Standing in line to buy a phone?

United States
September 23, 2012 7:29pm CST
I just saw a t.v. ad where people are waiting in line to buy a new phone.I thought people are camping out for a new phone? Why? Won't the store have more phones? Would you wait in line for the new phone?
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17 responses
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
24 Sep 12
:-)... Not unlessm it is an exceptionally good phone and they are giving it for free... LOL... No Sarah, I can't stand in the line... As a customer, we all would expect personal attention... I always demand for the product to be showed to me. I expect them to explain the features... This is one reason, why I avoid McDonalds at crowded hours... They make us wait in the queue.. The burgers etc are goood, but I hate to wait in queue... KFC is good too, they serve amazing chicken; but the queue thing... I have not gone to KFC either, for months... Going for my interview... Wish me luck!
2 people like this
• United States
24 Sep 12
Good Luck Bhai.
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@marguicha (220220)
• Chile
24 Sep 12
I would not camp for anything at this time of my life, friend. But besides that, I can make a very long list of things that interest me more that a new phone. The last time I waited in line was some years ago. My grandchildren (then small) invited me to see one of the Harry Potter movies. I accepted out of love. Little did I know that every child in the city wanted to see the same movie. We had bought the tickets online (thanks be given for that!) but they also wanted the best seats. So we first stood at the stairs while the people before us went out and finally camped sitting on the staircase. They have outgrown Harry Potter nowand have also outgrown grandma to a great extent.
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• United States
24 Sep 12
The last time I waited in line was to see Lawrence Of Arabia On the big screen. It was worth it. We got good seats. I got to see a classic for the first time on the big screen! But a phone? Why?
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
24 Sep 12
No I wouldn't. But there are people who will and I have seen me it's not a big the time you buy one the next one has come out and you are already behind. I don't need to keep up with the Jones!
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• India
24 Sep 12
Hi friend, may be the people don't have any other work as well as have more time to wait, so they are waiting for the new phone in the shop. I am not interested in waiting for a long time for a phone, as we know time is very precious, we must use it in a good way.
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• India
24 Sep 12
That is just pointless, I wonder whether your city has a single shop to buy phones. Yes, phones are demanding but standing in line is just unacceptable to buy phones. May be it is fake just because you didn't see it in real life and it is just an advert.
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• United States
24 Sep 12
I hope so . But I fear it is an homage to the lines for Apple.
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@romzee (937)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
I hate waiting in line much more for just a phone. Camping out? Never mind! I think this is for the show off people who want to brag they are the first to have the latest gadget. Who care? Me? Forget it!
• Canada
25 Sep 12
I know, I heard that, and I agree with you. I will admit that I am truly intrigued by the new iPhone, but I am not going to get one, until the iPhone I have now, wears out. No use upgrading to something new when the old model works just fine. Mind you, I've gotten some really nice gently used computers that way, from friends who have more money than brains. LOL
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@AmbiePam (89269)
• United States
24 Sep 12
Shoot, I wouldn't wait in line for a movie I wanted to see. I mean all those people who waited in line for the first tickets to the new Twilight or Harry Potter way. Some places opening at midnight and having really long lines whether it be for books (I guess it's a good sign people in this day and age still anticipate books), movies, or the new iphone.
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@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
24 Sep 12
I do well to stand in line at the grocery store. I definitely wouldn't wait a long time for a phone. A phone that's probably going to have a few bugs in it here at the first. I use my cell for phone calls!!! Can you imagine that?!? I'm not joined at the hip to my phone like some are. Don't text, don't tweet, don't fb: just calls.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Sep 12
I rarely call. My phone is for emergencies Only..
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
24 Sep 12
I ask myself the same question when I see something like that about 2 days ago . I was saying its seems those phones are limited edition or something .
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
28 Sep 12
I must admit I like iphones. And just when the news of the new iphone 5 came out, my blackberry started acting funny. Time to upgrade? But then I remember the time when the iphone 4S came out. I still had the same blackberry, but I was thinking 'time to upgade?'. If I did back then, what would I be feeling now? Would I be lining up to buy the upgrade? I say NO. I survived back then, I will survive another upgrade. I'll just buy when it isn't that new anymore. And then I wouldn't have to line up.
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
11 Oct 12
Look, I know you're talking about the iPhone. But I am a major Apple fan and even I would not camp out to buy a new iPhone. What I did instead was I pre-ordered it online the day it came out. Less then two weeks later I had it in my hands. No lines, no stress, no camping out. I love visiting an Apple store, they are exciting. But to wait in line is not my cup of tea. I hated waiting inline when I used to go to the movies all the time, I hated waiting in line when I went to a concert. Now I buy all my tickets online and just go right inside. Nice!!!
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
16 Oct 12
I am not a line waiter. I have no patients. I hate waiting for things. I remember about a month ago I took my son to Best Buy and was looking to buy a new air conditioner. Well, we got to the store, we walked all over the place. I asked a few workers for help an they said they were not in that department. So I waited like a half hour and I friggin left. Not for me. I wound up buying the air conditioner online and it came in two days. Nice!!! And I also do not like to be pushed when I am buying something either. I do not want a salesman trying to sell me something that I don't want. I already know what I want when I go to the store. So even though I am a big Apple fan, I will not wait in line for it. I will buy it in my time.
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• United States
17 Oct 12
What I do is when they say May I help you? I say I'm just browsing! And they leave me alone. You are nicer than I . The moment the other sales staff said it isn't their department I would walk out and then log into the stores site and complain. It sounds like shopping online is the best way to go. I did the same thing this spring with a fan. I went to Targets and It was out of stock. Went home, got online and ordered it and it was at my door in 3 or 4 days!
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
24 Sep 12
I am not a happy camper when it comes to waiting in lines. The only times I can recall waiting in lines were at Disneyland when I was younger and for sales at REI, also when I was younger and because my husband was the instigator. I am not in the club that wants to get every new thing before someone else does. Sometimes I don't even start to figure out my new electronic toys untile I've had them a few weeks. I hope this doesn't become a country where we have to stand in line for our food and medical care.
• United States
24 Sep 12
Well, it all depends on the middle class. If they go under , we may have those lines. But I don't think It will happen anytime soon.
@ShyBear88 (59312)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Sep 12
Because some people want things the same day as they come out because they just can't wait and don't care how much it coast. Hubby waited outside on the day that games come out but he does preorder the games a head of time so it's paid before he picks it up. Myself I would never buy a stupid phone on the same day came out nor wait in line for it like a child nor would I spend the money for how much it is. I might try to get the iphone 4 that is no for free with at&t.
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@youless (112371)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Sep 12
I think the people waited to buy the iPhone 5. I think this is a trick from Apple. They don't have so many iPhones in stock so that people will want to buy it much more eagerly. Especially today iPhone is expensive, some people can use it to show off. I think those people are crazy. It is not worthy to buy it with so much and wait for so long. If I have to wait for so long time to buy it, I will not even consider to have it. There are much more good cellphones available with less cost.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Sep 12
I am not one to camp in line for an item of any kind. I have always wondered why people do it but I guess they must have a good reason to sit out there all night. If the stock was limited and there would never be the chance to have something again, I might understand, but when the shelves are going to be restocked, well, I would just wait.
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@Ysabel (1201)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
Hi sarahruthbeth22! I am an avid iphone user and I am a fanatic! I would love to get the iphone 5, which is an improved version but no way will I wait in line for that. I can still wait a few more months because definitely there will still be bugs on new ones. I don't have to being the first to have it in my circle of friends, so no need to rush. I just want it, because i love iphones! But definitely no need to rush for it! Have a good day! =)
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