Do you believe that it's natural for a man to date more than 1 woman at a time?
By HomeBase
@HomeBase (1153)
United States
September 20, 2012 12:52pm CST
I belive that it is natural for a man to have more than one woman at a time, and I put this discussion under the Bible interest group because the Bible is where I got this idea from. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all men would do it, I'm just saying that if they do--do it I think that it should be looked upon as something that is natural, not cheating
I was just reading a discussion started from someone saying that a girl got cheated on by a guy. I find it interesting that I think I am one of those women who thinks that a man having more than one woman is a natural thing. I also think that it is somewhat unnatural for a man to only have just one woman, especially if he is not yet married.
A lot of my friends disagree with me and get downright angry about it, but over the years we all have been witnesses to so many men "cheating", in the public eye as well as in our private lives. I think at some point we should come to the conclusion that it is not so much cheating as it is a natural occurrence
, part of a man's selection process, if you will.
Don't get me wrong, if I am in love and married to a man, I will expect more out of him than if we are just casually dating, but until a serious commitment enters the picture, I think that it is unrealistic to expect a man to only date one woman at a time.

16 responses
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I think that what it is and how it is perceived depends upon the expectations that have been discussed and agreed upon in the relationship. If both parties have agreed to be exclusive, then it would be cheating, in my opinion, to date another person. If there has been no agreement on exclusivity, on the other hand, then I do not think that it would be cheating regardless of which party did it. Of course, marriage would by nature imply exclusivity unless the married parties agreed otherwise ... at least in my culture.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I agree with you on the first part, but I must disagree with you on the second.
I definitely agree that people should automatically assume that the other person is dating other people, because dating (or "courting" as Owl put it) is a natural part of the selection process, and having multiple "selections" to choose from is not a bad thing. I do think that people automatically jump into the "exclusive mode" way too soon, especially when there has not been a conversation about it, and I think that is where a lot of relationships run into problems, because they have unrealistic expectations.
I have to disagree about it being natural to do it after agreeing to exclusivity, though. A person does not have to agree to exclusivity, so once they do agree, then I think it would be natural and realistic to expect them to hold true to their word regardless of whether or not they are married. Then again, it does seem to happen a lot, so perhaps lying is more natural than being honest and cheating is more natural than monogamy.

@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I think the word in question here is **natural**, and imo there is nothing unnatural when a man decides that he no longer wants to be with the woman that he is supposed to be being exclusive with.
Now, does it make him a rat for backing out of a commitment that he made to a woman? In my opinion, yes, it does. Backing out of a commitment is full-on rat behavior, if you ask me.
However, is it unnatural for him to go and date and be with another woman?? No, I don't think it is unnatural, that is to say, to go against nature, unless that other woman happens to be a female horse, or a female kangaroo, or some Jerry Springer talk-show stuff like that, then yeah, THAT would be unnatural. But there is nothing unnatural about a human man breaking a commitment with a human woman, no matter how long he has been with her, in order to be with another human woman that he now deems more compatible for him.
It may be wrong, it may be a bitter pill for the dejected woman to swallow, but there is nothing unnatural about that man choosing another woman.
I don't think lying is more natural than being honest, I just think that a lot of people find lying easier to do than being honest in certain situations. People lie to avoid hassles. Unethical, yes, but is lying understandable?? Of course it is, because we all have lied at one time or another, and more than likely the reason we did it was to avoid the hassle of being in trouble. There are of course cases of people who lie all the time, for seemingly no reason...well, because they are psychopaths, but we're not talking about them right now.
As far a monogamy is concerned, some people just are not cut out for it. One has to be honest with him or herself before they commit. Just because one says that they will forsake all others and only be with this one person does not mean that they are actually going to do it. One has to know themselves.
TV shows like "The Bachelor," and a whole slew of other shows with the same type of premise, let us know that there are many people out there that are okay with the whole "one man amongst 10 women" thing...the man dating all the women pretty much simultaneously, and at the end of the show, the man picks his winner.
The fact that these types of TV shows have been playing on American TV for years show that people identify with, understand, and obviously accept this type of behavior. The Bachelor, seasons 1 thru, what season is that show in now? Season ten or something like that?...then there is "The Bachelorette", one woman, a whole slew of guys. Obviously, just from being on a show like this, people let us know over and over again that they are open to being less than "monogamous".
Bottom line, there are many people out there that can relate to the whole non-exclusivity thing, even if they claim they want to be exclusive
. I mean, exclusivity sounds good in theory, but when people try to put it into practice...well, that's when the problems seem to begin, for many.

@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12

1 person likes this

@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
21 Sep 12
Dear Homebase, where on earth did you get the idea that the Bible says that a man can have several women? The Bible tells us that a man will leave his parents and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh. Now I know it all went wrong and polygamy became rampant and even the heroes in the Bible had several wives and some had concubines, but that was not the original purpose.
What we have become is not necessarily what is best for us. Men like variety, I know that, women prefer security with one man. We are home makers at heart and not home breakers.
If I was a young woman looking for a man I would not select a man whose life would be spent selecting, or collecting, other women.
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Where on earth did I get the idea that the Bible says that a man can have several women?
You have got to be kidding me with that question. Have you ever read the Bible, or just skimmed through?
The heads of the 12 tribes were themselves born from more than just one woman. Come on.
My question in this discussion is, is it natural for a man to date more than one woman (especially during the selection process, implying that someone is to be selected)? Nowhere in this discussion did I once mention anything about men collecting women, or women being home breakers. If people are just dating, no home should even be set up yet

@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
23 Sep 12
No my friend, I did not misunderstand what you said in your paragraph one, I read every word
, but perhaps you misunderstood what I said.
The reason why I asked have you ever read the Bible was that if one studies the Bible they know that God was not against multiple wives. Yes, it is written that a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh, that is telling us what a marriage is and how it is done, however, God does not punish man in the Bible for having more than one wife (unless that wife was a 'stranger'). It was an acceptable practice. In the Bible, God always punished man for things He did not like.
A man was allowed to have more than one wife throughout the entire Bible. God did not just "go along with this." Just like in the early Biblical days it was acceptable and even LAW for God's children to marry family only, ie brothers and sister, cousins, to keep the bloodline pure for the Christ-child to come.
"Polygamy" is a word that is never even mentioned in the Bible, polygamy is a word that man made up. Just like the word rapture, and the apple that was eaten in the book of Genesis, when in actuality the word apple is not in Genesis at all, and goodness knows the word rapture isn't.
If one reads through the Bible, one knows that a man being as one flesh with more than one woman was accepted, however nowhere in the Word does it talk about a woman having more than one husband
But you and I can agree to disagree
. Anybody who talks about a woman being a "homemaker at heart" is cool with me (of course there are women who would skin-you-alive at that comment because they would truly rather eat rocks than tend to a home, however, I am not one of those women).

@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
22 Sep 12
You did not read my answer properly. The quote I gave was for one man, one woman, on flesh. The original pattern for marriage given by God. I agreed that polygamy was in the Bible, read what I said again, and that is how people chose to live. I think you missed the whole point of my para 1.

@cellophane (636)
• New Zealand
22 Sep 12
'Normal' I think is roughly equivalent to popular social acceptance. In that regard I do not thing it would be 'normal' for a man to date more than one woman at a time. Perhaps times will change and in future it will become a perfectly normal thing to do, but for now in my culture and society, as far as I am aware, it is not.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
26 Sep 12
Those woman in the bible weren't treat with any respect and not all were happy but they couldn't do anything . I think anyone can have casual relationship if they want but I think a man should date only one woman at a time .
He dont have to cheat he can always break up and venture out also giving the woman her freedom to go venture out also . Lie is a sin and if he is cheating he is lying and that is a sin in the biblical aspect.
Bible days are kinda over and as time change we have to change according . There are countries that still allow men multiple wife . If I am not running around I will not settle for less in a partner . Good thing I already found my soul mate
I find the bible to be very contradicting for example "Thou shalt not commit adultery" but those bible men were all allow to have concubine and Wh@re .
Men write the bible ,
good post by the way 

@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
28 Sep 12
Uh-oh...well, you and I disagree on several things.
A) I think that the women in the Bible were treated with respect.
B) I think that if a person is in a casual relationship, they both have the right to see other people.
C) I don't think that Bible days will ever be over...stick around my friend
As far as the commandment not to "commit adultery", one would have to translate the word 'adultery' back into the Hebrew and Greek to know what that word means. It is not what our English modern word 'adultery' means.
I'm glad that you found your soul mate
. Soul mates are a hard thing to find, so you are fortunate.

@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Yes, I agree with you, for some people it would be very awkward for a girl to be dating more than one guy, but hey, it happens. Sometimes the girl is unsure of which guy she really likes, so sometimes she feels dating a few at a time can give her a better assessment of which guy she likes the best.
Of course it is always good to let each guy know ahead of time that she plans to date more than just one, and give the guy the option to say whether he is ok with it or whether he would rather just "sit the whole thing out" so-to-speak.

@Csyluckdays (169)
• Egypt
21 Sep 12
some men and not all of them tend to have more than one woman.he will love only one woman at the end
@moneymaka (492)
• United States
20 Sep 12
I don't understand what you're saying. If someones religion allows them to have more than one women then that's fine but is it natural? that's something we don't know. Islam and Mormonism allows this practice but I personally don't care if its in their religion.
I'm OK with one woman.
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Sep 12
Whether it is natural or not is not really relevant, we are not animals and not condemned to act as nature dictates because we have free will
all the best urban
@anex08 (868)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
It depends upon what kind of date a man should take a woman. There are particular friendly date or getting to know each other, a business date to be serious and a typical going out just for fun and no strings attached. If a man is not yet committed then he has all the right to date a woman that is according to his liking but the story will be in a different picture when a man is already committed/married. Responsibility enters...
Have a nice day!!!
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Yes, I totally agree with you
If a man is not committed/married, then I think that he should be able to date more than one woman without anyone giving him any grief over it. A lot of people these days believe that once a man starts even casually dating someone that he is bound to her and should not date anyone else. I don't agree with that.

@angelkarah050182 (4980)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I guess that some men really date different women at the same time. They must be good in scheduling their dates. LOL. However, there will come a time that one or two of that women will find out about that and they'd dump him. I only prefer a one-woman man. Some men are satisfied with just one woman. Thanks for sharing. Happy mylotting.
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Hello my friend. My take on the situation is that if a man is trying to choose between women, trying to see which woman he likes better, then I think that it is natural for a man to go about selecting one special woman by dating around and making sure which one he likes best.
In today's society, a man is made to feel guilty for dating more than one woman, and I don't think that is right.
A lot of men are satisfied with just one woman, but sometimes a man does not get to really know different women before committing to just one.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I was interested to what verse or passage in the Bible did you get the idea from. I personally think that the idea is not Bible based but rather its a world's view to date around as much as we want.
I think that the most important thing is that one should be able to discover the character of the person before making a commitment to him or her. And some of the Biblical reference to this can be found in the following verses :John 3:3-8, Philippians 2:5, 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, Matthew 10:37, Galatians 5:20; Colossians 3:5, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 13; 2 Timothy 2:22, 1 Corinthians 6:18,Romans 12:9-10, Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5.
I could expound these verses and explain the significance of each one to dating and courting. But I would like to know first my inquiry in my first sentence.
@Kashidanga1971 (1354)
• Bangladesh
21 Sep 12
Its as well natural that an woman can date with more than one man at a time. But the problem is such nature is contrary to our culture. If we are to accept, then we have to culturise or socialise this polydating. But it would be better if he or she accepts woman or man within culture and if he or she does not match the present the present one, he or she throws her or him down within culture and tries thus another until better matching.
Actually we are trying to socialise or religionise the beast in us but in vain ultimately. God Himself does not trying to religionise his random actions. So what else can we do? Its but the rubbing of pain on rust and nothing else.
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Rubbing of pain on rust
, what doesthat mean??
Yes, I agree with you
, such nature is contrary to our culture, but I think that people should really do a lot of dating around before they actually seriously commit to someone. Commitment is a serious thing, and a lot of people rush into it, only to find themselves "cheating" later on.

@BethelSophia (538)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I think it depends on how we define date. If you define date as having a meeting with your friend and family outside and have some drinks, or food to eat; then dating with so many men and women regardless of your status is fine. But, if you're committed to someone and you are dating with other people out of attraction regardless of gender ( I mean whether you are a man dating with another woman or a woman dating with another man) I think it isn't good. It's a kind of cheating not unless you'll inform your partner that you will have a date with another person and you're attracted by this person and if she/he allows you then it's not cheating. But, I think it's impossible to happen.
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I think that people should date around prior to getting married so that they can be as sure as they can be that they have selected the right one.
I think in today's society, as soon as a man or a woman go out on even a casual date a couple of times, then people expect them to be exclusive, or the woman expects than from the man or vice-versa.
I don't think it should be called cheating if you don't tell someone that you are dating someone else, I think it should be called "dishonesty." If people were more honest about wanting to date more than just one person then things would go a lot smoother.
@mangtony7451 (479)
21 Sep 12
Hello HomeBase, greetings. You are right in saying, "until a serious commitment enters the picture" anyone is free to date as many as he/she wishes because they are on the SELECTION process. But once commited, that makes it unnatural.
You said you got this idea from the Bible, Can you cite the book/chapter you have read it? I have read in the Bilbe men having many wives, but not men dating many women.
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
The books and chapters that I got this idea from are the same books and chapters that you say you have read...where men have many wives, that is where I got the idea.
I personally don't think that it is unnatural for a man to have more than one woman even after he has "committed" to someone, I think it is socially unacceptable these days, but certainly not unnatural

@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
20 Sep 12
I may have picked up the impression that arranged marriages with Parents deciding the Child's future partner were the norm in Biblical times,so how does dating in the modern sense with Women and Men using social networking, handing out their phone numbers to potential partners in Bars and going clubbing relate to that?
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
3 Oct 12
I am sorry but I don't think it is natural for men to date more than 1 girl at a time. And I honestly don't feel comfortable that it can be called as natural because if we do, the next generation would think that this behavior/action is actually right. I don't think I can actually tell my kids it is just natural if they would ask me this question. What I have noticed nowadays is that even man's motives for dating a woman is actually not the right reason why men date women. Courtship/Dating period is not actually a time to have fun but a time to get to know this person you are actually hoping to be the one you're going to spend your life with. You love this woman and you want her to be your wife. Other reasons why a man court a woman is basically unnatural for me and should not be accepted instead be corrected.
But like you, I don't expect so much from men because I know that the morality today is far different from the past and more so, from what the bible teaches.