Why was this movie made?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
September 12, 2012 5:58pm CST
A movie has recently been released that portrays the prophet Muhammad in a very bad light. Now the Muslim world is up in arms. Why would anyone want to produce such a movie that they knew full well would enrage millions of people? Does anyone agree that the movie should have been made?
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30 responses
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
13 Sep 12
I think a better question is- why would so many people get so enraged over a movie? Is Muhammad so frail that a movie putting him in a bad light somehow threaten him or his followers? People are too sensitive and really need to grow up. There are far worse things going on in this world, but hardly anyone notices because they are distracted with such petty things as movies.
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@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
13 Sep 12
Laydee, there have been films made about Christian heroes and we never killed anyone over them. One movie had Jesus as gay. That is disgusting, maddening, and blasphemous. Muslims insult Christianity by saying that Jesus is a prophet and by refusing to let Jerusalem be the capital of Israel as it was and should be now. So all of us humans need to get a grip. The movie is horrible from what I see. It's not worth the trouble. The acting was no better than if children had done it. That's why it's hard for me to respect Islam. People don't like Jesus, and people don't like Muhammad. You can't make people like nor respect them. Christians don't try to make you respect Jesus. The inquisition happened centuries ago. Muslims don't seem to understand that. There is no tolerance. As much as I hate to see people disrespect others, they do have the right to do so. If people disrespect Jesus or Muhammad, it will be meant for them to be punished, then God or Allah will do the punishing, not men.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Sep 12
Yah I think it was dumb to make the movie, as all know what would be the reactions. Whereas 'art' like Christ being p!ssed on does not incite christians to riot nor behead, etc. Or movies like Fahrenheit 9/11 which villifies the U.S. did not result in riots or murders either.. I wonder what reactions to the movie 2016 will be? So far is silence.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Sep 12
Sadly I think this was one of those deals where someone did it just because they "could". I value our rights and freedoms as much as anyone else but it really angers me when we're more or less told by some that we don't dare criticize someone for doing something awful and disgusting like making that movie because that would be threatening their free speech rights. I say BULLCRAP!
I have a feeling the movie's makers wanted the very results they've gotten, probably out of racism and the desire to have Muslims be seen in a bad light. If anyone gets hurt her killed in the process, that's fine because they still had a right to exercise their rights. Whatever happened to "with freedom comes RESPONSIBILITY?"
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Sep 12
What makes you think that? It's obviously not a Muslim who made it, at least in my opinion, and I understand they now know who it was. My opinion is it was someone with very anti-Muslim views who realized there are always a few "bad apples" in every group so there would definitely be a reaction to the film. I'm certainly not condoning violence in any way but I can understand how some of the peaceful Muslims felt the need to PEACEFULLY protest.
I also think those who take any criticism of the filmmakers as an "apology" to those responsible for the murders of four Americans is beyond ridiculous!

@Mirita (2668)
• United States
13 Sep 12
I think is terrible that this individual lacks common sense ,but at the same time is no excuse to kill a person and burn a flag. I dislike Fidel Castro ,but I will never go there and start killing all the communism and believe me they did a lot of harm to my family.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi Mirita, Thank you for responding and I haven't seen you here for awhile. I hope all is well. I abhor the killing just as you do but certainly the person making the movie knew that it was going to cause outrage and violence. The majority of Muslims are peaceful but we all know the mentality of a mob, once things get started. Blessings.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
I think that person just needed some attention and he got it all right. I think the movie should be banned because it's directly against a religion.
It's sad that the entertainment world isn't "entertaining" anymore. Movies like these shouldn't be played anywhere. I am not a Muslim but I still think it's all wrong.
Have a great mylot experience ahead!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi laydee, One does not have to be a Muslim to believe in religious tolerance. I think that most westerners do. You are right in saying that entertainment doesn't entertain anymore, in fact it upsets a lot of people. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
13 Sep 12
I think this movie was made in very bad taste. Everyone has their personal thoughts and voices them, but to make a movie like that is disgusting. The movie, from what I have heard seeing the coverage, was that it had been made in the U.S. by an American citizen.
I find it absolutely disgusting that even with all the laws and so-called preaching of religious tolerance, that someone would make that movie. Now, while I find the violent act in Libya to be disturbing and unjustified because those people hadn't made the movie (had they been the ones to make it, I'd probably feel a bit differently), I can understand why they would be angry about it. '
If the people who made this movie were in any way religious, they are way worse than the muslim people they were insulting by the movie they produced. I think they should be shipped to the muslim nation to face punishment and a proper apology should be made from both those who attacked those uninvolved and from the U.S. for allowing that movie to be made.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi AidaLily, I feel as you do and of course I abhor the violence that it has caused. I agree that they should be made to apologize but I'm not sure that they should be sent to the Muslim world for punishment, at least not at this time. They should however face justice in the U.S., and Muslims should know that it is happening. The U.S. stands for religious tolerance. Blessings.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
19 Sep 12
I'm disgusted at both of you for not wanting to support freedom of speech. Giving other countries the right to punish American citicens is a very dangerous course to take. A few years back the US arrested a Canadian citicen, shipped him to Syria where he was tortured. Apparently the Canadian police had given the US authorities untrue information to the effect that he was a terrorist (he was from a Muslim country and I think a Muslim).
Have either of you seen the movie? Do you know if it's an accurate portrayal of Mohammad (I think it is)?
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
14 Sep 12
This movie was made to gain attention and the makers have got what they wanted no matter how many lives it took. I wish some Muslims be smart enough to take the people responsible for making this movie to the court of law and make them pay for the damage they have done.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Sep 12
As I listened to the news this morning it became quite apparent that the production in Question was tampered with, after it was produced. Obviously the actors cannot be held responsible for the negative changes that were made. There will always be those who, for their own reasons wish to stir up discontent, and only time will tell why this movie was made, and what the outcome of it will actually be.
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
13 Sep 12
It is a matter of business and profit margin, The traditional reaction of Muslims is expected, I'm hoping that Muslims Change this traditional reaction to such things and just ignore, it is the reaction of Muslims all over the world that make such a silly event important.
Do you remember the "burn a Quran day"? it was also by the same person who made the movie! Terry Jones is nothing but a fame seeker a money grabber through donations of brainwashed Christians who got a strayed and taken away from the real teachings of Jesus Christ PBUH which clearly centered around spreading the message of Love to All included your enemy, considering the Fact that Muslims are not Enemy of Christians, But Muslims are the Only people beside Christians that believe in Jesus Christ, his virgin birth and All of the miracles performed by the Messiah, I do firmly think that both Muslims and Christians are victims of the divide and rule policy.
Thank you for the discussion.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
13 Sep 12
Latest updates, In response to the film abuser of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the association (Discover Islam UK) in London Distributed more than 110,000 copies of the Quran translator, And the book about life of the Prophet Muhammad on the citizens of London they reacted smart in my opinion, encouraging, isn't it?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi Gordano, Thank you for your response and I believe that many Muslims feel as you do, however to make this movie knowing it would incite violence is wrong. I had heard that the march in the UK was peaceful but hadn't heard about the distribution of copies of the Quran. You're right it is encougaging. I look to the day when all can live together in peace. Blessings.

@artemeis (4194)
• China
13 Sep 12
As far as the production of the movie is concern, I am AGAINST it and should never be aired, too.
But, I do not agree and support the Muslims going up in arms like what they did in Benghazi, Egypt. It just proof that Islam to be violent and giving Muslims a bad reputation.
I do not understand why the Muslims could not resolve the issue in a civilized way by going after the producer and film company with every law in the book. I wonder why this time it is so far a cry than the way they pursue Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie.

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi artemeis, Thank you for your response. I don't wish to get into an argument over religion here, but am pleased that you agree that the movie should never have been aired. Violence is always wrong but I feel certain that the producers knew what would happen. The world has enough problems today without inciting more. Blessings.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
13 Sep 12
Artemeis, is what is said in the movie is true, there's not much that can be done. Only a stifling of Freedom of Speech by the host government can be done. They don't respect Jesus as Lord like we do, so they must understand that many of us don't respect Muhammad like they do. They don't seem to understand that. And they should.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
1 Oct 12
artemeis and Pose, can you give an explanation of what laws can be made to stop similarly offensive things? Where do you draw the line? Do you think that something claiming that Jesus was gay should be banned? What about something claiming that Muslim Palestinians teach their children to hate Jews?
I think a big part of the problem is that we've allowed Muslims to get away with censorship by terrorism before so they know it works. We need to stop giving into it and make it very clear to them that we won't stand for such behaviour by them.
RobtheRock, most things in the movie are true or at least have some evidence (much of it from Muslim writings) behind it.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Sep 12
What I want to know is who made this movie? Was it made on purpose to cause this trouble? For millions of people through out the world the most important aspect of their lives is their religion, why attack this basic foundation of their lives.
How would you feel if it was Christ, or Buddha? I certianly don't think violence is the answer, but how about mass refusal to give a movie like this any notice or public response at all?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi savypat, Yes, for millions, even perhaps billions of people, their religion is sacred - why insult it to such an extent? I feel certain that the producers had to know what would happen. Of course violence is never the answer and perhaps someday we will all understand that. Even today millions of Muslims abhor the killings and the riots but mob mentality is easy to incite and difficult to stop. Thank you for your response. Blessings.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
25 Sep 12
When judging these things one must look at history, Some of the most terrible things that mankind has done to each other was done in the name of Christ. The facts are that when man is threatened in his beliefs he reacts in many cases in a totally irrational way. This makes the insult to anyone's gods a perfect tool for any group wishing to make trouble. These movie makers are very close to any other rabble rousers.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
25 Sep 12
savypat, many movies and things have been made insulting Jesus. I don't know of any insulting Buddha. When Christians object to something insulting Jesus, everybody acts like the Christians are the ones in the wrong. Muslims claim to respect Jesus as a prophet but don't seem to give a toss when somebody insults him. Muslims are frequently insulting Christianity by saying the Jesus isn't God but nobody cares about that. When somebody insults Muslims, suddenly different rules apply and the Muslims are in the right and whoever insulted them is wrong! Why is this? It's grossly unfair!
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
20 Sep 12
Devilova, if somebody insults somebody else and the one insulted responds violently, who is at fault? Does it make a difference if it's a Muslim who's insulted? The fact that the response is violence, not reasoned argument suggests that there is truth in the insult.

@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
13 Sep 12
History shows that Muhammad married an underage (to our standards) girl. So we cannot be said to have "portray(ed) Muhammad in a very bad light." Israel is a nation again and yet they can't have Jerusalem as their capital. Muslims call Jesus, the Christian son of God, a prophet. Islam is getting away with a lot and yet when someone says something about Muhammad, then we are to tremble. I think not. As for the movie being made, there have been disgusting Christian movies and yet no one killed anyone over them. Christians feel just as strongly about their religion as Muslims do. And the movie is horrible. Why be bothered over something as trashy as it is? The fact is, none of the millions up in arms have seen it. But the fact that they would be so effective goes to show that they can't wait to take over the world so no one would have a choice of not being a Muslim. Although I disagree with a lot of things right wing Christians say and do, I find that the left wing Christians are too tolerant of Islam, a religion that would not tolerate them being Christians, if Islam ruled here in America.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Sep 12
Hi RobtheRock, Thank you for your response. I am not interested in an argument over religion or who is right or wrong. The fact is that the producers of this movie knew that it would incite violence - so why do something that would cause such an uproar? If you check it out I think that history says very little about either Jesus or Mohammad. Blessings.
@rizzaspeaks (391)
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
It's a bad move.
There are really people who are insensitive. Even they'll say it's a fiction, it is still disrespectful.
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
24 Sep 12
rizzaspeaks, how would you feel if the movie had greatly angered Christians? Would you be supporting the movie makers' freedom of speech and condemning the Christians (even if they were protesting peacefully)? A lot of people seem to hold Muslims and Christians to different standards and I don't think that's fair!
@rizzaspeaks (391)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
I am a Christian and yes, I feel bad for my Muslim brothers.
Freedom of speech entails RESPONSIBILITY (let me just remind you that).
I live in a country where Muslims live too and we consider them as our brothers. Such that we celebrate and respect their belief and faith.
I don't even care if the movie-maker is a Muslim or a Christian, one thing is clear, he made a movie irresponsibly. I think you should understand the term "FAIRNESS" before you speak of standards.
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
23 Sep 12
What movie was it? I've seen many news stories about the uproar, but no one seems to want to name the movie that made so many angry. Was it that movie that was made by the same producers as Borat? I saw the previews to that dumb movie and never once was interested in seeing the atrocity. I really hope that it wasn't that movie, no one should be offended by that movie because the entire premise of that dang thing was dumb. I don't even remember the name of that stupid thing because it was thrown out of my mind until all this uproar started.
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Wow, yeah that is crazy. Its bad enough that altogether too many people in the United States think that Muslim=Terrorist, now they made a movie to tee them off and make them all seem as crazy as the stereotype that many have in mind...SMH

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
4 Oct 12
yoyo, what have you got against Terry Jones? You seem to think that his involvement automatically discredits this movie and justifies the Muslim violence. I don't think this valid reasoning.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
14 Sep 12
The so call 'Innocent of Muslim' movie is just an excuse for terrorists to attack US embassy in the middle east. Remember it is the 9/11 anniversary, it is the beginning of a new wave of attacks on US's interests in middle east in retaliation against the killing of Osama. This movie is just another convenient justification for islamic extremists to kill American and attack US embassy.

@lampar (7584)
• United States
17 Sep 12
Members of islamist militant organization in Egypt. The movie was reedited and dubbed with poor quality sound track against the original one which has nothing to do with Islam, the language was changed to Arabic from English. The reproduction venue of it was reframed as make in USA, and director name used is altered as an American common household name. Then it was broadcasted over Egyptian cable, social video site and network to incite Muslim riot against Americans' interests in their country, they know fully well those muslims will go balistic over their hurt feeling and vent it on USA.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
13 Sep 12
It seems that some people just want to make trouble and incite the sensitivities of other people. My mother always used to say to me that two wrongs don't make a right. The whole world is sitting on a powder keg and just looking for an excuse to set fire to it. 

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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
17 Sep 12
Hi Pose123, What I like about you is that whether you agree or disagree, you treat everyone with respect.
If only all people could do that. Instead of fighting and killing, we each could do our best to show our point of view but still accord each other dignity and respect. We do not need to fight and kill for God. He can take care of himself. 

@crossbones27 (50310)
• Mojave, California
13 Sep 12
I think if you look at in the most simplest of terms. People just do not think of the ramification for their actions or do not know the magnitude there actions can lead to.
This is why I never get religion. Why can't people just celebrate their own religion without worrying what other people believe in. None of this would ever happen if we would quit infringing on other peoples rights. None of this would ever happen if people would quit telling people they are wrong for believing in what they do. Most all religions claim they are peaceful and yet there seems to be no such proof for many of the major ones.
Whether its violent acts like in Libya and Egypt or whether its homemade videos and preachers threatening to burn the Quran in the the U.S. These are all violent acts in my opinion. Making a video may not be violent and burning a man made written book may not be violent but people have to know it is going to lead to violent acts. Pretty much these people are creating their own problems because they want to tell people what they believe in is wrong. Which just makes life much harder for the people who know their philosophy has never been proven and understand they do not have the answers to judge other people in such a way.
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
21 Sep 12
Crossbones, you think people who are easily angered and prone to violence should be treated with kid gloves and given whatever they want? This is a disgusting way to think! Just give in to bullies and give them whatever they want. No, if people get angry and violent, without a very good reason, they should be caught and locked up. If an entire country or religion does it, they should be killed with WMD's. There's no way such behaviour should or can be tollerated!