"I am sitting next to an old man." - Frontal Eye

Third Eye - http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?q=third+eye+images&start=88&num=10&hl=fil&biw=1360&bih=589&tbm=isch&tbnid=XxbEUVzbT5OJDM:&imgrefurl=http://www.you-are-here.com/graffiti/ajna_chakra.html&docid=ZaGTOWc7VnrG2M&imgurl=http://www.you-are-here.com/graffiti/ajna_chakra.jpg&w=715&h=480&ei=wZ1WUKCTHaH6iwKEuoDoBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=702&vpy=4&dur=2042&hovh=184&hovw=274&tx=105&ty=78&sig=118316004283006948611&page=4&tbnh=124&tbnw=165&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:88,i:18
@Shavkat (140362)
September 16, 2012 10:53pm CST
"Do you believe that "third eye" is a gift?" People claimed that, it's a gift; others perceived as a curse. Let me tell you a short story of my co-intern. When I was having an internship program, to practice of what I've learned from college. I was assigned in a very remote area. A part of internship per se, we need to experience living in rural areas. At first, I was so reluctant to accept the assignment for a month. A twist of change, since I'll be with my five classmates. When we arrived in our destination, there is an uneasy feeling. Frankly speaking, the place was so nice. A place is what we called the "dream center". Why? It is like a resort for having a get away vacation. There are recreational activities: billiards, basketball court, volleyball court, and swimming pool. Cottages are scattered and "lean-to-type" installed, similar to "house trees". So there is no way to feel boring. Our dormitory is located at the back of the main house. The dormitory is divided into two: for men and women. Of course, the interns from different schools that include us, will be staying there together. We are going to sleep in barracks type of bed. It was really fun, the setting is like a summer camp. Out of 20 interns from different institutions, I've noticed this young lady from other school. She was a silent type person, too awkward to mingle with people. I guess she was still getting the time to know us and the place. The first and second week of the month were an adjustment period, since my classmates and I need to wake up too early in a daily basis. The duration of travel is one hour going to the community. That's really a very exhausting routine for us. But we need to embrace the fact. Let me get back to this young lady, our co-intern. I felt really strange with the place, as I mentioned earlier. Then, it adds more uneasy feeling when this young lady acted so weird. The weirdness started when we were all gathered in one cottage, in front of our dormitory. At the side of the cottage, there is a hammock hanged between the two coconut trees. The main reason why we are in the cottage is to study for the upcoming examinations in our respective schools. All the students, including me were so serious burning out our eyes with the reading materials piled on the table. The young lady is sitting at the end of the bench, doing her own stuff. After an hour, this young lady stood up and walked towards us, she looks so worried and scared. She asked permission to sit with us. As she sit on the chair, an abrupt sigh came from her mouth. Without any further due, I asked what's wrong. She cleared her throat and started to blurt this question, "Did you all see something in between the coconut trees?" That's weird, we definitely said the hammock is there. She was so terrified while feeling not convince. Then she continued, there is someone sitting on the hammock looking at us. Ooh! That's really spooky, and I said who? We can not see anyone there. There is a woman sitting on the hammock, she's a ghost. Goosebumps lingered in our body, the last thing I can remember at that moment, we all agreed to call for a night. The following day, same topic had been discussed. Out of curiosity, I asked the young lady. How did you know that there is someone out there? The young lady claimed that she has a "third eye". I heard and know about this, but I am not a believer. The last day, fourth week of the month. The co-interns and I were on the midst of saying farewell. We celebrated in a small farewell party. All of a sudden, the young lady approached me and said, "third eye" is not a gift and it is a curse. According to her story, it all started when she was watching her boyfriend playing basketball with the other friends in the court. She was sitting on the upper bench with an old man next to her. The boyfriend keeps on asking her to go down and joined the other friends. When the game was over, she finally went down and joined the group. Then, the boyfriend said, "You look so lonely in the upper benches."" That's why I was asking you to go down." She replied, "I am not alone, I'm with an old man sitting next to me", as she moved her head towards the upper benches. She got red flushed on her face, the old man has badly injured half face. She realized, it was a ghost. Since then, she had this curse. If ever I have this gift, I will be scared to death. I never thought, it will ended up this narration in a long story.
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10 responses
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
17 Sep 12
I have heard about the third eye but I don't know about it...but I know some people can "see" what we can't...I Am actually open and curious about what these people have to say.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
Yeah I guess some people are gifted or cursed to have their third eye open and can see things that we normally do not see. I am 50/50 about this but I know there are persons that are really seeing things differently from the rest of us. As to whether this is a gift or a curse depends on how you will use this for yourself. I think persons that I know having this can use this as an advantage to avoid this creatures and even help them to crossover the other side and realize that they belong there. But for those that consider this a curse will forever be haunted in their life because even those ghost that doesn't harm people will be seen by her.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
19 Sep 12
I have to admit that I've never heard of it as being referred to as a third eye, I've heard of it being referred to as second site or something like that and I believe that this is actually something that my daughter has. The reason that I say that she has it is because of the fact that there have been times that she will say that something is happening that isn't happening at the time, but within a couple days after her saying it was happening, that which she had proclaimed was actually coming true.
@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 12
I believe third eyes exist. In my opinion, depends on how we use it, it can be curse and a gift (though If I possess it, I think it'll be a curse for me since I'm a scaredy-cat). I have a friend like that. She sometimes told me to avoid some areas and ever drag me away from a place looking pale.
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
I will feel the same way,a bit jumpy for being told of the presence of ghost.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
hi, your story is a scary one,while i am reading it i felt terrified especially in the part of between the coconut tress,really scared,that is why i am very thankful because i don't have that skill,maybe its a curse for me because i am afraid at ghosts.
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
That's creepy! Well, I haven't experienced such but I've heard a lot of ghost stories. I believe in the existence of lost souls though I haven't seen one(and i don't want to). Maybe it is true. Some people would say it may have something to do with illusion or imagination, or psycho problems, and I don't know if they're right or not.
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@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 12
It sure was an interesting and unforgetable experience, I guess.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
17 Sep 12
My mind is open. It is possible that some people have a third eye. Scientifically, their sensory thresholds of some type, might be lower than most people's. I think it's only a curse if the person did something wrong and is being punished. It's too bad murderers aren't punished this way, to see the ghosts of those they have killed. It could also be a blessing, if the ghosts are trying to tell the person with the third eye something. There is a lot that we don't know. Science is good, but we are still a young budding plant where knowledge is concerned.
@rubyroy (824)
• India
17 Sep 12
To tell you the truth,there is no such thing as third eye.When a person is schizophrenic or mentally upset,this type of illusion start to appear.If you take proper counseling and medication,this can be cured.In some circumstances people who get depressed,tensed,or suppressed for long without venting their feeling develop such sights if they are not properly cared or treated.Do not believe in this type of meaningless myth but if you find such a person,do not go and mingle with them and believe in there nonsense.These type of people will be loners and eccentric in their behavior,which proves that their is some defect with their emotional thinking.
@xixiAtom (69)
• Dalian, China
17 Sep 12
hi Shavkat its just too unbelievable! all you said just like a horror fiction,and was the very kind that scared me most lol. perhaps the young lady are paranoid-delusional or something like that.