.
@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
12 Sep 12
I agree with you. Sometimes married men approach single women with "single" status. Treat them so good and make them fall so hard. Until the end, they realize that the men are actually not single anymore and things got too late already.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Sep 12
What is happening in this world? We are progressing toward anarchy and equality of poverty and third world stature (except for the ruling classes and governments of course when it comes to poverty and 3rd world living). Why do some women like married men? Because they have no conscience? They would like a relationship with only the benefits and none of the day to day work or drudgery, and don't care whom they hurt to do so? I guess I would find such practice despicable. And a heading toward societal anarchy..
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
12 Sep 12
HI jobfindonline, sometimes we can not blame other women who involved in a married man because most of the married man played single when their wife is not around and it's too late for the women to turn her back because she already hook and fell in love. Also for me, the reason why many single women like married man because for them it is very challenging, just a for fun and we can not denied most of the man are lovable and caring.
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
12 Sep 12
Some women go out with married men because they feel safe. They don't want commitment. They just want fun. They don't want the obligations and the routine that comes with commitment and marriage. If he's already married his wife is doing his laundry, having and taking care of his kids, cooking for him and picking up after him. When he's with her he's on his best behavior. His wife is the one that sees the bad moods, has to listen to him complain about a bad day at work. Usually when he's with the girlfriend he's not talking about that stuff. He just wants to have fun. So a woman who dates a married man feels that she has the best of it. All the fun, none of the problems.
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
12 Sep 12
I meant to say that's just one type. The other type sees what a reliable guy he is and wants to snag him.
• Canada
12 Sep 12
In my opinion women like married men because they are stable financially, sometimes they do it because of the thrill and excitement.. We can't speak for all women because we don't know what they are thinking and what's in their heart.. They may have a self-esteem problems and they don't love themselves enough that they can't find a man on their own so they find someone who is not able to give their heart 100 percent.. Vanessa
• United States
12 Sep 12
I have asked myself this question a million times because of family history. My mother would say that it is because they are stable, they have a family already, so you know that they would make good fathers, they often have money, and they have that air of confidence about them that many single men don't. I hope this answers your question. Most women try to think first before entering into these kinds of relationships, but that fact that they are even thinking about it means that they might be likely to enter into one. They consider the effects that it might have on the family for a some time, but when they are "in love" with that person, they usually just let their inhibitions set in, and they often don't see the damage until it has been done. I have seen this first hand because my younger brother was a product of a relationship that my mother had with a married man. My mother tried to stay away from this man for a long time, but she wanted children so desperately, and she was willing to do anything that it took to get children, so he had an affair with a married man because he could give her the children that she so desperately wanted. I loved my brother dearly, but I always resented how the poor child came into this world. My brother was a wonderful and loving person, but his parents were far from perfect. I would never want to do this because it is just so wrong, and it does ruin lives.
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@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
12 Sep 12
It is because most married men are understanding, caring and loving. They are not like unmarried men who are selfish and sometimes rude. Well, I got this answer because I heard a lot of people saying that. But honestly, people cannot blame it all on women. When married men cheat, women whom they cheat with would be said as selfish women who are mean and have no heart at all. But fact is, if the married men don't start, how can all of the affair begin? Well, okay, let's just say the single women who start all the affair, question, if the married men didn't want to cheat at all, can it happen?? I am just saying this to prove that there's always two side of a story. And mostly women who got cheated on, will say, which men will reject women who keep offering themselves?? Still, if the men don't have any intention to cheat, then no matter how beautiful or sexy the women who seduce the married men, the men won't go and will stay loyal to his family.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
13 Sep 12
For me, i think that this women set a trap for married men because they know that the man can take care of the family and he has money. Some women are selfish, they ruin families and I think the men should be careful too. It can be other way that the man choose the women because they are bored of their wives. .. It is possible. Sound comes when you clap with both hands. Men are benefiting too. Gosh, don't know if this problem can ever be solved because it is becoming worse by the day. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
@paulli3 (312)
• China
13 Sep 12
yeah, i know many women who like married man, in fact i don't know why they like them and i think it is unmoral because these men have their own family so women should not do that beucase it is so dangerous and it is possibility to ruin a family. maybe some women think married man is more mature and it makes them love these man, and many married man has own career, so many of them are rich and some woman like it becuase they want to get better life and get more money.
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
they think that a relationship is like a competition, they always want to feel like a winner by defeating what they think is their opponent, as compare to a single man that there is no opponent at all
@nhieleiko (109)
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
Because they think that married men are respectful and know how to handle relationship well. A man who once be married has experienced joy in his life. So, to think, Most women want the kind of man who will respect them, treat them as a wife, a best friend,and a sister.
• Kenya
13 Sep 12
Women always think that a married man has learned ways of taking care of a woman since he is married, they also run to married men for the mare fact that married men have lived with a woman thereby learning a few antics on satisfying women sexually.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
13 Sep 12
From my point of view, I believe that falling in love with a married man is something that you plan or want to do. It just happen, when you come to realised it, you're there with him and everything seems beautiful at that moment that you forget the rules you once set that married man are forbidden fruit, but thus the tastiest of all fruits itself. I don't think that all women who's in a relationship with married men wants to cause harm to the family of these men. I believe that they have through a lot and they are looking for comfort,. Much more, married are far more mature than single men and really knows how to treat real women. However, it is a sin according to the bible to do such thing. But sometimes we must put ourselves in the others shoes to really feel or see what they are really going through to some extent. We are all sinners and we are not suppose to point fingers at each others sin.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
12 Sep 12
i think their looking for a quick fling because they know the commitment isn't there.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Sep 12
I see that they do it cause it is easy for them...they get all the "goodies" from the guy, but don't have to put up with him 24/7 and have him telling her what to do etc. "Cheaper to keep her" is the term the married men use when they cheat on their wives...meaning, it is cheaper to keep her on the side behind his wifes back as there is no alimony/child support to be paid or loss of property if he leaves the wife..yet he gets the best of both worlds.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
this also boggles my mind.. i will await other people's view on this one.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
13 Sep 12
I believe that some women may feel afer wheh they are involved in a relationship with a married man, /;they doin;t have the worry if commitment froim this nan, /after all, he alkready has a cimmitment to someone else.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
There are just two things: either the woman just wants to play tug of war with the wives or these women simply was blinded with love.
@jricky1 (6798)
• China
13 Sep 12
While i do not understand such things happened but we have to admit that there are lots of going on in this world. Maybe men after married become mature and also rich in physical aspect. Only i can say is that different people holds different ideas.