So much Obama hate on here.

September 22, 2012 4:24pm CST
As an average, over all the times I've been looking at the politics page here on mylot, I've been seeing far more pieces talking down Obama, and talking up Romney. I was really surprised, because it's been extremely easy for me to find so many incredible things that Obama has done, and see in proof that he's been a very good president, far better then the last, republican president. But so many people on here are so against him... and that is not the average. When looking through all sorts of polls that have been going on for feed towards the national election coming up in November, I've been seeing that Obama is in a clear lead... some polls are placing it as close as 47-46, but others as wide as 53-42. On average, the American people really love Obama and what he's done, and I'm personally with them... so how come on these message boards, there is so much hate for him? Is mylot just a far more republican website? What is it?
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12 responses
@STOUTjodee (3597)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I don't understand how anyone can say that Obama has done America any good! How can someone who writes checks when they don't have any money be good? There are many issues where Obama has made "promises" and when in fact have all been lies,such as no more spending,treating the military good (wish I was at a higher level were I could post links to prove my point.) People are doing their research and are realizing that Obama is NOT good for the American people. Also, most of the polls are of selected people that don't accurately portray ALL people.
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• United States
24 Sep 12
The main ones who don't think Obama has done well by our soldiers are our soldiers. He gave his last speech to the Marines and at the end there was no clapping, no hurrah, just silence. That isn't the first time that's happened. Most of them do not care for him one whit. I like equal pay for equal work. Obama doesn't since the women in his own administration are paid less for the same job. Take is cheap, but it's the one thing he's good at as long as he has a teleprompter. With those missing, he's not even good at talking. As for blaming Bush, which is really getting old, the Democrats had majorities in both houses the last two years. Look real close and you will see that is when the unemployment began going up and the housing market, where the Dems forced the banks to lend when they should never have done so, began to crash big time. They held the purse strings and opened them WIDE for their petty foolishness. Republicans didn't do too well either, but those last years you can began blaming the Democrats who could easily have changed anything Bush wanted. I like children being treated for chronic and terminal conditions. The cost will be so prohibitive under the current rules, that the parents will still play the mischief covering them. And the flexible spending accounts have been reduced to a mere $2500 a year for the disabled children. Included in that meager sum is any special schooling they may need.
• Canada
24 Sep 12
Write cheques when they don't have money? After the 80s, the US has increasingly gone further and further into national debt, and Obama got in power after the 8 years where Bush messed up the country, so there's no way he couldn't spend money. Obama has kept his promises. Luckily, I can post a link... Obama has done great, and I hope he gets voted in for another 4 years.
• United States
23 Sep 12
The Obama and Biden family have notoriously treated the military families and veterans very well. Why would you suggest otherwise, when members of all parties agree to that fact? I guess you don't like equal pay for equal work? I guess you don't like children being treated for chronic and terminal conditions? I guess you didn't realize that in the Bush administration, no one had paid for the wars? I look forward to your 501st post. I hope you don't link to any of those extremists like Taitz. Let us know the sites, even though you can't paste. I want to see your "proof". Is it
• United States
23 Sep 12
If you study the history of the USA, you'll see that for the most part we've been self reliant, had a good work ethic, are passionate about our freedoms, and are fiercely proud of our country. Obama is trying to change that, and there are some of us who don't like that.
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• Canada
24 Sep 12
How is Obama trying to change that? He's not suppressing your freedoms, he's trying to help out people who are worse off, so that they can have their freedoms too. You got to care about your neighbors, if you want everyone to do better.
• United States
23 Sep 12
I'd agree with you for everything up until you say Obama is trying to change that. That is demonstrably untrue.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Sep 12
Okay I am a Canadian and when Obama was first elected, he said he would change America, but did not specify what change. Anda lot of people up here believed he was the savior because well he was the first AFrican American or first black president. And for some reason, they believed because of all the tv shows, etc. that his being black would be a good thing and that he would be allowed more chances. Trouble was that as soon as he came into office, he surrounded himself with minions like himself, those with a vry socialist backgorund, his own parents being communsists. He wants America to be run by big government, he vetoes every law that does not fit his agenda. He has a lot of regulations for small businesses, says he will raise taxes on the rich, is for green energy and against exploration of oil on American soil. His wife is tellilng Americans what to eat, because she is one that must be obeyed. Oh the Keystone pipeline that would benefit Canadians, bring us lots of money, and give Americans more jobs and skilled ones at that. He is against that. And yuy think he is wonderful?
• Canada
24 Sep 12
Right now in my province of BC, there are loads of people who are against Alberta and their want to put a pipeline through BC to the pacific ocean, because pipelines are unsafe, and BC wouldn't get any benefit from them. I agree with him for not wanting a pipeline from us to Mexico. What I do like about Obama, is his lowering war, and putting money to the people of the country rather then killing others. While this was happening, the US was still able to find Bin Laden, something that Bush hardly even went after, his big war was in Iraq for no reason. He also put more funding towards education, independent businesses, and the US's first forms of Universal Healthcare. It's still not as good as Canada's universal healthcare, but at least he's moving forward. So, if you think the republicans are better, then what did the last republican president do that's good for the US?
• United States
23 Sep 12
Is it safe to assume that Canadians know what oil sands are? And as far I understand about the Keystone pipeline - that would be oil sent through America from Canada and then exported to Mexico. It's not even for our use. His wife is helping to make healthy changes and many companies are happy to be cooperating, because, as your Southern neighbour, we are OBESE and unhealthy. Childhood obesity is at a startling rate, and it is predicted that by the year 2030, half of Americans will be obese. It's a big deal, that someone needs to take care of! Most of your post is hyperbole, and I hope you know it.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
22 Sep 12
The only love him because he promises them stuff. People like getting stuff and for someone to pay attention to their causes. As long as he makes promises they will vote for him whether or not he keeps them. The world can be going to h3ll and they will still follow him even though the facts say they shouldn't.
• United States
23 Sep 12
Take a look at his promises kept, compromised, stalled, and broken... and the facts behind it.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I don't regard biased sites on either side.
• United States
23 Sep 12
Then just read the facts.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
23 Sep 12
We hate the trillions of dollar debt he and the rest of th left has put us in. We hate having not passed any budgets for the last four years. We hate that he is running the country into the ground. We hate his large unemployment rate. We hate that he takes no responsibility and blames it on Bush. He is a failed president and if you do not see it, you must be on of those that you is getting all the free stuff he is handling out. Well, other people are running out of money so the free stuff will end and you will not be getting anything.
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@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
24 Sep 12
Case in point.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
24 Sep 12
What are we supposed to love it and say "that is so nice" I actually like a lot about Pres. Obama. He sings really good and is a pretty cool cat. We are accused of hating him. We do not hate "him", we do not like the policies that work that he has done. And from the definition of do not like, that can be called hate. A rose by another name is still the same. Hate - do not like. We cannot catch a break. If we disagree with Obama in any sense, and say we do not like, we are accused of hate. So if you want to call it hate, go ahead and it does not bother me one bit. I usually say "do not like" but any more a call it as it is. We are trying to save a country. You want to hide you head in a hole in the ground and not comment and let other know, where that may be part of the problem, people sit back and say it will blow over, where we are getting worse and worse, and some where along the line, we have to take our country back.
• Turkmenistan
23 Sep 12
I dont know much about politics. I am just curious about it, but I know about obama, I wolud vote for Obama! IMO!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 12
hi be c aregful as I am wi th y ou b ut theres a lot m ore re publicans here and they really hate;
@laglen (19759)
• United States
22 Sep 12
Well Christoph, I noticed that you are in Canada, likely not an American citizen. Good for you, I hear Canada is doing great! As for Obama and the United States, the polls don't mean a whole lot until you look at who they are polling. I would recommend watching Obama's America 2016. This may give you a little insight into the man. The United States is made up of all kinds of people from every background, race, religion etc. This is what makes America so great. We are a melting pot of the world. Everywhere is represented. Immigration is now reaching many more countries. We all have so much more information at our fingertips and it is so much easier to know what is going on everywhere. Why would I even bring this up? Simple. To understand the bad feelings that many Americans (alot of us will not take polls) have for our President. There are plenty of us that believe in the American Dream. That we all have the opportunity to succeed if we work hard enough. We believe that government should not get in our way (regulations, taxes). We believe that with freedom comes great responsibility and we are willing to embrace both. We feel that we are better equipped to take care of each other rather than the forced charity of government. This is very foreign to many countries as this is just the way it has always been for them. We are watching our America get whitewashed into every other country. In my opinion, if you want America to resemble England, then move to England.
• Canada
24 Sep 12
Hey there, Laglen, I really would like to see that documentary, I've heard a lot of things about it, and seeing that I'm much more democrat then republican, I think it would be a really interesting one to see, get to know pieces that the media I watch hasn't quite covered. Unfortunately, it has not been released up here, so I haven't been able to see it, but I'll keep my eyes open. It may have to come to video before I get to watch it. Up here, we really embrace immigration. My city is 51% visible minority, and through work visas and citizenship, people can have our universal healthcare and government funding. The whole point of having a government is to allow the country to work better, together. We pay taxes, the government helps us. We have a socialist system, and are very free... in the US, on the other hand, it's easier to be scared. The government's lack of help has lead to far more crimes, lowered education and far worse healthcare. Having the government help is what the government is there for in the first place... don't just turn it down.
• United States
23 Sep 12
Most anyone with an iq above the double digits knows what hogwash "Obama's America 2016" is. In my opinion, if I want my country to adopt policies that work in other countries, I am going to use my democratic right to vote and support those policies and my representatives that support them. How unpatriotic a statement "If you want America to resemble England, then move to England". Your rights are equal to mine, and the knee-jerk, 'move' is pretty childish.
@moneymaka (492)
• United States
24 Sep 12
I really don't have much against him but it's his foreign policy and how he's handling these Muslim countries is what I don't like. And the way he is handling of illegal immigrants instead of helping the legal immigrants who go through all they can to protect this country.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
24 Sep 12
The hate posts and vitriol are the main reason I no longer comment on the political discussions. People get so mean because of the privacy of the internet and they think they can't be called to account for their meaness. Such a shame to not be able to have a civil debate anymore online.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I'm always hearing about how much Americans just love what Obama's done. But I do not know these Americans. The pollsters always seem to find them. The politicians on Obama's side of the aisle always seem to bring them up. But I don't know where they're at. I know a lot of Obama fans. A lot of my friends are just now pushing through their mid 20s and would definitely vote Obama over Romney. But they don't love what he's done. They don't feel as if he's done much of anything. I cannot seem to find these Obama supporters, although I've been hearing about them constantly for four years now. Now, I know plenty of Romney/Republican haters who just side with Obama to spite Republicans. But that's not the same thing.
• United States
23 Sep 12
Romney is loathsome enough on his own. No one is voting against him to spite the worthless GOP.
• United States
24 Sep 12
Ladybug- I know people who are voting against romney to spite him and the republican party.
• United States
24 Sep 12
"No one is voting against him to spite the worthless GOP." ^^
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@natliegleb (5173)
• India
23 Sep 12
its ridiculous to hear,since even here in almost all asian countries,people are against obama for anti rules,he never delivered and we surely need a change whatsoever
• United States
23 Sep 12
I wish I knew. Did people seriously think that we would be out of this mess within four years?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
29 Sep 12
Only the dumbest of people thought that. Many people thought that we'd be better off though, or at least not worse off than when he took office. As it is, unemployment is worse, median income has gone down, the deficit has quadrupled, the national debt has increased by $6 trillion, we are even more hated in the middle east than when Bush was president, something once thought to be impossible, and our civil liberties have continued to erode with children and senior citizens being molested at airports by government employees.